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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ṗVjNV
Meaning: bone, tooth
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: (see under *pVxwV?)
Altaic: *p`èjńé
Uralic: *piŋe
Dravidian: ?*purn-
Eurasiatic: *ṗVjrV
Meaning: to turn, revolve
Indo-European: *sper-
Altaic: *p`i̯áru
Uralic: *pOrkV (*pOrɣV)
Dravidian: *pir-
References: ND 1784 *P_oRwV 'to turn, revolve' ( ? + EChad. Ke.); 1805 *P_eŕḲV(ʕa) 'to turn round, twist' (IE *sperg- + Ur. + Alt. from *ṗVrV + Berb. and dub. Arab.). Cf. *ṗVrV.
Eurasiatic: *ṗVjV
Meaning: part, to separate
Altaic: *p`āji
Uralic: *pejV
Eurasiatic: *ṗV(jV) (? *HVṗV) ?
Meaning: behind
Indo-European: *op-
Uralic: *pujV
Eurasiatic: *ṗVḳV
Meaning: to lie
Altaic: *p`ok`e
Uralic: *päkkV
Eurasiatic: *ṗVḳV ??
Meaning: cattle
Indo-European: *pek'-u- [if not < NC *bhä̆ƛ̣wĭ]
Altaic: *p`ŏk`i (-ŕV) ( ~-e)
References: МССНЯ 365, ОСНЯ 3, 126-128; ND 1681 *ṗoḲü 'pack, wild cattle'
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlgV
Meaning: to pray, sacrifice
Indo-European: *bhlag'h-m-en-
Altaic: *p`i̯ŏlge
Dravidian: *vēḷ- (?)
References: Suggested by V. Glumov. (w/o Drav.)
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlHV
Meaning: flat, level
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *pAl[a]-, *plā- <PIH *pAlH[a]-> (+ *pel- 903)
Altaic: *p`ā̀la
Uralic: *pälV (?)
Kartvelian: *ṗrṭq̇el-
Dravidian: *paḷ- 'plain, valley'
References: МССНЯ 372; ND 1689 *ṗal[o] 'open ground, plain', 1708 *[p][o]l̄χ/q/Ga 'broad and flat' (IE + Berb.), 1719 *[p]aLqaṭV ~ *[p]aLṭVqV 'broad and flat'.
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlŋV
Meaning: palm (of hand)
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *palǝm-, *palǝn-
Altaic: *p`ā́lŋa ( ~ -e)
Uralic: *piŋV
Comments: [Ur. perhaps better with IE *penkʷ-?]
References: ОСНЯ 3, 93-95; ND 1730 *ṗaĺHiŋa 'palm of hand' (w/o Ur.; + Chad.). ?Cf. PAN *palaj 'palm of hand, sole of foot'.
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: grey, ashes
Indo-European: *pele- / *plē- (+ *pel- 892)
Altaic: *p`olńe
Uralic: *pelme (*peĺme)
Kartvelian: *per- 'gray' (+ perpl- 'ashes')
Dravidian: *puḷ-
Eskimo-Aleut: *palqǝ
References: ND 1715 *p[u]ḷi[č̣]V 'gray', 1721 *pe/Uĺu/ü(-ńE) 'dust, ashes' (+Chad.); the two roots are hardly different.
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: wash, flow
Indo-European: *plewǝ- (also some forms < *pelǝ-; perhaps also *palw- 'mud, swamp')
Altaic: *p`ṓle
Uralic: *pilkV (pülkV) ( = Dolg. ND 1713 *pi/ül[w]V ~ *piwlV); cf. also Ug. *pOlV
Dravidian: *pòl- (cf. also Tam. pulumu, Tel. polampuni 'clean, wash')
References: ND 1692 *pUḷu 'to spring forth' (IE + wrong Alt.), 1702 *ṗol̄HE 'to be liquid, wet' (Alt + some IE + Brah, which can belong to *bVlV); 1713 *[ṗ]ül(uy)V 'to wash' (Ural.+Germ.+ Drav. *pUl- + Chad.).
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: red, yellowish
Indo-European: *palu̯-
Altaic: *pule ( ~ p`-, -ĺ-)
Uralic: *piĺmV ?
Dravidian: *Pul-
References: ND 1698 *P_ulʡ/ħ[ü] 'red, yellowish, pale' (+ Akk. and Musgu). Cf. PAN *pulah, *pulaq 'red'.
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: leaf tree
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *p(t)el-
Altaic: *p`i̯ule
References: МССНЯ 369; ND 1724 *P_uĺ/ḷ(V)ʔV 'tree (poplar or sim.)' (+ dub. Sem. and Drav.).
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: run, drive
Indo-European: *pel- (WP 2, 57)
Altaic: *p`ĕ̀ĺo
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: cloth, cover
Indo-European: *pel- (+897?)
Altaic: *p`i̯ole
Kartvelian: ? *pal-
Dravidian: *poḷ-
References: Bomhard 1996, 148-149; ND 1842 *P_oẑ(V)ʡV 'to become hard on the surface, hard surface' (IE-Drav., but hardly Ur.; + Arab.?).
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: cheek ?
Borean: Borean
Altaic: *p`ŭ̀lo
Uralic: peljä
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *vilvǝ-
Eurasiatic: *ṗVĺV
Meaning: feather, tail
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *pVl- (WH 304-305, Mayrh. 314) 'hair'
Altaic: *p`UlV > Mong. hö-dün 'feather'; PTM *pul- (ТМС 2, 343, 344, 346)
Uralic: *poĺa
Kartvelian: Svan. ṗil- 'tail'
Dravidian: *pīl-i ( + *pilVka 'tuft, knot of hair')
References: ND 1691 *[p]ilV 'hair, tuft of hair, feather' (w/o Ural.).
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: grass
Indo-European: *(s)pelǝw- / -e-
Dravidian: *pul- (*-i-) (cf. also *poḷ- 'husk, chaff' 1316)
References: ND 1702a *P_ulV[Hu] 'grass' (some Alt. forms - see under *ṗVlV 'wash, flow' - can belong here through contamination). Cf. ST*p(h)ōl 'straw, chaff'.
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: fly, midge
Borean: Borean
Altaic: *p`i̯oli ( ~ -ĺ-)
Uralic: *pElV
References: ND 1694a *ṗ[UʔE]lV 'stinging insect'.
Eurasiatic: *ṗVlV
Meaning: girl
Indo-European: *paly-
Dravidian: *piḷ-
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
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