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PROTO: *moś-ko-r̄
MEANING: 1 trunk (of a tree), burl 2 stout log, burl
BZK: moskor 1
GIP: moskor 1, mozkor 2
ANV: moskor 1
COMMENTS: This word is frequently conflated with *moku-r̄ (q.v.), but this is etymologically distinct. Cf. the suffix in Bur. *muṣ-k 'wood, thicket'.
PROTO: *mośu
MEANING: ́1 nose 2 face 3 kiss 4 point 5 beak
BZK: mosu 3
GIP: musu 1, 2, 3, 4
ANV: musu 3
BNV: musu 2, (Amikuse) mos-ko 5
SAL: musu 2
LAB: musu 2, 3
BZT: musu 2
ZBR: mü̃́s-ko 5
COMMENTS: Other derivatives: (GIP) musu-ko ‘muzzle; face, facial, pertaining to the lower half of the face’; (ZBR-arc) mus-ko ‘sting’, (BZK-Oñate) mus-ki ‘snot, mucus’, (BZK, GIP) mus-kil id., (SAL) titi-mus-ko ‘nipple’. Cf. PEC *mħǝ̆rc̣_ū 'point, edge'. Cf. Bsq *muśtu-r̄ 'snout, muzzle; edge' and *mutu-r̄, both of distinct origins.
PROTO: *muga
MEANING: 1 boundary, limit 2 occasion, moment 3 season
BZK: muga 1
GIP: muga 1, 2
ANV: muga 1, 2
BNV: muga 1
LAB: muga 1, 2, 3
ZBR: muga 1
RNC: muga 1
COMMENTS: Cf. PNC *mŏrq_wV̆ 'stripe, line' > Avar muq: 'line', etc.
PROTO: *muki
MEANING: 1 gum, resin (of trees) 2 snot, mucus
GIP: muki 2
BZT: muki 1, 2
COMMENTS: The regular change of PSC *b(H)VnKV > Bsq *mukV is convergent with that of some NC languages, e.g. Tabasaran muḳ-ruḳ 'fir tree'. Some Bsq dialects, BNV-Garazi, LAB-Ainhoa, have the word muku 'snot, mucus', which is apparently influenced by, if not borrowed from, Latin mūcum, and the native Bsq and Romance words have blended.
PROTO: *muɫho
MEANING: 1 mound, small hill 2 small heap, stack 3 pellet, lump
BZK: (Oñate) mollo 3
LAB: mulho, mulo 1, 2, (arc) mulko 1, 2
ZBR: mulho 1, 2
COMMENTS: Trask (1995) following Meyer-Lübke (1935) derives this word from "Gallo-Romance" *mūla, but no ultimate source is indicated. We think the source may be Vasconic < PSC (cf. PNC. *muɦalV, which accounts for the laryngeal in *mulho).
PROTO: *mune
MEANING: 1 marrow 2 pith 3 brain 4 sap 5 germ, sprout
BZK: muin, muiñ, min 5
GIP: muin, muiñ, mun 1, 4
ANV: muin, muiñ 1, 3, 4
BNV: muin 1, 3, (Garazi) mun 1, 2
SAL: muin 1, 2
LAB: muin, mun 1, 4
BZT: muiñ 1, 2, 3
COMMENTS: Per Mitxelena (1961) and Trask (1995) this word and *hune (q.v.) are "regional variants" of the same word, and suggest Schuchardt's derivation from Lat. fune- 'rope'. Since both words can coexist in the same dialect (e.g., BZK un 'marrow, pith' vs. muin 'germ, sprout'; SAL un-ak 'brains' vs. muña 'marrow, pith') we think the words are of distinct origin (PSC*hwĭʔnV, *mV̆́ɦnū, resp.), but there has been phonetic and semantic blending.
