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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 2620
Proto-Semitic: *nVyVk-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: to have sexual intercourse
Akkadian: nâku (niāku) 'to have illicit sexual intercourse, to fornicate' OB on [CAD n1 197], [AHw 784]
Arabic: nyk 'cohabiter avec une femme' [BK 2 1376].

    Cf. also nkḥ 'cohabiter avec une femme; couvrir la femelle; prendre femme, contracter marriage avec elle' [ibid. 1338]

Mehri: nǝyūk 'to have sexual intercourse with, sleep with' [JM 309]
Jibbali: nɛ̄k 'to sleep with' [JJ 199]
Harsusi: neyōk 'to sleep with' [JH 100]
Notes: Cf. AMH näkka 'to have carnal knowledge of a woman' quoted under näkka 'to touch' [K 1042]; -a may point to *-w/y (in this case, metathetically related to the present root?) or any pharyngeal or laryngeal (see ARB nkḥ below).

    Note GUR: ENN näkäʔä 'to desert (husband or wife)' placed under 'to kick, stamp on, trample on' [LGur 455]

Number: 2621
Proto-Semitic: *šVwVp-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: to blow, smell
Hebrew: PB šwp 'to blow; to emit poisonous breath, to poison' [Ja 1538]
Judaic Aramaic: šwp 'to blow' [Ja 1538]
Arabic: swf 'flairer et reconnaître la présence de quelque chose à son odeur' [BK 1 1166]
Notes: C. SEM only.

    Cf. *nšp {} *nšp 'to blow' (No.), *p(w)š(w/y) {} *p(w)s(w/y) 'to breathe, blow' (No. ).

    Likely eventually the same as *špw/y {} *spw/y 'to blow (of wind)', rather to be reconstructed, however, as a separate PSEM root: HBR šph (nif. part.) 'swept bare (by wind), with bare rocks' [KB deutsch 1495]; ARB sfw 'enlever, emporter et disperser de tous côtés (se dit de vent qui disperse la poussière)' [BK 1 1104], musafsif- (partic. from redupl. stem) 'qui soulève un poussière fine (se dit du vent lorsqu'il ne fait que raser légèrement la terre)' [ibid. 1100]; TGR sofiyä '(?) tourbillon de vent' [LH 202, apud d'Abb.]; (?) MSA: MHR sǝfu [JM 343], JIB sfé 'to throw sand, soil' [JJ 224] /from 'to blow, to lift dust (of wind)'? Cf., however, on the one hand, HRS sefō 'to throw' [JH 109], and, on the other, JIB sɔfɛ́ʔ 'sand, dust' [JJ 224] which may imply a shift 'sand' > 'to throw sand'/.

    Note SYR šuptā da-nḥīra 'os nasi' [Brock 765] (lit. 'the blowing part of the nose'?).

    [KB deutsch 1495]: HBR, ARM (šwp; also compared to JUD špy 'to be quiet, at ease, to be relieved', OFF špy 'to smooth', semantically hard to prove), ARB (sfw)

Number: 2622
Proto-Semitic: *pVw/ʔ/hVḳ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: sob; yawn; have hiccups
Hebrew: PB phḳ (piʕ) 'to open the mouth, yawn' [Ja 1138]
Syrian Aramaic: pāḳ 'singultivit', pǝwāḳǝtā 'singultus'
Arabic: fwḳ 'sangloter; être à l'agonie' [BK 2 647], II 'pousser de fréquents hoquets' [Dozy 2 298], fʔḳ 'sangloter' [BK 2 529]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): fah/ḥaḳa 2
Amharic: afaḳä (caus. stem) 'to sob, to sigh, gasp' [K 2298]
Notes: Cf. GUR: MUH fǝḳʷäññä, END MSQ fǝḳäññä et al. 'whistle' [LGur 239]; according to Leslau, from E. CUSH; cf. also END fuḳḳ barä 'to boil (water) and make noise by boiling, gush out' [ibid.]; related with a meaning shift?

