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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔa-nwan-
Meaning: breast, udder
Western Chadic: *ʔanʔan- ~ *nwan- 'udder' 1 ,'breast' 2
Central Chadic: *ʔVy/wan- 'breast, milk'
East Chadic: Somrai nae, nii 'milk', náē 'udder'[Luk:80]
Low East Cushitic: *ʔVnw- 'breast'
High East Cushitic: *Hanun- 'breast'
Notes: HEC may alternatively be <*nVʕay- 'breast, udder'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *(ʔa-n-)ǯVr-
Meaning: feline, viverra
Semitic: *ʔa(n)d_ar- 'kind of wild cat'
Western Chadic: *ǯar- 'lion'
Central Chadic: *ǯar- 'leopard'
East Chadic: *ʔV-ǯur- 'leopard'
Low East Cushitic: *ʔaǯur- 'viverra'
High East Cushitic: *ʔadurr- 'cat'
Warazi (Dullay): *ʔatur- 'wild cat'
South Cushitic: *ǯeʔir- 'viverra'
Omotic: *ǯeHer- 'viverra'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔa-par-
Meaning: sheep, goat
Semitic: *parr- 'lamb'
South Cushitic: *ʔafur- 'he-goat'
Mogogodo (Yaaku): *ʔapur 'sheep'
Notes: Related to *ʔa-pVr- 'bull, calf; buffalo'?
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔa-pay-
Meaning: mouth
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *pay- 'mouth' ~ *ʔap- 'mouth; opening'
Western Chadic: *ʔap- ~ *faw(H)- 'throw into the mouth' 1, 'yawn' 2, 'open' 3, 'mouth'
Beḍauye (Beja): yaaf 'mouth'
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *ʔaff- 'mouth'
Saho-Afar: *ʔaf- 'mouth'
Low East Cushitic: *ʔaf- 'mouth'
High East Cushitic: *ʔafaw/ʔ- 'mouth'
South Cushitic: *ʔaf- 'mouth'
Dahalo (Sanye): afo 'lip, mouth'
Omotic: *ʔap- 'mouth'
Notes: Related to *p/faw/y-? Cf. HSED, 46: Sem *ʔanp- 'nose'; Beja, Agaw, Saho-Afar, LEC, HEC, SC, Dah.; Om.; HSED, 47 *ʔap-/*wap- 'to yawn, open mouth' : Eg.; WCh.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔa-pVr-
Meaning: bull, calf; buffalo
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *parr- 'young of small or large cattle'
Egyptian: pry 'bull fight' (?)
Western Chadic: *fir- 'k. of antelope'
Central Chadic: *fu/ir- 'buffalo'
Warazi (Dullay): *ʔafur- 'new-born calf' (?)
Notes: Tak. II, 473-4; HSED 1950 (Ug, Hbr, Arb; Eg. pry 'bull-fight'; C.Ch.: Mba.); Dolg. SHAN No. 22a. Related to *ʔa-par- 'sheep, goat'?
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔaq-
Meaning: field
Semitic: *ʔaḫ- 'meadow'
Egyptian: ꜣḥ.t 'fertile land' (NK) - Cf.
Central Chadic: *xaxa- 'ground' 1, 'clay' 2
East Chadic: *ʔak- 'field'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔar-
Meaning: elephant/hippopotamus
Semitic: *ʔVrw-at- 'female elephant'
Central Chadic: *ʔarV- 'hippopotamus'
Saho-Afar: ̃̃
Low East Cushitic: *ʔV̄r- 'male elephant'
High East Cushitic: (?) *rV̄ʔ- 'hippopotamus'
South Cushitic: (?) *ʔar- 'large herbivore'
Dahalo (Sanye): *ʔār-Vl- 'large antilope (eland)'
Omotic: *ʔayir(-in)- 'hippopotamus'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *(ʔa-)ram-
Meaning: enclosed, fortified dwelling area
Semitic: *ʔaram- 'fortified palace'
Western Chadic: *ram- 'village, town' 1, 'place' 2
Central Chadic: *ʔV-rVm- 'house', 'build (a wall)' 2
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔarar-
Meaning: container
Semitic: *ʔarar- 'barrel (for grain) (?)'
Egyptian: ỉrr 'vessel' (n)
Low East Cushitic: *ʔarar- 'basket'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔarb-
Meaning: elephant; (rhinoceros)
Egyptian: *ʔVrbVʔ 'rhinoceros (?)'
Central Chadic: *ʔarf- 'elephant' (?)
Low East Cushitic: *ʔarb- 'elephant'
High East Cushitic: *ʔarb- 'elephant'
Warazi (Dullay): *ʔarap- (<*ʔarab-) 'elephant'
Notes: One wonders whether this root may have been derived from Afras. *ʔar- 'elephant/hippopotamus' (3628), with the -b formant (of harmful animals?). Cf. Blaz. Eleph. 198, 203. In CCh (Kotoko group) *-f versus *-b in other Afrasian is difficult to explain. Cf. ECush: Oromo rōbī, rōṗī; Burji rōbḗ; Sidamo robē, robicco, Darasa rōṗe reconstructed by Blazek as *robH- 'hippopotamus' (Bla. Eleph., 203; add also Geleba rooṗe id. Huds. HEC, 80), likely related with the present root. Blazek also includes in *robH- two forms which are probably related to *lVʔVb- ~ *ʔVlb- 'elephant/hippopotamus' (131).
