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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *k(')welp-
Meaning: to swell, swelling
Old Greek: kólpo-s m. `Busen, Bausch, Meerbusen, Bucht, Talgrund; Geschwür unter der Haut'
Germanic: *xwal[b]-a- n., *xwal[b]-ō f.; *xul[b]-a- n.; *xwilb-á- vb.; *xwalb-iá- vb.; *xwilf-ti-, *xwal(b)-m=
Russ. meaning: опухать etc.
References: WP I 474
Proto-IE: *k'wen-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: dog
Hittite: h.l. śuwanis (Tischler 500)
Tokharian: A ku, obl. kon, B ku `собака' (Adams 179)
Old Indian: ś(u)vā́, gen. śúnaḥ m. `dog'
Avestan: spā, gen. sūnō 'Hund'; spaka- 'hunderartig, Hund-'
Armenian: šun, gen. šan `Hund'
Old Greek: küṓn, gen. künós, acc. kǘna m., f. `Hund, Hündin'
Baltic: *čō̃ (*čun=), *čwin-ia- c., -iā̃ f.
Germanic: *xun-d-a- m.
Celtic: OIr cū, gen. con; Cymr ci, pl. cwn; Bret, Corn ki 'Hund'
Russ. meaning: зверек (собака)
References: WP I 465 f
Proto-IE: *k'wen-
Meaning: holy
Avestan: spǝnta- 'heilig', spanah- 'Heiligkeit', comp. spanyah- 'heiliger'
Slavic: *svę̄tъ(jь), *svę̄to
Baltic: *čwin-ē̂- vb.; *čweñt-a- adj., *sweñt- vb. tr., *čweñt-iā̃, *čwint-a- adj.
Germanic: *xún-sl-a- n.
Russ. meaning: святой
References: WP II 525 f
Proto-IE: *k'wenǝdh-
Meaning: a k. of plants with a hollow stalk
Baltic: *čwen̂d-r-a- c., -iā̃ f.
Germanic: *xwann-ō f.
Latin: combrētum, -ī n. `eine aromatische Pflanze mit sehr dünnen, fadenförmigen Blättern, ähnlich baccar, gr. bákkaris'
Celtic: Gael contran `Angelica sylvestris' ( > Dan, Färö. qvander `id.'); Ir cuinneog `Angelica sylvestris'
Russ. meaning: растение (с полым стеблем - дудник usw.)
References: WP I 472
Proto-IE: *k'wenǝkʷ-
Meaning: fine
Tokharian: B cäñc 'plaire', A ciñcär 'charmant'
Old Greek: kompsó- `fein, elegant, geistreich, listig'
Baltic: *čwan̂k-u- adj., *čwan̂k-in̂- (1?) vb.
Latin: {quinquāre `lustrare' - not found anywhere!}
Russ. meaning: изящный
References: WP I 471 f
Proto-IE: *k'werǝp-
Meaning: to turn
Old Indian: śū́rpa- n. m. `a winnowing basket or fan'
Old Greek: karpó-s `Handwurzel'
Germanic: *xwírf-a-/*xwirb-á- vb., *xwarb-ia- vb., *xwarb-ṓ-; *xwarb-á- m.; *xwirb-íl-a- m.; *xur[f]-ō- vb.
Celtic: MIr corr `Wasserloch', corrach `unbeständig'
Russ. meaning: вертеть(ся)
References: WP I 472 f
Proto-IE: *k(')wern-
Meaning: projection of a bone
Old Greek: pl. kérnai̯ f., kérna n. `die beiden Auswüchse an den Knochenfortsätzen der Rückenwirbel'
Germanic: *xwirnī(n-), *xwirn-ōn- f.
Russ. meaning: у позвонка и черепа на спине маленький косточка
References: WP I 403 f (Pok. differently)
Proto-IE: *k'wes-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to pant, to sob
Tokharian: B kwäs- 'mourn, lament' (Adams 237)
Old Indian: śvasiti, śvásati `to breathe, blow, respire, sigh'
Avestan: suši- `die beiden Lungen'
Baltic: *čüš-in̂- vb., *čuš-ē̂- vb.
Germanic: *xwḗs-ia- vb., *xwás-[ō]- vb.; *xwēst=
Latin: queror, -ī, questus `klagen, jammern, sich beschweren', questus, -ūs m. `Klage'
Russ. meaning: шумно дышать, всхлипывать etc.
References: WP I 474 f
Proto-IE: *kwey-
Meaning: to want, to invite
Old Greek: kói̯tǟ f. 'of sexual connexion; lasciviousness': kóitē spérmatos LXX, kóɨṭēn ékhein ek... 'to become pregnant by a man' Ep.Rom.; kissáō, att. kittáō 'to crave for strange food, of pregnant women', kíssă '"longing" of pregnant women, craving for starnge food'
Baltic: *kweĩ-t- vb. tr., *kwaĩ-t-[a]- ǯ., *kwaĩ-t-ā̂, -iā̃ f., *kwai= vb., *kwai-t-ī̂- vb.
