Mandaic Aramaic:giuiata (pl. of giuta 'body, interior, inside, entrails, etc. - чушь!) 'bodies, hence congregation, company of people' [DM 89]
Arabic:ǯāwāyin- 'campement, tentes des troupes' [BK 1 360] (broken pl.; sing. not attested)
Epigraphic South Arabian:SAB gw-m, gwy 'community group' [SD 51] MIN gw (*gwy) 'groupe formant une communauté' [LM 37] QAT gw (*gwy) 'body, group' [Ricks 36]
Geʕez (Ethiopian):ge 'territory' [LGz 172]; cf. gogawa 'to be numerous, come in a large group' [LGz 185] and tagāwǝha 'to assemble, gather, accumulate' [LGz 207] with unexplained -h.
Amharic:ge 'country, town' [LGur 254]
Argobba:ge 'country, town' [LGur 254]
Harari:gē 'the city of Harar, city, side of' [LHar 66]
East Ethiopic:WOL ge, SEL gē 'country, land, village' [LGur 254]
Notes:Counter to [DRS 107] и [DK 149] (with another choice of examples and diff. interpretation) differs from SEM *gay/wVʔ- 'valley, depression, lowland': HBR gay(ʔ) 'valley' [KB 188], JUD gayyā 'glen, wady' [Ja 233]; ARB ǯaww-, pl. ǯiwāʔ- 'terrain déprimé, encaissé, fond de la vallée; champ, plaine', cf. ǯuwwat- 'creux dans la montagne' [BK 1 348]; ǯiwāʔ- (ǯwy) 'vallée, terrain encaissé', ǯawiyy- 'eau fétide; mauvais, qui ne convient pas à quelqu'un (pays, climat)' [ibid. 360]; ǯiyyat- (under ǯwy [ibid.] и ǯyʔ [ibid. 361]) 'mare d'eau stagnante et fétide qui s'amasse' MIN gwʔ 'carrière' [LM 37]
Hebrew:lǝʔōm, lǝʔūm, pl. lǝʔummīm 'people, nation' KB,513. также 'племя, клан' (в Быт. 25:3, см. [TD VII 397]); чаще встречается во мн.ч., считается архаизмом; относится к "другим народам" (к Израилю только в Быт. 25:23) [там же 398-9]. В качестве параллелей обычно приводят угар., акк. и араб. (достаточно далекое по семантике lʔm 'перевязывать рану' и lmm VIII 'соединять' - оба под вопросом в [KB] и lmm VIII 'come together' в [TD VIII 397]). Hе приводятся ни сирийский, ни сабейский, ни эфиопские примеры - даже при не вполне очевидной семантической связи они заслуживают хотя бы упоминания.
Syrian Aramaic:lam 'collegit' Brock., 367
Arabic:lʔm 'se joindre' [BK 2 953], liʔam- 'accord, harmonie (entre les hommes qui s'accordent); paix, concorde' [ibid. 953-4], liʔam-at-, liʔām-at- 'pareil, semblable, et qui fait le pendant d'un autre' [ibid. 954]; laʔīm- 'vil, ignoble; semblable, pareil' [ibid.]; līm- 'paix, concorde; ressemblance d'un homme à un autre' [ibid. 1050]; lum-at- 'petite troupe d'hommes (de trois à dix); semblable, pareil; égal d'âge et de forme, à l'avenant de...' [ibid. 1029] (Mahomet a dit: li-tazawwaɨ̄u-l-raɨ̄ulu lumatu-hu 'que tout homme épouse une femme qui soit son égal en âge, etc.'); lām- 'parenté' [ibid. 1044]; lumm-at- 'compagnon; compagnons de voyage, qui participent aux provisions de route; troupe d'hommes (de trois à dix); troupe de femmes' [ibid. 1022], lamūm- 'qui réunit dans son sein plusieurs personnes ou choses, et offre un rendez-vous' [ibid. 1023], lmm 'ressembler, réunir en ramassant de tous côtés ce qui était dispersé' [ibid. 1022]
Epigraphic South Arabian:Sab. lʔm 'to make a peace settlement' [SD 81], lmw (*lmm) 'to come to an agreement with so.' [ibid. 82]
