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Number: 2080
Proto-Semitic: *ɣap(a)r-
Meaning: (kind of) hair
Akkadian: apparrītu 'stiff, wiry (?) hair' SB [CAD a2 179], [AHw 59]; сf. apparrû, h_apparrû 'having wiry (?) hair' MB, SB [CAD ibid.]
Arabic: ɣafr- 'poil follet sur les cuisse et au front (chez les femmes)' [BK 2 483], ɣafar- 'poil, cheveux du cou, du derrière de la tête et des mâchoires; poil aux cuisses (chez les femmes)', ɣifrāt- 'toupet, poil au front (chez le lion)', ɣufār- 'poil du cou et des mâchoires' [ibid.]
Notes: Scarce but reliable attestation: only AKK and ARB.

    Vocalic reconstruction based on AKK and part of the ARB forms

Number: 2081
Number: 2082
Proto-Semitic: *ɣarVb/p-
Meaning: occiput, back of the neck
Akkadian: arūb/pu 'part of neck' SB [CAD a2 323].

    In [AHw 72] the word is transсribed as aruppu and translated as 'etwas Oberlippe'

Hebrew: ʕōräp 'top of the head, neck' [KB 888]
Judaic Aramaic: ʕorpā 'hind part of the head with the neck, neck' [Ja 1122]
Arabic: ɣārib- 'garrot du chameau, la partie située entre le cou et la bosse' [BK 2 451]
Mehri: ɣarb, ɣōrǝb 'camel's back and neck in front of the hump' [JM 140]
Jibbali: ɣarb do. [JJ 88]
Harsusi: ɣōreb do. [JH 45]
Soqotri: ʕárib 'nuque' [LS 325]; also 'arrière du cou (haut)' and 'dos (de la main)', cf. [SSL LS 1452]
Notes: From *ɣarVṗ- ?

    Usually compared is not ARB ɣārib- (above), which is semantically preferable, but ARB ʕurf- 'crinière du cheval; crête du coq' [BK 2 226] (a variant root?); note that SYR ʕurpā 'crista galli' [Brock 549] is considered a borrowing of the latter.

    All MSA examples are suspicious of being Arabisms, both phonetically and semantically, except SOQ, with its different scope of meanings. Cf. also MHR mɛ̄rī́m 'back of the neck' [SSL 1 269], probably < *ma-ʕrim, which may be compared as a variant root (with -b/-m) or a result of assimilation of *-b > -m under the influence of m- of the prefix.

    Note *ɣa > a in AKK.

    [Maizel 172]; [Holma 141]: AKK (translated as 'Mähne des Pferdes'), ARB (ʕurf-), HBR; [LS 325]: SOQ, ARB (ʕurf-), HBR, AKK; [KB 887]: HBR, JUD, SYR, ARB (ʕurf-)

Number: 2083
Proto-Semitic: *ḥubb-/ḥawb-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: chest, bosom
Hebrew: PB ḥōb 'bosom' [Ja 429].

    Note the meaning 'shirt-pocket (safe place for keeping things)' in HBR BIB (hap. in Job); compared in [KB 284] indiscriminately to ARM forms in ḥ- and ʕ-

Judaic Aramaic: ḥubbā 'lap, bosom' [Ja 429]; ḥwb 'bosom' [Sok 189]
Arabic: ḥawbāʔ- 'poitrine' [BK 1 507]
Notes: As a nominal anatomic term, C. SEM only. Cf. TNA ḥabḥabä 'avere il ventre rigonfio e rialzato in alto verso il petto' [Bass 52]; a reduplicated verbal stem semantically quite likely to have derived from 'chest' (cf. also TGR ḥabbät 'round swelling' [LH 80]).

    Cf. *ɣa/ub(a)b- 'bosom, chest; dewlap', No.

