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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *sokʷ- (-kʷh-)
Meaning: companion, fellow
Old Indian: sákhā (acc. sákhāyam, other cases from sakhi-) m. `friend, assistant, companion'
Avestan: haxay- (haši-) `Gefährte, Genosse, Freunde'
Other Iranian: OPers Haxāmaniš-
Old Greek: opā́ōn, ion. opéōn, myk. o-qa-wo-ni m. `Gefährte, Begleiter', opǟdó-s m. `Begleiter'; aor. aossē̂sai̯ `helfe, beistehen' (от *sm-sokʷ-jo-)
Germanic: *sag-já- m.
Latin: socius, -a `gemeinsam', socius, -ī m. `Gefährte, Genosse, Teilnehmer, Bundesgenosse', socia f. `Genossin'
Russ. meaning: спутник, товарищ
References: WP II 476 f
Comments: [Quite probably derived from *sekʷe-, the problem is -h-.]
Proto-IE: *sol-
Meaning: to flow, to wash; island
Baltic: *sal-ā̂ f., *sal-aw-ā̂ f.; *sal̂- vb., *sal-u- c.
Latin: īnsula f. `Insel; von Strassen umgebenes Mietshaus'
Russ. meaning: течь, омывать; остров
References: WP II 452 f (different in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *som-en- <PIH *sH->
Meaning: song
Hittite: ishamai- c. 'Lied, Gesang' (Tischler 378ff.)
Old Indian: sā́man- n. 'hymn, song of praise'
Old Greek: hǘmno-s m 'hymn, ode, in praise of gods or heroes'
Russ. meaning: песня
References: Tischler 378ff.
Comments: Cf. Greek ói̯mǟ, ôi̯mos 'Lied, Gesang, Sage' (< *ojm-, not *omj-)
Proto-IE: *sorbh-
Meaning: a k. of fish (with red fins)
Old Greek: orphṓs or órphōs (NGreek orphó-s) 'great sea-perch, Epinephelus gigas': orphṓ-s, orphó-s Arist.; Hdn. Grm. 1.224: órphos koinō̂s, orphō̂s dè Attikō̂s, cf. Hsch.; Ath. 7.315b: Nom. att. orphṓs (citing Archipp. 17); gen. orphṓ Cratin. l.c., acc. -phṓn Pl. Com. 173.13, -phṓn Ar. l.c.
Germanic: *sarb=
Russ. meaning: рыба (с красными плавниками)
Proto-IE: *sōd-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: soot
Slavic: *sādjā
Baltic: *sō̂d-ia- c., *sō̂d-iā̃ f., *sō̂d-r-ia- (2) c.
Germanic: *sōt-a- n.
Russ. meaning: сажа
References: WP II 483 f
Proto-IE: *sō̆, *som
Meaning: prep./adv.: together
Hittite: { san }
Tokharian: A, B ysamo, ysomo 'altogether, collectively' (Adams 523, 524)
Old Indian: sám- 'together, with'
Avestan: ham- 'mit'
Other Iranian: OPers ham- 'mit'
Old Greek: ha- praef. 'with'; homaló- 'gleich, eben, glat'; hamó- 'irgend ein'; háma, dor. hamā̂ 'in einem, zugleich'; homó- 'gemeinsam; ähnlich, gleich, eben, glatt'; ó-trikhes, usw.
Slavic: *sǭ-, *sъ(n)-, *sъ(n)
Baltic: *sa(-), *sō̂(-), *sam̂-
Germanic: *sin 'zusammen': OSax, OHG sin-hīun, OE sin-hīwan 'conjuges, Ehegatten', Got sin-tīns 'täglich', OSax sin-nahti, OE sin-niht 'ewige Nacht' usw.;
Latin: sim-; similis; simul, OLat semol, semul 'zugleich'; semel
Other Italic: Umbr sumel 'zugleich'
Celtic: OIr sam- 'zusammen'
Russ. meaning: вместе
References: WP II 490
Comments: See Slav *sāmъ s.v. #3005 *sem-
Proto-IE: *sō̆l-, *sel-
Meaning: bench, couch
Tokharian: B sāle 'ground, basis' (Adams 684)
Baltic: *sō̂l-a- c. (2)
Germanic: *sil-m-an- m.
