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Number: 2120
Proto-Semitic: *kar(i)ŝ- ~ *kirŝ- {}
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: belly, stomach, uterus
Akkadian: karšu, karašu 'belly, intestines' OA, OB, SB [CAD k 223], [AHw 450]
Eblaitic: (?) gàr-su-um, gàr-su /karsyum/ [Kr 22; Bl E 53]
Ugaritic: krs 'belly, intestines' (?).

    Meaning unreliable, see [Aist 157], [Del Olmo 568] (not in [DLU]). Unexplained -s instead of the expected š

Hebrew: *kārēŝ (suff. kǝrēŝō) 'belly' [KB 500]
Judaic Aramaic: karsā, kǝrēsā (<*karis-, from HBR ?) 'stomach, belly, womb' [Ja 672]; krs, det. krsh, krysh 'stomach' [Sok 270]
Syrian Aramaic: karsā 'venter, uterus' [Brock 347]
Modern Aramaic: HRT karsa 'Bauch' [J Hert 190] NASS kīsä 'belly' [Tser 0144] MMND kars, emph. karsa 'belly, stomach, uterus' [M MND 493, 521, 524] AZR kasa 'abdomen, belly, stomach' [Garb 314]
Mandaic Aramaic: karsa 'belly, stomach, womb' [DM 201]
Arabic: kariš-, kirš- 'ventricule, estomac, ventre, utérus' [BK 2 885]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): karŝ 'belly, stomach, abdomen' [LGz 294]
Tigre: kärsät 'belly, stomach' [LH 399]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): kärsi 'ventre, seno' [Bass 591]
Amharic: kärs 'belly, stomach' [K 1388]
Harari: kärsi 'abdomen, belly' [LHar 94]
Gurage: SOD kärs, ENN END käs do. [LGur 351]
Mehri: kīrǝŝ, pl. kīrēŝ, dim. kǝrŝɛnūt 'belly; calf; biceps' [JM 214]
Jibbali: s̃irŝ, pl. ekrɛ́ŝ 'belly' [JJ 135]; cf. JIB šurŝ in [JH 70] and kɔ́rŝɔ́t in [SSL 2 223]
Harsusi: kēreŝ 'belly' [JH 70]
Soqotri: šéreŝ 'estomac' [LS 423], [SSL LS 1461]
Notes: Note a current meaning shift in TGR kärǝs 'inside' [LH 399] and GUR examples, which are, according to Leslau [LGur 354], perhaps to be identified with the present root with metathesis: END kässǝr 'inside, within, interior' [LGur I 204] and ENN käsǝr 'interior, within' [ibid. 324].

    [Fron 47] (*kariŝ- 'ventre' /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,AKK/); [Holma 74]: AKK, HBR, SYR, ARB, GEZ, MND; [KB 500]: HBR, ARM, UGR, ARB, GEZ, TGR, AKK, SOQ; [Brock 347]: SYR, ARM, HBR, AKK, GEZ; [LGz 294]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, ARM, JIB, HBR, AKK; [LS 423]: SOQ, ARB, HBR, GEZ, AKK

Number: 2121
Proto-Semitic: *kVs(V)l- {} *kVc(V)l-
Meaning: loins, genitals
Akkadian: kislu (kaslu) 'transverse process of the vertebra' OB on [CAD k 425], [AHw 486] (translated as 'Lendemuskel')
Ugaritic: ksl 'lomo, espalda; tendón, nervio; lado, sector' [DLU 226]
Hebrew: käsäl (<*kasl) 'loins, side, genitals' [KB 489]
Judaic Aramaic: kislā 'loin' [Ja 654]; kslyn (pl.) 'loins' [Sok 265]
Arabic: kūsa/ālat- 'gland de la verge' [BK 2 899]
Notes: Note that MND kusil (also kusʕil; with a non-motivated -ʕ- probably rendering *-ʔ-) translated as 'fleshy sloth' in [DM 208] and compared to AKK, HBR and ARM forms quoted below [ibid.], is rather related to ARB ksl 'être paresseux, negligent' [BK 2 899] and HBR ksl 'to be stupid' [KB 489].

    [Holma 62]: AKK, HBR; [DLU 226]: UGR, AKK, HBR; [KB 489]: HBR, AKK, UGR, ARM, ARB (kisl- 'the string of the bow used for the carding of wool')

Number: 2122
Proto-Semitic: *kat(a/i)p-
Meaning: (back of) shoulder, shoulder blade
Akkadian: katappātu 'sternum or part of the ribs' LL [CAD K 303], [AHw 465].