    [KB 284]: HBR, ARM (both with ʕ and ḥ), ARB (MALT ḥob and, strangely enough, CLASS ǧubb-)

Number: 2084
Proto-Semitic: *ḥVbVl-
Meaning: foetus; umbilical cord
Hebrew: ḥēbel 'foetus; labour pains' [KB 286]; cf. ḥbl (piʕ) 'to be pregnant' [ibid.]
Judaic Aramaic: ḥäblā 'writhing, troes of birth, agony' [Ja 420]
Syrian Aramaic: ḥeblā 'dolor partus' [Brock 210]; ḥbal 'parturivit' [ibid.]
Arabic: ḥabal- 'foetus', ḥbl 'concevoir, devenir enceinte' [BK 1 370].

    Cf. ḥabl- 'veine, artère, tendon' [ibid.]. Cf. also metathetic ḥālib- 'veine du fémur', du. 'les deux veines autour du nombril' [ibid. 477]

Modern Arabic: DAT_ maḥbalah 'utérus' [GD 342]
Mehri: ḥǝblēt 'umbilical cord' [JM 164]
Jibbali: EAST ḥablɛ́t do. [JM 164]
Harsusi: ḥebelēt do. [JH 55]
Notes: Rather scarce but reliable attestation.

    'Foetus' is possibly the original meaning, the other meaning 'umbilical cord' having developed through contamination with SEM *ḥabl- 'cord, rope' (cf. [LGz 223], [KB 286]).

    Cf. AKK abunnatu 'navel; umbilical cord (?); center (of a country, etc.)' OB on [CAD a1 89], [AHw 9]; related with an unususal phonetic development. An alternative etymology of the AKK word is a rather obscure SEM *ʔVban-at-: HBR PB ʔōbän 'the passage of the embryo, vagina' [Ja 7] (note the meaning 'testicles' given for this word in the Addenda to this dictionary [ibid. 1706]), JUD ʔăbantā, ʔōbantā 'the fat surrounding the heart' [Ja 8] (not quite certain), and possibly ARB ʔubnat- 'noeud, nodosité dans une tige d'arbre' [BK 1 6] (to the JUD example cf. also ARB binn- 'graisse, morceau de graisse' [ibid. 166]).

    Cf. ETH *ḥǝn/mbǝr-t 'navel' (a variant root with l/r variation?): GEZ ḥǝnbǝrt [LGz 236], TGR ḥǝnbǝr(t), ḥǝnbǝrra, ḥǝmbǝr, ḥǝmbǝrra [LH 83], TNA ḥǝmbǝrti [Bassano 39], AMH ǝnbǝrt, ǝmbǝrt [K 1220], ARG ǝmbǝrt [LGur 45], EAST: HAR ḥambūrṭi, ZWY ǝmbǝrbiṭ [ibid.] (-ṭ remains enigmatic; Leslau suggests the ETH root may be related to C. CUSH: QUARA gumbera do. > GAFAT gumbǝrä [ibid.]).

    [KB 286]: HBR, ARM, ARB; [Brock 210]: SYR, ARM, HBR, ARB

Number: 2085
Proto-Semitic: *ḥi/ab(V)r-
Meaning: spot on the skin, bruise, wound
Akkadian: ibāru 'a mark of discoloration on the skin' SB [CAD i 1], [AHw 363]
Hebrew: ḥabbūrā 'wound, slash' [KB 285]; ḥăbarbūrōt 'skin specks' [ibid. 288] (cf. a remarkable parallelism in GEZ)
Judaic Aramaic: ḥabburtā 'a mark of violence, wound, discoloring' [Ja 417]; ḥäbrī 'wound' [Sok 186]
Syrian Aramaic: ḥǝbārtā 'vulnus; cutis corneae' [Brock 212]
Arabic: ḥibr- 'mark of beating; a healed wound' [Lane 499] (not in [BK])
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḥǝbǝrbǝre 'eruption on the skin' [LGz 224].

    Note a variant root with -n-: ḥǝnbǝrbǝre 'scab, scabby eruption on the skin' [ibid. 236]

Soqotri: ḥábǝ́r 'spot of a darker colour (on the skin)' [JM 165], QALAN-V ḥǟ́̄bǝr 'grain de beauté; grosse tache noire congénitale' [SSL 4 88]
Notes: Great variety of patterns; note a partial reduplication in HBR and GEZ.

