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PROTO: *ohe (*o=he)
BZK: oe, oge, oi
GIP: oe, oge, oi
ANV: oe, obe
BNV: ohe, (Aldude, Baigorri) ofe
LAB: ohe
ZBR: óhe
RNC: oe, oi
COMMENTS: Cf. PEC *=aχV-r 'to fall, lie' > Tab. aχin 'bed', etc.
PROTO: *oi=hal
MEANING: cloth, fabric
BZK: oial
GIP: oial
ANV: oial
BNV: oihal
LAB: oihal
ZBR: óihal
RNC: oxal
COMMENTS: Cf. PNC *χw[a]lŁ_V 'a k. of clothing'. There are other Bsq meanings, such as (B, G) oial 'scarf, shawl (for children)', etc. *oi= seems to be a peculiar form of the fossilized prefix *o=/*u=, occurring only before /h/ (cf. *oi=han).
PROTO: *oi=han
MEANING: 1 forest, woods 2 desert 3 mountain
BZK: (arc) ojan 2
GIP: oian 1
ANV: (arc) oian 3
BNV: oihan 1
SAL: oian 1
LAB: oihan 1
BZT: oian 1
ZBR: óihan 1
RNC: oian 1, (Uztárroz) oxan 1
COMMENTS: Bouda (1949) compared Bsq + Chechen ħun, etc.
PROTO: *ok-
MEANING: 1 plum 2 sloe
BZK: ok-aran 1, txarri-ok-aran 2
GIP: (Etxarri-Aranaz) ok-aran 1
COMMENTS: A compound with *ar=han, q.v. *ok-arhan may orig. have designated the cultivar plum (cf. Lak aq ‘garden’, etc.) as opposed to wild plums and sloes.
PROTO: *oker̄
MEANING: bent, curved, twisted, crooked
BZK: oker
GIP: oker
ANV: uker, oker
BNV: okher
SAL: oker
ZBR: ókher
COMMENTS: There are abstract meanings ('mistake(n), perverted, evil', etc.), and a verbal extension *oker̄-tu 'to bend, curve; go wrong,' etc. For semantic typology of Bsq ‘bend, twist’ ~ PNC ‘turn, roll’, cf. Irish fillim ‘bend, fold’ ~ Lat. volvere ‘roll, turn’, vallis ‘valley’ (‘bend’), etc.
PROTO: *oɫha
MEANING: 1 forge, foundry 2 (shepherd's) hut 3 cabin, cottage 4 country house
BZK: ola 1
GIP: ola 1
ANV: ola 1
BNV: olha 1
LAB: olha 3, 4
ZBR: ólha 2, 3
RNC: (Vidángoz) õla 3
COMMENTS: The semantic change was probably 'hearth, forge' (cf. PEC *ɦwVlaq_ē 'hearth') > 'hut with a hearth, heated hut' > 'cabin, cottage', etc. (Cf. English stove ~ Norw. stova ‘cottage, hut; (living-) room’, Swed. stuga ‘cottage, cabin’, Ger. Stube ‘room’ (orig. ‘heated room’), etc.) Ol(h)a is an element in numerous Bsq place names, and in modern Bsq the meaning ‘forge’ has been extended to ‘factory’.
PROTO: *oɫhe
MEANING: 1 meek, mild, gentle, peaceful 2 meekly, mildly, etc.
LAB: (arc) olhe 1, olhe-ki 2
COMMENTS: Attributed by Azkue to Haraneder (18th c.) and Pouvreau (17th c.), who wrote in the LAB dialect.
PROTO: *oɫho (*o=ɫho)
MEANING: 1 oats (cultivar) 2 wild oats
BZK: olo 1, alo 2, (Orozko) orlo 1
GIP: olo 1
ANV: olo 1
BNV: olho 1, olha 2
LAB: olo 1
ZBR: ólho 1, olha, alho 2
RNC: olo 1, olo-molo 2, ola-béur 2
COMMENTS: Cf. PNC *ʎwɨ̆ʔwV 'millet'.