    Note doubling of the third radical

Ugaritic: ktp 'hombro' [DLU 230]
Hebrew: kātēp (constr. kätäp <*katp-) 'shoulder, upper arm' [KB 505]
Judaic Aramaic: kǝtap (<*katap- ?), katpā [Ja 682]; ktp (det. kytph) 'shoulder' [Sok 272]
Syrian Aramaic: katpā 'humerus' [Brock 353]
Modern Aramaic: MAL h_affta 'Achsel, Schulter, Arm' [Berg 43] HRT kepta 'Schulter' [J Hert 190]MLH kespo 'Schulter' [J Mlah 179]
Mandaic Aramaic: (?) kadpa 'shoulder' [DM 195].

    Note an unusual dissimilation of voiceless stops, possibly by contamination with gadpa 'wing' [DM 74] (see *gadp- 'wing'. No. )

Arabic: katif-, kataf-, kitf- 'omoplates, os des omoplates' [BK 2 862]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): matkaf, matkaft 'shoulder, shoulder blade' [LGz 372] (metathesis)
Tigre: mäktäf 'shoulder' [LH 415]
Mehri: katf 'top of the back, back of shoulder' [JM 217]; QISHN kɛtf [SSL 2 224] (note pl. hākǝtū́f [ibid.] with a strange hā- quoted with no comments)
Jibbali: kɛtf do. [JJ 137]
Harsusi: kǝtf, pl. ǝktōf 'back of shoulder' [JH 71]
Notes: Note a variety of vocalic patterns: *katap- in AKK and ARB, *katp- in ARM and MSA, *katip- in HBR and ARB, *kitp- in ARB. Note also derived pattern in ETH. ARB borrowing in MSA cannot be excluded

    [Fron 46] (*katip- 'spalla' /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [DLU 230]: UGR, HBR, SYR, ARB, GEZ, AKK; [KB 505]: HBR, UGR, ARM, ARB, TGR, GEZ, AKK; [Brock 353]: SYR, ARM, HBR, ARB, GEZ; [LGz 372]: GEZ, ARB, JIB, HBR, ARM, UGR, AKK, TGR

Number: 2123
Proto-Semitic: *ki/ut_̣r- {} *ki/uč̣r-
Meaning: joint (of the ribs, fingers, etc.)
Akkadian: kiṣru 'joint of the human or animal body, a feature of the exta' OA on [CAD k 436-], [AHw 488] (the first meaning quoted in both sources is 'knot')
Phoenician: ḳṣrt 'ribs' [T 292].

    ḳ- <*k- by assimilation to ṣ

Biblical Aramaic: *ḳǝṭar (pl. ḳiṭrīn) 'Gelenk' [KB deutsch 1773].

    In ḳiṭrē ḥarṣēh 'the joints of his hip' (also 'difficult task', presumably from 'knot')

Judaic Aramaic: ḳiṭrā 'joint' [Ja 1358].

    The basic meaning given by Jastrow is 'knot', but the meaning 'joint' clearly follows from some of the contexts; ḳṭr, pl. ḳyṭryn 'joint (of fingers)' [Sok 488] (the first meaning is 'knot', also 'node of a plant')

Syrian Aramaic: ḳǝṭartā 'articulus (digiti etc.)' [Brock 662]
Mandaic Aramaic: giṭra 'ligament (of the body); joint', also 'bond, knot' [DM 90].

    g- < *ḳ- by dissimilation of two "emphatic" stops, the process likely inherited by MND from the AKK substratum

Arabic: kud_̣r- 'creux au haut de la poitrine, entre les deux clavicules' [BK 1 905]
Tigre: (?) ḳäṣir 'penis' [LH 264].

    A meaning shift from 'joint' ?

Notes: Though reconstructed as an anatomic term on the PSEM level, very likely related to, or rather derived from, SEM *k(ʷ)t_̣r 'to bind, knot, fix': AKK kaṣāru 'to tie, bind together, join' OB on [CAD k 257]; SYR ḳǝṭar 'vinxit, ligavit [Brock 661-2], MND gṭr 'to tie, fasten' [DM 88]; ARB kt_̣r 'tailler une coche à l'extrémité de l'arc pour y fixer le nerf' [BK 2 905]; GEZ ḳʷaṣara 'to bind, tie up, knot' [LGz 450] (see other ETH [ibid.]); MHR kǝd_̣áwr 'to knot, tangle' [JM 203] (there is a misprint 'to know' instead of 'to knot' [ibid.]), JIB kɔ́d_̣ɔ́r 'to knot, tangle' [JJ 126]. Note k- > *ḳ by assimilation to -ṣ in PHO, most ARM (but ḳ- > g in MND by dissimilation of two "emphatics") and, probably, TGR.

    The TGR example may be related with a shift in meaning and difference in vocalic structure.

    Cf. *ḳa/irṣu/all- 'ankle' (No. ), *kursuʕ- 'fetlock' (No. ).

    [T 292]: PHO, AKK, HBR (incl. non-anatomic terms like HBR PB ḳiṣrā 'short board' etc. hardly belonging here); [KB deutsch 1773]: BIB, ARM, AKK

Number: 2124
Number: 2125
Proto-Semitic: *kʷir(n)āʕ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: knee with a shin; leg; elbow
Akkadian: kurītu 'shin (of animals)' OB, MB, SB [CAD k 560], [AHw 510].

