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PROTO: *lić
MEANING: 1 spittle, saliva 2 small drop of liquid (on the ground) 3 small puddle 4 scum (on pond) 5 slime (of slug), slime (on hands) 6 quagmire
ANV: lis-tu 1, lits, litx 2
BNV: lis-ka 6, (Aldude) lis-ka 4, lis-ka-da 4
LAB: lis-ka 5, (Ainhoa) lis-ka 3, ur-lis-ka 3
BZT: lis-tu 1, lix-tu-r 3
COMMENTS: It is possible that some of these words belong instead with Bsq *lincu-ra 'marsh, bog', *lisu-n 'moldy, dirty' (q.v.).
PROTO: *limuri
MEANING: 1 moist, humid 2 slippery 3 smooth, soft 4 lewd 5 changeable (of weather)
GIP: limuri 3, 4
ANV: limuri 3
BNV: limuri 2, 5
SAL: linburi, limuri 2, 3, 5
LAB: linburi 2, 3
ZBR: limuri, linburi 1, 2, 5
COMMENTS: As to the form linburi, there are at least two possible explanations: (1) an excrescent /b/ before following liquid, typologically similar to Eng. timber, Old Saxon timber, Old High Ger. zimbar, Old Norse timbr, etc., from the IE root *dem- ‘build’; French chambre < Lat. camera, etc.; (2) Trask unequivocally regarded internal Bsq /m/ as derived from *nb (HB 133), though Mitxelena was somewhat more circumspect about this, discussing it at length (Fonética, chapter 18) and noting secondary cases of /nb/ such as (AN, B, G) ganbela ‘manger’ < Lat. camella (REW 1543). Some of these may be due to folk hypercorrections.
PROTO: *lindara
MEANING: lizard
BZK: sugelinda, sugelindara, sugelandara
GIP: sugelindara
LAB: sugekandela, sugekandera
ZBR: süskhándera
RNC: sugekandera
COMMENTS: Compound with *śuge 'snake' (q.v.), or *śuśker̄ 'lizard' (q.v.). The second element matches well with PEC *ʎwitʎwiɫV 'lizard'. The northeastern Bsq variant -kander/la is blended with *kandela 'candle' (< Rom.), from the candle-like shape of the animal.
PROTO: *lirai-n / *lerde-n
MEANING: slender, svelte, lithe
BZK: lirain
GIP: lirain
ANV: lerden
BNV: lerden
LAB: lirain
ZBR: lérdẽn
COMMENTS: The extent of *lerde-n is uncertain: Azkue cites it as (c) (= common Bsq). The two variants seem to be the results of metathesis: *lirai-n < *ƛ̣ǝ̆lV́-, *lerde-n < *lǝ̆ƛ̣V́-, or the like. Larrasquet emphasizes that the ZBR word means 'standing upright' ('personne qui se tient droit').
PROTO: *lirdi
MEANING: 1 saliva, drivel, drool 2 slime 3 sticky sap, resin
GIP: lerde, lirdi 1, lirdinga 2, 3
ANV: lerde 1, lirdinga 3
BNV: lerde 1
SAL: lerdo 3
BZT: lerde 1
COMMENTS: Cf. Bsq *ɦerde / *ɦelde-r̄, distinct in origin, but probably cross-contaminated with this one, as with the vowels in lerde.