Albanian: ǵolɛ 'Platte, auf die man Viehsalz legt'
Russ. meaning: скамья, лежак
Proto-IE: *sōur-
Meaning: a part of leg (calf ?)
Old Greek: ion. ṓrē f., hṓrǟ f. (Aristarch. = kṓlǟ; Miletos, Inschr.) Bez. eines Teils des Opfertieres, áōroi̯ pódes (hom.) (im Gegensatz zu den opísthoi pódes Philem. 145)
Latin: sūra f. `Wade'
Russ. meaning: часть ноги (икра ?)
References: WH
Proto-IE: *sōw-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to give birth
Tokharian: A se, B soy `Sohn' (PT *soy); B soṃśke '(dear) son' (dimin.) ( < *sūnu-) (Adams 702 f)
Old Indian: sūte, sūyate, inf. sū́tave, sávitave `to beget, procreate, bear', sū́- m. `one who begets, father, mother', sū́tu- f. `child-bearing, pregnancy'; sūnú- m. `son, child'
Avestan: hunāmi `gebären, Kinder zur Welt bringen', hazaŋrō-hunā `eine, die 1000 Kinder zur Welt bringt'; hunu- 'son'
Armenian: ustr `Sohn'
Old Greek: hüi̯ó-s, att. hüó-s, aeol. hü̂i̯o-s, älter hüi̯ǘ-s, altatt., lak., gort. hüǘ-s, hǖ́-s m., hom. gen. hü̂i̯-os, dat. hüi̯éi, hüi̯êi̯, hü̂i̯i, acc. hüi̯éa, hü̂i̯a, pl. hüi̯ées, hü̂i̯es, gen. hüi̯éōn, dat. hüiôi̯si, hüi̯ási, acc. hüi̯éas, hü̂i̯as, dual. hüi̯ée, hü̂i̯e m. `Sohn'; hüi̯ōnó-s m. 'grandson'
Slavic: *sɨ̄nъ
Baltic: *sū̂-n-u- (2) m.
Germanic: *su-n-ú- m., *su-n-í- m., *sōn-V- m.; *sōn-i- c.; *su-x-tr-ian- m.
Celtic: *sut- > OIr suth `Geburt, Frucht'
Russ. meaning: рож(д)ать; сын
References: WP II 469 f
Proto-IE: *spadh-
Meaning: spade
Hittite: ispatar n. (r/n) 'Spieß' (Tischler 420)
Old Greek: spáthǟ f. Bez. mehrer flacher und länglicher Gegenstände (`Weberwerkzeug zum Festschlagen des Eischlags, Schwert(klinge), Ruderblatt, Spatel, flache Rippe, Blütenscheide, Stiel des Palnblattes, Striegel' usw.)
Germanic: *spad-an- m., -ōn- f.
Russ. meaning: деревяжка (лопата)
References: WP II 652 f
Proto-IE: *(s)pAin-
Meaning: a k. of small bird
Old Greek: spíno-s m. `Fink'
Slavic: *pēnā, *pēnъkā
Russ. meaning: птица (типа зяблика)
References: Frisk
Proto-IE: *(s)pal-
Meaning: empty, open
Slavic: *polъ (полый); *polnъ, *polnь, *polnjā, *polnīnā
Latin: palam `offen, öffentlich; unverhohlen; offenbar'
Albanian: špaɫ offenbare, pɛrpaɫ veröffentliche
Russ. meaning: пустой, открытый
References: WP II 61 f
Proto-IE: *(s)pala- / -e- (ph-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to split in two; half, a half of the log, board
Old Indian: phalati `to burst, cleave open or asunder'; phalaka- n. `board, lath, plank, leaf, bench'; phāla- m. `ploughshare'; sphaṭati (D.) `to burst, expand', ptc. sphaṭita-; sphuṭati, sphoṭati (D.) `to burst, split open'; sphuṭa- `open, opened, blossomed, expanded'; paṭati (D.) `to split open, burst asunder'
Old Greek: spalǘssomai = sparássomai Hsch. 'to tear, to rend'; sphalássein = témnein, kenteîn Hsch.; spólia = tà paratillómena erídia apò tō̂n skelō̂n tō̂n probátōn Hsch.