    Cf. kirru, kerru 'the region extending from the throat to and including the clavicles' [CAD k 410], [AHw 468]

Hebrew: kǝrāʕayim (dual) 'lower leg, fibula' [KB 500]
Judaic Aramaic: karʕā [Ja 673]; krʕ (pl. krʕyn, kwrʕn) [Sok 270] 'knee, leg'
Syrian Aramaic: kǝrāʕā 'crus' [Brock 348]
Mandaic Aramaic: kraia 'foot, leg' [DM 222]
Arabic: kurāʕ- 'partie la plus mince de la jambe entre le pied et le genou; os du tibia' [BK 2 887]
Modern Arabic: DAT_ kirʕān 'tibia de l'homme et jambe de la bête' [GD 2568].

    Cf. YEM karʕan 'to wash s.o.'s legs and feet' [Piamenta 429]

Epigraphic South Arabian: SAB krʕ 'leg of a camel' [SD 78]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): kʷǝrnāʕ 'elbow, forearm' [LGz 293].

    Cf. also rākʷǝʕ 'shoulder blade of an animal which serves as a shovel' [ibid. 469], which is, according to Leslau, probably a misprint for rākub; one wonders whether it may be a metathesis of kʷǝrnāʕ (with a loss of -n-?)

Tigrai (Tigriñña): kʷǝrnaʕ 'gomito' [Bass 622]
Amharic: kǝrn 'elbow, point of the elbow' [K 1393], ARG kǝrra 'arm, elbow' [LGur 347]
Harari: kuruʔ 'cubit, arm' [LHar 93]
East Ethiopic: SEL kǝre, WOL hǝri, ZWY hǝrǝ 'arm, cubit, arm below the elbow' [LGur 347]
Gurage: GOG SOD kǝrrä, MUH MSQ h_ǝrrä, CHA h_ǝnä, EŽA h_ǝnnä, ENN GYE h_ǝnʔä, MSQ hǝnnä do. [ibid.]
Notes: One wonders whether there is any connection with *kʷaʕ-(t-) 'joint; ankle; foot' (No. ).

    -n- reconstructed on the evidence of part of the ETH examples and HRS may be an old suffix incorporated into the stem and lost in most of SEM as a result of triconsonantization; in this conection note a widespread verbal root krʕ 'to kneel' (HBR, ARB, UGR) likely related to this nominal root.

    SEM *-ā- tentatively reconstructed here yields -ā- in HBR, which speaks in favor of the common opinion (see, for example, [Blau 35]) that HBR ā is a regular reflex of SEM *ā in an unstressed position; cf., however, ARM JUD karʕā which cannot be derived from a SEM protoform with *-ā).

    AMH kǝnd 'cubit, arm' and GAF kǝndä 'arm' compared by Leslau to this root [LGur 347], see in *kVmd-, No. Placed under kǝrrä is also END h_ǝtnä, hǝtnä [ibid.] with an unexplained inserted dental, which may alternatively be compared to *kVmd-, in any case, with a peculiar phonetic development.

    Of interest is JIB kɛrmóʕ/kurũʕ 'heel' [JJ 134] with a possible meaning shift (and -m- <*-n-?). Other MSA examples are possibly related to the present root with metathesis: MHR QISHN rḗkǝn 'joint' [SS L 2 231] (not in [JM]) and SOQ rékin 'os' [LS 400], 'poignet; coude; épaule; phalange; articulation; os' [SS L LS 1469]. There is also SOQ šérʕehan (šerʕan, šérḥan) 'pieds' (pl.) [LS 422]; š may be <*k ("k palatalise quelquefois en š" [LS 24]). However, Johnstone quotes the same SOQ word as ŝǝ́rʕǝhān with ŝ- comparing it to MHR ŝǝráyn 'leg' [JM 382]; also given with ŝ- are SOQ examples in [SSL LS 1473]. Note that in SOQ the forms discussed are attested only as suppletive plural to the singular ŝab/f. If not for MHR ŝǝráyn 'leg', very likely related, ŝ in SOQ in the plural forms quoted by various authors (alongside with those with š) could possibly be explained from š changed by contamination with ŝ of the singular forms.

    [Fron 49] (*kurāʕ- 'gamba (di bovini e ovini)' /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR 'iniginocchiarsi', AKK); [Holma 137]: AKK, HBR, SYR, ARB, GEZ; [KB 500]: HBR, ARM, ARB, GEZ, AKK; [Brock 348]: SYR, ARM, AKK, HBR, GEZ; [LGz 293]: GEZ, ETH (also AMH kǝnd, GAF kǝndä), ARB, ESA, SOQ (šerʕehan), HBR, ARM, AKK

Number: 2126
Proto-Semitic: *ḳVb-at-
Meaning: stomach, ventricule
Akkadian: (?) kukkubātu, kukkubānu, ḳuḳḳubātu, ḳuḳḳubānu 'part of the animal stomach' LL [CAD k 499].