Notes:При всех трудностях и риске этимологизации числительных АКК. 'ТЫСЯЧА',ПОхОже, ОТHОСИТСЯ К ДАHHОМУ КОРHю. Hа возможность развития значения от 'группы людей' к определенному числу, вероятно, изначально отражающему численность соответствующей группы, УКАЗЫВАЕТ изосемантическиЙряд (о методе изосемантических рядов см. [Майзель] и [КМ]): (1) Акк. līmu 'тысяча' (ср. также араб. lumat- 'маленький отряд (от трех до десяти человек)') из прасем. *liʔām- 'союз, содружество; народ' < афраз. *lmm 'собираться, быть вместе' (см. ниже). (2) Прасем. *ʕaŝar- 'десять' (см. [KB 894], [LGz 73]) из прасем. *ʕaŝVr- 'группа (первоначально из 10 человек?), общество, содружество, собрание, общая трапеза': акк. eširtu (ст.-вав., ст.-асс.) 'группа из 10 человек' [CAD e 365], ešartu то же [AHw 253]; угар. ʕšr название должности, группы или класса (людей)', ʕšr 'приглашать, угощать, устраивать пиршество' [DLU 92]; евр. ʕāŝǝr, ʕăŝārā 'группа из 10 человек' (см., напр., Быт. 18:32) [KB 894, 895]; саб. ʕs2rt 'группа кочевников' [SD 21], 'клан' [Biella 387-8]; араб. ʕīšrat- 'общество, объединение друзей, знакомых' [BK 2 261], ʕašīrat- 'ближняя родня по отцовской линии; семья (как подразделение племени)', ʕašīr- 'друг, компаньон; муж' [там же 262]; геэз ʕašur 'пиршество', ʕaŝŝara 'приглашать, созывать' [LGz 73]; мхр. ʔāŝǝr 'друг', джб. ʕáŝer 'член группы, соплеменник, муж, близкий друг' [JJ 17], сок. ʕeŝóre (мн.ч.) 'товарищ, друг' [LS 330]. Из афраз. *ʕaĉVr- 'группа, сообщество людей (одной возрастной категории?)': егип. ʕšꜣ.t 'народ, толпа, множество' (ст. цар.), ʕšꜣ 'быть многочисленным' (ср. цар.) [EG I 229]; чад. (з. и ц.) *ĉaHir-/*ĉiHar- 'друг' [Stolb 53] (по языкам также 'ровесник' и 'любовник'), очевидно, метатеза из *ʕaĉir-/*ʕiĉar-. Ср. [Bla 30]. (3) Сок. máḥber 'сто' [LS 161] (с консонантным корнем *ḥbr или *ḫbr) из прасем. *ḫ/ḥa/ibr- 'община, объединение, отряд; друг, компаньон' (ср. [KB 288], [LGz 256] и [DK 155]).
Eblaitic:ma-ṭì-um = gišgu-RUurudu и gišgu-RU-kakurudu (ссылки в [TD VIII 241-5]
Ugaritic: mṭ 'vara, báculo, fusta' [DLU 307]
Hebrew:maṭṭǟ 'staff, rod, scepter'[KB 573], [TD VIII 241-5]
Arabic:ma/iṭw- 'branche de palmier fendue en deux et donc oe sert pour lier quelque chose comme avec un corde' [BK 2 1124]
Tigre: mǝṭ ʔabälä 'to beat with rods' [LH 143]
Gurage:CHA EZHA ENN GYE mʷǝṭa, MUH GOG SEL muṭa, END muṭä 'plant that begins to grow
Mehri:mīṭáyn (myṭ) 'tree the wood of which is very hard and so heavy that it sinks in water. It is a favourite wood for making sticks and clubs' [JM 276]
Proto-Semitic:*ʔdm 'to share, to have in common, to be at peace with'
Meaning:'to share, to have in common, to be at peace with'
Akkadian:adāmu (or atāmu) 'to own a share in a common fund' OAss [CAD a1 95], admūtu (or atmūtu) 'share in a common enterprise' [ibid. 128]
Arabic:ʔdm 'joindre, adjoindre, ajouter; réconcilier les uns avec les autres, mettre la paix entre eux' [BK 1 19], ʔadīm- 'tout entier; origine' [ibid.], ʔdm 'intégrer qn. à son clan' [DRS 9]
Geʕez (Ethiopian):ʔadamdama 'to go together (army)' [LGz 133]
Akkadian:adamātu (adumātu) s. pl. tantum 'dark red earth (used as a dye)' OB [CAD a1 94] (otherwise from "earth"), adamu (adammu, adumu) OAkk on 'a red garment' [ibid. 95]; cf. metathetic (SB) daʔmu 'dark-colored, dark-red' [ibid. d 74]
Akkadian:(OB on) dadmū pl. tant. 'the inhabited world (settlements and inhabitants)' [CAD d 18]; 'Ortschaften, Wohnstätten' [AHw 149] (<*damdam-); cf. dimatu 'tower'
Ugaritic:dm-t 'borough'; (?) udm NL 'ciudad mítica del rey pbl' DLU, 9
Hebrew:ʔădāmā 'earth, arable ground with water and plants' [KB 15]; also ʔādām 'ground', ʕēn ʔ. 'surface of the earth' [ibid. 14-15] (in: Zech 9:1, Jr 32:20, etc.)