PROTO: *listo- / *e=lco
MEANING: 1 hornet 2 wasp 3 gnat, midge, mosquito
BZK: eltxo 3
GIP: listor 1, liztor 2, eultxo 3, (Bidania) eltxo 3
BNV: listor, lixtor 1, liztor 2, lista-fin 2, elzo 3, (Baigorri) eltzo 3
SAL: elzo 3
LAB: listor 1, liztor 2, eltzo 3
ZBR: éltxo 3
RNC: eltxe 3
COMMENTS: In this analysis the PSC root *ƛV́mc̣V has two major reflexes in Bsq: (1) with no prefix and the common fossilized plural suffix *-r-: *ƛV́mc̣V-r- > *listo-r̄, with the usual loss of *-m- in a cluster and /st/ reflex corresponding to tense PNC *-c̣_-; and (2) with the fossilized class prefix *e= and syncope of the root vowel: *e=lco. This root has blended in some forms with Bsq *lose-r̄ / *leiso-r̄ (q.v.), a similar but etymologically distinct root. The second element -fin BNV lista-fin is unclear, but could be a reduced cognate of PEC *pä̆nqwV ‘bee’.
PROTO: *lisu-n, *lincu-ra
MEANING: 1 musty, moldy 2 dirty, filthy 3 marsh, bog
BZK: lizun 1, 2
GIP: lizun 1, 2, (Andoain) lintzura, lintzuradi 3
ANV: lizun 1, 2
BNV: lizun 1
LAB: lizun 1
ZBR: lizun 1
RNC: lizun 1
COMMENTS: Cf. PNC *ƛwilc̣_wV 'dirt, bog, marsh'. Bsq development was probably *lilcu-n, *lilcu-ra > *lisu-n, *lincu-ra by dissimilation.
PROTO: *lo
MEANING: sleep (noun)
BZK: lo
GIP: lo
ANV: lo
BNV: lo
SAL: lo
LAB: lo
BZT: lo
AZK: lo
ZBR: lo
RNC: lo
COMMENTS: The verb 'to sleep, be asleep' is formed by *lo + auxilary verb Cf. PNC *=HVwƛ̣_Ān `to sleep', *nhewƛ̣_ŭ ( < *mhewƛ̣_ŭ ?) `sleep'; PST *mīɫ `sleep', etc.
PROTO: *lobi-
MEANING: farmyard, corral, fence
BNV: (Amikuse) lobiro
LAB: lobio
COMMENTS: Lobio was recorded by the 17th c. lexicographer Sylvain Pouvreau. Cf. PEC *ƛ̣wibV 'shed, barn, granary'.
PROTO: *lohi
MEANING: 1 mud 2 dirty, impure
BZK: loi 1, 2
GIP: loi 1
ANV: loi 1
BNV: lohi 1, 2
SAL: logi 1
LAB: lohi 1, 2
BZT: logi 1, 2
ZBR: lohi 1, 2
RNC: loi 1, 2
COMMENTS: Cf. especially Ingush lok 'sediment'. Distinct from the homonym *lohi 'body' (q.v.).
PROTO: *lohi
LAB: (arc) lohi
ZBR: (arc) lohi
COMMENTS: An archaic word used by Haraneder (18 c.) and Oihenart (17th c.). In this analysis it comes from a metathetic variant of PSC *xwōlɦV́: *lɦōxwV́. Bsq *lohi 'mud' (q.v.) is an unrelated homonym.
PROTO: *lose-r̄ / *leiso-r̄
MEANING: 1 hornet 2 wasp 3 small wasp
BNV: leizor 1, leiza-fin 2
ZBR: lózer 1, loze-biña, loze-bĩ́ã 2, loza-bi 3
COMMENTS: Cf. Avar ƛ̣:onž ~ ƛ̣:užna ~ ƛ̣:ož 'wasp', with cognates (or loanwords) in Karata, Akhwakh, Bagwali, Chamali, Botlikh, and Khwarshi (Zhirkov 1936; SKJa; not in NCED). Bouda (1948) compared Bsq + Avar. The second element -fin, -bi(ña) is unclear, but could be a reduced cognate of PEC *pä̆nqwV ‘bee’. Cf. Bsq *listo- / *e=lco, which is of distinct origin but has blended with this root.