    In [AHw 500] these forms are understood as fem. and masc. pl. of kukkubu 'ein Opfergefäss' and translated as 'Magen des Schweins'

Hebrew: ḳēbā 'abomasum, stomach' [KB 1060]
Judaic Aramaic: ḳēbǝtā 'maw' [Ja 1313], ḳybh 'stomach' [Sok 489]
Arabic: ḳibat-, ḳibbat- 'ventricule' [BK 2 657, 670]; (redupl.) ḳabḳab- 'ventre' (cf. also ḳabḳāb- 'vagin', related with a meaning shift?) [ibid. 664]
Tigre: ḳäbbät 'a stuffed goat's stomach' [LH 250].

    Cf. ḳäbät 'midst; lower part' [ibid.], with a plausible meaning shift

Tigrai (Tigriñña): ḳobo 'ernia' [Bass 262]
Notes: A "biconsonantal" root with a full reduplication in AKK (if related, see below) and doubling of the second radical in part of the forms in ARB and TGR.

    Note a possibility of an alternative origin of the AKK forms from *ḳurḳub-ān-/t- (cf. *ḳa/urḳa/ub-, No. ).

    Cf. presumably derived verbal forms in ETH: GEZ ḳabawa 'to be afflicted with dropsy, be distended (stomach), be inflated' [LGz 420], TNA ḳaba 'enflamento di ventre prodotto da lunga fiebre' [Bass 262], ḳʷäḳʷäbä (redupl.) 'essere, divenire rachitico, cioè colla pancia grossa e il resto magro e stecchito' [ibid. 296], AMH ḳibb alä 'to be swollen, to be full of food (stomach)' [K 765]; the additional meaning 'inflated, swollen, full' is probably to be accounted for by contamination with ETH *ḳubḳub- 'to swell': TNA ḳubḳub bälä 'to swell' [LGz 420] (not in [Bass]), AMH ḳʷǝḳʷǝb alä 'to appear on the skin (blisters), to swell' [K 849].

    Cf. what looks a variant root in AMH ḳäfät 'paunch, belly with wads of fat' [K 770]; note also ḳǝfǝd 'fatness of the belly due to wads of fat' [ibid], with obscure -d.

    [Holma 146]: AKK, ARB (ḳabḳab-), SYR, JUD; [Brock 700]: SYR, JUD, AKK; [KB 1060]: HBR, ARM, ARB, TGR

Number: 2127
Proto-Semitic: *ḳVdḳVd-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: skull, head
Akkadian: ḳaḳḳadu 'head' OA, OB on [CAD ḳ 100], [AHw 899]
Eblaitic: gag-gú-tum /ḳaḳḳudum/ [Kr 12-13; Bl E 59]
Ugaritic: ḳdḳd 'Scheitel, Haupt' [Aist 247]
Hebrew: ḳodḳōd 'skull' [KB 1071] (<*ḳudḳud-)
Judaic Aramaic: ḳodḳǝdā, ḳodḳōdā 'head, skull, vertex' [Ja 1317]; ḳwdḳd [Sok 478]
Modern Aramaic: (?) MLH kotke 'Schädel' [J Mlah 180].

    Can it be eventually from *ḳVdḳVd-?

Arabic: muḳadd- 'le derrière de la tête et du cou comprise entre les deux oreilles' [BK 2 683]
Harari: ēḳäd 'front, forward, chief, head' [LHar 30] (<*ʔV-ḳad, with the prefix?)
Notes: A reduplicated stem in all SEM except ARB (a secondary formation) and HAR (likely preserving a non-reduplicated stem, though with the ʔV- prefix). Note ETH EAST: SEL WOL ZWY ḳädä 'forward, in front of, before' [LGur 472], with a current semantic shift 'head' > 'front' (see HAR below); according to Leslau, from ḳdm 'to advance, to be first, etc.' with a strange explanation "with loss of m through spirantization" [Holma 11]: AKK,HBR [KB 1071]: HBR,JUD,UGR,AKK,
Number: 2128
Proto-Semitic: *ḳ(ʷ)ayḳ(ʷ)ay-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: egg
Hebrew: PB ḳīḳ 'abnormally large membrum virile' [Ja 1367], 'abnormally large testicles' [ibid. apud Arukh].

    Cf. also ḳayyān 'one having abnormally large testicles' [ibid. 1359]

Arabic: ḳīḳat- 'pellicule très-mince sous la coque de l'oeuf' [BK 2 847], ḳīḳiyy- 'blanc d'oeuf' [ibid.]
Harari: č̣iḳāy 'egg of the louse' [LHar 52] (č̣ < *ḳ before i)
Notes: A difficult case. Meanings very diverse, though all semantic shifts are quite tenable like 'egg' > 'testicle' in HBR PB (cf. RUS яичко meaning both 'little egg' and 'testiculus').