    [LGz 156]: GEZ, ARB, HBR PB; [Brock 560]: SYR, ARB

Number: 2623
Proto-Semitic: *naḫ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: respiratory mucosa; phlegm
Akkadian: nah_nah_atu 'Nasenscheidewand' NA [AHw 715], 'cartilage' [CAD n1 140] (redupl.). Note Holma's translation 'Nasenknorpel, Nasenwurzel' (with a comprehensive semantic discussion) [Holma 20]
Syrian Aramaic: naḥnaḥtā 'tonsillae' [Brock 423] (redupl.)
Arabic: nuh_mat- 'ce que l'on jette par la bouche ou par le nez, comme pituite, glaire, etc.', nuh_āmat- do. [BK 2 1223].

    On suffixed -m cf. Introduction

Jibbali: nh_ɔh_ 'phlegm' [JJ 199]
Notes: Note various strategies of triconsonantization in individual languages: stem reduplication in AKK, SYR and TGR (cf. a derived verb tänäḥanäḥa 'débarrassa son gosier' [LH 324, apud. d'Abb]); doubling of a second radical in JIB; taking ʔ as a second or third radical in GEZ; inclusion of -m suffix as a third radical in ARB.

    Note HBR PB nīăʕ 'the effort made to remove phlegm, hawking; the phlegm discharged by hawking' [Ja 906], a variant root with ʕ/h_?

    One wonders if AKK nāh_u, nuh_h_u 'lard' OAkk on [CAD n1 142; n2 317], [AHw 715-16] and ARB nuh_h_-, nah_āh_at- 'moelle' [BK 2 1219] can be compared with a meaning shift 'phlegm' > 'a viscid substance' (cf. a somewhat similar meaning shift in HBR ḥēläb 'fat' vs. ARM JUD ḥēläb 'a viscous substance, glair', see *h_ilb-, No. ).

    [Holma 20]: AKK, SYR; [Brock 423]: SYR, AKK

Number: 2624
Proto-Semitic: *ḥanak-/*ḥink-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'palate'
Hebrew: ḥēk, with suff. ḥikk- 2, 'palate' [KB 313] (<*ḥikk- <*ḥink-); PB ḥănīkayim (dual) 'palate and tongue' [Ja 483] (formed after a different derivational pattern preserving -n-)
Aramaic: OFF ḥnk 2 'palate' [HJ 338]
Judaic Aramaic: ḥikkā 2 'palate' [Ja 455]; ḥk (det. ḥykh) do. [Sok 200]
Mandaic Aramaic: hinka 2 'palate, throat' [DM 147]
Arabic: ḥanak-, pl. ʔaḥnāk- 2 'palais, et la partie de la bouche sous le menton correspondente au palais' [BK 1 505]
Tigre: ḥanäk 2 'palate' [LH 84] (an Arabism?)
Mehri: ḥǝnnūk 2 'gum and palate' [JM 183]; QISHN ḥank, pl. haḥnɔ̄́k 'palate' [SSL 1 278]
Jibbali: ḥǝnnūk 2 'gum and palate' [JM 183]; QISHN ḥank, pl. haḥnɔ̄́k 'palate' [SSL 1 278]
Notes: Of interest is a variety of stem patterns in MSA.

    Note derived verbs in ETH and MSA: GEZ ḥanaka 'to munch, chew' [LGz 237], TGR (tä)ḥannäkä 'to gulp down with an effort' [LH 84], AMH aññäkä 'to chew, masticate' [K 1254], EAST: WOL enke, SEL ēnkä, ZWY īnkä 'to chew, to crunch' [LGur 65]; MSA: SOQ ḥ-t-nk 'recevoir à manger, donner à manger' [LS 182-3].

    AKK ikku often compared to this root is translated as 'temper, irritability' in [CAD i 59] and 'Mut, Stimmung' in [AHw 369] and, therefore, is hardly related.