Arabic:daymūm-, daymūmat- 'vaste déserte sans eau' [BK 1 729]; ʔadīm- 'terre; tout l'espace du ciel et de la terre que l'oeil peut embrasser' [BK 1 19], ʔīdāmat- 'sol dur, sans pierres ni cailloux; surface de la terre' [ibid. 20]
Ugaritic:cf. ibr 'caballo' + 'toro' /ʔa/ib(b)īru/ DLU, 5 ("de animal corpulento macho" does not follow from the contexts quoted; "por el ruido del relincho de sus caballos") @ Folk etymology?
Hebrew:ʔabbīr 'stallion' = 'bull' < 'strong, powerful' HAL, 6. Cf. in the Song of Deborah, where ʔ. is a syn. of sūsīm; Jr. 8:16 id. "from the noise of neighing of ʔ. the earth shakes"); Jr. 47:3 id. ("from the noise of stamping of ʔ."); Jr 50:11 ("and neighed as ʔ."). No traces of 'strength'. @ Folk etymology?
Notes:In individual dictionaries (e.g. [KB 9]) usually unseparated from the forms meaning 'membrum virile; membrum, limb' (see in *ʔi(-)bar-, No. ); formally treated as different roots in [DRS 5], with a remark: "peuvent être en partie des développements sémantiques d'une même notion". AFRASIAN cognates, however, imply that 'wing' is a primary meaning in SEM, not derived from 'body part, member'. Cf. HBR PB ʔābar 'to soar, to take wings' [Ja 8] and UGR ʔbr 'fliegen (?)' [Aist 4] (above), likely denominal; cf., however, ETH *brr and *bǝrr bäla (in AFRASIAN, above).
[KB 9, apud Guillaume] quotes ARB wabbara 'to be covered with feathers/fur'; in [BK 2 1475] only the meaning 'avoir beaucoup du poil, être très velu' is given for this verb evidently derived from wabar- 'poil du chèvre' [ibid. 1476], semantically hard to compare.
Modern Arabic:DAT_ burrat 'gland du pénis' [GD 145], (redupl.) barbūr [GD 147], OMN barbur 'penis' [RO 55]
Notes:C. SEM only.
One wonders whether the ARB DIAL examples retain the original SEM root with no *ʔi- (see AFRASIAN) or the latter was lost in these dialects.
To distinguish from both *ʔa/ibr- 'pinion, wing', No. (see AFRASIAN) and *ʔi(-)bVr(r)-at- 'thigh(bone); shin(bone); forearm', No. .
It is hard to say whether the meaning 'member, limb' is a secondary development in HBR and ARM or the terms with this meaning should be separated from what then are to be regarded as homonyms meaning 'membrum virile', and related to *ʔi(-)bVr(r)-at- 'thigh(bone); shin(bone); forearm' (No. ).
Cf. metathetic ARB ʔirb- 'membre du corps, surtout la main ou la verge' [BK 1 23] and wirb-, warb- 'membre du corps' [ibid. 2 1516]; cf. also *rib(Vb)y-at-, *ʔa-rib(Vb)y-at- 'part of body below the navel' (No. ).