    HBR PB ḳayyān suggests a non-reduplicated stem underlying SEM *ḳīḳ-(at-), which is probably to be reconstructed as *ḳayḳay- (cf. -y as a third radical in ARB ḳīḳiyy- and HAR č̣iḳāy, below).

    Note presumably derived forms in ARB ḳyḳ 'glousser (se dit des poules)' [BK 2 847] and TGR ḳeḳe hallet, said of a hen that clucks when she has laid an egg [LH 247].

    Cf. TNA č̣aḳʷit 'pulcino' [Bass 934], possibly from *ḳaḳʷ-it-, related to 'egg' with a meaning shift. Cf. also TNA AMH ARG č̣ač̣ut; EAST: HAR č̣āč̣u, SEL č̣ǝwč̣ǝwä, WOL č̣uč̣iyye; GUR: GYE č̣ǝwač̣wǝyä, etc. 'chick' [LGur 191]; all these example all probably not from č̣uč̣a balä 'to twitter', as Leslau asserts [ibid.], but from *ḳ(ʷ)aḳ(ʷ)ay-t- (on cases of palatalization of ḳ to č̣ see [ibid. XXXIX]), to be compared to the present root.

    There is another ETH term for 'egg', *ʔanḳʷaḳʷVḥ-, likely related to this one: GEZ ʔanḳoḳǝho, ʔǝnḳoḳǝho, ʔanḳoḳʷǝho, ʔǝnḳoḳʷǝho, ʔanḳoḳǝḥo, ʔǝnḳoḳǝho [LGz 31] (note that forms with -l compared by Leslau should be separated), TGR ʔǝnḳoḳḥo [LH 372] (cf. also ḳoḳaḥ 'frankoline partridge' [ibid. 248]), TNA ʔǝnḳʷaḳʷǝḥo [Bass 529]; GAF anḳʷä [LGaf 180]; EAST: HAR aḳuḥ [LHar 30] (*-n- assimilated?), WOL ǝnḳaḳot, ǝnḳaʔot, ZWY ǝnḳāḳu [LGur 68]; GUR: EŽA MUH MSQ GOG anḳʷä, SOD anḳo [ibid.]. The Auslaut -ḥ in ETH lacking in other SEM (see, however, SYR ḳawḳiḥ 'clamavit (gallina)' [Brock 656]) may possibly be explained by contamination with ETH *ʔVn-ḳulaliḥ- 'egg' (see *ḳa(w)ḥil-, No. ); cf. also [Takač МHЕ] on the hypothetic prefixed or suffixed element ḥ denoting body parts in AFRASIAN

Number: 2129
Proto-Semitic: *ḳalb- (or *ḳabl-)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: heart, middle, center
Akkadian: ḳablu 'middle, center, middle part; hips, loins, waist' OAkk on [CAD ḳ 6-], [AHw 887-888]
Arabic: ḳalb- 'coeur' [BK 2 796]
Mehri: ḳāb (<*ḳalb) 'mind, intelligence, memory; heart; intention' [JM 230]
Jibbali: ḳɛlb 'heart' [JJ 144]
Harsusi: ḳalb 'sense, intelligence, reason, mind; memory; morale; heart' [JH 75]
Notes: Highly problematic. Relies mainly or only on AKK and ARB, metathetical to each other; MSA *ḳalb- is rather an Arabism.

    Note also ETH: GEZ ḳalb 'thought, wish' [LGz 427], TGR ḳälb 'wish, will', (poet.) 'heart' [LH 233], TNA ḳälbi 'mente, ragione' [Bass 243]; AMH ḳälb 'heart, mind, intelligence' [K 686]; EAST: HAR ḳälbi 'heart' [LHar 124], SEL ḳälb 'heart, intelligence' [LGur I 1008], WOL ḳälb 'intelligence' [ibid. 1170]; GUR: ENN END GYE MUH MSQ GOG ḳälb, CHA EZ̆A GYE ḳärb 'intelligence, innerself' [LGur 475]. All these forms are considered Arabisms in [LGz 427], [LGur 475], which looks convincing; cf., however, such verbal forms as TGR ḳälbä 'to wish' [LH 232], ḳälläbä 'avoir l'intention' [ibid., apud Munz], which are not necessarily borrowed.

    Cf. *ḳarb- 'inner part, middle (of the body)' (No. ).

    [Holma 61]: AKK, ARB (ḳalb-) (comparison with HBR ḳäräb rightly rejected)

Number: 2130
Number: 2131
Proto-Semitic: *ḳimṣ-
Meaning: knee, shin; handful
Akkadian: kimṣu, kinṣu, kiṣṣu 'knee, shin, calf of the leg' OB оn [CAD k 373], [AHw 478].

    k- < *ḳ- by dissimilation of two 'emphatic' consonants. Cf. kamāsu, kamāṣu 'to squat, kneel' OB on [AHw 431], [CAD k 117]

Hebrew: ḳǝmāṣīm (pl.) 'handfuls' [KB 1109]; PB (sing.) ḳōmäṣ [Ja 1333]
Judaic Aramaic: ḳumṣā 'handful' [Ja 1333]
Notes: Scarce attestation; semantically problematic.