    [KB 313]: HBR, ARM, ARB, TGR, АКК (ikku, quoted as 'courage, humour', and still compared to this root); [Brock 244]: SYR, ARM, HBR, ARB, AKK (ikku); [LGz 237, 251]: GEZ (ḥnk, ḥyk), SOQ, HBR, ARB, JIB, ARM; [LS 182-3]: SOQ, ARB, HBR, ARM, AKK (ikku), TGR (ḥǝnuk 'nourriture')

Number: 2625
Proto-Semitic: *ḳayḳ-am- 1 ~ *ḳʷanḳʷa 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'one having a large gorge' 1, 'language' 2
Arabic: ḳayḳam- 1 'qui a le gosier large (homme)' BK 2 847.
Tigrai (Tigriñña): ḳʷanḳʷa 2 LGur 488
Amharic: ḳʷanḳʷa 2
Gurage: *ḳʷänḳʷä 2
Notes: 'Language' may be from 'tongue' < 'gorge'. Cf. Sem *ḳawḳ- ~ *ḳaḳw- 'produce glottal sounds': Syr ḳawḳi, Arb ḳāḳa, Tgr ḳoḳ bela 'croak', Tna ḳäḳäwä 'cackle', ḳawḳaw bälä 'talk much', Enn End Gye ḳawḳawtä(ñ)ñä 'one who talks much', Gz ʔs-ḳoḳawa 'howl, lament, wail, sing a dirge', Tna ʔas-ḳoḳäwä 'howl' LGz 439; LGur 512.
Number: 2626
Proto-Semitic: *ʕVnḳ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: neck
Eblaitic: (?) in-gu /ʕinḳu(m)/ 'neck' [Con 143; Bl E No. 10]; possibly to be read as /ʕingu(m)/
Judaic Aramaic: ʕunḳā ʕunḳā 'neck, throat' [Ja 1096]; cf. ʔunḳā 'neck, meat from the neck' [Ja 29], with ʔ- instead of ʕ-
Arabic: ʕunḳ-, ʕunuḳ-, ʕunaḳ- 'cou' [BK 2 387]
Soqotri: (?) QADHUB ḥɛnṣ̌ǝ́ḳɔh 'creux sous la pomme d'Adam; pomme d'Adam' <*ḥnḳḳ [SSL LS 1459].

    A form with a reduplicated third radical (-ṣ̌- renders palatalized *-ḳ-); if ḥa- is an old article with *-ʕ- assimilated to ḥ-, the underlying form will be *ḥa-ʕanḳiḳ-

Notes: Poorly attested as an anatomic term. AKK unḳu 'Nackenstück' known only from LB period is considered an ARM loan-word [AHw 1422]; the EBL word is phonetically, and the SOQ one both phonetically and semantically, obscure. The anatomic meaning as a primary one is sustained, however, by a derived verb in ETH: GEZ ʕanaḳa 'to carry around the neck' [LGz 64], AMH anaḳä 'to put around the neck, to strangle' [K 1214].

    It is interesting that what must be a derived meaning, 'necklace', is better preserved in SEM, e.g.: UGR ʕnḳ 'collar (?)' [DLU 83] (cf. 'das Höchste, Edelste' [Aist 237], 'a woman of certain ethnic group' [Gordon 458]); HBR ʕănāḳ 'neck-chain' [KB 859]; ARM: JUD ʕinḳā 'necklace, chain' [Sok 399], SYR ʕeḳḳā, ʕeḳḳǝtā 'torquis' [Brock 541] /cf. also MND anḳia 'perh. nooses, loops, holes (in a fish-net)' [DM 27]/; TNA maʕnäḳya 'specie di collana d'argento molto stretta' [Bass 117]. Cf. AKK unḳu 'Ring, Stempel-Siegel' Bab, M/NA [AHw 1422], with a meaning shift 'necklace' > '(finger)ring'? (see, however, ETH words for precious stone like GEZ ʕǝnḳʷ [LGz 65], which, if related, speak against the connection with 'neck').