PROTO: *lot-tu
MEANING: 1 to tie, bind 2 to grasp, seize 3 to put out (lights) 4 bond, tie 5 bandage
BZK: lotu 1
GIP: lotu 1, (Andoain) lotura 4, (Tolosa) lotura 5
ANV: lotu 1, 2, lotura 5
BNV: lothu 2, (Aldude) lothura 4, 5
SAL: lotura 4
LAB: lothu 2, (Donibane) lotura 4, (Ainhoa) lothura 5
ZBR: lóthu 2
RNC: lotu 3
COMMENTS: The stem is *lot- (Trask 1999).
PROTO: *lur̄
MEANING: earth
BZK: lur
GIP: lur
ANV: lur
BNV: lur
SAL: lur
LAB: lur
BZT: lur
AZK: lur
ZBR: lür
RNC: lur
PROTO: *lur̄ui-n
MEANING: 1 steam, vapor 2 odor, smell
ARB: lurruña 1
BZK: lurrun, llurrun 1
GIP: lurrin 1
ANV: (Lezaka) urrin 2
BNV: urrin 2
LAB: urrin 2
BZT: urrin 2
ZBR: ǘrrin 2
COMMENTS: The disappearance of initial /l/ in most of the dialects is a form of liquid dissimilation (Michelena 1961: 323).
PROTO: *luse
MEANING: long (things or time)
BZK: luze
GIP: luze
ANV: luze
BNV: luze
SAL: luze
LAB: luze
BZT: luze
AZK: luze
ZBR: lüze
RNC: luze
COMMENTS: For Bsq ‘long’ ~ PEC ‘narrow’ cf. Gk μακρός ‘long, tall’, etc. ~ Lat. macer ‘lean, meager’, Ger. mager ‘lean, thin’, etc.
PROTO: *maga-l
MEANING: 1 lap 2 flank (of meat) 3 wing 4 hem of garment 5 protection 6 skirts
BZK: magal 1, 2, 4, 5
GIP: magal 1, 2, magalak 6
SAL: magal 3
RNC: magal 1, 3, 4
COMMENTS: Cf. Bsq *hegal 'wing', which seems to be partially blended with this word.
PROTO: *maguli / *malugi
MEANING: strawberry
BZK: maillugi, mallugi, mailluki, malluki
GIP: mailluki, malluki
ANV: magauri, maguri, marauri, mauli, malubi
SAL: maurgi, malubi
BZT: mauri
AZK: maulubi
RNC: margu
COMMENTS: This is etymologically distinct from other Bsq words for 'strawberry' (see *mar̄uhi / *mahur̄i), and close in form to Bur *maɣar- 'mulberry'. There has however clearly been some blending of reflexes of *maguli / *malugi with those of *mar̄uhi / *mahur̄i.
PROTO: *mahać
MEANING: grape
BZK: maats, mats
GIP: mats
ANV: mats
BNV: mahats
SAL: mats
LAB: mahats
BZT: matx
ZBR: mã́hãts
RNC: mats
COMMENTS: The Bsq-NC comparison requires metathesis such as *mVʕVćV > Bsq *mahać. Cf. the metathesis in Adyge nāpca ‘medlar’ < *banca < *bVmc:ʷV (NCED). *banca (*bantsa) is remarkably similar to Michelena’s *banats ‘grapes’.
PROTO: *mak-
MEANING: 1 thick, heavy club 2 (shepherd's, bishop's) crook, crosier 3 forked pole, fork 4 hook 5 cane, staff
BZK: maket 1
GIP: (Berastegi) mako 4
ANV: (Arakil) mako 3, (Lezaka) mako 4
BNV: mako 2, 5
LAB: mako 2, 3, 4, 5
BZT: mako 3, 4
RNC: mako 2
COMMENTS: The status of (c) makila, makhila ‘stick, cane’ is disputable: Michelena (1961: 51) and some earlier scholars derive it from Latin bacilla, plural of bacillum ‘rod’, but it seems just as likely to be a native development of the root *mak-, or a blend of Bsq *mako + Lat. bacilla.
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