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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *wert-
Meaning: a piece of land (fenced ?)
Tokharian: B warto, wärto Garten, Hain
Old Indian: vr̥ti- f. `surrounding, covering; hedge, fence'
Slavic: *vьrtъ, *vьrtogordъ, *vьrtьpъ
Germanic: *wárɵ-a- m., *wurɵ-(i)a- m., *wurɵ-(i)ō f.
Celtic: Ir fert `Grabhügel'
Russ. meaning: участок земли (огороженный?)
References: WP I 284 f
Comments: Very probably from *(e)weru-.
Proto-IE: *wyedh-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to pierce, to split
Old Indian: vídhyati, ptc. viddhá-, pf. vivyādha `to pierce, transfix'; vyadha- m. `piercing', vyādha- m. `one who pierces'; vindháte `to be destitute or bereft of, lack', vidhú- `lonely, solitary'
Baltic: *wid-u- c.
Latin: dīvido, -ere, -vīsī, -vīsum `trennen, zer-, ab-, ein-, austeilen'
Other Italic: Umbr pl. acc. vef `partes', vetu `dīviditō'
Russ. meaning: протыкать, раскалывать
References: WP I 239 f
Proto-IE: *elem-
Meaning: elm
Slavic: *jьlьmъ `Ulme'
Germanic: *ilm-a- m., *alm-a- m., *ulm-ō(n-) f.
Latin: ulmus, -ī f. `Ulme, Rüster'
Celtic: *lima- > Gaul Lemo-, Limo-; MIr lem `Ulme'; *leimā > Cymr llwyf `Ulme'
Russ. meaning: дерево (вяз)
References: WP I 151 f
Proto-IE: *yag'- (Gr h-)
Meaning: to revere (a deity)
Old Indian: yájati `to worship, consecrate'; ijya- `to be revered or honoured', m. `teacher; deity, god', ijyā f. `sacrifice'; yájas- n., yajñá- m. `worship, sacrifice' [but also yāga- m.]
Avestan: yazaiti `verehrt mit Gebet und Opfer'; yasna- m. `Gottesverehrung, Opfer'
Old Greek: hom. házdomai `verehren', hágio- `heilig, geweiht', hagnó- `heilig, rein'
Russ. meaning: почитать (божество)
References: WP I 195
Proto-IE: *yag(')h-
Meaning: to drive
Tokharian: A yoke, B yoko (PT *yokai-) 'thirst, desire' (Adams 510)
Old Indian: yáhu-, yahvá- `restless, swift, active'; (pra-)yákṣati `to be quick, speed on'
Germanic: *jag-ō- vb., *jag-Vɵ=
Russ. meaning: гнать
References: WP 195 f
Comments: Cf. *īg'h-
Proto-IE: *yak(')- (Gr *h-)
Meaning: healthy; medical treatment, medicine
Old Greek: ákos n. `Heilung, Heilmittel', akéomai̯ `heilen, ausbessern', akestḗr `sänftigend'
Celtic: *i̯akk-: OIr hīcc `Heilung, Zahlung'; Cymr iach `gesund', Corn yagh `gesund', Bret iac'h `gesund'
Russ. meaning: здоровый; лечение, лекарство
References: WP I 195
Proto-IE: *yat-
Meaning: to wish, to long for
Tokharian: A, B yāt- 'be capable of, have power over' (Adams 489); A, B yät- 'decorate, adorn' (496)
Old Indian: yatate `to place in order, keep pace, associate with; to strive after, be eager for', yáti- m. `an ascetic, devotee', yatúna- `moving, active, restless', yatna- m. `activity of will, volition, endeavour'
Avestan: yateiti, yataeiti `setzt sich in Bewegung, rührt sich, ist emsig, bemüht sich eifrig'
Celtic: Cymr add-iad `Sehsucht'; add-iant `id.'; OIr ēt, Ir ēad `Eifer, Eifersucht'
Russ. meaning: стремиться, желать
References: WP I 197 f
Proto-IE: *yAun-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: fixed place, place of birth
