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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 141
Proto-Semitic: *rʕp
Meaning: 'bleed (of nose); nose'
Arabic: rʕf a,4 'bleed (of nose)', marāʕif- 'nose'
Number: 141
Proto-Semitic: *ʔaḳl-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: limb, foot
Syrian Aramaic: ʔaḳlān- 'armilla, brachiale' (Brock. 44)
Modern Aramaic: Urm. ʔaḳl- 'foot'
Arabic: wḳl 'lever un pied en l'air en posant l'autre sur le sol' (BK 2 1591)
Number: 142
Proto-Semitic: *paḫ(i)d_-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: hip, thigh
Hebrew: paḥad 'thigh, haunch' [KB 923].

    Hapax in Job. -d is probably due to the ARM origin of the word. There is an old tradition of translating this word as 'testiculus' (a recent discussion supporting this opinion see in [Pope Job 272]).

Judaic Aramaic: paḥdīn (pl.) 'testiculi' [Ja 1151].

    Jastrow's explanation as 'blown up' does not look convincing; a similar shift of meaning see in AKK pah_allu 'thigh' vs. 'penis' in other SEM (see *paḥ(a)l- 'penis', No. ) or in AKK birku 'knee; lap; male and female sexual parts' [CAD b 255]

Syrian Aramaic: puḥdā (-u- < *a in the vicinity of p ?) 'femur, clunis' [Brock 562]
Arabic: fah_id_-, fah_d_-, fih_d_- 'cuisse' [BK 2 552]
Epigraphic South Arabian: SAB fh_d_ 'hip' [SD 43]
Mehri: ǝfh_ād (to read ǝfh_ād_?), pl. fǝh_yōd_ 'flesh and bone of upper leg from knee to hip' [JM 110].

    ǝfh_ād is likely to be a misprint in [JM], since all the derivatives have -d_ as the last consonant [ibid.]; cf., however, QISHN fh_ād 'cuisse' [SS L 2 216]

Jibbali: fah_d_ 'flesh and bone of upper leg from knee to hip' [JJ 67]
Harsusi: ǝfḫād_
Notes: SOQ fáh_id [LS 335], fh_ed 'cuisse' [SSL 4 87] must be an Arabism because of -h_- in place of the expected *ḥ.

    Note a derived meaning 'tribe': ARM: PLM pḥd/pḥz 'tribal union'; ARB fah_id_-/fah_d_-/fih_d_- 'la plus petite subdivision d'une tribu' [BK 2 552]; ESA: QAT fh_d_ 'clan, family, sub-tribe' [Ricks 129]; MSA: MHR fǝh_ǝ́d_ǝt 'tribe' [JM 110], JIB fh_ǝ́d_ǝt do. [JJ 67], SOQ fâḥid 'peuple' (also fh_edeh, which must be an Arabism because of -h_-) 'peuple' [LS 335] (an areal Arabian semantic evolution?).

    On this semantic shift see [M. Cohen Genoux], [Kogan, Militarev].

    [KB 953]: HBR, ARM, ARB; [Brock 565]: SYR, ARB, HBR

Number: 143
Proto-Semitic: *d_Vb(b)-(ān)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: tail, back
Akkadian: Cf. zibbānu '(sheep) with a large tail' SB [CAD z 100], [AHw 1523].

    Both sources connect it with zibbatu 'tail' (see *d_a/inab- 'tail', No. ), but this would imply the form *zibbatānu and not zibbānu; in principle, the latter adjective may preserve an archaic form without the feminine suffix -at, though its interpretation as a derivative of the present root should not be disregarded

Arabic: d_ubābat- 'la queue' [BK 1 763]; d_uʔābat- 'queue; toupet' [ibid. 760], with different triconsonantization patterns
Geʕez (Ethiopian): zabān 'back, back part, tail' [LGz 631]
Tigre: zǝban 'back' [LH 499]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): zǝban 'dorso, schiena' [Bass 732]
Notes: Scarce evidence; phonetically problematic.

    The AKK word may be alternatively related to *d_a/inab- 'tail' (No. ). ETH *zVbān- 'back' is also comparable to ARB zabbūnat- 'cou' [BK 1 972] to reconstruct SEM *zabV̄n- {} *ʒabV̄n- 'back, neck'.

    Cf. *d_a/inab- 'tail' (No. ).

