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PROTO: *maku-r̄
MEANING: curved, bent, hunched
BZK: makur
GIP: makur
ANV: makur
BNV: makhur
LAB: makhur
BZT: makur
COMMENTS: Secondarily, '(morally) crooked, perverse, wrong', etc. However, Michelena (1961: 271–272) suggested that makur is a ma- derivative of the verb gur-tu ‘kneel, bow’, though without explaining the difference in voicing. Alternatively, this could be a formation related to Bsq *oker̄ 'bent', etc. (q.v. = PNC *=ŏḳŭr), with the prefix *ma=.
PROTO: *malgor̄
MEANING: numb (from cold)
BNV: malgor
ZBR: málgor
COMMENTS: Cf. PEC *marχ_alV 'snow', with metathesis *margol > *malgor. For reordering of liquids cf. Span. milagro, palabra < miraculu, parabola, etc. Larrasquet has precisely "engourdi par le froid" (for the ZBR word); Aulestia & White have quite a different gloss: "swollen". A homonym - or dialectal variant not cited by Azkue?
PROTO: *mali / *mal-
MEANING: 1 weak, feeble 2 soft, mild 3 flexible, elastic 4 to weaken, worsen, spoil
GIP: mal-gu 2, 3, mal-so 2
BNV: mali-no 1, mal-so 2, (Amikuse) mali 1
LAB: mal-ba 1, maria-tu 4, (Ainhoa) mal-gu 2, 3
PROTO: *malka-r̄
MEANING: straw (of vetch)
BNV: malkar
RNC: malkar
COMMENTS: Here, as in some other cases, Bsq preserves the internal *-l- reconstructed for PEC from circumstantial evidence, though /l/ as such is not attested in any modern EC language. (Cf. Bsq *hols or *holc 'plank' ~ PEC *ħwǟls_ǝ̆). Bsq malk(h)ar 'terreno muy costanero é infructífero, escabroso' (Azkue) is semantically incompatible with *malka-r̄ 'straw' and is a homonym.
PROTO: *mami(n), mamul
MEANING: 1 flesh (soft and tender part of bread, fruit, meat, fish) 2 pith, starchy part (of plants) 3 intimate (friend)
BZK: mamin 1, 3
GIP: mami 1, 3
ANV: mami 1, 2
BNV: mami 1, mamul 1
SAL: mamola 1
LAB: mami 1, (Ainhoa) mamul 1
BZT: mami 3
ZBR: mami 1
RNC: mami 1, mamul 1
COMMENTS: The supposed derivation from French m'ami 'my friend' (Trask 1997) is fanciful and anachronistic, though it may have influenced meaning 3. In our analysis this is a very old expressive word, found in many languages (Lat. mamma, etc.).
PROTO: *mar̄- / *mar̄uhi / *mahur̄i
MEANING: 1 strawberry 2 mulberry, blackberry
BZK: masusta 2
GIP: marrubi 1, masusta 2
BNV: mazura 2, mazuzta 2, (Aldude) mahurri 1
SAL: maurri 1
LAB: (arc) marrobi 1, marzusta 2
ZBR: marhüga 2, masusa 2
RNC: marzuza, mazuza 2, (Uztárroz) mazura 1
COMMENTS: This is etymologically distinct from other Bsq words for 'strawberry' (see *maguli / *malugi). There has however clearly been some blending of reflexes of *maguli / *malugi with those of *mar̄uhi / *mahur̄i. Latin marrubiu 'horehound' (Trask 1997: 309: quite a different plant) is probably a chance resemblance. Words for 'mulberry, blackberry' seem to contain *mar̄- (= PEC *(H)mer(ʔ)V) + a mysterious morph *-SuS(t)a - related to *śaśi 'thorn, bramble'?