Tokharian: B yoñiye 'groin, pubis' (Adams 511 with a quite unlikely etymology)
Old Indian: yóni- m., f. `womb, uterus, vulva, vagina; place of birth, source, origin'
Avestan: acc. yaonǝm 'Stätte, Heimat'
Celtic: OIr uain `Gelegenheit, Musse, Zeit'
Russ. meaning: условленное место, место рождения
References: WP I 204
Proto-IE: *yAus-
Meaning: ritual purity; supreme justice
Old Indian: yoḥ n. `welfare, health, happiness' (only with śam)
Avestan: yavždaδaiti `macht hell, reinigt rituell'
Latin: iūs, gen. iūris n. (OLat ious) `Recht als Gesamtheit der Gesetze und Satzungen; Rechtsanspruch; Gericht', iūstus (OLat iouestod) `gericht'
Celtic: *justio-: OIr huisse `gerecht'
Albanian: jē Erlaubnis
Russ. meaning: ритуальная чистота, высшая справедливость
References: WP I 203
Proto-IE: *yAw
Meaning: part./adv.: already
Slavic: *jū-že
Baltic: *jau, *ju-kV
Germanic: { Got ju usw.; OHG joh 'auch, aber, doch' }
Russ. meaning: уже
References: Fraenkel 190
Proto-IE: *yā-
Meaning: to move (intr.), to ride (?)
Hittite: ija- (II) 'gehen, wandeln, marschieren' (Tischler 343ff)
Tokharian: A yā-, B iyā- (PT *(y)iyā-) 'go, travel' (Adams 66)
Old Indian: yā́ti `to go, move, walk'
Avestan: yāiti `to go, move, walk'
Slavic: *jḗtī, *jḗxati, *jḗdǭ, *j[ḗ]to, *jēzdā
Baltic: *jā̂- (2) vb.
Germanic: *jē-n=
Latin: iānus, -ī/-ūs m. `gewölbter Durchgang, Torbogen', iānua f.`Tür'
Celtic: *jātu-s: OIr āth `Furt'
Russ. meaning: двигаться, ехать (на лошади ?)
References: WP I 102 f
Proto-IE: *yām- (Gr h-)
Meaning: spade, pick
Other Iranian: Pashto yūm `Spaten'
Old Greek: (h)ámǟ f. `Schaufel, Hacke'
Russ. meaning: лопата, кирка
References: WP I 198 (differently in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *yām- (Gr h-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: pit
Old Greek: (h)amárǟ f. `Graben, Kanal'
Slavic: *jā́mā
Russ. meaning: яма
Proto-IE: *yekʷ- (Gr h-)
Meaning: liver
Old Indian: yákrt, gen. yaknáḥ `liver'
Avestan: yākarǝ 'Leber'
Old Greek: hē̂par, gen. hḗpatos n. `Leber'
Baltic: *jekan=, *jekn=
Latin: iecur, gen. iecoris/iecineris n. `Leber'
Russ. meaning: печень
References: WP I 205 f
Proto-IE: *yekʷ- (Gr h-)
Meaning: play, joke
Old Greek: hepsĭ́ǟ 'amusement, playhing'; pl. épsia n. EM, hépseia Hsch., hepsiáomai 'to amuse oneself' Hom.+
Germanic: *jíxw-l-a- n., *jíx-l-ia- m., *ji(g)w-l=
Latin: iocus, -ī, pl. -ī/-a `Scherz, Schäkerei, Kurzweil; Schwank, Spiel, Zeitvertreib'
Other Italic: Osk iúkleí `in cōnsecrātione'; Umbr pl. acc. iuka, iuku n. `precēs'
Russ. meaning: игра, шутка
References: WP I 204 f (differently in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *yem-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to tie together, to join
Tokharian: A, B yām- 'do, commit, make, effect' (Adams 490 f); A yom-, B yäm- (PT *yäm-) 'achieve, obtain, reach' (497)
Old Indian: yámati, yácchati, part. yatá- `to sustain, hold, hold together', yáma- m. `rein, curb, bridle; driver, charioteer', yántra- n. `instrument for holding, restraining or fastening, prop, support, thong, rein etc.'