    Cf. *ḳ(ʷ)ayṣ- or *ḳ(ʷ)aṣy- {} *ḳ(ʷ)ayc̣- or *ḳ(ʷ)ac̣y- (No. )

Number: 2132
Number: 2133
Proto-Semitic: *ḳapy-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: occiput, back of the head
Syrian Aramaic: ḳāp(ǝ)yā, ḳǝpāyā, ḳapāyā 'postica pars cervicis' [Brock 683]
Arabic: ḳafan 'derrière du cou, nuque; derrière de la tête, occiput' [BK 2 792]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḳāf 'shoulder blade' [LGz 423].

    Cf. kup, kop 'top of skull' [ibid. 289] (a variant root?)

Harari: ḳafät 'forehead' [LHar 122]
East Ethiopic: SEL WOL ZWY ḳäfät do. [LGur 373]
Mehri: ḳǝfē 'back' [JM 226]
Jibbali: ḳéfɛ́ do. [JJ 142]
Harsusi: ḳefē do. [JH 74]
Notes: Meanings very diverse, the AFRASIAN data supporting 'occiput, back of the head', which is the only one to account for such semantic shifts as 'back of the head' > 'head' > 'forehead' (ETH EAST) and 'back of the head' > 'back' (MSA).

    [Brock 683]: SYR, JUD (ḳǝpāyā, not in [Ja]; translated as 'Umgebung, Zubehör (eig. was darin ist)' in [Lewy IV 353])

Number: 2134
Proto-Semitic: *ḳard-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: neck, throat
Arabic: ḳard- 'cou' [BK 2 709], ḳurdūd- 'dos (toute la largeur du dos chez l'homme depuit les fesses jusqu'aux épaules)' [ibid. 710], ḳurdūdat- 'le haut du dos' [ibid.].

    Cf. ḳirdiʕat- 'cou' [ibid.] with an unexplained -ʕ

Mehri: ḳard 'voice; throat' [JM 235]
Jibbali: ḳɛrd 'throat' [JJ 148]
Harsusi: ḳard 'throat' [JH 77]
Soqotri: ḳǝyrɔd (pl.) 'throat' (sing. ḳár) [JJ 148]; see also [SSL LS 1463]
Notes: Scarcely attested in ARB and MSA only. Less likely an ARB loan in MSA in view of some meaning differences; cf. also a developed series of derived verbal forms in MSA, such as JIB ḳɔ́rɔ́d 'to catch, cut so's throat', ḳɔ́trǝd 'to be strangled; to have a sore throat' [JJ 148].

    Cf. *gar(i)d-, No.

Number: 2135
Proto-Semitic: *ḳa/urḳa/ub-
Meaning: stomach, entrails
Hebrew: PB ḳorḳǝbān 'the thick muscular stomach of birds, crow' [Ja 1344]
Judaic Aramaic: ḳurḳǝbānā do. [ibid.]
Syrian Aramaic: ḳarḳǝbānā, ḳurḳǝbānā 'guttur, ingluvies (avis)' [Brock 700]
Arabic: ḳarḳab-, ḳurḳub-, ḳurḳubb- 'ventre' [BK 2 722]
Notes: C. SEM only. Cf., however, AKK kukkubātu, kukkubānu, ḳuḳḳubātu, ḳuḳḳubānu 'part of the animal stomach' LL [CAD k 499] (in [AHw 500] these forms are understood as fem. and masc. pl. of kukkubu 'ein Opfergefäss' and translated as 'Magen des Schweins'). Of these forms, ḳuḳḳubātu and ḳuḳḳubānu may in principle represent *ḳurḳubān/tu, with assimilation of *-r-, and be related to the present root especially in view of a striking similarity of ḳuḳḳubānu to the ARM and HBR PB forms in stem structure.