    Cf. also ETH *ʕanḳar 'throat, uvula, neck' likely <*ʕanḳ-ar-, with suffixed -r: GEZ ʔanḳar, ʔanḳār 'the interior part of the mouth, throat' [LG 31], TGR ʕanḳär 'uvula, throat' [LH 472], TNA ʕanḳär 'ugola' [Bass 692]; AMH anḳär, anḳar 'uvula' [K 1216], manḳurt 'Adam's apple, larynx' [K 268], ARG ǝnḳǝrt 'goitre, Adam's apple'; EAST: HAR ǝnḳǝrti [LHar 29], ZWY manḳurt; GUR: MSQ GOG SOD ǝnḳǝrt, GOG manḳurt, SOD manḳur 'goitre' [LGur 71]. To this ETH root cf. N. CUSH: BEJA ankar 'Gaumen, Schlund, Kehle, Rachen' [Rein Bed 26], (Ammar'ar) hánkar do. [Dolg SIFKY 154]; E. CUSH: OROMO ḳaaruu 'lower inside of mouth; joint at which jaw is attached to skull' [Gragg 311] (with a loss of *ʕan-?), AFAR anḳara, ankara, SAHO anḳar 'Gaumen, Kehle' [Rein Afar 813]; C. CUSH: BILIN anḳar 'Schlund, Kehle' [Rein Bil 40]. These CUSH examples are rather to be regarded as loan-words from ETH, though a common AFRASIAN (SEM and CUSH) root *ʕanḳ-ar- 'neck, throat, inside of mouth' is not to be excluded (cf. [SIFKY 154]). Cf. also CUSH-OMOT *ḳunḳ- 'throat' (<*ʕunḳ-, with assimilation of *ʕ > ḳ or <*(ʕVn)ḳʕunḳ-, with haplology of the first syllable and reduplication ?): E. CUSH: OROMO ḳoonḳoo 'throat, larynx' [Gragg 328]; S. CUSH: IRAQW -qunqu (in alaqunqu 'nape', ala- 'behind'), DAHALO ḳòḳo 'throat' [Ehret HRSC 253] and OMOT: KAFA qoqqō 'nuca' [Cerulli Caf 487] (cf. [Bla Dr-Afr No. 28] and [Lamberti Kons 535]).

    There is a series of SEM roots (cf. *ḥink- /*ḥanak- 'palate', No. , or *h_nḳ 'to strangle, choke, take by the throat' [LGz 263]) similar to *ʕVnḳ- 'neck' both phonetically and semantically; some of them have AFRASIAN parallels and, therefore, can be regarded as variant roots comparable not only on SEM but even on AFRASIAN level. Here are some of them.

    (1) AFRASIAN *ḥanḳ-(ar-) 'palate, inside of mouth':

    SEM: ETH EAST: SEL hanḳa (on SEL h- most likely <*ḥ see [LGur LXIV]), ZWY anḳa; GUR: CHA END ENN GYE MUH MSQ GOG anḳa 'inside of mouth' [LGur 68].

    E. CUSH: KAMBATTA aḳa, HADIYA aḳo 'inside of mouth' [LGur 68], SOMALI ḥoḳád 'tonsil' [Abr 123] (-d may be < *-t suffix); S. CUSH: DAHALO ḥaŋḳára 'palate' [Ehret, Eld, Nurse 27] (with the suffixed -ar).

    BERB: AIR WLMD anɣa [Aloj 144], GHADAMES īneɣ [Lanfry 244], QABYLE anǝɣ [Dallet 568], SEMLAL anɣa [Destaing Tach 209] 'palais (de la bouche)'.

    (2) SEM *ʕVng-(at-) 'neck': EBL (?) in-gu /ʕingu(m)/ or /ʕinḳu(m)/ 'neck' [Con 143; Bl E No. 10] (see above); ARB ʕunǧūǧ- 'qui a un long cou, une longue encolure' [BK 2 381] (сf. ʕnǧ 'retenir, arrêter (sa monture), en tirant la bride à soi avec force; éprouver des douleur dans les vertèbres' [ibid. 380]); ETH: TGR ʔangät 'neck' [LGz 65] (not in [LH]), TNA ʕangät 'neck' (< AMH, according to [Bass 538]), AMH angät 'neck' [K 1247], GAF angät 'cou' [LGaf 179], EAST: HAR angät [LH 28], SEL WOL ZWY angät 'neck' [LGur 63], GUR: CHA EZ̆A GYE MUH MSQ GOG SOD angät, ENN END angäd do. [ibid.]; cf. also GEZ ʕang, ʕanag 'earring, nosering, chain (for the neck)' [LGz 64].

    Cf. C. CUSH: (?) BILIN taʔánge [Rein Bil 332], QWARA tanāgā 'Gaumen' (ta- is a prefix?), KEMANT angī 'palais de la bouche' [Conti Ros 166]; all loan-words from ETH?

