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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔil- (?)
Meaning: leather container
Semitic: *ʔil- 'leather sack'
Western Chadic: *ʔalay- 'skin bottle used as an oil container'
Notes: Insufficient data. See *ʔilm- ~ *ʔalim- 'skin' (2973).
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔilab-
Meaning: wall
Egyptian: ỉnb (AE) 'wall'
East Chadic: *labVH- 'fence'
Notes: Another possible reconstruction is *labiʔ-
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔilal-
Meaning: see, look
Western Chadic: *(H)yal- 'see'
East Chadic: *HiwVll- 'see'
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *ʕalal- 'look' (?)
Saho-Afar: *ʔilal- 'watch' 1, 'look' 2
Low East Cushitic: *ʔilal- 'watch' 1, 'look' 2
Dahalo (Sanye): ʔeley- 'know'
Notes: Unexpected ʕ- in Bilin. Related to *ʔil- 'eye', with the same reflexation of *ʔ- as ʕ- in Bilin.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔilkʷ-
Meaning: tooth
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ʔ/ʕVlVk- ~ *ʕalik- 'chew, gnaw' 1, 'molars' 2
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *ʔilkʷ- 'tooth'
Low East Cushitic: *ʔilkʷ- 'tooth'
High East Cushitic: *ʔilk- 'tooth'
Warazi (Dullay): *ʔilg- 'tooth'
Notes: Cf. SCu: Kwz iŝikuko id.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔillaw/y- (?)
Meaning: saliva
Semitic: *ʔillaw/y-t- 'saliva'
Western Chadic: *ʔulli- 'saliva'
East Chadic: *ʔVlaw- 'saliva'
Notes: Insufficient data.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔilm- ~ *ʔalim-
Meaning: skin
Semitic: *ʔalim- 'tanned hide used as a cushion'
Berber: *Hilm 'skin'
Egyptian: ỉnm 'skin'
Western Chadic: *ʔalm-Vn- 'hide' ~ *lamoʔ- (met.) 'to skin'
Notes: Derived from *ʔil- 'leather container' ? For *-Vm- see *ʔad-Vm- 'hide, skin'. Cf. HSED, 101: Eg.-Copt.; WCh.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔi-mar-
Meaning: goat, ram
Semitic: *ʔimmi/ar- 'lamb'
Western Chadic: *mar- 'goat' 1, 'ram' 2
Saho-Afar: *marw- 'ram'
Omotic: *mar- 'sheep'
Notes: HSED No. 1729
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔin-
Meaning: cord; tie
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Egyptian: ỉny 'cord' (MK)
Western Chadic: *ʔin- 'tie'
Central Chadic: *ʔin- 'tie'
East Chadic: *ʔVn-/*ʔVwVn- 'tie'
Notes: Cf. *wan-.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔin- (?)
Meaning: flow, be wet
Semitic: *ʔin- 'spread (of water)'
Western Chadic: *ʔVn- 'be wet'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔinawal-/*ʔinayal-
Meaning: kind of plant
Egyptian: ỉnwn 'kind of plant' (med)
East Chadic: *ʔinayal- 'grass'
Notes: An ancient composite or a structure with a prefix *ʔi-?
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *(ʔi-n)gur(gur)-
Meaning: knee; foot
Semitic: *ʔi(n)gi/ur- 'foot'
Western Chadic: *n-gar- 'leg'
East Chadic: *(gV)gVr- 'knee'
South Cushitic: *gurungu(n)d- (redupl.) 'knee' SO
Omotic: *gurā-t- 'knee' SO
Notes: Note a stunning (chance?) similarity between S. Cush. and E. Chad. (Sokoro) in: (1) reduplication, (2) inserted -n- (a variant stem *gurungurun- to be reconstructed as common Afras.?), and (3) the enigmatic -d- of the last syllable. / / Cf. [HSED 962]: S. Cush. and Sokoro. / / Cf. Sum. GÌR /ŋir/ 'leg, foot' [AHw 1214]
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔint-
Meaning: louse
Central Chadic: Mada étet 'louse' [BaMad] Cf. 1145
East Chadic: *ʔint- 'louse'
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *ʔant-/*ʔint- 'louse'
South Cushitic: *ʔit- /*ʔitin- 'louse'
Dahalo (Sanye): it(t)a 'louse'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔi(n)ṭ-
Meaning: eye
Berber: *tV-(H)iṭṭ 'eye'
Western Chadic: *ti-[']at- (cf. also *ʔid-)
Central Chadic: *ʔi(n)d- 'eye' (?)
