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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *Agʷer- <? PIH *H->
Meaning: top, upper
Hittite: hekur n. 'Fels, Felsgipfel' (Tischler 235-236)
Old Indian: ágra- n. `foremost point or part, tip, front', loc. agre `in front, ahead of'; an Anfang, zuerst, agrimá- `preceding, foremost'
Avestan: oɣra- 'der erste, oberste nach Zeit, Raum etc.', n. 'Anfang; das oberste, Spitze'
Baltic: *ag-r-a- adv.
Russ. meaning: верхний, первый, ранний
References: WP I 38 f
Proto-IE: *agʷes-i-
Meaning: axe
Old Greek: aksī́nǟ f. `Axt, Beil'
Germanic: *akwiz-jō f.; *akús-jō f.; *akwís=; *akús=
Latin: ascia f. `Axt der Zimmerleute, Steinmetze und beim Feldbau, Maurerkelle'
Russ. meaning: топор
References: WP I 39
Proto-IE: *(a)gʷhemb-
Meaning: to jump, to frisk
Old Greek: *athémbō: ptc. f. athemboûsa = akolastáinousa (`ausgelassen') Hsch.
Germanic: *gimp-ō- vb., *gamp-a- m., *gamp-ō- vb., *gamp-al-ō f., *gamp-il-ō f., *gump-al-a- m.
Russ. meaning: прыгать от радости
References: WP I 678
Proto-IE: *agʷn-
Meaning: lamb
Old Greek: amnó-s m., f. `Lamm', amnǟ́; amnás; amní-s f. `Lamm (weibl.)'
Slavic: *ā́gnьcь, *ā́gnīcā, *ā́gnę̄
Germanic: *a(g)wn-ō-, *a(g)wn-ia- vb.
Latin: agnus, gen. -ī m., (/ f.); agna f. `Lamm'; avillus `agnus recentis partus'
Other Italic: Umbr habina(f) `agnās'
Celtic: OIr ūan `Lamm'; Cymr oen `Lamm', OCorn oin `Lamm', Bret oan `Lamm'
Russ. meaning: скот (ягненок)
References: WP I 39
Proto-IE: *Aibh-er-
Meaning: astringent
Baltic: *aib-r-um-a- c.
Germanic: *aib-ra- adj.; *aib-ra- n., *aibr-ī f.
Russ. meaning: терпкий
References: WP I 6
Proto-IE: *aid- / *oid-
Meaning: tumor, abscess
Armenian: ait (i-St) `Wange', aitnum `ich schwelle', aitumn `Geschwulst'
Old Greek: oi̯dáō, oi̯déō `schwellen machen', -omai̯ `schwellen', ôi̯dos n. `Geschwulst', ôi̯dma `Schwall des Gewässers'
Slavic: ? *jēdro `sinus, velum, Segel'
Germanic: *ait-r-a- n., *ait-il-a- m.; *it-il-an- m.
Latin: ? aemidus, -a `tumidus, inflatus'
Russ. meaning: опухоль, нарыв
References: WP I 166 f
Proto-IE: *aidh-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to burn (tr., intr.)
Old Indian: inddhé `to kindle, light, set on fire', idhyáte `to be lighted, to blaze, flame'; idhmá- m. `fuel'; édha- m. id., édhas- n. id.
Avestan: aēsma- m. `Brennholz'
Old Greek: ái̯thō `anzünden', ái̯thomai̯ (/ áithō) `brennen, leuchten', ái̯thōn, âi̯thop- `feurig, funkelnd'; âi̯tho-s m. `Brand', ai̯thó- `funkelnd, glühend', âi̯thos n. `Brant'
Slavic: *ēstējā 'Ofen'
Baltic: *ei(d)-sm-iā̃ f.
Germanic: *aid-a- m., *ái-s-ōn- f., *í-s-ōn- f., *ais-t-ō f.; *aid-l-a- m.
