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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *awǝs-
Meaning: gold
Tokharian: A wäs, B yasa (PT *w'äsā) 'gold' (Adams 487)
Baltic: *aû(k)s-a- m.
Latin: aurum, -ī n. `Gold'
Other Italic: Sabin ausom 'Gols'
Russ. meaning: металл (золото)
References: WH
Proto-IE: *awik'-, -g'-
Meaning: oats
Slavic: *ovьsъ
Baltic: *awiǯ-ā̂, -iā̃, *aũǯ-ā̂ f.
Latin: avēna f. `Grasart, Hafer (nur als Viehfutter); Halm, Rohr'
Russ. meaning: растение (злак - овес)
References: WP I 24
Proto-IE: *aw-, *we-
Meaning: pron. dem., conj.
Hittite: u-ni- 'jener, der da, iste' (Friedrich 234)
Old Indian: u 'and, also, further'; du. gen. avóḥ; u-tá 'and, also, even'; vā 'or'; iva 'as', evá 'so, thus', evám 'so'
Avestan: ava 'jener', uta 'und, auch'; uiti, gath. ūitī 'so'; vā 'oder'
Other Iranian: OPers ava 'jener', utā 'und, auch'; vā 'oder'
Old Greek: pán-ü 'gar sehr'; ēǘte 'ebenso wie', hom eû̯te 'hóte'; aû̯ 'anderseits, wiederum', ion. aû̯tis, gort. aû̯tin 'wiederum', au̯tíka 'sogleich', aû̯thi 'daselbst', aû̯te 'wieder, auch, ferner'; deû̯ro, deû̯rō 'hierher, wohlan'; ē-(w)e, ḕ 'oder'
Slavic: *ovъ
Baltic: *au-r=
Germanic: Got -u Fragepart.; OSax thar-od, OHG thar-ot 'dorthin, dort', OSax her-od, OHG her-ot 'hierhin', OSax hwarod 'wohin, wo', OHG warot 'wohin'; Got auk 'denn, aber', usw.
Latin: ut, uti-nam, -que, utī, OLat utei; aut 'oder', autem 'aber'; -ve 'oder', ceu, sīve, seu, nēve, neu
Other Italic: Osk avt, auti 'aut; autem', Umbr ote 'aut', uru 'illo', uraku 'ad illam', ures 'illis'
Celtic: MIr ūt 'illic, dort', OIr ucut 'dort', ocut 'bei dir'; Ir no, Obret nou' oder'
Russ. meaning: тот
References: WP I 187 f
Proto-IE: *ay- <PIH *a->
Meaning: to give
Hittite: pai- (pe-) (II) 'geben' (Friedrich 155)
Tokharian: A e-, B ai- 'give' (PT *āi-) (Adams 100)
Old Greek: ái̯nümai̯ `greifen, nehmen', éks-ai̯to- `ausgegriffen, auserlesen'
Russ. meaning: давать
References: WP I 1 f
Proto-IE: *Ayek-, *y[ē]k-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to call; to beg, to complain
Old Indian: yā́cati, -te `to ask, beg, implore'
Old Greek: ôi̯kto-s m. `pity, compassion', oi̯ktró- `pitipitiable, lamentable'; {3 sg. ai̯kázdei̯ `звать' (Hsch.) - nowhere found!};
Baltic: *aîk-in-ā̂- (2?) vb.
Germanic: *jíx-a- vb.; *jix-t-i- c., *jix-t-ō- vb.; *aix-t-r-ō- vb.
Other Italic: Osk aíkdafed `proclamavit ?'
Celtic: OIr ēigid `cries', ēigem f. `a cry', īachtaid `groans, cries'; MCymr ieith, NCymr iaith, Bret iez `Sprache'
Russ. meaning: звать; просить, жаловаться
References: WP I 8 f, I 204 f
Proto-IE: *ay-er/n-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: morning
Avestan: ayarǝ, gen. ayąn n. 'Tag'
Old Greek: ǟ̂ri `früh', , ǟério- `früh, morgendlich'; nebelig'; ā́risto-n n. `Frühstück'
Germanic: *air-a-, comp. adv. *air-iaz, adj. *air-iz-a-n; superl. *air-ist-a-; air-a-n n.
