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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *ghāum-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: gum (in mouth)
Baltic: *gā̂m-ur-a- (1) c., *gā̂m-ur-iā̃, -er-iā̃ f.
Germanic: *gōm-an- m.; *gōm-a- m.; *gaum-an- m.; *gium-an- m.; *gum-an- m.
Russ. meaning: десна
References: WP I 565 f
Proto-IE: *ghāw-
Meaning: incorrect, false
Tokharian: A keṃ, B ankaiṃ 'false' (PT *(ān)kāin < *ghāwāin?) (Adams 6-7)
Latin: haud `(eben, gerade) nicht'
Celtic: OIr gāu, gāo, gō `Unrichtiges, Lüge'; MCymr geu, NCymr gau, Corn gow `Falschheit, Lüge', Bret gaou `Lüge'
Russ. meaning: неверный, ложный
References: WP I 530
Proto-IE: *g(')hebh-
Meaning: blunt
Old Greek: kōphó- `stumpft, stumm; taub'
Latin: hebes, -etis, OLat (Enn.) acc. hebem `stumpf, abgestumpft (physisch und geisig), schwerfällig, dumm'
Russ. meaning: тупой
References: WH (criticized in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *g'hebhal-
Meaning: top, head
Tokharian: A śpāl 'head', B śpālu 'superior, excellent' (PT *śpāl) (Adams 642)
Old Greek: kephalǟ́ f. `Kopf, Haupt'
Germanic: *gibl-a- m., *gibl-i- c., -an- m.,, *gafl-a- m., etc.
Russ. meaning: вершина, голова
References: WP I 571
Proto-IE: *g'hed-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: anus; cacare
Hittite: Luw. katmarš-, Hitt. kamarš- 'mingere' oder besser 'cacare' (Tischler 473f)
Tokharian: B kenmer
Old Indian: hadati, hadate `to evacuate, discharge excrement'
Avestan: zaδah- m. `Steiss'
Armenian: ʒet (o-St.) `Schwanz (des Hundes, Fuchses, Löwen)'
Old Greek: khézdō, pf. -kékhoda, pass. ptc. kekhesméno-, aor. khésai̯, khesêi̯n `scheissen', müó-khodo-n `Mäusekot', khódano-s m. = hédra Hsch.
Slavic: ? *zādъ
Germanic: *gat-a- n.
Albanian: djes `scheisse'
Russ. meaning: anus; cacare
References: WP I 571 f
Proto-IE: *ghed-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to take, to seize
Old Greek: khandánō, aor. ékhadon, fut. khẹ̄́somai̯, pf. (prs. -Bed.) kékhonda, ep. ptc. acc. kekhandóta; eu-, eu̯rü-khandḗs, eu̯rü-khadḗs `geräumig'
Germanic: *git-a- vb., *gat-ja- vb.; *gēt-a- n., *gēt-ō- vb., *gēt-ia- vb.
Latin: prehendō, -ere, -ī, -sum `fassen, ergreifen', (später) prendō; praeda f. `KriegsbeuteBeute', praedō, -ōnis m. Rauber
Celtic: Cymr genni `contineri, comprendi, capi'
Albanian: ǵɛndem `werde gefunden'
Russ. meaning: брать, хватать
References: WP I 589 f
Proto-IE: *g'heidh-
Meaning: to wish, to wait
Slavic: *žьdā́tī, *žī̀dǭ
Baltic: *geĩd- vb. tr., *gaĩd-a- c., *gaĩd-ī̂- vb.
Germanic: *gīd=
Russ. meaning: желать, ждать
References: WP I 553
Proto-IE: *gheig(')h-
Meaning: to yawn, to long for, to desire
Old Indian: jéhamāna (ptc.) `to open the mouth, gape'
Germanic: *gīg-a- vb., *ging-ia- vb., *ging-ian- m.
Russ. meaning: разевать рот, желать
References: WP I 552
Proto-IE: *gheil-
Meaning: sharp
Slavic: *ʒēlo
Baltic: *gaĩl-a- c., *gaĩl-u- adj., *gaĩl- vb. intr.
Germanic: *gail-i- adj., *gī-l-ō- vb., *gi-l=
Celtic: ? Gael gaol `Liebe', MIr gāel `Verwandschaft'
Russ. meaning: острый, резкий usw.
References: WP I 634
Proto-IE: *g'heim-, *g'hyem-
Meaning: snow, frost, winter
Hittite: gim(a)- 'Winter' (Tischler 571)
Tokharian: A śärme, B śimpriye, śimpro (PT *śäm(ä)rāi-) 'winter' (Adams 630)
Old Indian: héman loc. adv. `in winter', hemantá- m. `winter'; himá- m. `cold, frost, snow', hímā f. `winter'
Avestan: zaēn- m., zǝmaka- m. 'Winterrsturm', zyɔ̄ (acc. zyąm, gen. zǝmō) 'Winter'
Other Iranian: NPers dai 'Winter' (< *gheimn̥)
Armenian: ʒiun, gen. ʒean `Schnee'
Old Greek: khéi̯ma n., khei̯mṓn, -ō̂nos m. `Winter; Winterwetter, Sturm'; dǘs-khimo- `stürmisch, schauerlich', khiṓn, -ónos f. `Schnee, Schneedecke, Schmelzschnee'; khímetlo-n `Frostbeule'
Slavic: *zīmā
Baltic: *ǯeĩm-ā̂ f., *ǯeĩm-ia- c.