    Likely connected with SEM *ḥbr 'to paint, dye, mark': AKK ebēru 'to paint the face' SB [CAD e 13], [AHw 182]; ARB ḥibr-, ḥibār-, ḥabār- 'marque, signe' [BK 1 366]; GEZ ḥābara 'to dye' [LGz 224]; SOQ ḥóbir 'multicolore' [LS 161].

    [KB 285]: HBR, SYR, ARB, AKK; [Brock 212]: SYR, ARB, AKK, HBR, ARM; [LGz 224]: GEZ, HBR, ARM, AKK, ARB

Number: 2086
Proto-Semitic: *ḥad_(V)y-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: breast
Hebrew: ḥāzǟ 'breast of a sacrificial animal' [KB 301]
Biblical Aramaic: ḥădṓhī (pl.? du.? suff.) 'Brust' [KB deutsch 1704]
Judaic Aramaic: ḥadyā 'breast, chest, bosom' [Ja 426]; note ḥzy, det. ḥzyyh 'breast' [Sok 194] (< HBR, "most probably an artificial word" [ibid.])
Syrian Aramaic: ḥadyā 'pectus' [Brock 216]
Modern Aramaic: MLH ḥazyo 'Brust' [J Mlah 177]
Mandaic Aramaic: hadia 'breast, chest' [DM 116]
Notes: Very limited attestation: only in HBR and ARM. Note, however, the forms likely related, with different shifts of meaning, in various SEM languages: (1) ARB ḥad_w-, ḥid_w-, ḥud_w-, ḥid_āʔ- 'vis-à-vis, en face de' [BK 1 399] used both as a noun and a preposition (lit. 'breast to breast'?); (2) ESA: MIN ḥd_yt 'conformément' [LM 46] (compared in [Brock 216]); (3) ETH (semantic development debatable): GEZ ḥazaza 'to cough, swallow a liquid that chokes and causes coughing' [LGz 254], ʔaḥzaza 'come out of the nose (food) while one is asleep, have heartburn' [ibid]; AMH anäzzäzä 'to come out of the nose (food or drink) due to a spasm in the trachea' [K 1228] (<*ḥzz with a secondary nasalization?).

    [KB 301]: HBR, ARM, ARB, ESA; [Brock 216]: SYR, HBR, ARM, ARB, ESA (incl. AKK irtu < *iztu which is impossible)

Number: 2087
Proto-Semitic: *ḥi/aḳʷ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: hip, loin, lap
Ugaritic: /ḥēḳu/ 'lap' [Huehner 124] (alphabetically not attested)
Hebrew: ḥēḳ 'lap' [KB 312].

    Possibly < *ḥiḳw- with a loss of -w (cf. rēaʕ 'companion, friend' <*riʕw- ?), though the spelling plene ḥyḳ rather speaks for proto HBR *ḥayḳ-

Judaic Aramaic: ḥēḳā 'lap, bossom' [Ja 460]
Arabic: ḥaḳw-, ḥiḳw- 'cette partie du corps qui est au bas des côtes; ceinture' [BK 1 469]
Epigraphic South Arabian: SAB ḥḳw-nhn, ḥḳw-y (du.) 'loins' [SD 69]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḥaḳʷe (also ḥawḳe, ḥawḳʷe) 'hip, loin' [LGz 239].

    The final -e from *-ay may be interpreted as a remnant of the dual ending or as the result of a metathesis < *ḥayḳʷ-)

Tigre: ḥǝḳäḳ (pl.) 'hips, loin' [LH 77].

    Cf. ḥaḳḳat (pl.) 'sides', ḥeḳaḳ 'slope of a mountain' [ibid.]

Tigrai (Tigriñña): ḥǝḳʷe 'lombo' [Bass 50] (-e < *-ay)
Harari: ḥač̣i 'back of the body' [LHar 79] (-č̣ < *-ḳ before a front vowel)
East Ethiopic: SEL anč̣ä, ZWY anč̣i (with a secondary nasalization?) do. [LGur 56]
Gurage: MSQ anḳ'ä do. [LGur 72]
Mehri: QISHN ḥā́ḳǝw 'taille' [SSL 2 220] (unless an Arabism)
Jibbali: ḥaḳḥéḳ 'hip(s), hip-bone(s)' [JJ 108] (redupl.)
Soqotri: (?) QALAN-V ḥanṣ̌ǝ̄ḳɔh d-rhɛy (d-ṭā́deʕ) 'haut de la colonne vertébrale' [SSL 4 95].