Russ. meaning: утро
References: WP I 2 f
Proto-IE: *ayes-
Meaning: metal, ore (copper, magnetic)
Old Indian: áyas- n. `iron, metal'
Avestan: ayaŋh- n. 'Metall, Eisen'
Germanic: *aiz-a- n.; *ī́sarn-a-, *īzarn-a- n.; *aiz-ug-a-z m.
Latin: aes, gen. aeris n. `Erz, Bronze, Kupfer, Geld'
Other Italic: Umbr ahesnes `aenis'
Celtic: *īsarno-: Gaul pl.Isarnodori gl. `ferrei ostii'; Isarnum; OIr iarnn; OBret Iserninus (Männername); Cymr hayarn, Corn hoern
Russ. meaning: металл, руда (медная, железная)
References: WP I 4
Proto-IE: *Ayǝk'-
Meaning: clear, light
Old Indian: yáśas- n. `beautiful appearance, beauty, splendour, worth'
Slavic: *ēsъ `блеск', *ēsnъ(ji), *ēskrāvъ(jь), *ēskā etc. *jьskrā
Baltic: *aîč-k-u- adj., *ī̂č-k-u- adj., *ič-k-ja- adj., *aîč-k-t-u- adj., *aĩč-k-t-iā̃ f.
Russ. meaning: ясный, светлый
References: WP I 2
Proto-IE: *ayǝs- <PIH *a->
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to look for
Hittite: isijahh- (I) 'anzeigen, ankündigen' (fact.) (Tischler 395-396 with criticism)
Old Indian: eṣati, -te `to seek, search', iccháti `to strive, seek for, desire, wish', iṣyate `to be wished or liked', éṣa- `seeking', m. `act of seeking or going after', eṣá- m. `wish, option'; is-̣ (in comp.) `seeking for'; ī̆ṣma- m. `name of Kāmadeva, god of love'
Avestan: išaiti `sucht'; isaiti (*is-sk'ō); iš (2. Zs.-Glied) `suchend, strebend nach', f. `Wunsch, Gegenstand des Wunsches'
Armenian: aich `Untersuchung'
Old Greek: hī́mero-s m. `Sehnsucht, Liebessehnsucht, Liebe', hīméi̯rō `sich sehnen, verlangen''
Slavic: *jīskātī; *jīskā `Wunsch'
Baltic: *eîšk-ā̂- (1) vb.
Germanic: *aisk-ō- vb., *aisk=
Latin: aeruscāre `betteln, bitten'
Other Italic: Umbr eiscurent `arcessierint'
Russ. meaning: искать
References: WP I 12 f
Proto-IE: *ayn-
Meaning: to fall upon
Old Indian: inóti, imp. inuhí, ptc. -inita- `to advance upon, press upon, drive, use force'; énas- n. `mischief, crime, sin, offence'; iná- `able, strong, energetic', m. `lord, master'; ??? īti- f. `plague, distress, calamity'
Avestan: inaoiti, inf. aēnaŋhe `vergewaltigen, kränken', ainita < *an-inita `nicht vergewältigt, nicht krank'; aēnah- n. `Gewalttat, Frevel', m. Übeltäter'; intay- `Verwaltigung, Kränkung; Qual'
Old Greek: ai̯nó- `schrecklich'
Russ. meaning: наброситься
References: WP I 1 f
Proto-IE: *āg'h-
Meaning: aspiration, striving
Avestan: āzi-š m. `Begierde'; āza-š m. `Streben, Eifer'
Other Iranian: NPers az `id.'
Old Greek: ǟkhḗn, -ē̂nos m. `arm, dürftig', pl. ǟkhē̂n-es <ēkhē̂nes> `kenoí, ptōkhoí' (Hsch.)