    (3) AFRASIAN *ḥang-Vr- 'throat':

    SEM: ARB ḥunǧūr, ḥanǧar-at- 'larynx' [BK 1 501] (cf. also ḥunǧūd- do. [ibid.]), cf. GEZ h_ǝngat 'goiter' (h_ instead of the expected ḥ may be purely graphic) [LGz 263].

    EGYP (D 18) ḥngg 'Schlund' [E-G III 121].

    E. CUSH: (?) SAM *hangúri 'throat' [Heine SL 63] (*h- instead of the expected *ḥ-, if related at all).

    Cf. also [SIFKY 154])

    [Fron 45] (*ʕunḳ- /GEZ ʕanaḳa 'pose al collo', ARB, JUD, HBR ʕănāḳ 'collana', UGR,AKK); [DLU 83]: UGR, HBR, AKK, ARB; [KB 859]: HBR, ARM, ARB, AKK, GEZ (ʕǝnḳʷ 'precious stone'); [LGz 65]: GEZ (ʕanaḳa 'carry around the neck'), ARB, HBR, ARM, AKK (also connects with ETH forms with -g like TGR ʕangät); [LS 183]: SOQ, ARB, ARM, HBR

Number: 2627
Proto-Semitic: *ḥanḳ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'inside of mouth' 1, 'Adam's apple' 2
East Ethiopic: Sel hanḳa 1 (h- most likely <*ḥ-; cf. LGur LXIV), Zw anḳa1
Gurage: Ch End Enn Gye Muh Msq anḳa 1 LGur 68
Soqotri: Qadhub ḥɛnṣ̌ǝ́ḳɔh 'creux sous la pomme d'Adam, pomme d'Adam' SSL LS 1459 (<*ḥVnḳiḳ-). Cf. SOQ ḥanḳ 'collier' [LS 183].
Number: 2628
Proto-Semitic: *ʕVng(-at)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'neck' 1, 'one having a long neck' 2, 'earring, nosering, chain (for the neck' 3
Eblaitic: in-gu /ʕingu(m)/ or /ʕinḳu(m)/ Conti Ebl 143; Bla Ebl 10
Arabic: ʕunǯūǯ- 2 BK 2 381
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ʕang, ʕanag 3 LGz 64
Tigre: ʔangät 1 LGz 65 (not in LH); ʔ- instead of the expected *ʕ-
Tigrai (Tigriñña): ʔangät 1 LGz 65 (not in LH); ʔ- instead of the expected *ʕ- (according to Bass 537, < Amh)
Amharic: angät 1 K 1247
Argobba: angät, hangät 1 LArg 191
Gafat: angät 1 LGaf 179
Harari: angät 1 LHar 28
East Ethiopic: Sel Wol Zw angät 1 LGur 63
Gurage: *angät 1 LGur 63
Number: 2629
Proto-Semitic: *tabin-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: intelligent
Arabic: tabin- 'intelligent, habile'; tabānat- 'intelligence' BK 1 193; ṭabin- id. BK 2 58 < Sem. *ṭbb 'be intelligent' LGz 585).
Number: 2630
Proto-Semitic: *naʕw-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'fissure on the hoof'
Arabic: naʕwan 'fissure au sabot (du cheval, etc.)' BK 2 1299
Number: 2631
Proto-Semitic: *pa/irs-
Meaning: sole (of foot, hoof)
Hebrew: parsā 'hoof' [KB 969].

    Cf. a strange form ʔispäräs 'the front part of the foot' [Ja 95]; could be treated as related, with prefixed ʔi-, if not for enigmatic -s-

Judaic Aramaic: prsh, det. prsth 'hoof, split hoof' [Sok 449]
Syrian Aramaic: parsǝtā 'ungula (animalis); pes; solea' [Brock 600] (under pǝras 'divisit').