Avestan: yam-, yasaitē, ptc. yata- `halten', yātam `zugewiesener Anteil, Besitz'
Other Iranian: OPers ipf. ayasatā 'halten'
Latin: redimiō, -īre `umbinden, bekränzen'
Russ. meaning: связывать, соединять
References: WP I 207
Proto-IE: *yem-
Meaning: twins
Old Indian: yamá- m. `twin'
Avestan: yǝ̄ma- m. `Zwilling'
Baltic: *jum-ia- c., -ā̂, -iā̃ f.
Latin: geminus, -a, -um `zwillingsgeboren, Zwillings-; doppelt'
Celtic: OIr emuin `Zwilinge', emnatar `geminantur'
Russ. meaning: близнецы
References: WP I 207
Comments: Cf. Lith kemerī̃-s 'Zwillingsfrucht, besonders zwei zusammengewachsene Nüsse'
Proto-IE: *yeng'-
Meaning: illness
Old Indian: yákṣma-, -man- m. `sickness, consumption'
Slavic: *ję̄gā/*ję̄ʒā
Baltic: *in̂g-ia-, *in̂g- (2) vb. intr., *in̂g-ia- adj., *in̂g-n-a- (2) adj.
Germanic: *ink-an- m.; *ink-a- adj.
Albanian: íδɛtɛ bitter, iδɛrím, geg. iδɛním Bitterkeit, Zorn, Aerger, Trauer
Russ. meaning: болезнь
References: WP I 9 f
Proto-IE: *yes- (Gr zd-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to boil
Tokharian: A, B yäs- 'excite, excite sexually' (Adams 500)
Old Indian: yasati, yásyati `to froth up, foam; to strive after'
Avestan: yaēšyeiti `siedet (intr.)'
Old Greek: zdéō, aor. zdé(s)sai̯, ezdésthai, pf. ézdesmai̯ `kochen, wallen, sieden (intr.)'; zdéma n. `das Kochen, Dekokt', zdóē = tò epánō toû mélitos Hsch.
Germanic: *jís-a- vb.; *jṓs-a- adj.; *jṓs-ia- vb., *jḗs-ia- vb., *jis-tu- c., *jis-t-a- n., *jaz-já- vb.
Celtic: Cymr ias `fervor, ebullitio'
Russ. meaning: кипеть, кипятить
References: WP I 208
Proto-IE: *y[e]udh- (Gr h-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to fall upon, to attack, to shake
Old Indian: ud-yodhati `to bubble up (as water); to fly into a passion', yúdhyate, yodhati `to fight', yúdh- m. `fighter', f. `war, combat', yudhmá- m. `warrior, hero'
Avestan: yūiδyeinti `sie kämpfen', yaošti- `Rührigkeit, Emsigkeit', yaozaiti `gerät in unruhige Bewegung'
Other Iranian: OPers yaudatīy `gerät in unruhige Bewegung'
Old Greek: hüsmī́nǟ f. (auch dat. hüsmī̂ni) `Schlacht, Kampf'
Slavic: *jūdo, *jūdītī; [ *ojьmīnъ, pl. *ojьmī `Krieger' ]
Baltic: *jaûd-ā̂ (1) f., jaũd-a- c., *jud-ē̂- (*jud-a-) vb., *jud-r-u- adj., *jū̂d-ī̂- (1/2) vb.
Latin: iubeō (OLat ioubeatis CIL I 196:27), -ēre, iussī (OLat ious(s)ī), iussum `einen etwas heissen, befehlen', iussum n. `Befehl'
Celtic: OCymr, OCorn, OBret Jud- `Kampf' in MN
Russ. meaning: набрасываться, трясти etc.
References: WP I 203 f
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