PROTO: *muśtu-r̄
MEANING: 1 snout, muzzle 2 corner, edge 3 goatee under the lip
BZK: mustur 1, 2, (Ispaster, Oñate) mustar 3
COMMENTS: Similar to *mutu-r̄ (q.v.), but is etymologically distinct. It fits phonologically with PEC *mHărčwV 'pus; mucus, snot': cf. the correspondence of Bsq *-śt- : PNC *-rč- in Bsq *ɦeśte (~ *ɦerce) ‘intestine’ ~ PNC *HĂrčV (~ *rHĂčV ~ *čĂrHV) ‘stomach, abomasum’ (Avar ʕorčo ), and a few other cases.
PROTO: *mutil
MEANING: 1 boy 2 apprentice 3 servant 4 skilled worker 5 little boy
BZK: mutil 1, 2, mutiko 5
GIP: mutil 1, 2, mutiko 5
ANV: mutil 1, 2, 3
BNV: mutil 1, 3, 4, muthiko 5
LAB: mutil 1, 3, 4
BZT: mutiko 5
ZBR: mithil 1, 3
RNC: mitil 1, 3
COMMENTS: Cf. PNC *mɨ̆lƛ̣_V̆ 'husband, male, worker'. The phonology requires a development such as *murti-l > *multil > *mutil (assimilation, then dissimilation).
PROTO: *mutu-r̄
MEANING: 1 snout, muzzle 2 end, edge
BZK: mutur 1, 2
GIP: mutur 1
ANV: mutur 1
BNV: muthur 1, (Aldude) 1, 2
SAL: mutur 1
LAB: muthur 1, 2
BZT: mutur 1, 2
AZK: mutur 1
ZBR: mǘthür 1
RNC: mutur 1
COMMENTS: Phonetic development seems to have been *murtu-r̄ > *mutur̄, with dissimilation. Cf. *mutil < *murti-l. *mutu-r̄ is a distinct etymon from *muśtu-r̄, q.v.
PROTO: *nahi
MEANING: will, desire
BZK: nai
GIP: nai
ANV: nai
BNV: nahi
LAB: nahi
ZBR: náhi
RNC: nai
COMMENTS: Cf. PNC *ʔnV̄hV̄ 'shame, fright'. For semantic typology, cf. Latin cup- ‘wish, desire, long for’ ~ Old Indic kup- ‘become agitated, angry’.
PROTO: *naka-
MEANING: 1 mockery 2 repugnance, disgust 3 dirty, foul
GIP: naga 2
ANV: nakaitz 3
BNV: naka 1, nakaitz 3
LAB: nakaitz 2
COMMENTS: This comparison is somewhat dubious, since PSC *k normally corresponds to Bsq *h, also /g/ secondarily in southern dialects. Or is naka a contraction of *naha-ka?
PROTO: *naś-ka
MEANING: 1 repugnance, disgust, abomination 2 disgusting, abominable 3 to disgust, be repugnant
GIP: naska, nazka 1, nazkagarri 2, naska-tu 3
ANV: nazkagarri 2
BZT: naskarri 2
COMMENTS: BZT naskarri < *naś-ka-gar̄i, with haplology.
PROTO: *nega- / *niga-
MEANING: 1 tears, weeping 2 rennet 3 skin rash (scurf, herpes)
BZK: negar 1, (Ubidea) negar 2
GIP: negar 1
ANV: negar 1, (Lezaka) negel 3
BNV: nigar, (Aldude) negal 3, (Garazi) negel 3
SAL: negar, near 1
LAB: negar, nigar 1, (Ainhoa) negal 3, (Gethari) negel 3
BZT: nigar 1, negal 3
AZK: nigar 1
ZBR: nĩ́gar 1, negel 3
COMMENTS: Note the general tendency of western Bsq /e/ vs. eastern /i/ in words for 'tears'. There is an old ablaut alternation in PEC: *nĕwq̇ŭ / *nĭwq̇V̆-, which may have been redistributed regionally in Bsq.
PROTO: *negu
MEANING: winter
BZK: negu
GIP: negu
ANV: negu
BNV: negu
LAB: negu
ZBR: négü
RNC: negu
COMMENTS: The Bsq-NC comparison requires metathesis: PNC *ʁwĭnʔV ~ PSC *nʔĭʁwV > Bsq *negu.