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔariĉ̣-
Meaning: earth
Semitic: *ʔar(V)ṣ̂- 'earth'
Western Chadic: *HVriĉ̣- 'earth'
Central Chadic: *HVrV[ŝ]- 'earth'
East Chadic: *ʔiraĉ̣- 'valley'
Low East Cushitic: *ʔar(V)d- 'earth' (<Arb.?) (?)
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔariw-
Meaning: metal
Semitic: *w/ʔVrVw/y- 'copper'
Central Chadic: *ʔa/ir- 'iron'
East Chadic: *ʔarr- 'iron'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔaruy-
Meaning: (wild?) goat; sheep
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ʔarwiy- 'wild goat, gazelle'
Berber: *HarVy (*H <*ʔ/*h) 'sheep, small cattle'
Western Chadic: *ʔ/war- 'ram, goat'
East Chadic: *ʔVwr- ~ *ʔarw- 'goats' 1, 'duiker' 2
Saho-Afar: *ʔVray- 'goat'
Low East Cushitic: *ʔVri(r)- ~ *riʔ- 'goat'
High East Cushitic: *ʔaray- 'sheep/bushbuck'
South Cushitic: *ʔari 'goat'
Mogogodo (Yaaku): *ʔVrVr- 'antelope sp.'
Omotic: *Har(y) 'flock of sheep'
Notes: Cf. Tak. 94,136: comp. Eg. ʕr 'goat' with SCu (<*ʔ-, not ʕ-, which Takac himself sygnalizes) and Dah ēri (mistake: should be hééri - in Ehr., and EhrEldNurse 15). The Chad. forms compared with Eg. ʕr 'she-goat' ([Tak. ibid.]; accepted by [Tak I 136-7]) are reconstructed with *ʕ-. This contradicts the correspondences proposed by Stolbova: for the Sura group, to which Mnt. and Grk. belong [Stolb. 1996 7], Afras. and P. Chad *ʔ- and *ʕ- yield *ʔ- [ibid. 74, table 7], while in the Lai group, to which Lele belongs [ibid. 8], the situation with laryngeals is obscure [ibid. 74, table 7; 97, table 19]. Cf. HSED 50: Can.; Boni eriya, Rnd. ari (both not found in dict. available), Burji; SCu. Bl.Beja Fauna 22: Cu. Cf. Dolg. HSAn.names 2 (Sem, Beja), 4 (to Sem-Eg *ʕyr 'ass': Dah heri 'goat, sheep'; SCu ara 'goats'; WCh ur 'he-goat', Lele ōrē 'goats')
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔarVḫ-
Meaning: cow
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ʔarḫ-
Egyptian: ꜣḫ.t (gr) 'divine cow'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔarVḳ-
Meaning: earth, field
Semitic: *ʔaraḳ- 'earth'
Western Chadic: *ruḳ- 'field'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔarVm-
Meaning: root
Semitic: *ʔarum-
East Chadic: *ʔwaram-
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔa-rVw-
Meaning: lion
Berber: *HVwar- 'lion'
Egyptian: rw (pyr) 'lion'
Central Chadic: *ruw- 'hyaena' Cf. N 1666 'wild cat'
East Chadic: *ʔa-ruw- 'leopard'1, 'lion' 2
Low East Cushitic: *ʔar- 'lion'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *(ʔa-)rVwVy-
Meaning: tree
Egyptian: wry.t 'trees' (18)
Western Chadic: *riw- 'tree' 1, 'wood' 2
Central Chadic: *(ʔa-)wur- ~ *riway- 'tamarisk'
East Chadic: *ʔaraw- 'k. of tree'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔa-rway-
Meaning: husband, wife; family/clan member
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ʔary- 'family member, relative'
Egyptian: ỉry.t 'friend (fem.)' (old)
East Chadic: *rway- 'friend' 1, 'husband' 2
Beḍauye (Beja): reero 'relative' (cf. ʔoor 'child')
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *ʔar- 'husband'
Low East Cushitic: *ʔarr- ~ *rēr- 'wife' 1, 'clan' 2
High East Cushitic: *ʔarʔ- 'husband'
Omotic: *ʔar- 'husband'
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔary/w- ~ *(ʔV)w/yar-
Meaning: corn, seed, beans
Semitic: *ʔarw/y- 'edible plant'
Berber: *Hawr-an/*Harw-an 'flour, meal' (?)
Egyptian: ỉwry 'bean'
Western Chadic: *ʔVr- 'seed'
Central Chadic: *ʔiwar- ~ *ʔiraw- 'seed, corn, bean, nut'
East Chadic: *ʔa/irway- 'corn, seed'
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *ar- 'corn, crop'
Omotic: *yār- 'seed'
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