PROTO: *marč-
MEANING: 1 pruning hook (for a vine dresser) 2 tongs, pincers (for harvesting or opening chestnuts) 3 fork 4 forked, cleft 5 prop, strut (for holding weak branches up) 6 machete (large knife)
GIP: matxarde 2, matxite 6, (Beterri) matxarda 2, (Andoain) matxar 2
ANV: matxarde 5, matxite 6, (Lezaka) matxarde 2
BNV: martxite 1, matxarde 2, 4, 5
LAB: matxarde 3, 5
BZT: matxarde 2
ZBR: matxárde 2, matxite 6
RNC: (Uztárroz) matxar 2, matxarde 5
COMMENTS: Bsq > Span. machete. The latter, or the Bsq words above, are not plausibly related to Sp. macho 'sledge hammer, anvil' (< Lat. marculus 'small hammer'), since there is no semantic similarity of 'fork, hook, tong' with 'hammer'. PNC *mirć(w)Ē, with the meaning 'sickle' in Tsezian and Circassian, is semantically compatible, especially, with Bsq martxite 'pruning hook'. For the element *-arde cf. Bsq *śaɦarde 'fork', etc.
PROTO: *mardo, *mardu-l
MEANING: 1 strong, vigourous 2 robust, plump 3 smooth, soft 4 in fragile health
BZK: mardul 1, mardo 2
GIP: mardul 1
BNV: mardo 2, 3
SAL: mardo 2, 3
ZBR: mardo 2, 3, 4
RNC: mardo 2, 3
COMMENTS: Apparently there was a chain semantic shift from ‘*male, virile > strong, robust > luxuriant > soft’.
PROTO: *meda-r̄
MEANING: narrow, tight
BZK: mear
GIP: medar
ANV: medar
BNV: mehar, (Aldude) mear
SAL: mear
LAB: mehar
BZT: mear
ZBR: mehar
RNC: (Uztárroz) mear
COMMENTS: Probably *mer̄da-r̄ > *medar̄ (cf. PEC *ɦmV̄ƛ̣_V̆ 'thin'), altered in most dialects to me(h)ar, by analogy with *menhe 'thin' (q.v.). Trask (1997) regards mehar as a "transparent" derivative of mehe, but that does not explain the clear medial /d/ in GIP and ANV.
PROTO: *mehe ( < *behe-n ?)
MEANING: thin, slender
ARB: be
BZK: mee, me
GIP: me
ANV: mee, me
BNV: mehe
SAL: me
LAB: mehe
BZT: mee
ZBR: mẽ́hẽ
RNC: me
COMMENTS: The assocation between *mehe and *medar̄ (q.v.) is secondary, in this analysis.
PROTO: *mendi
MEANING: mountain
BZK: mendi
GIP: mendi
ANV: mendi
BNV: mendi
LAB: mendi
ZBR: mendi
RNC: mendi
COMMENTS: Cf. Bur *bun[d]- 'mountain pasture, mountain grove, boulder; wild, mountain-' (compared by H. Berger [1959] with Bsq. mendi). Cf. Khinalug mɨda 'mountain' (isolated in NC), Georgian mta id. (isolated in Kart.).
PROTO: *mihu-ri
MEANING: 1 seed (of fruit) 2 kernel (of nut) 3 to remove seeds, shell nuts 4 tiny (of fleas)
BNV: (Aldude, Amikuse) mihuri 1, 2, (Aldude) mihur-tu 3
SAL: miuri 4
ZBR: mũhṹri 1, 2, mũhũrka-tü 3
COMMENTS: Aulestia & White (1992) define mihuri as "kernel of corn, piece of ruit, nut meat, etc."
PROTO: *miko
MEANING: 1 a little, a little bit 2 a tiny bit
BNV: miko 1, (Garazi) mikitta 2
SAL: mikitta 2
LAB: miko
COMMENTS: This word has traditionally been compared with Spanish miga ‘crumb’ < Lat. mīca; but if so, why Bsq -o? Cf. instead PNC *miḳwV 'small, young one'.