Slavic: *polъ, *polovī́tī; *polēno; *polъ D (*доска); *orz-póltī (колоть надвое)
Baltic: *pel̂- vb. tr.
Germanic: *spil-ɵ-a- vb.; *spil-d-a- n.; *spil-d-ō f.; *spil-ɵ-a- n.; *fil-ō f.; *spal-u- c.; *spel-ɵ-ia- vb., *spal-t-a- vb.; *spl-ī-t-a- vb., *spl-i-t-ja- vb., *spl-i-t-i- c.; *spl-i-t-r=; *fl-ī-s-ō f.
Celtic: *slissi- > OIr sliss `Schnitzel, Splitter, Span', slissiu `Schnitzel, Latte'
Albanian: {palë 'side, partition'}
Russ. meaning: расколоться надвое; половина, половина бревна (доска)
References: WP II 677 f, 684
Proto-IE: *(s)palǝw-/-e-
Meaning: straw, chaff
Old Indian: pala- m. `straw', palā́va- m. `chaff, husks', palāla- m. n., palālī́ f. `stalk, straw'
Slavic: *pélvā Spreu
Baltic: *pel-u-, *pel-a- c., *pelw-ā̂, *pelaw-ā̂ f., *spal̂w-ā̂ (1), *spilw-ā̂
Latin: palea f. `Getreidehülse, Spreu; Stroh'
Russ. meaning: полова
References: WP II 59
Proto-IE: *(s)pAlg(ʷ)- (ph-)
Meaning: to shine, to sparkle
Old Indian: phalgú-, phálguna- `reddish, red'; sphuliṅga- 'spark'
Slavic: *pъlgati (Pol peɫgać 'flimmern')
Baltic: *spal̂g-[a]- adj. (2), *spal̂g-ē̂- vb. (2), *spil̂g-an-a- adj. (2), *spul̂g-[u]- adj. (2), *spulg-an-a- adj. (2)
Russ. meaning: светиться, искриться
References: WP II 679 f
Proto-IE: *spAn-
Meaning: to entice, to lure
Germanic: *span-a- vb., *span-ja- vb., *span-s-t-i- c., *spann=
Latin: spōns, spontis f. `freier Wille, Antrieb, Willkür'
Russ. meaning: приманивать, завлекать etc.
References: WH
Proto-IE: *(s)par-
Meaning: beam, log
Germanic: *spar-an- m., *sparr-an- m., *sparr-iōn- f.
Latin: paries, -etis m. `Wand, Zwischenwand'
Russ. meaning: балка, бревно
References: WH
Proto-IE: *spar- / -e-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: spear
Germanic: *spir-u- n., *spir-a- n., *spar-u- c., *sparr-a- n.; *sparr-an- m.
Latin: sparus, -ī m.; sparum, -ī n. `kurzer Speer des Landvolkes als Jagd- und dürftige Kriegswaffe'
Russ. meaning: копье
References: WP II 665 f
Proto-IE: *spar- (sph-)
Meaning: quick, steady, thrifty
Armenian: phartham `reich, reichlich'
Slavic: *sporъ(jь)
Baltic: *spar-t-u- adj., *spar-tā̂ f., *spar-u- adj., *spar-ā̂ f., *spar-a- c.
Germanic: *spar-a- adj., *spar-ō- vb.
Russ. meaning: экономный
References: WP II 656 f
Proto-IE: *spara- / -e-
Meaning: to tear
Armenian: pherth оторванный кусок
Old Greek: sparássō (att. -ttō), aor. -áksai̯, pf. md. espáragmai̯ `reissen, zerren, zerreissen, angreifen'
Baltic: *spur̂- (2) vb. intr.
Germanic: *spirr-ō f.
Russ. meaning: рвать, обрывать
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