    <*ḥanḳVḳ-at- with a secondary -n-? Note that rhɛy is 'head', ṭā́deʕ is 'back'

Notes: Otherwise *ḥayḳʷ-.

    Of interest is -n- in ETH EAST (SEL and ZWY) and SOQ; may it imply -n- in the proto-form?

    Note ETH *ḥaḳʷay with metathesis.

    While MHR ḥāḳǝw 'taille' may be an Arabism, JIB ḥaḳḥéḳ 'hip(s), hip-bone(s)' looks genuine; both MHR ḥāḳǝw [JM 176] and JIB ḥɔ́ḳɛ 'belt' [JJ 108] are clearly Arabisms.

    See prepositions and adverbs likely derived from this anatomic term in ETH and MSA: TGR ḥaḳo 'after, behind' [LH 76], EAST: SEL anč̣ä, ZWY anč̣i 'backwards' [LGur 56], GUR: anḳ'ä and related words forming part of prepositions 'after, behind' [LGur 72]; MSA: MHR mǝn ḥǝḳ 'inside (prep.)' [JM 175], HRS men ḥeḳ 'inside' [JH 58].

    Cf. AMH ǝḳ, euphemism for genitalia; also 'things, objects, baggage, household furniture' [K 1183]. The meaning 'genitalia' may be derived from 'things, objects', but a reverse development is also possible, with 'genitalia' to have derived from non-attested 'hip, loin, lap'; see a parallel meaning shift in *ga/ibr-.

    Cf. [Maizel 220]; [KB 312]: HBR, ARM, ARB, GEZ, TGR; [LGz 239]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, ESA, MHR, HBR

Number: 2088
Proto-Semitic: *ḥa/ul(l)-
Meaning: spinal column with thigh bones
Akkadian: h_allu 'crotch, region between the thighs; the hind legs of animals' OB on [CAD h_ 45], [AHw 312].

    On AKK h_- < *ḥ- see Introduction

Hebrew: PB ḥulyā 'limb; vertebra of the spinal column; link' [Ja 434]
Arabic: ḥāl- 'dos du cheval' [BK 1 518]; maḥāl-, maḥālat- 'milieu du dos, vertèbre' [ibid. 520]
Notes: Semantically and phonetically not without difficulties
Number: 2089
Proto-Semitic: *ḥil(Vl)-
Meaning: urethra (?)
Syrian Aramaic: ḥeltā 'vagina' [Brock 232]
Arabic: ʔiḥlīl- 'canal du pis ou de la verge' [BK 1 474].

    With ʔa- prefix > ʔi- under the influence of -ī-?

Tigre: ḥǝlil 'orifice of the teat; the urethra' [LH 53] (< ARB?); ḥǝlelät 'penis' [ibid.]
Notes: A difficult case with scarce attestation.

    A very specified anatomic meaning in ARB and TGR may be alternatively explained by an Arabism in TGR, in which case the ARB term, possibly with an original meaning 'orifice' or 'canal' without any anatomic connotations, should be compared to AKK h_ālilu (h_alīlu) 'a kind of canal or ditch' SB [CAD h_ 42] and SYR ḥǝlīlā 'rima; caverna; tubus' [Brock 232]. On the other hand, SYR 'vagina' and TGR 'penis' (hardly an Arabism, cf. difference in meaning) can be as well compared to each other and to ARB 'canal of the penis' still making a SEM anatomical term with a possible meaning 'canal of the genital organ'

Number: 2090
Proto-Semitic: *ḥalaʔ-
Meaning: mole, pimple(s)
Akkadian: h_alû 'black mole (on the face and body); black spot (a disease of barley)' OB on [CAD 53], [AHw 314] (according to Soden, also h_ālu).