    [LGz 631]: ETH, ARB (zaban- 'side, lateral part', zabbūn 'neck')

Number: 144
Proto-Semitic: *d_ipr-
Meaning: 'temple'
Arabic: d_ifra(y)-
Notes: Derivative in -ay-
Number: 145
Proto-Semitic: *mVlag-/*mVlug-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'suck'
Arabic: mlg [-a-, -u-]
Amharic: mäläggägä
Number: 146
Proto-Semitic: *ʕayn-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: eye
Akkadian: īnu (OAKK, ASS ēnu) OAkk on [CAD i 153], [AHw 383]
Eblaitic: a-na-a /ʕaynay(a)/ (dual) [Kr 27; Fr 155; Bl E No. 9]
Ugaritic: ʕn [DLU 82], /ʕēnu/ [Huehner 159]; ʕn 'see'
Canaanite: AMARNA h_e-na-ya (dual, 1 pl. suff.) [HJ 839]
Phoenician: ʕn, ʕyn (also 'sight') [T 252]
Hebrew: ʕayin [KB 817]
Biblical Aramaic: suff. ʕēn-, pl. ʕaynīn [KB deutsch 1107]
Judaic Aramaic: ʕayin (ʕēnā, ʕaynā) [Ja 1071]; constr. ʕayn-, det. ʕaynā, pl. ʕaynīn [Sok 403]
Syrian Aramaic: ʕaynā [Brock 522]
Modern Aramaic: MAL ʕaina [Berg 4], TUR ʕaino 'spring, source' [R Ṭūrōyo 113] MLH ʕayno 'Auge, Quelle' [J Mlah 168] HRT ʔena 'Auge, Quelle' [J Hert 181] NASS ɔynɔ 'eye, spring' [Tser 0156] URM ayna 'eye' [R Urmi 97] ZKH ʔēna 'eye' [R Zakho 105] MMND īn, emph. īna 'eye' [M MND 502] GZR ʔéna 'fountain' [Nak 67] AZR ena 'eye' [Garb 305] IRN aynâ 'l'occhio, la sorgente' [Pen 63]
Mandaic Aramaic: aina (abs., constr. ʕin) [DM 15, 348]
Arabic: ʕayn- [BK 2 425]
Epigraphic South Arabian: SAB ʕyn [SD 23].

    MIN ʕyn (n.), (v.) 'voir' [LM 18].

    QAT ʕyn 'sight' [Ricks 118]

Geʕez (Ethiopian): ʕayn
Tigre: ʕǝn (pl. ʕǝntat) [LH 472]
Amharic: ayn [K 1289]
Gafat: inä [LGaf 178]
East Ethiopic: WOL in, SEL ZWY īn [LGur 117]
Gurage: GYE ayn, CHA EZ̆A MUH MSQ GOG en, END ēn, SOD in [ibid.]
Mehri: ʔāyn [JM 38]
Jibbali: ʕíhn [JJ 20]
Soqotri: ʕain [LS 308], [SSL LS 1453]
Notes: Also 'spring, water source' in most of SEM.

    [Fron 44]: (*ʕayn- /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [DLU 82]: UGR, EBL, ARM, HBR, PHO, ARB, AKK, GEZ; [KB 817]: HBR, ARM, UGR, AKK, PHO, ARB, ESA, GEZ, TGR; [LGz 80]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, AKK, HBR, ARM, ESA, PHO, SOQ; [Holma 15]: AKK, HBR, ARB, SYR, GEZ

Number: 147
Proto-Semitic: *ḥangūr-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'larynx' 1, 'goiter' 2, 'throat' 3
Arabic: ḥanǯar-at-, ḥunǯūr- 1 BK 1 501 (cf. ḥunǯūd- id. ibid.)
Geʕez (Ethiopian): Cf. ḫǝngat 2 LGz 263 (ḫ- instead of the expected *ḥ- may be purely graphic)
Harari: ḥangūr 3 (also 'food') LHar 84
East Ethiopic: Zw angäro, Wol angoro, Sel angōro 3 LGur 62
Notes: Har, Sel, Wol and Zw are considered Arb loans in (Lesl Loanwords 132).
Number: 148
Proto-Semitic: *lVḳ(lVḳ)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'lick' 1, 'lap' 2
Hebrew: lāḳaḳ 1, 2 (pBib. laḳlaḳ)
Arabic: lḳḳ [-u-] 1, lʕḳ 1
Tigre: läḳläḳa 1
Number: 149
Proto-Semitic: *rigl-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: foot
Ugaritic: /riglu/ 'foot' [Huehner 176] (unattested alphabetically)
Hebrew: rägäl 'foot, leg' [KB 1184]; 'one who goes by foot, pedestrian' ibid. 1184
Aramaic: SML lgr, OFF rgl, lgl, ngr, PLM rgl 'foot' [HJ 1060]; SamP riggālāʔi 'foot-soldier'
Biblical Aramaic: *rǝgal or *rǝgēl (only raglayin, du.) 'Fuss' [KB deutsch 1779]
Judaic Aramaic: riglā (raglā) [Ja 1449]; ryglh 'foot, leg' [Sok 516], riglāʔ- 'foot-soldier'
Syrian Aramaic: reglā 'pes' [Brock 712]
Modern Aramaic: MAL reɣra 'Fuss' [Berg 75] TUR raɣlo 'foot' [R Ṭūrōyo 118] MLH *reɣlo 'Fuss' (c. suff. reɣlav 'sein Fuss') [J Mlah 188]
Arabic: riǧl- 'pied' [BK 1 831], raǯul- 'man'
Epigraphic South Arabian: SAB rgl 'foot' [SD 116], MIN rgl 'pied, jambe' [LM 77]
Notes: Note AKK rig/k/ḳlu OA translated as 'ein Ggst.' in [AHw 982] with a remark: "Gelb p. 63 f. zu wsem. ri/agl 'Fuss'?".

