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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *hogei
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: twenty
Bizkaian: ogei
Gipuzkoan: ogei
High Navarrese: ogei
Low Navarrese: (Aldude, Garazi) hogoi, (Amikuse) hogei
Salazarese: ogei
Lapurdian: hogoi, (Urruña) ogoi
Baztanese: ogei
Aezkoan: ogei
Zuberoan: hógei
Roncalese: ógei, ogéi
Comments: This morpheme is also present in the higher numerals (EB) hogeitamar '30' (*hogei eta hamar̄ '20+10'), berrogei '40', hirurogei '60', and laurogei '80' (a vigesimal system). Such systems are also characteristic of North Caucasian and Burushaski.
Proto-Basque: *ho[g]i
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gums (flesh of mouth)
Bizkaian: oi
Gipuzkoan: oi
Low Navarrese: hobi
Salazarese: oegi
Lapurdian: hobi
Baztanese: ogi
Zuberoan: hobi
Comments: Apart from Pyrenean dialects (SAL, BZT) the original (labialized) *g(w) has changed to /b/ or disappeared.
Proto-Basque: *hoin
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: foot
Bizkaian: oin, oñ
Gipuzkoan: oin
High Navarrese: oin
Low Navarrese: huin, huñ
Salazarese: oin
Lapurdian: oin
Baztanese: oin
Aezkoan: oin
Zuberoan: huin, huñ
Roncalese: oin
Comments: The phonetic development is not very transparent, perhaps PSC *ʡĭnɢwV́ > pre-Bsq *hoiŋ(V), with /ŋ/ regularly changed to /n/ in final position.
Proto-Basque: *hols (*holc)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 plank 2 wall (made of planks) 3 cupboard, sideboard, dresser
Bizkaian: oltzar 1
Gipuzkoan: (arc) olz 2
High Navarrese: (arc) olz 2
Low Navarrese: oltz 2
Salazarese: oltza 2
Lapurdian: holtz 3
Zuberoan: holtz 2
Comments: Azkue cites oltza 'stack of planks' as common Bsq. As noted by Michelena (1961, chapter 14) the phonemic contrast between Proto-Bsq *ls and *lc is neutralized, but differently in different dialects. German Holz is a chance resemblance.
Proto-Basque: *hon
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: good
Araban: on
Bizkaian: on
Gipuzkoan: on
High Navarrese: on
Low Navarrese: on, (arc) hon, (Donibane-Garazi) hun
Salazarese: on
Lapurdian: on
Baztanese: on
Aezkoan: on
Zuberoan: hun
Roncalese: on
Comments: The most archaic PSC form seems to be *=kUn- (> PAvar-Andian *kʷVnV-, Bsq *hon, Urart. gunǝ), with a common metathesis to *=ĭnkwV in most EC langs. Derivation from Lat. bonum is implausible.
Proto-Basque: *hona
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 here, hither 2 now 3 here (it is), voicì, behold!
Bizkaian: ona 1, 2, 3
Gipuzkoan: ona 3
High Navarrese: unat 1
Low Navarrese: huna 1, 3, hunat 1
Lapurdian: huna 1, 3, hunat 1
Zuberoan: huna 1, 3
Comments: These words are obviously derived from the demonstrative *ho- (q.v.), with the similar extension in *-n- common to Bsq and NC.
Proto-Basque: *hor
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dog
Bizkaian: (arc) or
Low Navarrese: hor, or
Lapurdian: or
Zuberoan: hor, ho
Comments: An archaic word for 'dog': cf. PEC (oblique base) *χ_Hwĕj-rV- 'dog'. In Bsq it is largely supplanted by *saku-r̄ (q.v.).
Proto-Basque: *horc
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 tooth (incisor), teeth (general) 2 set of teeth
Gipuzkoan: ortz 2, ortzagin 2
High Navarrese: ortz 1, ortzagin 2
Low Navarrese: hortz 1, ortzagin 2
Lapurdian: hortz, hortx 1, ortzagin 2, (Ainhoa) ortx 1
Zuberoan: hortz, hortx 1, ortzagin 2
Roncalese: ortz 1, ortzagin 2, (Uztárroz) ortx 1
Comments: The palatal variants hortx, ortx are used in speaking to children ("voc. puer." per Azkue). See also Bsq *hagin and *le-t-hagin.
Proto-Basque: *Hor̄i
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 leaf (of a tree) 2 leaf (of maize, cabbage, lettuce) 3 fallen (dry) leaf
Bizkaian: orri 1, or-bel 3
Gipuzkoan: orri 2, or-bel 3
High Navarrese: or-bel 3
Lapurdian: horri 1
Comments: Cf. *ɦorś-to, which Michelena (1961: 368) thought to be a diminitive of *Hor̄i.
Proto-Basque: *ho-ri
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: that (mesial)
Bizkaian: ori
Gipuzkoan: ori
High Navarrese: ori, (Elkano) goi
Low Navarrese: hori
Salazarese: kori
Lapurdian: hori
Baztanese: ori
Aezkoan: gori, goi
Zuberoan: hori, hoi
Roncalese: kori
Comments: As with some other Bsq demonstratives, there are anomalies: Pyrenean forms kori, gori.
Proto-Basque: *hori
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: yellow
Bizkaian: ori
Gipuzkoan: ori
High Navarrese: ori
Low Navarrese: hori
Salazarese: ori
Lapurdian: hori
Baztanese: ori
Aezkoan: ori
Zuberoan: hólli
Roncalese: ori
Comments: ZBR hólli was originally an expressive palatal form, now the default word.