    On h_ < *ḥ see Introduction

Arabic: ḥalaʔ- 'boutons aux lèvres à la suite de la fièvre' [BK 1 476]
Notes: Scarce attestation: only AKK and ARB
Number: 2091
Proto-Semitic: *ḥalḳ-, *ḥalḳū/um-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: Adam's apple, throat
Akkadian: (?) *a/elī/āḳu in līḳ (laḳ, aliḳ, elaḳ) pî 'palate' OB on [CAD l 205], [AHw 555] (lit. "the l. of the mouth")
Ugaritic: (?) ḥlḳ 'parte, miembro' [DLU 176].

    See discussion where various possibilities of translation are quoted, 'cuello, garganta' among them

Arabic: ḥalḳ- 'gosier, gorge' [BK 1 481]; ḥalḳūm- 'gorge' [ibid. 482]; Leb ḥalǝʔ, Mlt ḥalʔa 'mouth'
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḥǝlḳ 'throat, gullet, palate' [LGz 230]
Tigre: ḥǝlḳǝm 'throat, larynx' [LH 54] (an Arabism?)
Amharic: ǝllǝḳt 'depression at the base of the neck directly below the Adam's apple' [K 1108]
Mehri: ḥǝlḳǝmūt 'Adam's apple' [JM 179]; cf. ḥewḳāt 'circle, ring' JM 178 < Arb?
Jibbali: ḥalḳũt (<*ḥalḳum-t) do. [JJ 110]; cf. 'circle, ring' in [JJ 110] <Arb?
Harsusi: ḥelḳemōt do. [JH 59]; ḥewḳāt 'circle, ring' <Arb?
Soqotri: QALAN-V ḥɛlḳɔ̄́moh 'pomme d'Adam' [SSL 3 95], QADHUB ḥalḳámoh 'gorge, pomme d'Adam' [SSL LS 1459].

    Cf. QADHUB ḥɛnṣ̌ǝ́ḳɔh 'creux sous la pomme d'Adam; pomme d'Adam' <*ḥnḳḳ [ibid.]; see in *ʕVnḳ-, No.

Notes: AKK *līḳ/laḳ may be alternatively compared to ARB laḳlaḳ- 'langue' [BK 2 1016].

    Cf. HBR malḳōḥayim (dual) 'gums' [KB 594]; metathesis *ḥlḳ > lḳḥ due to folk etymology linking it with lḳḥ 'to take, to grasp'?

    Note the forms in -m in ARB, TGR (unless an Arabism) and MSA, where the feminine ending in all the languages rather speaks against the Arabic borrowing.

    [Holma 25]: AKK, HBR, GEZ, ARB; [KB 594]: HBR, AKK, ARB, ARB, GEZ, TGR; [LGz 230]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, JIB, HBR, AKK, UGR

Number: 2092
Proto-Semitic: *ḥVl(a)ṣ- {} *ḥVl(a)c̣-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: (part of the) hip, loin
Akkadian: (?) ilṣu 'arm (or hip)' in SynLists only [CAD i 88], [AHw 373]
Hebrew: ḥălāṣayim (dual, <*ḥVlaṣ-) 'loins' [KB 322]
Judaic Aramaic: ḥlṣyn (du.) 'loins' [Sok 204]
Mandaic Aramaic: halṣa 'hip, back, middle' [DM 122]
Arabic: cf. ḫlṣ 'ê. fracturé(os)'
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḥǝlṣ 'loin' [LGz 230].

    Leslau considers it a transcription of HBR ḥäläṣ; this word, however, is not attested in HBR other than in the dual

Soqotri: ṣaḥl-o 'os'
Notes: With AKK and GEZ examples problematic, scarce attestation in HBR and ARM only.

