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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 1620
Proto-Semitic: *garr-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'box' 1, 'jug' 2
Akkadian: garru 1
Arabic: garr-at- 2
Number: 1621
Proto-Semitic: *garab-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: leprosy, mange, scab
Akkadian: garābu 'leprosy' OB on [CAD g 46], [AHw 281]
Hebrew: gārāb 'festering rash' [KB 201]
Judaic Aramaic: gārāb (garbā) 'itch, scurf' [Ja 264]; grb 'itch' [Sok 135]
Syrian Aramaic: garbā 'lepra; scabies' [Brock 130]
Modern Aramaic: NSYR gerba 'Aussatz, Lepra' [MP 34]
Mandaic Aramaic: girba 'leprosy, scurf' [DM 92]
Arabic: ǧarab- 'gale; rouille' [BK 1 273]
Tigre: gǝrbeb 'scab, mange' [LH 575]
Mehri: garb 'mange' [JM 123]
Jibbali: gɛ́rb 'mange' [JJ 78]
Soqotri: gerb 'gale' [LS 114] (gɛrb 'mange' [JM 123])
Notes: Note a different vocalism in MND and TGR.

    See a derived verb in AMH gʷärräbä; gʷärba gʷärba alä 'to have blisters on the hand etc.; to be covered with blisters' [K 1934] (labialization of the velar under the influence of -b- ?).

    MSA examples may well be Arabisms.

    Cf. E. CHAD: SUMRAY gaberi 'syphilis' compared as a metathetic form to SEM in [O-S 203]; an interesting case hardly, however, sufficient for a common AFRASIAN reconstruction.

    [Fron 40] (*garab- 'scabbia' /ARB,SYR,HBR,AKK/); [DRS 178]: AKK, HBR, ARM, ARB, MSA, ETH; [KB 201]: HBR, ARM, ARB, AKK, TGR; [Brock 130]: SYR, ARM, HBR, AKK, ARB; [LS 114]: SOQ, JIB, SYR, ARM, HBR, AKK, ARB

Number: 1622
Proto-Semitic: *ɣVwVl-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'make smb. perish quickly'
Arabic: ʁwl [-u-]
Notes: Based on the original *ʁVl-
Number: 1623
Proto-Semitic: *ɣaliṭ_-/*ɣaluṭ_-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'be fat, be bulky'
Arabic: ɣlẓ [-i-, -u-]
Mehri: ɣelayz
Harsusi: ɣelez
Number: 1624
Proto-Semitic: *ɣa/ur-/*ɣarɣar-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: (kind of) skin, dewlap, a fold of loose skin hanging from the neck region
Akkadian: (?) āru 'hide (?)' OA [CAD a2 318] (interpreted as 'Kalb' with a question mark in [AHw 72])
Ugaritic: ɣr 'piel' [DLU 159].

    In UGR syllabic cuneiform: AKK ma-aš-ku = [ú?]-ru 'skin, hide' [Huehner 159]. Note that the UGR syllabic cuneiform normally uses H-signs to render ɣ [Huehner 240-243]j

Phoenician: *ʕr (only pl. ʕrt; cf. HBR) 'skin' [T 256]
Hebrew: ʕōr 'skin, leather', pl. ʕōrōt [KB 803].

    Cf. PB ʔūr 'chaff' [Ja 32]; it is not quite clear from Jastrow's notation whether this form belongs to HBR PB or ARM JUD (if ARM JUD, why placed under a separate heading not together with ʔūrā 'skin'?)

Judaic Aramaic: ʕūr 'husk, chaff' [Ja 1058].

    Cf. also ʔūrā 'skin' [ibid. 32], with ʔ- instead of ʕ-

Arabic: ɣarɣar-at-, ɣurɣur-at- 'gésier d'oiseau' [BK 2 457]; cf. ɣarr-at-, ɣurr-at- 'pli (d'une peau, d'une étoffe)' [ibid. 446]
Mehri: ɣǝrɣār, ɣǝrɣǝrōt 'side of throat' [JM 141]
Jibbali: ɣɔrɣɔ́rɔ́t, ɣarɣɔ́rɔ́t 'dewlap' [JJ 88]
Notes: Reduplication in ARB and MSA (where borrowing from ARB is not to be excluded).