PROTO: *onća
MEANING: well (adv.), good, benefit (n.)
BNV: ontsa, untsa
LAB: ontsa
ZBR: úntsa
COMMENTS: Association with *hon 'good' is secondary. ZBR has no aspirate in this word, though it does in hun ‘good’ and derivates like húnki ‘good deed, benefit’, húntze ‘to improve’, etc. The supposed “adverb-forming suffix" -sa is unique to this word, casting doubt on its reality. Cf. instead PEC *ʡV(n)ǯV 'good'.
PROTO: *onci
MEANING: 1 vessel, container 2 boat, ship (vessel) 3 stomach 4 pot (of clay)
BZK: ontzi 1, 2
GIP: ontzi 1, 2
ANV: ontzi 1, 2
BNV: untzi 1, 2, 3
SAL: ontzi 1, 2
LAB: untzi 1, 2, 3
BZT: untzi 1, 2, 4
ZBR: ṹntzi 1, 2
RNC: ontzi 1, 2
PROTO: *ondiko
MEANING: 1 misery, misfortune 2 discomfort, unease 3 alas! too bad! 4 to offend, affront
BZK: ondez 2
ANV: ondiko 1, ondikotz 3
BNV: ondiko 1
LAB: ondiko 1, ondikoz, ondikotz 3
BZT: ondikoz 3
ZBR: undika-tu 4
COMMENTS: Cf. PEC *ʔuntV 'sickness, defect'.
PROTO: *ondo
MEANING: 1 upper arm, humerus 2 nape, back of neck 3 trunk (of tree)
BZK: bes-ondo 1, gar-ondo, garr-ondo 2, (Orozko) lep-ondo 2
GIP: bes-ondo 1, gar-ondo, garr-ondo 2, lep-ondo 2
ANV: gar-ondo, garr-ondo 2
BNV: gar(h)-ondo 2, leph-ondo 2
SAL: lep-ondo 2
LAB: bes-ondo 1, gar(h)-ondo 2, lep-ondo 2, (Ainhoa) ondo 3
ZBR: bes-óndo 1
RNC: gar-ondo 2, lep-ondo 2
COMMENTS: The words cited for meanings 1 and 2 are only some of the anatomical words containing *ondo 'joint'. Meaning 3 (also stem, vine) occurs in compounds like madari-ondo 'pear tree', sagarr-ondo 'apple tree', mahats-ondo 'grapevine'. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish this word from *ondo 'side, bottom' (q.v.) and *ɦonda-r̄ 'sand', and Romance hondo (< Lat. fundum) 'bottom'. These words have probably merged and blended in Bsq to some extent.
PROTO: *ondo
MEANING: 1 side, bottom 2 (part) next to, after 3 part of forehead around eyes 4 forehead (of cattle) 5 frown (of eyebrows)
BZK: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, betondo 3, 5, (Gernika) adondo 4
GIP: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, betondo 5
ANV: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
BNV: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, bethondo 3
SAL: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
LAB: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, bethondo 3
BZT: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
AZK: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
ZBR: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, bethondo 3
RNC: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
COMMENTS: It is difficult to separate this word from the homonym *ondo 'joint' (q.v.). Both of these words have been influenced by Romance words such as Span. hondo 'bottom, depth, deep', and some blending has taken place. Cf. also Bsq *ɦonda-r̄ 'sand, dregs', which etymologists have often confused with either or both types of *ondo and Span. hondo. The compounds shown (of which there are many more) involve the elements *begi-t- 'eye' and *a=dar̄ 'horn'.
