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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *k'sewl-, *k'swel-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: log
Old Greek: ksǘlo-n n. `Holz, Bau-, Brennholz, Baum, Balken, Stock, Fuss-, Halsblock, Bank, Tisch'
Slavic: *šūla, *šūljь столб, деревянный сосуд и т. д.
Baltic: *šul-a- m.
Germanic: *sūl-ō f., *sūl-ōn- f., *sūl-iō f., *sul-jō f., *swil-jō f., *saul-i- c., *swal-ō f.
Russ. meaning: бревно
References: WP II 503 f
Proto-IE: *ksē-
Meaning: to burn, to dry
Old Indian: kṣāyati `to burn, singe', kṣātí- `Glut', kṣāmá- `burning to ashes, scorched, dried up', kṣāra- `caustic, corrosive'
Armenian: chav `Schmerz', chasnum `zürne', aor. chaseay; chamakh `trocken'
Old Greek: acc. ksēró- `trocken, dürr, saftlos'
Germanic: *sir-w-ē- vb.
Latin: serēscō, -ere `werde trocken'; serēnus, -a `heiter, hell, klar, trocken'
Russ. meaning: гореть, сохнуть
References: WP I 503
Proto-IE: *kswAy-, *skwAy-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: needles (of a conifer), thorn
Slavic: *xvojā; *xvojь
Baltic: *skuj-ā̂, -iā̃ f.
Celtic: Ir scē, pl. gen. sciad `Hadedorn' (< *skwija-t-); Cymr ysbyddad `Hadedorn', Corn spethes `Dornstrauch, Gestrüpp'
Russ. meaning: хвоя, колючка
References: WP I 501
Proto-IE: *ksweid-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: milk, butter
Avestan: xšvī̆d- m. 'Milch; flüssige Nahrung überhaupt'
Baltic: *sweîd-(s)t-a-/*sweĩd-(s)t-a- c.
Russ. meaning: молочный продукт
References: WP II 521
Proto-IE: *k'sweizd-
Meaning: to whistle
Old Indian: kṣveḍati, kṣvedati `to hum, murmur, growl, roar'
Slavic: *svīstātī, *svīstъ
Celtic: *swizdā etc. > OIr sēt- `blasen, ein Instrument blasen'; fead `a whistle', MIr airfitiud `durch Musik ergötzen', fetan `fistula'; Cymr chwythu `wehen, blasen; ein Instrumen t blasen', chwyth, chwythad `halitus, anhelitus, flatus', chwythell `Pfeife', Corn whythe, whethe `blasen', Bret c'hjoueza `sauffer'
Russ. meaning: свистеть
References: WP II 517 f
Proto-IE: *kuk'-
Meaning: to intermingle
Old Greek: kükáō 'to stir (of one curling milk); to mix smth. with a thing; to stir up', kükeṓn, -ō̂nos m. 'potion, posset'
Slavic: *kɨ̄šь, -ā; *kъsenьcь (> OCzech ksenec 'Brut, genimina, Junge von Amphibien und Fischen'
Baltic: *kuč- vb. intr., *kuč-t-ē̂- vb.
Russ. meaning: перемешивать
References: Fraenkel 321 f (different in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *kukūl-
Meaning: cover
Old Indian: kukūla- m., n. `armour, mail' (L.)
Latin: cucullus, -ī m. `die am Kleid befestigte Kappe, Kapuze; Düte'
Russ. meaning: нахлобучка
References: WP II 546 f
Proto-IE: *k(')ul-
Meaning: eyelid, eyebrow
Old Greek: pl. kǘla n. `Höhlungen, Flecke unter den Augen', pl. epikülídes `die oberen Augenlider'
Latin: cilium, -ī `Augenlid; Augenbraue', supercilium n. `Augenbraue'
Russ. meaning: веко, бровь
References: Frisk (different in Pok.)
Comments: Lat cilium instead of *culium from prefixed forms?
Proto-IE: *k(')ul- (CI)
Meaning: gnat, fly
Latin: culex, -icis m. `Mücke, Schnake, Gallwespe'
Celtic: OIr cuil `culex'; Cymr cylionen `culex, musca', Corn kelionen `musca', Bret quelyenenn `musca'
Russ. meaning: насекомое (комар, муха)
References: WP I 33, 436, 465
Proto-IE: *kulik'-, -g'-
Meaning: a k. of vessel
Old Indian: kulija- n. `a particular vessel'
Old Greek: kǘlik-s, -ik-os f. (/m.) `Trinkschale, Becher'
Russ. meaning: сосуд
References: WP I 442
Comments: Differently in Pok.
Proto-IE: *kuln-
Meaning: cripple
Old Indian: kuṇi-, kúṇāru- `having a crooked or withered arm'
Old Greek: külló- (~ ǖ) `verkrüppelt, verstümmelt an Hand und Fuss etc.'