    Cf. *ḳVb-at- (No. )

Number: 2136
Proto-Semitic: *ḳarn-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: horn
Akkadian: ḳarnu OA, OB on [CAD ḳ 134], [AHw 904]
Ugaritic: ḳrn [Aist 283]
Phoenician: PHO ḳrn [T 294]
Hebrew: ḳärän [KB 1144]
Aramaic: PLM ḳrnʔ [HJ 1034]
Biblical Aramaic: ḳärän (ḳarnā) [KB deutsch 1776]
Judaic Aramaic: ḳǝran, ḳärän (ḳarnā) [Ja 1422]; ḳrn [Sok 506]
Syrian Aramaic: ḳarnā [Brock 697]
Modern Aramaic: NSYR ḳāna 'Horn' [MP 122] MMND ḳarna [M MND 506] (given in brackets while a common term for 'horn' is šax) [M MND 506] IRAN *ḳānā (is written ḳrnʔ) 'il corno': c. suff. ḳânu 'il corno di lui'
Mandaic Aramaic: ḳarna [DM 403]
Arabic: ḳarn- [BK 2 727]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḳarn [LGz 442]
Tigre: ḳär, ḳärn [LH 242]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): ḳärni [Bass 255]
Amharic: ḳänd [K 791] (for *rn > nd in AMH see [Podolsky 51])
Gafat: ḳänd [Gaf 224]
Harari: ḳär [LHar 128]
East Ethiopic: SEL WOL ZWY ḳär [LGur 494]
Gurage: MUH GOG ḳär, CHA ENN END GYE ḳän, EZ̆A MSQ ḳänn [ibid.]
Mehri: ḳōn (pl. ḳǝrūn) [JM 236]
Jibbali: ḳun (pl. ḳérún) [JJ 150].

    Note ḳǝrnút 'womb' representing, if not homonymous, an unusual semantic development

Harsusi: ḳōn (pl. ḳerōn) [JH 77]
Soqotri: ḳan (pl. ḳírihon) [LS 377]
Notes: Possibly <*ḳar-n-, cf. TGR ḳär with no traces of the lost *-n and similar forms in ETH EAST and GUR.

    For discussion, AFRASIAN and broader connections (in KARTVELIAN and INDO-EUROPEAN), cf. [Dolg 1994 270-71].

    Cf. SAB ḳrn 'to fight; to guard, to protect' [SD 107] with a possible meaning shift.

    [Fron 43] (*ḳarn- 'corno' /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [Holma 147]: AKK, ARB, HBR, SYR, GEZ; [KB 1144]: HBR, UGR, AKK, ARM, ARB, GEZ, TGR; [LGz 442]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, MHR, HBR, ARM, PHO, UGR

Number: 2137
Proto-Semitic: *ḳVrs/ṣ-Vll- {} *ḳVrc/c̣-Vll-
Meaning: ankle
Akkadian: kiṣallu, kiṣillu, kisallu, kisillu 'ankle bone' OB, SB [CAD k 434], [AHw 488].

    While kiṣa/illu is <*ḳiṣa/illu with a regular dissimilation of two 'emphatic' consonants, kisa/illu lacks explanation. Loss of -r- through assimilation (<*kissallu)?

Hebrew: *ḳarsullayim (dual, att. only with suff.: ḳarsullāw) 'ankles' [KB 1146]
Judaic Aramaic: ḳarsullā, ḳarsūlā 'ankles' [Ja 1423]; ḳrswl 'ankle, bending leg' [Sok 506]
Syrian Aramaic: ḳurṣǝlā 'talus; ala, axilla' [Brock 700]
Modern Aramaic: NSYR ḳörṣuɫta 'Ellbogen' [MP 118]
Tigre: ḳarso 'ankle-bone (of men), fetlock (of animals)' [LH 240] (<*ḳarsaw)
East Ethiopic: WOL ǝnḳǝrša 'ankle' [LGur 71]
Gurage: GOG SOD ǝnḳǝrša do. [ibid.]
Mehri: ḳǝrṣā́t 'kneecap' [SSL 2 226].

    -ā- may point either to *-aw or to *-al (cf. ḳāb 'mind, heart' <*ḳalb; gɛ̄d 'skin' <*gild, etc.; see [ibid. XIII])

Notes: The original form probably to be reconstructed as *ḳVrs-aw-/Vll- {} *ḳVrc-aw-/Vll-, with a secondary assimilation of s > ṣ under the influence of ḳ-.

    There are forms with -l(l) in AKK, HBR, ARM (and probably MHR) vs. forms without it in ETH (note -aw in TGR) and probably MHR.

    Note prefixed ʔVn- in ETH EAST and GUR.

    Cf. ETH EAST: SEL ḳosä; GUR: GYE ḳʷärsa, ḳorsa, CHA EŽA ḳʷansa, END ḳosa, etc. 'wing' [LGur 501] possibly related with a meaning shift.

    Note ETH *ḳ(ʷ)arč̣am-it- <*ḳ(ʷ)arṣam-it-, obviously related to the present root with suffixed -m: TGR ḳärč̣amǝt 'cheville du pied' [LH 245 apud D'Abb], AMH ḳʷǝrč̣ǝmč̣ǝmit (redupl.) 'ankle, ankle-bone' [K 746] (cf. also TNA ḳǝrṭǝmat 'artrite, dolore e inflammazione agli arti' [Bass 258], where ṭ cannot be <*ṣ; on the other hand, this word is not necessarily related to TGR and AMH forms in -m considering difference in meaning).

