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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *jV[cw]V
Meaning: to hurry, move quickly
Indo-European: *eis-
Altaic: *ĭ̀če
Uralic: *y[o]sV 'to ski, toboggan'
Kartvelian: ? *ć̣-
Dravidian: *is- (*e-, *-j-)
Comments: Expected *č or *ć in Ur.
References: ND 2650 *yosV 'to go / run, go away' (Ur. + IE + dub. TM + Arab. + ??Eg.).
Eurasiatic: *jVcwV ( ~ -c`w-)
Meaning: ice, snow
Indo-European: *eis-
Uralic: *jačV (cf. also *josV)
Comments: ? Cf. SC *jVmʒV or NC *jansē.
Eurasiatic: *jVgU
Meaning: to drink
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *ēgʷh-
Uralic: *juɣe- (*juke-)
Comments: Cf. also Yuk. and CK forms in *HVwV.
References: ND 2623 *yugE 'drink' (Ur. + incorr. Turk. + ECush.); 118 *ʕ[E]gu 'drink' (IE + SH).
Eurasiatic: *jVgV
Meaning: son, child
Altaic: *i̯uga
Uralic: *(j)EkV ~ *(j)EɣV
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *jVHV
Meaning: belt
Indo-European: *jōsʌ-
Uralic: *jäje
Dravidian: *jā-
References: МССНЯ 356, ОСНЯ 1, 278-279.
Eurasiatic: *jVkV
Meaning: ice, cold
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *i̯eǵ-
Uralic: *jäkšV (cf. also *jakša )
Dravidian: *ēk-
References: ND 2625 *yäka 'ice, cold' (+ Om.).
Eurasiatic: *jVḳV
Meaning: light, shine
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *Ayǝk'-
Altaic: *i̯ā́k`V
Uralic: FV *yakś(te)rV 'red', Sam. *yekV 'white'
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *joqa-
References: ND 762 *[h]awka 'light, bright' (Turk. + IE *aug- + SH ?); 2628 *yäḲE 'bright, white' (rest of Alt. + Ur., IE).
Eurasiatic: *jVlV
Meaning: to drive, follow
Altaic: *ile
Uralic: *jälV
Eurasiatic: *jVmV
Meaning: hole
Indo-European: *i̯ām-
Altaic: *i̯ámu
Uralic: *umV
Eurasiatic: *jVmV
Meaning: to go, come
Altaic: *ema ( ~ -o)
Uralic: *jomV
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *jVn[č]V
Meaning: middle, inside
Altaic: *ič`u
Uralic: *junča ~ *juča
Comments: Cf. *ńVŋźV.
Eurasiatic: *jVnV
Meaning: speak, sound
Borean: Borean
Altaic: *i̯ùjŋula ?
Uralic: *äne
Dravidian: *jan-
Comments: Altaic *i̯ùjŋula should rather be compared with PDR *áŋal- "to weep, grieve".
References: ND 2635 *yän[h/ʔ]V ~ *ʔänh/ʔV 'to speak, say'.
Eurasiatic: *jVńV
Meaning: year, moon cycle
Altaic: *ā́ńu
Dravidian: *jōnḍ-
Comments: Esk.-Al. *-ani 'year (in compounds); (Amer.) anin-ʁa 'the new moon'.
Eurasiatic: *jVnV
Meaning: cut, carve
Altaic: *i̯ŭ́ne
Uralic: *jenV-
Eurasiatic: *jVŋšV
Meaning: crack, crush
Altaic: *ìsú
Uralic: ? *jaŋša (cf. rather PPerm. *iz- 'to crush, grind')
Dravidian: NDr. *isg- 'to crack, split'
Comments: Cf. *ʔi[č]V
References: ND 787 *hiŝE 'to break' (+ Arab.). [Cf. PAN *esuŋ, *lesuŋ 'mortar'; *isi 'scrape, grate'].
Eurasiatic: *jVṗV
Meaning: sharp stick
Altaic: *i̯ap`u
Uralic: *jäpśe
Eurasiatic: *jVrV
Meaning: to curse, be angry
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *ares- <PIH *a->
Altaic: *ī́ru
Uralic: *jerV
Dravidian: SDr *īr_- 'anger, grief, fury'
References: ND 2643 *yerV 'misfortune, to curse, be angry' (Ur.-Drav., incorr. Alt. + Arab. ?).
Eurasiatic: *jVŕV
Meaning: two, pair
Borean: Borean
Altaic: *ŏŕe ( ~ -i)
Uralic: *jOrtV
Kartvelian: *jor-
Dravidian: *ir-
References: ND 2525 *wor(y)[E] 'another' (?? whence *w-?) (w/o Ur.; + some Cush.).
Eurasiatic: *jVṭV
Meaning: friend, enemy
Uralic: Ug. *yuttV 'friend'
Dravidian: SDr *ētVl- 'enemy'
References: ND 2651 *yu(.)t[i] 'with, beside' (Ur. + Sem. + some gramm. suffixes), 2652 *yaHṭV 'stranger, foreigner' (Drav. + incorr. Turk. + sub. Eg.).
Eurasiatic: *jVwV (*ʔVjwV)
Meaning: a k. of tree
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *eyǝw-
Uralic: *juwV
References: ND 2653 *yuwV 'a k. of tree'.
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