East Ethiopic:SEL ǝzn, izn, WOL ZWY ǝzǝn (also 'leaf') [LGur 121]
Gurage:MUH MSQ GOG SOD ǝnzǝn, CHA EZ̆A ENN END GYE ǝzǝr do. [ibid.]
Mehri:ḥǝ-yd_ēn [JM 3]
Jibbali:ʔid_ɛ́n [JJ 1]
Harsusi:ḥe-yd_ēn [JH 1]
Soqotri:ʔǝ́d(ǝ)han [JM 3], [SSL LS 1450]
Notes:The variant stem *ʔid_ān- is reconstructed on the MSA evidence; the long -ā- seems rather reliable, though an underlying pattern remains to be specified.
East Ethiopic:SEL WOL ZWY ǝngǝr (also 'leg') [LGur 26]
Gurage:CHA EZ̆A ENN END GYE MUH MSQ GOG SOD ägǝr do. [ibid.]
Notes:Scarce attestation: only ARB and ETH.
The comparison with SEM *ragl-/*rigl is unlikely (a compendious bibliography on the subject may be found in [Kaye passim] followed by a discussion with opposite conclusions). Cf. also AFRASIAN cognates below.
Mandaic Aramaic:anpia 'face, forehead' [DM 27]; not to confuse with aputa, puta 'forehead, face' [ibid. 30] (see in *piʔ-at- 'face, front', No. )
Arabic:ʔanf- [BK 1 62]
Modern Arabic:ʔanf, ʔinf, ʔunf, all three forms attested, e.g. in NYEM [Behnstedt 43]
Geʕez (Ethiopian):ʔanf (also 'nostril') [LGz 28]
Tigre:ʔanǝf [LH 375]
Tigrai (Tigriñña):ʔanfi 'punta di penna; naso (in Hamasien)' [Bass 582]
Gafat:ãfʷä [LGaf 172]
Harari:ūf 'nose' [LHar 19]
Notes:Cf. SOD afunna, CHA ENN GYE END ãfuna, EZ̆A MUH MSQ GOG ãfunna 'nose' [LGur 21]; all <*ʔanf- + *funa <*pan- 'face' (see No. )?
Note CAN: MOAB ʔnp 'to be angry' [HJ 83] which, together with HBR ʔnp do. [KB 72], may represent a semantic shift from 'nose' (see Introduction). Other types of semantic development can be observed in ARM ('nose' > 'face'); SAB ʔf (pl. ʔʔnf) 'fronts, near sides ?' [Biella 23] (quoted in [SD 6] without translation), MIN ʔnf 'fac̣ade' [LM 6]; and in JIB ʔɛ́nfí 'first, ancient', ʔɛ́nfɛ̄t 'a while ago' [JJ 4].
There are derived verbal forms in ETH: TGR ʔǝf bälä 'to blow, to puff' [LH 375], AMH ǝnf alä 'to blow the nose' [K 1253].
[Fron 44]: (*ʔanp- /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [DRS 26]: *ʔanp-: AKK, UGR, HBR, ARM, ARB, ESA, ETH (incl. AMH afǝnč̣a, which is improbable, see [LGz 28]), JIB, MHR anūf 'avoir la colère tenace' (not found in [JM]); [KB 76]: HBR, UGR, AKK, ARM, ARB, ESA, GEZ; [Holma 18]: AKK, HBR, ABR, GEZ, ARM
Notes:One wonders whether such meanings as ARB 'lip of the vulva' and GEZ 'genitalia of man and woman' have evolved independently in individual languages; if not, the primary meaning in SEM might be 'genitalia of man and woman; testiculus'.
Cf. ETH 'pubic hair' (GEZ ʔasakt [LGz 43], AMH ašäkt, aškät, aškǝt [K 1182]); possibly related with a meaning shift.
Cf. SOQ ḥošk, dim. ḥaúešek 'vulve' [LS 194]; ḥ- is an old article?
Note a strange ARB form ḥiskilat-āni 'les testicules' [BK 1 724] (dual), with ḥ- like in SOQ, and -l (an old suffixed element?).