    Note the meaning development 'hip' > 'girdle' > (1) 'to gird oneself, to be equipped (for war), to set out' > 'warrior', and > (2) 'to surround, fortify, strengthen' > 'strong': PHO ḥlṣ 'chief warrior' [T 106], HBR ḥālūṣ 'equipped (for war)' [KB 322], PB ḥlṣ 'to surround, fortify; to gird, arm' [Ja 472]; SYR ḥǝlīṣā 'fortis' [Brock 237]. Note SYR ḥaṣṣā 'lumbus' [Brock 250] and MND haṣa 'hip, back, middle' [DM 122], which may be from either *ḥalṣ-, i.e. belong to this root, or *ḥarṣ- (cf. *ḥVrṣ- {} ḥVrc̣-, No. ), or *h_am/nṣ- (cf. *h_am/nṣ- {} *h_am/nc̣- 'waist', No. ), or make a separate ARM root *ḥaṣṣ-.

    [KB 322]: HBR, AKK, MND (also forms with -r- in ARM and ARB, and AKK h_anṣatu); [DM 122]: MND, HBR (also ARM forms with -r-)

Number: 2093
Proto-Semitic: *ḥVmm(-at)-
Meaning: breast, stomach, entrails
Akkadian: (?) umandu 'ein Teil des Leibesinneren' SB [AHw 1412].

    <*ḥum(a)m-t-? (-nd- < -mt- is not uncommon for this period [GAG 29], cf. pēnd/tu < pēmtu <*paḥm-at- 'carbon' and many other examples)

Modern Aramaic: TUR ḥimto 'fever' [R Ṭūrōyo 115] NASS h_imta 'fury, temper; poison, venom' [Tser 084] IRAN h_amh_amtá 'la febbre' [Pen 86]
Arabic: ḥammām-at- 'milieu de la poitrine, du poitrail, sternum, etc.' [BK 1 487].

    Cf. two other anatomical terms, however, difficult to compare for semantic reasons: ḥammāʔ- 'fesses' [ibid. 486] and ḥamm-, ḥammat- 'queue grasse de mouton fondue' [ibid. 486] (an original meaning likely to be 'fat tail of a sheep', the meaning 'melted' acquired through contamination with the homonymous verb ḥmm 'chauffer' [ibid. 485])

Tigre: ḥǝmmǝto 'a dish of entrails cut to pieces' [LH 62]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): ḥǝmmǝto 'una pietanza fatta d'interiori di capra, pecora etc.' [Bass 40]
Soqotri: QALAN-V ḥɛ́ym 'bas-ventre' [SSL LS 1460]
Notes: Reconstruction, both vocalic and semantic, is rather amorphous
Number: 2094
Proto-Semitic: *ḥVm(aw)t-
Meaning: venom, poison
Akkadian: imtu 'saliva, poisonous foam' OB [CAD i 139], [AHw 379]
Ugaritic: ḥmt 'veneno' [DLU 178]
Hebrew: ḥēmā 'poison, venom' [KB 326]
Syrian Aramaic: ḥemtā 'venenum' [Brock 242]
Arabic: ḥumat- 'venin du scorpion' [BK 1 498] (another meaning, 'ardeur', may go back to ḥmy 'brûler' [ibid. 497]); ḥummat- 'venin du scorpion' [ibid. 486] (also 'fièvre', rather from ḥmm 'chauffer' [ibid. 485])
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḥamot 'bile, gall, venom' [LGz 235]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): ḥamot 'fiele' [Bass 40]
Amharic: amot, hamot 'bile, gall' [K 1132]
Gafat: amotä 'bile' [LGaf 178]
East Ethiopic: ZWY amūt do. [LGur 53]
Gurage: END amot, MSQ SOD amota, CHA EŽA ENN GYE MUH GOG amʷäta do. [ibid.]
Notes: The underlying PSEM form is probably *ḥimw-at-.

    ETH proto-form to be reconstructed as *ḥamaw-t-.

    Cf. SEM *ḥym ~ ḥmy 'to be angry; anger' presumably derived from this root (otherwise from SEM *ḥmm ~ *ḥmy 'to be hot'): HBR ḥēmā 'heat, rage, wrath' [KB 326]; BIB ḥămā, ḥä̆mā 'Wut' [KB deutsch 1709], JUD ḥēmǝt_ā 'anger, heat, rage' [Ja 458], ḥmh (det. ḥämt_ā) 'anger, venom' [Sok 204], SYR ḥemtā 'ardor, ira' [Brock 242], MND himta 'wrath, anger' [DM 146, 150]; ARB ḥmy 'être en colère contre quelqu'un' [BK 1 497]; MHR ḥátmi 'to be in a frustrated, angry state' [JM 182], JIB ḥútmi 'to get frustrated, angry' [JJ 112] (forms with infixed -t- of the verbal root ḥmy), SOQ ḥéyom 'ne pas vouloir, mépriser' [LS 172].