Russ. meaning: стремление, желание
References: WP I 40 f
Proto-IE: *āl-
Meaning: a plant with edible tuber
Old Indian: ālu- n. `an esculent root, Arum Campanulatum', āluka- n. `the esculent root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus', ā́ruka- `the fruit of a medicinal plant growing on the Himālaya mountains'
Latin: ālum, -ī n., ālus, -ī f. `Symphytum petraeum; Symphytum brochum, knolliger Beinwell, Wallwurz'; ālium, -ī n. `Knoblauch, Alium sativum L.'
Other Italic: Osk *allō `Knoblauch, Alium sativum L.'
Russ. meaning: растение (со съедобным клубнем)
References: WP I 90 f
Proto-IE: *ām-er-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: day
Armenian: aur `Tag'
Old Greek: hǟ̂mar, gen. hǟ́mat-os, att. hǟmérā `Tag'
Russ. meaning: день
References: WP I 53
Proto-IE: *ān-
Meaning: face, mouth; to notice
Old Indian: āná- m., ānana- n. `face, mouth'
Old Greek: prǟnḗs `vorwärts geneigt, kopfüber, abschüssig, steil', pros-ǟnḗs `freundlich', ap-ǟnḗs `unfreundlich, hart'
Germanic: *unnan- (*anna-) (<*un-z-, *an-z-) vb., *ans-t-i- c., *uns-t=
Russ. meaning: лицо, рот; обращать внимание
References: WP I 68
Proto-IE: *ān-
Meaning: ring
Armenian: anur `Halsband, Ring'
Latin: ānus, -ī m. `Kreis, Ring; Fussschelle, After(ring)'
Celtic: OIr ānne, āinne `Ring, Steiss'
Russ. meaning: кольцо, круг
References: WP I 60 f
Proto-IE: *āp[e]-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: ill, weak
Old Indian: apvā́ f. `name of a disease (got in danger)'
Avestan: afša- m. `Schaden, Unheil', afšman- n. `Schaden, Nachteil'
Old Greek: [ǟ]pedanó- `schwach, hinfällig, gebrechlich', [ǟ́]pio- 'freundlich, wohlgesinnt, gnädig, mild'
Baltic: *ā̂p-u- adj., *ā̂p-ā̂ f.
Russ. meaning: больной, слабый
References: WP I 47
Comments: Compared with Tokh B apsāl n. 'sword' (Adams 17 - ?)
Proto-IE: *ār- <PIH -*rH->
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: open place, space
Hittite: arha- c. 'Grenze, Gebiet; Ufer (des Meeres), arha (Adv.) 'hinaus, fort', Lyd. aara- 'Hof, ländl. Besitz' (with doubts Tischler 55-56)
Old Indian: āré `far (from)', ārā́t `from a distant place'
Baltic: *ā̂r-ā̂ (2) f., *ā̂r-a- (2) c., *ār-u- adj.
Latin: ārea f. `freier Platz, Bauplatz; Dreschtenne, Hofraum, Rennbahn, Gartenbeet, Gottesacker, Glatze'
Russ. meaning: свободое, открытое место, просторы
References: WP I 79
Proto-IE: *ār- <PIH *HaHr->
Meaning: kidney, lung
Hittite: hahri- c./n. 'Lunge' (Tischler 124 without etymology)
Tokharian: A āriñc, B arañce 'heart' (PT *āräñce)
Latin: rien, rēn (pl. rēnēs) 'kidney'
Celtic: *āren : OIr. āru (g. ārann) 'kidney, gland', W. arenn (pl. eirin) 'kidney, testicle'
Russ. meaning: почка, легкое
References: Adams 21-22.
Proto-IE: *āt-
Meaning: quick
Tokharian: ? A atär, B etär 'Held'
Baltic: *āt-u-, *at-r-u-, *ā̂t-r-u adj. (1)
Germanic: *ēd-r-a- adj.
Russ. meaning: быстрый
Proto-IE: *āt
Meaning: part./conj.
Old Indian: āt 'afterwards, then'
Avestan: āat_ 'darauf, dann; und; aber; denn'
References: WP I 96 f
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