Russ. meaning: увечный
References: WP II 597 f
Proto-IE: *kumbh-, *kumb- (kh-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: a k. of vessels
Old Indian: kumbhá- m. `jar, pitcher'
Avestan: xumba- m. 'Topf'
Other Iranian: NPers xumb, xum 'Topf, Krug'
Old Greek: kǘmbǟ f. `Trinkgefäss, Becken, Schale', kǘmbo-s m. (/ kǘmbos n.) `Hohlgefäss, Schale'
Celtic: MIr comm `Gefäss', cummal `Becher, Schale', Bret komm `Trog'
Russ. meaning: сосуд
References: WP I 370 f, Buck 28.
Proto-IE: *kur- ?
Meaning: foal
Hittite: kurka- c. 'Fohlen' (Tischler 651)
Other Iranian: MPers. kurrag, NPers. kurra 'Fohlen' ( > Arm. khurak)
Russ. meaning: жеребенок
References: Tischler 651.
Proto-IE: *kurǝ-
Meaning: fire
Old Indian: kūḍayati `to burn, scorch' (< *kur-d-)
Slavic: *kūrъ `дым, чад', *kūrītī
Baltic: *kur̂- (1) vb. tr., *kur-a- c.
Germanic: *xur-ja- n., m.
Russ. meaning: огонь (слабый)
References: WP I 418 f
Proto-IE: *kurkul-
Meaning: a k. of vermin
Baltic: *kurkl-ia- c.
Latin: curculio, -ōnis m. 'хлебный жучок'
Russ. meaning: насекомое (вредитель полей)
References: Fraenkel 316
Proto-IE: *kurn-
Meaning: bastard
Old Indian: kuṇḍa- m. `an adulterine, son of a woman by another man than her husband while the husband is alive'
Old Greek: kǘrno-s (Maced., Phot.) 'bastard', cf. Hsch.
Germanic: *xurn-Vng-a- m.
Russ. meaning: незаконнорожденный
References: WP I 467
Proto-IE: *kust- (-th-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: bladder, inner part of kidney, gut
Old Indian: koṣṭha- m., n. `any one of the viscera of the body (partic. stomach, abdomen); store-room', kúṣṭha- m. `cavity of the loin (?)', kúṣṭhikā f. `contents of the entrails'
Other Iranian: NPers kušt `Weichen'
Old Greek: kǘsti-s, -eōs/-i(d)os f. `Blase, Harnblase, Schlauch, Säckchen'; kǘstiŋk-s (Hp. ap. Gal.) `id.'; kǘstho-s m. `weibliche Scham'
Latin: cunnus, -ī m. `der weibliche Geschlechtsteil'
Celtic: Cymr cwthr `After, Mastdarm'
Russ. meaning: внутренняя емкость тела
References: WP II 546 f
Proto-IE: *k'uwas- (?)
Meaning: tomorrow
Old Indian: śvás (śuvás) `tomorrow'
Latin: crās `morgen'
Other Italic: Falisc cra `morgen'
Russ. meaning: завтра
References: WH
Proto-IE: *kūbh-
Meaning: hill, hump; curved, to bend
Old Indian: kubhrá- m. `a hump-backed bull'
Old Greek: kǖphó- `gebückt, vornübergebogen', kǖ̂phos n. `Bückel, Höcker'; kǖ́ptō, pf. kékǖpha `sich ducken, sich vorwärts beugen'
Slavic: *kūbārь, *kūbьlo etc. [Vasm. differently]
Germanic: *xūb-ō(n-) f.
Russ. meaning: холм, горб; кривой, гнуться
References: WP I 370 f
Proto-IE: *kūb-, *kumb-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: swelling, salience, crooked stick, handle
Old Indian: kū́bara- m./n., kūbarī́ f. `the pole of a carriage or the wooden frame to which the yoke is fixed'; kúmba- m. n. `the thick end (of a bone or a club); a k. of head-dress for women'
Old Greek: kübernáō `steuern; leiten, regieren'; kǘmbakho-s m. `Helmspitaze, Helmkugel'; kǘmbakho- `kopfüber fallend'; kǘmbǟ (EM) Kopf
Baltic: *kumb-r-a-, -ia- c., *kumbur-a-, -ia- c. (Lith CIRC / Lett AC)
Germanic: *xamp-ō(n-) f., *ximp-ō(n-) f., *xump-a- m., -ō(n-) f., etc.
Russ. meaning: выпуклость, толстый конец; изогнутая деревяга, рукоять
References: WP I 370 f, 467
Comments: Probably 2 contaminated roots (*kūber- 'handle' and *kumb- 'swelling').
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