    Cf. parsūʕā 'ungula' [ibid. 602], with a secondary -ʕ; according to Brockelmann, < parsaʕ 'separavit' [ibid.]. Cf. also puršālā 'ungula (caprae)' [ibid. 609] with -š- instead of -s- and suffixed (?) -l, if related

Modern Aramaic: NASS rɔpsɔ 'hoof' [Tser 0198]. Metathesis
Mandaic Aramaic: pras (st. constr. only) 'palm (of hand)' [DM 378]
Arabic: firsin- 'pied, patte (cette partie du pied chez le chameau et l'éléphant que l'animal pose sur le sol), pied de brebis' [BK 2 569].

    firs- 'hoof' quoted in [KB 969] apud Kopf is not found elsewhere in ARB dictionaries. Note burt_un- 'main avec ses doigts; griffes, serres (chez les oiseaux de proie et les bêtes féroces' [ibid. 1 105]

Tigre: fǝrsǝm 'ankle (of men); heel tendon' [LH 656]
Notes: Note suffixed -in in ARB and -ǝm in TGR.

    Traditionally identified with SEM verb *prs 'to divide; break' (cf., for example, [KB 969]); this typically folk etymology brought forth the notion of "divided hoofs", though even in the Bible, this term conspicuously denotes both divided and non-divided hoof.

    [KB 969]: HBR, ARM, ARB (firs-); [Brock 600]: SYR, HBR

Number: 2632
Proto-Semitic: *gayŝ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'army, raiding detachment; shield; spear'
Arabic: ǯayš- 'armée, surtout grande et complète'; ǯyš 'ressembler des troupes' (cf. ǯawš-ān- 'cuirasse' rather < ǯawš- 'poitrine')
Epigraphic South Arabian: gys2 'unit, detachment' SD 52 (<Arb.?)
Geʕez (Ethiopian): gāys, gāyso 'shield, spear, haft of spear' LGz 209 (Ludolf: < Greek gaisos 'javelin')
Tigre: gašša 'shield' LH 581; cf. gays 'robbing excursion, booty' LH 597 (otherwise < gesä 'go, walk' ibid.)
Tigrai (Tigriñña): gašša 'shield' LGur 299
Amharic: gašša 'round shield' LGur 299, 'military prowess' LGz 209; gayso 'k. of spear' (ibid.)
Argobba: gašša 'shield' LGur 299
Gurage: gašša 'shield; k. of spear' (two diff. roots in LGur 299); gaš(š)ä 'to raid' (LGur 299: represents gažžä, but see Tgr!);
Jibbali: s̃ǝ-gēŝ 'collect (tribe for battle, etc.), s̃ǝ-gyéŝ 'go and ask one's fellow-tribesmen to come and help' (otherwise from 47)
Number: 2633
Proto-Semitic: *pindaw- (?)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'axe'
Arabic: findāwat- BK 1 638
Number: 2634
Proto-Semitic: *ṭabbūr-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'navel'
Hebrew: ṭabbūr (navel of the earth), pB 'navel'
Number: 2635
Number: 2636
Proto-Semitic: *kVhVn-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'act as a priest' 1, 'to have second sight, profecy' 2, 'priest' 3
Ugaritic: khn 3
Phoenician: khn 3
Hebrew: khn pi. 1, kōhēn 3
Judaic Aramaic: khn 1
Syrian Aramaic: khn 1
Arabic: khn [-a-, -u-]
Number: 2637
Proto-Semitic: *sakʷ-at 1, sVkVt- 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'street, square, quarter; forum (held in a public square)' 1, 'encamp, lodge, rest' 2
Geʕez (Ethiopian): sakʷat, sakot 1, sakata 2 LGz 497
Number: 2638
Proto-Semitic: *ɣayb-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'cloud'
Ugaritic: (?) ɣb 'cloud' HAL 773 (not in DLU)
Hebrew: ʕāb 'cloud(s)'
Judaic Aramaic: ʕēbā 'thickness, darkness, cloud' (<ʕyb, ʕby 'be thick, heavy' Ja 1065
Modern Aramaic: Urm ʕayb- 'cloud'
Mandaic Aramaic: īb_(a) 'cloud' ( ? aiba 'cloud, fog, mist, darkness' DM 14)
Arabic: ɣby IV 'fair tomber un peu (se dit d'un nuage)' BK 2 435 (cf. ɣāba 'be dark or covered' HAL773 - in BK 'hide, conceal')
Mehri: --
Jibbali: --
Number: 2639
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