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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *lic(w)V ( ~ -c`(w)-)
Meaning: to press, squeeze
Uralic: *ličV (*ĺićV)
Kartvelian: Georg. lec̣- 'dreschen; zerschmettern, zerstören'
Dravidian: NDr *nisg- 'to smooth, smooth'
References: ND 1347 *ĺiħć̣V ( ~ *l̄-) 'press, squeeze' ( + Sem.).
Eurasiatic: *liṗV
Meaning: smear
Indo-European: *leip-
Altaic: *làjp`V
Uralic: BF *lipa, *lipeδa 'slippery' (SKES 297); Nen. lapćē- 'festkleben'
Kartvelian: *lap- / *lp- (+ *liṗ- 653)
Dravidian: *nīv-/*nivur-
References: МССНЯ 347, ОСНЯ 2, 18 (с неясностями). ND 1309 *Laṗa 'stick to; mould' (part of Alt. + Nen.); 1311 *LipV 'fat; to smear with fat' (IE + part of Alt. + Drav. + SH); 1322 *LiP(ħ)a 'to stick, sticky, glue; make earthenware' (more or less same forms) (with very dub. SH parallels); 1320 *LüpiʔV 'to slip' (Kartv. liṗ- + weak IE + BF).
Eurasiatic: *loḳV
Meaning: fox, lynx
Indo-European: *luḱ-
Altaic: *l[ù]k`V
Uralic: *lujV (? = *luKV); *lokka (Coll. 3) (see AD)
Kartvelian: *leḳw-
Dravidian: *nakk-
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *ɫeqɫŭ (cf. also *lhiɣ(ʷ)ŋǝ 'wolf')
References: МССНЯ 347, ОСНЯ 2, 34-35; ND 1284 *l̄uḳV 'canine'. The IE nasalized *lunḱ- is compared (ND 1308 *LuŋḲE 'beast of prey') with part of PA *ĺeŋgV 'predator' and some sporadic Cush. forms.
Eurasiatic: *loŋV
Meaning: lynx, sable
Indo-European: *lunk' 'lynx' (the nas. variant)
Altaic: *lúŋa 'a k. of fur animal'
Uralic: ObU *läŋkз 'squirrel', Mar. lumšo 'соболь' < FU*loŋa/ä
Eskimo-Aleut: *nanu- ?
References: Дыбо 1996, 8.
Eurasiatic: *luku
Meaning: naked, take off clothes
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *nogʷ- ( < *logʷ- with assimilations?)
Altaic: *lùku ( ~ *ĺ-, -o-, -k`-)
Eurasiatic: *lUkV
Meaning: cut, destroy
Indo-European: *lūg'-
Altaic: *loko
Uralic: *lewe (Dolg.: *l/ḷü[ɣ]e- 'strike, chop')
References: ND 1275 *Lu/ükE 'to beat, strike, break' (IE + Ur. + Sem.); ? 1277 *Lo[ʔ]ika 'cutting instrument' (Alt. + IE *sleig- 2663?).
Eurasiatic: *lukV
Meaning: bow, bend
Indo-European: *leug-
Altaic: *luke
Uralic: ObU *ḷȫk 'ring' (ND 1271)
Dravidian: *nūk- (can also belong to *ńVḳV)
Comments: Cf. also PA *làk`ù; PIE *lek(')- (2722).
References: ОСНЯ 3, 61-66; ND 1273 *Luka 'to bend'; 1588 *[ń]üḲ[ü] 'to lie down, sink, low' (same Alt. (Turk.) + same Drav. + Ural. with an altern. etymology + some Cush.).
Eurasiatic: *luḳV
Meaning: to push (through)
Altaic: *lúk`ì ( ~ -o-)
Uralic: *likkä- (*lükkä-)
References: (МССНЯ 366), ОСНЯ 2, 28-29, ND 1280 *ḷük(V)ʔA ~ *ḷüḲA 'push, shove, thrust, fasten to' ( + Drav., q.v. sub *ńukV and some dub. SH; Ur. *δ́OkkV see sub 2793 *ʒ̂oḳV...); cf. also PA *li̯ū́k`à.
Eurasiatic: *lUlV
Meaning: to ask
Altaic: *ĺi̯ul[o]
Uralic: *lilV (*lülV) beten, opfern
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *lumV
Meaning: important thing; witchcraft ?
Altaic: *numu ( ~ l-, -i)
Uralic: *luma
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *lumV ?
Meaning: a small wild animal
Altaic: *lumV
Uralic: *ńoma(-lV)
Comments: For phonology cf. 'name'?
Eurasiatic: *luńgV ?
Meaning: snow
Altaic: *ĺū̀ńi ( ~ -e)
Uralic: *luŋ́e (?Red. *lume)
References: МССНЯ 366, ОСНЯ 3, 34-35; ND 1300 *l̄(E[G])ume 'wet/cold weather, dew' (+Berb. and very dub. Cush.).
Eurasiatic: *lUŋ(k)V
Meaning: to split, bore
Borean: Borean
Altaic: *lòŋé ( ~ -u-)
Uralic: *lOŋkV sich spalten
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *L[ü]ḳa
Meaning: to swallow
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *lawǝk- / -e-
Kartvelian: Georg. luḳm- 'eat with appetite'
Dravidian: Tamil-Malayalam *nUgar- 'to enjoy; to swallow' (SDR 3100)
Comments: Cf. *laḳV
Eurasiatic: *lV
Meaning: to wait, hide
Indo-European: *lā-
Kartvelian: Georg. l- 'wait for'
References: ND 1254 *LVʕa 'to hide, lie hid, lie in wait' ( + some Cush.).
Eurasiatic: *ĺVbV?
Meaning: a k. of plant
Indo-European: *labug'-
Altaic: *ĺábó
Eurasiatic: *lVCV
Meaning: to wear out; weak, exhausted
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *las-
Uralic: *läńćV ~ *läćV; *lońća; ? FP *luškV 'weak, loose', *luša; Ug. *lOćV ; FP *lawča
Kartvelian: *les-
Dravidian: *nas-
Comments: Cf. PA *laǯV 'heavy, clumsy'; PU *laćke- ~ *laśke- 'let go, release'.
References: МССНЯ 365, ОСНЯ 2, 16-17. ND 1328 *LASV 'be weak, worn out' (with very dub. SH); 1331 *l̄UšV 'weak'.
Eurasiatic: *lVdV
Meaning: ice, bad weather
Indo-European: *lad(h)- / -e- лед
Altaic: Ud. lada дождь со снегом ТМС 1, 486. // монг халх. зад 1 ненастье, непогода / бур. зада
Comments: ? Cf. PAA *ladVn- ~ *lVnd- (?) 'wet, soak'.
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *lVgV
Meaning: to lie
Indo-European: *legh-
Altaic: *ni̯ugu ( ~ l-)
Uralic: ? ObU *ḷīɣ- 'fall off'
Kartvelian: *lag- / *lg-
References: МССНЯ 346, ОСНЯ 2, 35-36; ND 1265 *ḷe/iga 'lie down; lay, put' ( + Chad.; w/o Alt. which he erroneously ascribes to *lukE 'gather').
Eurasiatic: *lVgV ?
Meaning: rod, strap
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *(o)log'-
Altaic: *lŭge ( ~ -i) ?
Uralic: FV *l/ḷukšV 'lash, whip'
References: ND 1279 *Luk(ʔ)V 'flexible rod, thong', 1295 *l̄uḲUžV ~ *l̄uk/ḲšV 'twig, strap, lash, whip'.
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