PROTO: *minhi
MEANING: tongue
BZK: min, miiñ, miñ, (arc) mĩi, mĩ
GIP: mii, mi, min-gain
ANV: mi, mĩ
BNV: mihi
SAL: mi
LAB: mihi
BZT: min-gain
AZK: mi
ZBR: mihi [mĩhĩ]
RNC: mĩ, mi
COMMENTS: Trask (1995, 1999) reiterates Michelena's reconstruction *bini 'tongue', though Jacobsen (1995) suggests instead *mini. However we think *bini or *mini (without *h) cannot account for the attested BNV forms such as [mixja] 'the tongue' with strong fricative (Moutard 1975). See the note to *bihi. The original sibilant remains in BZK GIP mizto (*mis-to) 'sting (of bees or snakes)', lit. 'little tongue' (see Michelena 1961: 186), and *minco (assim. < *milso) 'word, speech'.
PROTO: *moc
MEANING: short
BZK: motz
GIP: motz, motx
ANV: motz
BNV: motz
SAL: motz
LAB: motz
BZT: motz
AZK: motz
ZBR: mutz
RNC: motz
COMMENTS: This word is generally believed to be from Romance (cf. Span. mocho 'cut off', Ital. mozzo, etc.), ult. < an unrecorded Latin *mutium (REW 5792).
PROTO: *moc
MEANING: 1 cunnus, female sex organs 2 male sex organs 3 old maid, unmarried woman
BZK: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
GIP: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
ANV: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
BNV: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
SAL: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
LAB: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
BZT: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
AZK: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
ZBR: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
RNC: motz 1, motzak 2, mutxurdin 3
COMMENTS: The form mutx-urdin probably reflects vowel assimilation (o > u) and expressive palatalization (tz > tx). Since lexicographers have avoided these words, due to their obscene nature, it is difficult to find detailed information about dialectal variants, etc. If the Bsq-NC comparison is valid, the original meaning was ‘pubic hair’ (cf. Burushaski *=múś-ki) > related meanings.
PROTO: *moko
MEANING: 1 beak 2 extremity, point 3 face, façade 4 face-to-face
GIP: moko 1, 2
BNV: mokho 1, 2, 3
SAL: moko 2
LAB: mokho 1, 2, 3, mokhoz mokho 4
BZT: moko 1, 2
ZBR: mokho 1
COMMENTS: Cf. Burushaski *moq- 'face, cheek'.
PROTO: *moko-r̄
MEANING: buttocks, backside
BZK: mokor
GIP: mokor
COMMENTS: Cf. PNC *bŏnq̇_ō 'back', with some forms that converge phonetically with Bsq *moko-r̄, e.g. Hinukh moqo-li 'back'.
PROTO: *moku-r̄
MEANING: 1 trunk, base of tree 2 stout log 3 thick branch of a tree 4 stunted, rounded tree
BZK: mukur 1, mokor 3, (Orozko) mokor 1
ZBR: mǘkhür 2
RNC: (Uztárroz) mokor 4
COMMENTS: This word is not etymologically related to *moko-r̄ 'buttocks' (q.v.) and other homonyms.
PROTO: *mordo
MEANING: 1 bunch, cluster, group 2 bunch (of grapes or other vegetation) 3 small bunch, small group 4 mess, confusion
BZK: mordo 1, 2, morda 2, mordoska 3, mordoillo 4
GIP: mordo 1, 2, mordoska 3, (Andoain) mordoillo 4
ANV: mordoska 3, mordoillo 4
BNV: molkho 2
LAB: molkho 2, mulko 1
ZBR: mólkho 1, morkho 2
COMMENTS: The r ~ l variation (in preconsonantal position) is very unusual in Basque, and may be explained as follows: PSC *mä̆r[ƛ]-ḳV, with the resulting cluster resolving either as *mor-ko or *mol-ko in Bsq.
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