    Cf. SOQ QALAN-B kárṭɔllǝh 'mollet' [SSL LS 1461], also [SSL 4 95]; to be treated as a variant root, since SOQ ṭ can reflect *ṭ ot *t_̣, but not *ṣ.

    Cf. *ḳ(ʷ)ayṣ- or *ḳ(ʷ)aṣy- 'joint, point of connection between bones' (No. ); *ki/ut_̣r- 'joint (of the finger, ribs)' (No. ); *ku/arsūʕ- 'articulation' (No. ).

    [Fron 49] (*ḳursīn- 'giuntura': MHR karzeyn, SYR ḳurṣǝlō, HBR ḳarsullayim, AKK ḳurṣīnu); [Holma 155]: AKK, HBR (käsäl); [KB 1146]: HBR, ARM, UGR (h_rṣp), AKK (kursinnu); [Brock 700]: HBR, ARM, PHO (ḳṣrt), AKK (ḳurṣinnu)

Number: 2138
Proto-Semitic: *ḳa(w)ḥil- ~ *ʔVn-ḳulaliḥ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: egg
Tigrai (Tigriñña): ʔǝnḳulaliḥ.

   . Strangely quoted in "Repertorio Italiano-Tigray" [Bass 1294], but not in the main corpus of the dictionary

Amharic: ǝnḳulal or ǝnḳʷǝlal [K 1215], ARG ǝnḳulal [LGur 70]
Gurage: END ǝnḳulä, CHA EŽA ENN GYE ǝnḳura [ibid.]
Mehri: ḳáwḥǝl 'eggs' [JM 227]
Jibbali: ḳɔḥlǝt '(hen's) egg' [JJ 143], ḳaḥéẑín (any bird's egg)' [ibid.]
Soqotri: ḳǝḥɛ́lhin [JM 227].

    In [LS 369] quoted as ḳehélihen, pl. ḳahélehon (with a remark: "aussi avec ḥ")

Notes: Scarcely attested: ETH and MSA only, compared as metathetic roots.

    Cf. MSA: MHR ḳǝlḥáyn [JM 230], JIB ḳiẑḥún [JJ 143] 'mussel', with a tenable meaning shift.

    [LGur 70]: GUR forms meaning 'egg' united with those denoting 'testicles' and both compared to ARB (MGHR) ḳǝlwä 'testicles' and AMH ḳula and HAR kūr; [LS 369]: SOQ, MSA, GEZ (ʔanḳoḳḥo), AMH (ǝnḳʷǝlal)

Number: 2139
Proto-Semitic: *ḳ(ʷ)Vlḥ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: genitals; testicles
Akkadian: ḳallû (gallû) 'vulva' (hapax) SB [CAD ḳ 66], 'Sexualorgan' (von Mann ?) [AHw 894].

    According to both dictionaries, from SUM (gal4 'Scham, Vulva' [IK 301]). Cf. also maḳlālu, a name for female genitals, SB [CAD 251]; according to [AHw 607], 'Geringes', vulva (i.e. interpeted as a form derived from ḳalālu 'to be thin, small'), which seems rather a folk etymology

Arabic: (?) ḥlḳ 'avoir la verge écorchée et rouge à la suite du coit' [BK 1 481].

    Related with metathesis and a meaning shift?

Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḳʷǝlḥ 'testicle' [LGz 428].

    According to Leslau, a reconstructed form of AMH ḳʷǝla (OLD AMH ḳʷǝlḥa) borrowed, in its turn, from CUSH

Amharic: ḳʷǝla 'testicles, male genitals' [K 675]
East Ethiopic: ZWY ǝnḳulu 'testicles' [LGur 70].

    Note the ʔVn- prefix

Gurage: ENN GYE ḳura, END ḳurʔä 'penis' [ibid.].

    On -r- <*-l- see [LGur XLVIII]

Notes: Highly problematic. To be cancelled if AKK is a Sumerism, which is hard to prove; in this case the ETH examples are probably to be regarded as a meaning shift from 'egg' (see *ḳa(w)ḥil- ~ *ʔVn-ḳulaliḥ- 'egg', No. ).

    Cf. ARB ḥlḳ 'avoir la verge écorchée et rouge à la suite du coit' [BK 1 481] (related with metathesis and a meaning shift?); cf. also MGR ḳǝlwä 'testicles' [LGur 70] (note that in MGR dialects ḥ is normally preserved).

    Cf. ETH forms with somewhat unusual phonetic development: SEL ūnḳulābčä [LGur 70], WOL mʷanḳulabče 'testicles' [ibid. 411]; MSQ ǝnḳulalčä do. [ibid. 70] (on -č < -t see [ibid. LVIII-LXII]; on "w becoming b through pseudo-correction or false reconstruction" see [ibid. LXXXII]).

    Note HAR kūr 'testicles' [LHar 93]; according to Leslau, from CUSH, which is probable in view of irregular k- and -r.

    Cf. SOQ míḳliz 'penis' [LS 375]

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