Latin: aedēs/-is f. `Tempel', pl. `Haus'; aestās, -tātis `warme Jahreszeit, Sommer', aestus, -ūs m. `Hitze, Glut, Brandung'
Celtic: *aidhu-: Gaul Aedui; OIr aed `Feuer'; Cymr aidd `Hitze, Eifer', Bret oaz `Eifersucht'
Russ. meaning: гореть/жечь
References: WP I 2 f
Proto-IE: *aig'-
Meaning: goat
Old Indian: eḍa- m., eḍaka- m. `a k. of sheep'
Avestan: izaēna- (~ ī-) `aus Leder'
Armenian: ayc `Ziege'
Old Greek: âi̯k-s, gen. ai̯gós f. `Ziege', m. `Ziegenbock'
Russ. meaning: скот (коза)
References: WP I 8 f
Proto-IE: *aig-
Meaning: to move fast, to be choppy, agitated
Old Indian: éjati, iṅgati, -e 'to move, tremble, shake, agitate'
Old Greek: pl. âi̯g-es 'Meereswogen', kat-ai̯gí-s (-íd-) 'Sturmwind', áiglǟ 'Glanz'; ? epéi̯gō `drücken, drängen, antreiben; sich drängen, eilen'
Slavic: *jьgrā; ? *obēstь (SrbCr òbijest, Sloven obję̂st 'Mutwille, Ungestüm, Übermut, Frechheit')
Baltic: *aîg-š-t-i- (2?) c., *aig-š-t-u- adj.
Germanic: *aik=
Russ. meaning: быстро двигать(ся), волноваться, бушевать
References: WP I 8
Proto-IE: *aig'-
Meaning: oak
Old Greek: krát-ai̯go-s; krat-ai̯gṓn, -ónos m. `Weissdorn, Crataegus oxyacantha'; ái̯gei̯ro-s f. Hom.+, ái̯gero-s f. Com.Adesp. 'black polpar, Populus nigra'; ai̯g-ílōp-s, -ōpos m. eine Eichenart; `Flughafer'; `Tränenfistel'
Baltic: *aiǯ-ō̂l-a- c.
Germanic: *aik-ō f., *aik-il-a- m.
Latin: aesculus, gen. -ī f. `Bergeiche, immergrüne Wintereiche'
Russ. meaning: дерево (вид дуба)
References: WP I 10
Proto-IE: *aigʷh-es-
Meaning: shame
Old Greek: âi̯skhos n. `Schande, Hässlichkeit', pl. `Schandreden, -taten'; ai̯skhró- `Schändlich, hässlich' , ai̯skhǘnō `beschimpfen, hässlich machen'
Germanic: *aiw-is-k-ia- n.; *aiw-is-k=
Russ. meaning: стыд
References: WP I 7
Proto-IE: *aik'-
Meaning: sharp obj.; to wound with a sharp obj.
Old Greek: âi̯klo-s* (pl. âi̯kloi `hai gōníai tôu bélous' Hsch.); iktéo-n <iktéa> `дротик' (Hsch.), íktar `nahe' (< *anstossend); kypr. ikmaménos `verwundet'; ai̯khmǟ́ `Lanzenspitze, Lanze'
Baltic: *eĩč-m-a- c., *aič-m-[a]- m. n
Germanic: *aig-Vn=/*áix-Vn=
Latin: īco, īcio, ictum, -ĕre `schlagen, treffen, verletzen', ictus, -ūs m. `Hieb, Schuss'
Russ. meaning: острый предмет; ранить острым предметом
References: WP I 7 f
Proto-IE: *aikʷ-
Meaning: flat
Baltic: *aik-š-t-iā̃ f., *aik-š-t-u- adj.