Germanic: ? *guj-ōn- f.
Latin: bīmus, trīmus, quadrīmus `zwei, drei, vier Jahre (Winter) alt, sich auf zwei (drei, vier ) Jahre erstreckend'; hiems, hiemis f. `Winter; Sturm; Jahr'
Celtic: MIr gam `Winter' (по sam `Sommer'), gemred `id.'; OCymr gaem, NCymr gauaf, OCorn goyf, Bret goan̄v; Gaul EN Giamillus
Albanian: dímër, gen. dímri, pl. dímre m. `winter'
Russ. meaning: снег, холод, зима
References: WP I 546 f, Buck 69.
Proto-IE: *g'heip-
Meaning: to pant, to yawn
Slavic: *zīpātī (Czech zípati `keuchen', Pol zipać `schwer atmen')
Germanic: *gīp-a- vb., *gaip-ō- vb., *gīb-ō- vb., *gaif-r-a- m., *gaif-ō- vb.
Latin: hippācāre `est celeriter animam dūcere, ab equī hālitū quī est suprā modus acūtus', hippitāre `ōscitāre, badaclāre', exippitāre `hiāre, id est ōs aperīre'
Russ. meaning: тяжело дышать, зевать
References: WH
Proto-IE: *g'heis-
Meaning: to tremble (with fear)
Avestan: zaēša- `Schauderschaft', zōišnu- `zusammenschreckend, schaudernd, bebend (cor Frost)', zōiždišta- `der schauderhafteste, abscheulichste'
Germanic: *gīs-n-a- vb., *gais-ia- vb., *gais-t=, *gais-k=
Russ. meaning: дрожать от страха
References: WP I 553 f
Proto-IE: *g(')heisl- ?
Meaning: hostage, prisoner
Germanic: [*gī́s-an- m.]; *gī́s-l-a-, -an- m.
Celtic: OIr gīall; Cymr gwystl, OCorn guistel Geisel, Bret goestl `gage, caution'; Gaul MN Congeistlus; Ir gell `Einsatz, Pfans' (< *ghislo-)
Russ. meaning: заложник, пленник
References: WP I 554
Comments: May be a borrowing from Celt to Germ.
Proto-IE: *g'h[e]izd-
Meaning: to be agitated, angry; anger, agitation
Old Indian: hīḍati, heḍate, pf. jihīḍa `to make angry, vex, offend', héḍa- m., heḍas n. `anger, hatred'
Germanic: *gaist-a- m.; *gaist-ia- vb.
Russ. meaning: волноваться духом; дух
References: WP I 553 f
Comments: [Most probably same as *g'heis-].
Proto-IE: *g'(h)eizd(h)-
Meaning: wound, to wound
Baltic: *ǯeĩd- vb. tr., *ǯaĩzd-ā̂ f.
Celtic: *goizd= > OIr gōite `vulneratus', MIr gāetas `qui occidit'
Russ. meaning: рана; ранить
References: WP I 546
Proto-IE: *ghe, *gho
Meaning: part.
Old Indian: gha, ha `emphatic particle after negations, pronouns etc.'; hánta 'an exclamation or inceptive particle'
Slavic: *-go, *-že
Baltic: *gV
Latin: hic (< *ghe-ke)
Other Italic: Umbr era-hunt 'eādem'
References: WP I 541 f
Proto-IE: *ghel-
Meaning: swallow (bird)
Old Greek: khelīdṓn, -ónos f. `Schwalbe'; korinth. inschr. Frauenname Khelidwon
Germanic: *gal-ōn- f., *gal-an- m.
Latin: hirundō, -inis f. `Schwalbe'
Russ. meaning: птица (ласточка)
References: WP I 628
Proto-IE: *g'hel-
Meaning: gall
Avestan: zāra- m. 'Galle'
Old Greek: kholǟ́ `Galle; bittrer Hass, Zorn'; khólo-s m. `bittrer Hass, Zorn'
Slavic: *zьlčь (вторично *žьlčь - конт. с *žьltъ(jь); *žьltь - конт. с *žьltъ)
Baltic: *tulǯ-i- c., *tul̃ǯ- vb. intr., *ǯul̂t-[i]- (2) c.
Germanic: *gall-a- n., -an- m., -ōn- f.
Latin: fel, gen. fellis n. (/m.) `Galle (in der Gallenblase); Gallenblase'
Russ. meaning: желчь
References: WP I 624 f
Proto-IE: *g'hel-
Meaning: to plough
Old Indian: hala- m., n. `plough'
Armenian: ʒlem `furche, pflüge'
Russ. meaning: пахать
References: WP I 629
Proto-IE: *ghelad-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: hoar-frost, hail
Old Greek: khálazda f. `Hagel; (hagelähnliche) Pustel, Tuberkel, Korn, Knoten, Knorren'
Slavic: *želdь, *oželda etc.
Russ. meaning: льдинка, изморозь
References: WP I 629
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