    Cf. [O-S 227], where UGR ɣr, HBR ʕōr (erroneously quoted as ʕor) are compared to HRS ɣerēret 'bag, sack'; this comparison, however, would have been valid only if the MSA words denoted a bag made of skin, which does not follow from the meanings quoted in the dictionaries (cf. also MHR ɣayrōrǝt, JIB ɣárɔ́rt 'small bag' [JM 140] and ARB ɣirār-at- 'sac à paille hachée, ou sac à grain porté à dos de chameau' [BK 2 447], which is either a cognate of, or a loan-source for, the MSA terms).

    Cf. ETH forms likely related with suffixed -m: TGR ʕaräm 'skin (untanned)' [LH 458], TNA ʕaräm 'pelle della testa di vitello' [Bass 677] and, possibly, GUR: SOD irma 'belt of skin for women' [LGur 89] (which Leslau considers a loan from E. CUSH: HAD irmu-ččo).

    [KB 803]: HBR, UGR, PHO; [DLU 159]: UGR, PHO, HBR

Number: 1625
Proto-Semitic: *ɣuz-
Meaning: 'keep, cling to'
Arabic: ɣzz [-u-]
Number: 1626
Proto-Semitic: *ɣat_-/*ɣit_-
Meaning: 'be thin, be bad'
Arabic: ʁt_t_ [-a-, -i-]
Number: 1627
Proto-Semitic: *ɣVpVy-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'clean, hull (grain)'
Arabic: ɣfy
Notes: Denominative verb
Number: 1628
Proto-Semitic: *ɣurl-(at-)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: foreskin, prepuce
Akkadian: urullu 'Vorhaut' [AHw 1436]
Canaanite: EG SYLL ḳu4-r=na=ta /*ɣurlata, ɣurlōta/ 'foreskin, uncircumcised phallus' [Hoch 302]
Hebrew: ʕorlā 'foreskin' [KB 866]
Judaic Aramaic: ʕurlā, ʕurlǝtā 'prepuce' [Ja 1058]; ʕorlā, det. ʕrlth 'foreskin' [Sok 420]
Syrian Aramaic: ʕurlā 'praeputiatus', ʕurlūtā 'praeputium' [Brock 548]
Arabic: ɣurlat- 'pénis gros et non circoncis'' [BK 2 461].

    Cf. metathetic ruɣlat- 'prépuce' [ibid. 1 890]. Cf. also ɣurmūl- 'pénis gros et non circoncis' [ibid. 2 461](metathetic <*ɣarlūm-, with suffixed -m?)

Notes: [Holma 97], [KB 866], [Brock 548]: HBR, ARM, ARB, AKK
Number: 1629
Proto-Semitic: *ɣVwVr- 1, *ɣar- 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'raid, attack' (v.) 1, 'army' 2
Arabic: ɣwr 1, ɣar- 2
Harsusi: šewɣor 1
Number: 1630
Number: 1631
Proto-Semitic: *ʕupVy-
Meaning: 'twig, foliage'
Hebrew: ʕopī
Notes: Cf. Afar ayyuf, Maa ihopi 'leaf'
Number: 1632
Proto-Semitic: *ʕagūr-
Meaning: 'crane'
Hebrew: ʕagūr
Number: 1633
Proto-Semitic: *ʕall- ~ *ʕVlʕVl- ~ *laʕl-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'height, elevation, the above' 1, 'upper part' 2, 'be high, elevated' 3, 'raise, elevate' 4
Hebrew: ʕal 1 HAL 825
Arabic: ʕall- 1, 2; ʕll 3
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ʕalʕala 4, lāʕl 1
Number: 1634
Proto-Semitic: *ʕVlVl-
Meaning: 'drink for the second time'
Arabic: ʕll
Number: 1635
Number: 1636
Proto-Semitic: *ʕam(m/w/y)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'a thornbush' 1, 'plants, herbs in general', 'large palm trees' 3
Akkadian: amû 1 Syn list CAD a2 86
Arabic: ʕa/imm- 2, 3 BK 2 358
Number: 1637
Proto-Semitic: *ʕVnVn-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'appear'
Arabic: ʕnn [-i-, -u-]
Number: 1638
Number: 1639
Proto-Semitic: *ʕVwVy-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'cry'
Arabic: ʕwy
Jibbali: ʕwy
Notes: Based on *ʕVw-
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