Latin: aequus, -a `eben, ausgeglichen; geeignet, passend; billig, gerecht, gewogen'; aequor, -ōris n. `Ebene', poet. `Meer'
Russ. meaning: ровный
References: WP I 7
Proto-IE: *aim- <PIH *H->
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: similarity, resemblance
Hittite: himma- c. 'Nachahmung; Substitut (im Opferkult)' (Tischler 245)
Latin: imagō, -inis f. '(Ab)bild'; imitor, -ārī 'nachahmen'; aemulus, -a, -um 'старающийся не уступать, соревнующийся; подражающий, воспроизводящий; равный, не уступающий; подобный'
Russ. meaning: сходство, подобие
References: Tischler 245.
Proto-IE: *ain- <PIH *H->
Meaning: praise, gratitude
Hittite: hanna- (II) 'entscheiden, richten' (Tischler 146 ff); red. hanhanija- 'tadeln (?)' (Tischler 148-149)
Tokharian: A, B en- 'unterweisen'
Old Greek: an-ái̯nomai̯ `leugnen, sich weigern', âi̯no-s m. `Rede, Lobrede', ái̯nǟ `Ruhm', ai̯néō `rühmlich erwähnen, loben, preisen', ai̯níssomai̯, att. -ttomai̯ `dunkel, in Rätseln sprechen'
Germanic: *in-ō f., *in-il-ō f., *fir-in-ō f.
Russ. meaning: похвала, благодарность
References: WP I 1 f
Proto-IE: *air-
Meaning: a k. of herbaceous plant (cockle?)
Old Indian: erakā `a k. of grass of emollient and diluent properties'
Old Greek: âi̯ră f. `Unkraut im Weizen, Lolch'
Russ. meaning: растение (вид травянистого раст. - куколь?)
References: WP I 12
Proto-IE: *ais-, *aiz-d- <PIH *isHo-s>
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to honour, to revere; respect
Hittite: isha- c. Herr ( = Lat. erus) (Tischler 372 ff.; but Pal. washu-lla-, Luw. washa- etc. are rather < Hatt. washa-p/w)
Old Indian: īḍ- (ī́ṭṭe, pf. īḍé) `to implore, request; to praise'
Old Greek: ái̯domai (ái̯deo, ai̯dómenos, ái̯deto), ai̯déomai `sich scheuen, verehren', ai̯dṓs f. `Ehrfurcht, Scheu'
Germanic: *aiz-iō f.; *aiz-ō-, *aiz-ē- vb.; *aist-a- vb.
Latin: erus (herus) m. 'master, possessor'
Other Italic: Osk pl. abl. aisusis 'sacrificiis', Marnuc pl. dat. aisos 'dis', Paelign pl. dat. aisis 'dis', Volsc esaristrom 'sacrificium'; Umbr erus 'dis', esono- 'divinus, sacer'
Russ. meaning: почитать; почтение
References: WP I 13
Proto-IE: *Ait-
Meaning: deer, ram
Old Indian: éta- m., étā f. `a k. of deer or antelope'
Baltic: *ãit-ā f.
Russ. meaning: скот (олень/баран)
References: WP I 3
Proto-IE: *ait-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: fate, sentence
Avestan: aēta- 'der gebührende Teil (Strafe, dual. Schuld und Strafe)'
Old Greek: âi̯sa f. `Anteil, Lebenslos, Geschick, Gebuhr'; ái̯sio- `günstig, gebührend, billig'; dí-ai̯ta f. `Leben(sweise), Lebensunterhalt, Diät, Aufenthaltsort, Wohnzimmer'; hom. gen. ísǟs ( от *íssa); aor. íssasthai = klēroûsthai (Lésboi) Hsch.; ôi̯to-s `Menschengeschick, (unglücklliches) Schicksal'
Other Italic: Osk aeteis `partis', (a)íttiúm `portionum'
Russ. meaning: судьба, приговор
References: WP I 2
Proto-IE: *ait-
Meaning: motley
Old Indian: éta- 'variegated, shining, brilliant'
Avestan: aēta- 'schillernd, schimmernd, bunt'
Baltic: *ait-e-gen-[a]- m.
Russ. meaning: пестрый
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