Proto-Basque: *huć
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 empty 2 pure 3 error, fault, defect 4 lack, want 5 vain, idle 6 barren, sterile (tree)
Bizkaian: uts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Gipuzkoan: uts 1, 2, 3
High Navarrese: uts 1, 2, 3, 5
Low Navarrese: huts 1, 2, 3
Lapurdian: huts 1, 2, 3
Zuberoan: hüts, hütx 1, 2, 3
Roncalese: uts 1, 2, 3, 6
Comments: Cf. Bsq *ɦućal - the words may be partially blended. Cf. also Bsq *haś.
Proto-Basque: *hume
Meaning: 1 young (of animals) 2 infant, child (human) 3 womb
Bizkaian: ume 1, 2, (Bermeo, Mundaka) ime 1, 2
Gipuzkoan: ume 1, 2
High Navarrese: ume 1, 2
Low Navarrese: hume 1, umuntzi 3
Lapurdian: hume 1
Baztanese: ume 1, 2, umoi 3
Zuberoan: hǘme 1, 2, hümoi 3, himuntzi 3
Roncalese: ume 1
Comments: "Used in northern dialects exclusively for animals" (Aulestia & White), though Larrasquet cites ZBR hǘme 'parfois enfant (garçon ou fille)' as a secondary meaning. Cf. perhaps Burushaski (H,N) =ɣúmar 'internal organs' (belly, bowels), (Y) =ɣómar-ći 'in the stomach, inside'. The Bsq words for 'womb' cited have *onci 'vessel' (q.v.) or *ohe 'bed' as second element.
Proto-Basque: *hu[m]ki
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to touch 2 touch, feeling (n.)
Bizkaian: uku-tu, iku-tu 1
Gipuzkoan: iku-tu 1, (Andoain) uki-tu 1
High Navarrese: uki-tu 1
Low Navarrese: hunki-(tu) 1
Salazarese: onki-tu 1
Lapurdian: hunki-(tu) 1, Gethari) uki 2
Baztanese: uki-tze
Aezkoan: uki-tu 1
Zuberoan: húnki-(tü) 1
Comments: Cf. PEC *fimḳwV 'fist'. The match of eastern Bsq /nk/ ~ western /k/ is unusual. Trask thought it had to be due to sporadic insertion of the nasal in the East, but other explanations are possible. PSC *m in non-initial positions is unstable in Bsq and usually disappears in clusters. We have tentatively reconstructed Bsq *hu[m]ki-, though so far we know of no other cases of Bsq *-mk-.
Proto-Basque: *h[u]nc
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: owl
Bizkaian: ontza
Gipuzkoan: ontza
High Navarrese: (Lezaka) ontza
Low Navarrese: huntz
Salazarese: untz
Lapurdian: huntz
Baztanese: untz
Aezkoan: untz
Zuberoan: hüntz
Roncalese: untz
Comments: The Bsq word represents a metathesis of the type PSC *ɦ(w)ɨ̄nć̣ĭ, versus PNC *ɦnɨ̄ć̣(w)ĭ ~ *ɦć̣(w)ɨ̄nĭ. Whether the original Bsq vowel was *u or *o is unclear (see Michelena 1961: 57). *u would be more consistent with PNC *ɨ̄.
Proto-Basque: *hunc
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ivy
Bizkaian: untz
Gipuzkoan: untz
Low Navarrese: huntz
Lapurdian: huntz
Zuberoan: hüntz
Comments: With a common change of *lc > /nc/: cf. a convergent change in Godoberi hanč̣ir 'weed', etc.
Proto-Basque: *Hunce
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: rabbit
Gipuzkoan: untxi
High Navarrese: untxi, entxea
Roncalese: untxe
Comments: These forms probably have expressive palatals < *Hunce. Cf. PNC *ɦwVlǯĔ 'marten, weasel; hedgehog' (Andi onži 'hedgehog', etc.).
Proto-Basque: *hune
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 marrow 2 pith 3 brain
Araban: uña 1, 2, 3
Bizkaian: un 1, 2, gar-un, gara-un, kara-un 3
Low Navarrese: hun 1, 2, 3
Salazarese: un 3
Lapurdian: huiñ 1, 2, (coastal) fuiñ 1, 2
Zuberoan: hün 1, 3, bür-hün 3
Roncalese: un 1, 3
Comments: This etymon competes with, and partially merges with *mune (q.v.), of distinct origin. Per Mitxelena (1961) and Trask (1995) Bsq *mune and *hune are "regional variants" of the same word, and suggest Schuchardt's derivation from Lat. fune- 'rope'. Since both words can coexist in the same dialect (e.g., BZK un 'marrow, pith' vs. muin 'germ, sprout'; SAL un-ak 'brains' vs. muña 'marrow, pith') we think the words are of distinct origin (PSC*hwĭʔnV, *mV̆́ɦnū, resp.), but there has been phonetic and semantic blending.
Proto-Basque: *hur
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: water
Araban: ur
Bizkaian: ur
Gipuzkoan: ur
High Navarrese: ur
Low Navarrese: ur
Salazarese: ur
Lapurdian: ur
Baztanese: ur
Aezkoan: ur
Zuberoan: hur
Roncalese: ur
Proto-Basque: *hur̄-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 near, close 2 next
Bizkaian: ur, urre, urren 1, urra 2
Gipuzkoan: urren 1
High Navarrese: urbil 1
Low Navarrese: hurren, hurbil, (Garazi) hurran 1
Salazarese: urran 1
Lapurdian: hurbil 1, hurko 2
Baztanese: urran, urren 1
Zuberoan: hüllan 1
Roncalese: ullan 1
Comments: Eastern /huĺan/ by expressive palatalization, like /hoĺi/ for *hori 'yellow'.
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