PROTO: *o=dol
MEANING: blood
BZK: odol
GIP: odol
ANV: odol
BNV: odol
SAL: odol
LAB: odol
BZT: odol
AZK: odol
ZBR: ódol
RNC: odol
PROTO: *o=hoin
MEANING: 1 thief 2 to steal, rob
ARB: oñ 1, os-tu 2
BZK: oos-tu, os-tu 2, (arc) ons-tu 2, (arc) uuñ 1
GIP: os-tu 2
BNV: ohoin 1
LAB: ohoin 1
BZT: ooin 1
ZBR: ũhúñ 1
COMMENTS: The noun 'thief' is attested mainly in northeastern dialects, while southwestern dialects have the derived verb *ohoin-ś-tu.
PROTO: *o=keɫu
MEANING: 1 stable 2 yard 3 hall 4 corner, nook
ARB: okelu 4
BZK: okellu 1, okolo, okolu, okoillu 4
GIP: okellu 1, okolu 2, okullu, okollu, ikullu 3
BNV: (Amikuse) okholü 2
ZBR: okholü 2
COMMENTS: The proposed derivation from Lat. locellum is highly questionable, and Bsq *o=keɫu matches PEC *qǝ̆lV̆ very well, phonetically and semantically. Michelena himself (1961: 83) remarks that the specialized meanings of the Romance words < locellum are quite distant from the Bsq meanings (e.g., Span. lucillo ~ lucilo ‘burial urn’).
PROTO: *o=koc (-ć)
MEANING: ́1 chin 2 snout 3 nape 4 head (intelligence)
BZK: okotz 1, 2
ANV: kokots 1
BNV: kokots, kokotz 1
LAB: kokots, kokotz 1
BZT: kokots 3
ZBR: kokots 1
RNC: kokots 1, 4
COMMENTS: If the BZK form is archaic (okotz < *o=koc?), the form kokotz/ts seems to be blended with *kokot ‘nape’ (q.v.), of distinct origin. Alternatively the reduplicated *kokoc (or *kokoć) was original, with dissimilation in BZK. This body part term may be related to Bsq *a=kać, *ma=keć ‘notch, nick’ (q.v., cf. Lezgi q̇ac̣ ‘notch, nick’ vs. Rutul, Tsakhur q̇ac̣ ‘chin’).
PROTO: *o=r̄ac
MEANING: 1 needle 2 pin 3 fishhook 4 comb
ARB: orrazi 4
BZK: orratz 2, (Oñate) orraatz 1, 2, orrazi 4
GIP: orratz 1, 2, orrazi 4
ANV: orratz 1, orraze 4
BNV: orratz 1
SAL: orratz 1, orraze 4
LAB: orratz 1, orraze 4
BZT: orratz 1, orraze 4
ZBR: orrátz 1, orraze 4
RNC: orrátz 1, orraze 4
COMMENTS: Cf. Tsez ric̣u 'wedge', Tab. Kand. ruc̣ 'lock with a hook', metathesized variants from PNC *c̣ǝ̆wrē (~ *rǝ̆wc̣ē). Cf. Bsq *sor̄oc 'sharp, keen', another permutation of the same root.
PROTO: *ordu (*o=rdu)
MEANING: 1 time 2 hour 3 occasion
BZK: ordu 1, 2
GIP: ordu 2
ANV: ordu 2
BNV: ordu 2
LAB: ordu 2
ZBR: ordu 2, 3
RNC: ordu 2
COMMENTS: Origin from Lat. ordō ‘line, row, series, order’ has been suggested but is problematic. Cf. instead PNC *ƛăjV 'time, day', Burushaski *j=ult 'time, right moment', *b=ultu 'day', with Bsq *-rd- in regular correspondence with PNC and Bur *-lt-.
PROTO: *ordV
MEANING: 1 plain, flat ground 2 plain, sown field
GIP: ordeka 2
BNV: ordoki 1
LAB: ordoki 1
ZBR: ordoki 1
RNC: ordoki 1
COMMENTS: The simplex form (LAB) ordo 'plat, plaine' was recorded by Silvain Pouvreau (17th cent.).
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