Latin: invītus, -a `wider Willen, ungern', invitāre `bewirten'
Russ. meaning: хотеть, приглашать
References: WP I 475 f (differently in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *k'wor[e]-
Meaning: to sweep, to clean
Old Greek: koréō 'to sweep out'; kóro-s m. 'besom' Hsch.
Baltic: *čwar-u- adj., *čwar-in̂- vb. (1)
Russ. meaning: подметать, чистить
References: Fraenkel 1041
Proto-IE: *kern-
Meaning: cornel
Old Greek: kráno-s f., kráno-n n. `Kornelkirschbaum, -kirsche'
Baltic: *kirn-ā̂ f.
Latin: cornus, gen. -ī/-ūs f. `Cornus mascula', cornum, -ī `id.; its fruit'
Albanian: thánë, pl. -ë f. `cornel'
Russ. meaning: дерево (кизил)
References: WP I 411 f
Proto-IE: *kersk-
Meaning: arm
Old Indian: kiṣku- m. 'fore-arm, handle (of an axe); a k. of length measure (24 thumbs' breadths)'
Baltic: *kirk-ā̂l-ja- c. (1)
Albanian: krah, gen. -u, pl. -ǝ m. рука (от плеча до кисти)
Russ. meaning: рука (arm)
References: Fraenkel 222 (different in Pok.)
Comments: Cf. *kArǝk- (perhaps the same root)
Proto-IE: *kerw-
Meaning: sickle, axe, sword, spear
Old Indian: kr̥vi- `a utensil used by a weaver'
Slavic: *čьrvъ `серп': рус. диал. черв
Baltic: *kir̃w-i- c.
Celtic: MIr pl. acc. coire `Schwerter'
Russ. meaning: серп, топор, меч, копье, стрела
References: WP II 573 f
Proto-IE: *k'yaur-
Meaning: pipe, reed
Old Greek: sáu̯rǟ f. 'membrum virile, esp. of boys'; pl. sâu̯rai ''plairted v=cases of palm bark using in setting dislocated finfers'; sauro-brīthḗs 'with a heavy saurotḗr'; sau̯rōtḗr 'unteres Ende der Lanze oder des Speerschaftes'; saurōtó - furnished with a saurōtḗr' Hsch.; ? sǖ̂riŋks, -iŋgos f. 'shepherd's pipe, Panspipe; cat-call, whistle; mouthpiece of the aulós; hole in the nave of the wheel; hollow part of a hinge, etc.'; sǖrízdō, Att. -ttō, fut. sǖríksomai, aor esǖ́riksa, etc. 'to ply the pipe; make any whistling or hissing sound'
Baltic: *čur-iā̃, *čür-iā̃ f.
Russ. meaning: трубка, тростинка
References: Fraenkel 993
Comments: About *k'y- see *k'yāupe-.
Proto-IE: *k'yāupe- (-ph-)
Meaning: to rot
Old Indian: śopha- m. 'intumescence, tumour'
Old Greek: sǟ́pomai̯, pf. sésǟpa, aor. sapē̂nai̯ `verfaulen, faul werden', sǟ́pō, aor. sǟ̂psai̯, va. sǟptó- `faulen machen', sǟ̂psi-s `Fäulnis, Gährung', sǟ́p-s, gen. sǟpós f.`fauliges Geschwür'; sǟ́pǟ `Fäulnis', *sǟpetó-s: sēpetoû `rotting' Hsch.; sapró- `faul, verfault, ranzig'; sǟpedṓn, -dónos f. `Fäulnis'
Baltic: *čüp- vb. intr., *čū̂p-ē̂- vb. (1/2), *čū̂p- vb. inch.
Russ. meaning: гнить
References: WP I 500 (differently in Pok.)
Comments: About *k'y- see *k'yaur-.
Proto-IE: *kyewal- ?
Meaning: pig
Old Greek: síalo-s m. `fettes Schwein, Mastschwein' (cf s- in sǖ̂-s, gen. sü-ós m., f. `Schwein, Sau, Eber')
Baltic: *keul-iā̃ f.
Russ. meaning: скот (свинья)
References: WP I 467
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)Aik'-
Meaning: to rub, to scratch
Old Indian: kéśa- 'Haupthaar'?
Slavic: *cḗstā
Baltic: *kaîš- (*1) vb. tr., *kaîš-t-uw-iā̃ f., *kaiš-n-[ia]- m.
Russ. meaning: тереть, чесать
References: WP I 329 f
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)Al-
Meaning: snowball-tree, elder
Slavic: *kālīnā
Germanic: *xul-Vr-, *xul=, *xul-j=; *xul(an)-tar-a- m.
Russ. meaning: дерево (калина, бузина)
References: WP I 440 f
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)Als-
Meaning: ear (of cereals)
Slavic: *kolsъ
Albanian: kallí, pl. -nj m. `spike'; ? káshtë `straw'
Russ. meaning: колос
References: WP I 433 f
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)Arb-
Meaning: motley
Old Indian: karbu-, karbura- 'variegated, spotted'
Celtic: OIr coirbim 'besudele, beflecke'
Russ. meaning: пестрый
References: Fraenkel 256
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