    [Fron 39] (*ḥim-at- 'bava (velenosa)' /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,AKK/); [Holma 8]: AKK, HBR, SYR, ARB, GEZ; [DLU 178]: UGR, AKK, SYR, ARB, GEZ; [KB 326]: HBR, ARM, ARB, GEZ, TGR, UGR, AKK; [Brock 242]: SYR, ARM, ARB, HBR, GEZ, AKK; [LGz 235]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, HBR, ARM, UGR, AKK

Number: 2095
Proto-Semitic: *ḥamt_- > *ḥumt_- {} *ḥamč- > *ḥumč-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: (lower) belly, uterus, womb
Akkadian: emšu, enšu, imšu 'hypogastric region' OB, SB [CAD e 153], 'Unterleib, Mutterleib' [AHw 215]
Hebrew: ḥōmäš 'belly' [KB 331]
Syrian Aramaic: ḥumšā 'abdomen, omassum' [Brock 242].

    š points to *š {} *s, while t < *t_ {} *č is expected. Theoretically may be interpreted as Akkadism or Canaanism, but hardly so

Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḥǝmŝ, ḥǝms 'uterus, womb' [LGz 234-235].

    ŝ points to *ŝ {} *ĉ unless a graphic variant of s (this and other examples of SEM *t_ > GEZ ŝ are treated in [Voigt 105-6 et passim])

Tigre: ḥǝms 'pubes, abdomen' [LH 61]
Amharic: ǝms 'vulva, vagina' [K 1126]
Mehri: ḥamt_ 'belly from the navel down' [JM 182]
Jibbali: ḥamt_ 'lower belly' [JJ 112]
Harsusi: ḥamt_ 'lower belly, pubes' [JH 60]
Soqotri: ḥánt 'ventre' [LS 183] (n < *m before -t)
Notes: Phonetically a difficult case: only MSA forms definitely point to *-t_ as a third radical while reflexes in other language are either not indicative (AKK, HBR, MOD ETH) or irregular (ARM, GEZ).

    Cf. ARB ḥamīš- 'graisse; obésité' [BK 1 492], with a plausible semantic shift, but with -š instead of the expected -t_.

    Note MND himṣa 'belly, entrails' [DM 146] possibly related to AKK h_imṣu 'fatty tissue around the intestines; a growth on the skin' OB on [CAD h_ 192], [AHw 346].

    [Fron 46] (*ḥumš- 'addome' /GEZ,SYR,HBR,AKK/); [Holma 87]: AKK, HBR, SYR, GEZ; [KB 331]: HBR, SYR, GEZ, TGR, AKK; [Brock 242]: SYR, HBR, GEZ, AKK; [LS 183]: SOQ, TGR (ḥanot, for which see *ḥann-, No. ); [LGz 234-35]: GEZ, ETH, MHR, HBR, AKK, SYR (discussion)

Number: 2096
Number: 2097
Proto-Semitic: *ḥVrṣ- {} ḥVrc̣-
Meaning: hip, loin
Hebrew: PB ḥäräṣ 'loin' [Ja 505]
Biblical Aramaic: ḥarṣ- 'hip' (suff.) [KB deutsch 1712]
Judaic Aramaic: ḥarṣā 'loins' [Ja 505]; ḥrṣ, det. ḥrṣh do. [Sok 215]
Modern Aramaic: MAL ḥaṣṣa 'Rücken' [Berg 40] BAH *ḥaṣṣa 'Rücken' [Cor 157] MLH *ḥaṣo 'Rücken', c. suff. ḥaṣi 'mein Rücken' [J Mlah 177] HRT ḥaṣa 'Rücken' [J Hert 188] NASS h_ɔ̄sɔ 'back' [Tser 088] MMND halṣa, haṣṣa 'hip' [M MND 506] GZR xáṣa 'back' [Nak 89] IRAТ *h_āṣā 'la schiena, il dorso' [Pen 86]
Arabic: ḥirṣiyān- 'paroi intérieure de la peau du ventre' [BK 1 409].