PROTO: *neke
MEANING: tiredness, fatigue, difficulty, pain
BZK: neke
GIP: neke
ANV: neke
BNV: nekhe
SAL: neke
LAB: nekhe
ZBR: nekhe
RNC: neke
COMMENTS: This word is commonly attributed to Latin nex (accusative necem) '(violent) death, murder' (Michelena 1961, etc.). It is apparent that there is a big semantic gap: there is no hint of 'violent death' or 'murder' in the Bsq meaningsː Burushaski maq 'rheumatism, pain' is much closer semantically. The nearest Romance reflexes also have quite different meanings: Spanish anegar 'to drown, to flood' < Lat. enecāre 'to kill'.
PROTO: *neś-ka
MEANING: girl, unmarried young woman
BZK: neskatxi, neskatxu, (Otxandiano) neskatxo
GIP: neskatxa, (Etxarri) nexkaxa
ANV: neskatoko, neskatxa, (Goizueta) nexkatto /neškat́o/
BNV: neskato, nexkato, neskatxa, neskatotxe, (Aldude) nexka, (Amikuse) neskatoxe
SAL: neskatilla
LAB: neskatxa, (Gethari) nexka, nexkato
BZT: nexka, neskateko, neskatiko
ZBR: neskatíla
RNC: neskatilla, neskato, (Vidángoz) nexkaxe
COMMENTS: In RNC the connotation was only 'servant girl, maid', while in other dialects neska has an unfavorable connotation that is avoided by using various suffixes: neskato, neskatilla, neskatxa, etc. (see Azkue).
PROTO: *ni
ARB: ni
BZK: ni
GIP: ni
ANV: ni
BNV: ni
SAL: ni
LAB: ni
BZT: ni
AZK: ni
ZBR: ni
RNC: ni
PROTO: *niṅi
MEANING: 1 child, baby 2 pupil of the eye 3 doll 4 middle, center 5 embryo
BZK: ñiñi 1, (Orozko) begi-nini 2
GIP: ñiñi 1, nini 2, (Andoain) begi-nini 2
ANV: nini-ko 5
BNV: nini 2, nini-ka 2, (Aldude) ñiñi 3
SAL: begi-nini 4
LAB: ñiñi 1, nini-ko 2, ñiñi-ka 2, (Ainhoa) nini 1, begi-nini-ko 2, ñiñi-ku 2
BZT: nini 1, 2, 3, niñi-riku 2
ZBR: ñiñi 1, nini 2, begi-nini 2
RNC: ñiñi 1, begi-nini 2
COMMENTS: Niniko, ninika are also used in some dialects for 'bud, (off-)shoot' (of plants). SAL beginini 'middle, center' is obviously a development from 'pupil (center) of eye'. NC parallels like Lezgi nini 'doll', wilin-nini 'pupil of eye' and Burushaski (Y) =nini 'pupil' indicate some considerable antiquity of this expressive word.
PROTO: *no-
MEANING: 1 who 2 where 3 when 4 how
ARB: nox 3
BZK: no, nor 1, non, nun 2, noiz, nox, nos, noz 3
GIP: no, nor 1, non 2, noiz 3, nola 4
ANV: nor 1, non 2, noiz 3, nola 4
BNV: nor 1, non, nun 2, noiz 3, nola 4
LAB: nor 1, non 2, noiz 3, nola 4
ZBR: nur 1, nun 2, nuiz 3, nula, nulaz 4
RNC: nor 1, non 2, noiz 3, nola 4
PROTO: *oćo
BZK: otso
GIP: otso
ANV: otso
BNV: otso
SAL: otso
LAB: otso
BZT: otso
AZK: otso
ZBR: otso
RNC: otso
COMMENTS: Cf. Aquitanian personal names OSSON-, OXSON-, as well as the Spanish surname Ochoa (= Bsq *očo-a 'the little wolf'). Bouda (1948) compared Bsq + Batsbi borc̣, etc.
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