East Chadic: *ʔi/ud- 'eye' (?)
Low East Cushitic: *ʔinṭ- 'eye'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔir-
Meaning: eat, bite
Egyptian: ỉr (gr) 'eat'
Western Chadic: *ʔVr- 'bite'
Saho-Afar: Afar ar 'bite'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔir-
Meaning: eye
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Egyptian: *ʔir- 'eye'
Western Chadic: *yir- (<*ʔir-) 'eye'
Central Chadic: *ʔiray- 'eye'
East Chadic: *ʔEr- 'eye'
Beḍauye (Beja): iray 'see'
South Cushitic: *ʔar- 'to see'
Notes: Cf. HSED, 112 *ʔir- 'eye' (Eg. and Ch.) and 75 *ʔer- 'see, know' (ECh. 'see'; Beja iray-, iree 'see' which is a mistake: it means 'das Wissen, Kunde' in Rein. Beḍ, 30; Agaw 'know'; Wrz. 'know'; Om. 'know'; and Rift 'see') with the question "Related to HS *ʔir- "eye"?". Cf. also HSED, 2104 *reʔ- 'see' (part of Sem. and Beja).
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔiriʔ-
Meaning: wine
Semitic: *ʔiriʔ- 'beer drags'
Egyptian: iꜣrr.t (AE) 'wine berry'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔirVy- ~ *ʔVwVrr-
Meaning: stick
Semitic: *ʔary- 'twig, stick'
Egyptian: ꜣry.t 'kind of stick' (MK)
East Chadic: *ʔVwVrr- 'stick'
Notes: Related to *ruy-'tree' (1707)?
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔirw/y- ~ *ʔawr-
Meaning: bull, calf
Semitic: *ʔi/arw-ān- ~ *ʔawr- 'calf, bull'
Berber: HirVy 'calf'
Egyptian: *ʔir(y) 'calf'
Western Chadic: *ʔarwa 'ox'
Beḍauye (Beja): rēw 'cow'
Saho-Afar: *ʔawr- 'bull'
Low East Cushitic: *ʔawr- 'bull, he-camel'
High East Cushitic: *ʔarr- 'bull, calf'
Mogogodo (Yaaku): rɛh-ɛʔ 'calf' (<*riʔ- met.?) (?)
Omotic: *Harr- 'cow'
Notes: Cf. *war- 'cow, calf; antelope' (3614). Cf. HSED 2527: Eg, Hs warari 'vicious bull'; Bl. Beja F 22; Dolg
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔis-
Meaning: fire
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ʔišs- 'fire'
Berber: *HVs- 'big fire'
Western Chadic: *ʔyas- 'fire'
East Chadic: *ʔis- make fire' 1, 'burn' 2
Notes: Cf. Rift *ʔaŝ- 'fire' (Irq aŝa, Gor aŝa, Alg aŝa, Bur aŝa) with a lateral *-ŝ-.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔiS- (?)
Meaning: call
Egyptian: ỉꜣš = ʕš 'call'
Western Chadic: *ʔyaŝ- 'speak'
East Chadic: Jegu say- 'say'
Low East Cushitic: Elmolo -ose- 'say' Black
Omotic: Ong ʔis, Dizi (Nayi) yis- (perf.) Bnd Om 216
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