    <*ḥirṣ-iy-ān- (old dual?)

Notes: C. SEM only; one wonders whether a more specified ARB term may convey the primary meaning.

    Note SYR ḥaṣṣā 'lumbus' [Brock 250] and MND haṣa 'hip, back, middle' [DM 122], which may be from either *ḥarṣ-, i.e. belong to this root, or *ḥalṣ- (cf. *ḥVl(a)ṣ- {} *ḥVl(a)c̣- '(part of the) hip, loin', No. ), or *h_am/nṣ- (cf. *h_am/nṣ- {} *h_am/nc̣- 'waist', No. ), or make a separate ARM root *ḥaṣṣ-.

    Cf. ARB h_aṣr- 'milieu du corps' [BK 1 581] and TGR ḥač̣č̣aro 'the lower part of the back' [LH 101] likely to make another SEM root *h_aṣr- (variant of the present one, with metathesis and h_/*ḥ ?).

    [Fron 46] (*h_arṣ- 'lombo' /SOQ monḥeṣ, ARB h_aṣr-, SYR ḥaṣṣō, HBR ḥălāṣayim, AKK h_imṣu/); [KB deutsch 1712]: BIB, ARM (incl. forms with -l-, -r- and -ṣṣ-), HBR (ḥălāṣayim), ARB (h_aṣr-); [Brock 250]: JUD (ḥarṣā), MND (hʔlṣʔ), HBR (ḥălāṣayim), ARB (h_aṣr-), AKK (h_imṣu)

Number: 2098
Proto-Semitic: *ḥasīs- {} *ḥacīc-
Meaning: helix, cartilages of ear
Akkadian: h_asīsu 'aperture of the ear, ear; (faculty of) hearing' OB on [CAD h_ 126], [AHw 330] (translated as 'Ohr; Weisheit').

    Note AKK h_ <*ḥ

Hebrew: PB ḥisḥūs 'the cartilages forming the ear, helix, etc.' [Ja 486-7]
Judaic Aramaic: ḥăsīsā, ḥasḥāsūt 'the system of cartilages of the ear, helix and antihelix' [Ja 487], ḥisḥūs 'the cartilages forming the ear' [ibid.]
Syrian Aramaic: ḥasḥūsē (pl.) 'cartilagines' [Brock 245]
Arabic: ʔal-ḥasīs-āni (dual) 'les deux artères derrière les oreilles' [BK 1 423]
Notes: Cf. SEM *ḥ/h_ss {} *ḥcc 'to hear, to perceive': AKK h_asāsu 'to think of; to be mindful of, to listen to' [CAD h_ 122]; UGR h_ss 'recordar' [DLU 200]; ARB ḥss 'écouter, être aux écoutes; sentir' [BK 1 423]; MHR ḥǝs 'to have feeling, be conscious of' [JM 188], HRS ḥes 'to feel, perceive, notice' [JH 62], JIB ḥess 'to feel, notice', s̃ḥsɛsés 'to sense, hear' [JJ 116]. A current point of view on the nominal root as derived from the verbal one is to be questioned in view of a very specified meaning of the former. The reverse formation of the verbal root from the nominal is more plausible (though the anatomic perception implied by the meaning shift 'helix, cartilages of ear' > 'to hear' seems too sophisticated for the Proto-Semitic period); another possible explanation is contamination of the two roots. Note, in this connection, h_ in AKK vs. ḥ in ARB in the nominal root, and h_ in AKK and UGR vs. ḥ in ARB and MSA in the verbal one.

    Note a reduplicated form of HBR PB and part of ARM examples precluding their interpretation as AKK loan-words.

    [Holma 30]: AKK, HBR PB, ARM, ARB; [Brock 245]: SYR, AKK

Number: 2099
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