Notes:Another possibility should be considered if Eg -ꜣ- goes back to *r. In this case, comparison with CCh *ʔir- 'old' (Mw iʔiri, Bch ʔiyrey and the like) leads to the reconstruction of Afras *ʔir- 'be old'.
Notes:Cf. Bla. Eleph., 204: NOm., NBauchi and, with a question mark, CCh. (Gidar and Lame) which may not belong here. The Anlaut *ʔ- is proposed on a very tentative basis: in Ngizim, acc. to Stolb., 1996, 74 *h- and *ʔ- may render 0, while in Yaaku, acc. to Bla. CL., 2, only *ʔ yields 0. Cf. HSED 2658: WCh *ǯun-H- 'rhinoceros' (in North Bauchi: acc. to Skin NB 26, all the forms quoted in HSED mean 'hippopotamus'); CCh *čuwan- ("irregulat *č-") 'elephant', ECh *ǯun- id.; Afaw *ǯihun- id.
Notes:Cf. HSED, 126 *ʔudun-/*ʔuǯun- (Sem.; Eg. with the comment ʔi- palatalized from *ʔ- under the influence of *-u-; EChad.). The Eg. ʔi- may render *ʔi-: cf. ʔi-, not ʔu-, in part of Sem. (Syr. and MSA), and both possibilities in NEth.
Notes:*ʕ- in Agaw, reconstructed relying on Bilin, may probably be explained by contamination with Afras. *ʕayn- 'eye'. Cf. *ʔilal- 'see, look' (1465), with the same reflexation of *ʔ- as ʕ- in Bilin.