    ETH *ʔǝgr 'foot' usually compared to this root (so [Kaye passim]) is not related; see *ʔi(n)gir-, No. .

    Cf. JUD nigrā [Ja 902] <*ligr-, with dissimilation *l- > n- in the vicinity of -r-, and MND ligra 'foot, leg' [DM 235]; metathesis in both cases due to nearly complete incompatibility of r and l in SEM roots.

    Cf. ESA: ḤḌR rgln 'fantassin' [LM 77], with a meaning shift.

    [KB 1184]: HBR, UGR, ARM, ARB, ESA, GEZ (ʔǝgr); [Brock 712]: SYR, ARM, HBR, ARB, ESA, GEZ (ʔǝgr), AKK (riglu 'ungula'; not in [AHw])

Number: 150
Proto-Semitic: *gʷVlaḥ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'make bald' 1, 'become bald' 2, 'be shaved' 3
Hebrew: glḥ 1
Arabic: glḥ [-a-] 2
Geʕez (Ethiopian): gʷalḥa 3
Number: 151
Proto-Semitic: *di/ap(a)ʔ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'heat' 1,'be warm' 2
Arabic: difʔ-, dafāʔ- 1, dfʔ [-a-, -u-]
Number: 152
Proto-Semitic: *ṣ̂Vp-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'plait (hair)' (v.)
Arabic: ḍfḍf
Notes: Reduplication.
Number: 153
Number: 154
Proto-Semitic: *kVpp-
Meaning: 'blind'
Arabic: ka/uff-
Number: 155
Proto-Semitic: *šVmaʕ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'hear'
Akkadian: šemû
Ugaritic: šmʕ
Hebrew: šmʕ
Syrian Aramaic: šmʕ
Mandaic Aramaic: šma
Arabic: smʕ [-a-]
Epigraphic South Arabian: smʕ
Geʕez (Ethiopian): smʕ
Tigre: šämʕa
Tigrai (Tigriñña): sämʕe
Amharic: sämma
Argobba: sämma
Gafat: sämmä
Harari: säma'a
Gurage: säma
Mehri: hēma
Harsusi: hōma (mēšmēʔ 'ear')
Soqotri: hyemaʕ
Number: 156
Proto-Semitic: *rīŝ-
Meaning: 'feather'
Arabic: rīš-
Number: 157
Proto-Semitic: *ʕārīṣ̂-
Meaning: 'cheek'
Arabic: ʕārīḍ-at-
Number: 158
Proto-Semitic: *ḳʷa/id(d)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'lamb skin' 1, 'strip of skin' 2, 'skin of body'
Arabic: ḳadd- 1, ḳidd- 2
Amharic: ḳoda 3
Argobba: ḳoda 3
Gafat: ḳodä 3
Gurage: Eža, Muh ḳʷäda 3
Number: 159
Proto-Semitic: *ʔada/īm-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'skin'
Arabic: ʔada/īm-
Notes: Eth *ʔadim '(red) skin, leather' [LGz 8] is considered by Leslau a loan of Arb. ʔadīm-, "possibly from the red or brown color" (meaning Arb. ʔdm 'be brown' < Sem. *ʔdm 'be red'). Tgr ʔedo (Rein Beḍ 7; not in LH) 'haut' may be a loan from Beḍ.
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