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PROTO: *oro
BZK: (arc) oro
ANV: oro
BNV: oro
LAB: oro
ZBR: oro
RNC: oro
PROTO: *oroć
MEANING: male (animal)
BNV: orots
SAL: orots
LAB: orots
ZBR: orots
RNC: órots
COMMENTS: For some speakers the word is restricted to the meaning 'calf'. In SAL and LAB-Ainhoa the word applies also to male dogs (per Azkue). Trombetti compared Bsq orots, orotx with Agul urč 'calf' < PNC *wHilćV.
PROTO: *ortúć / *e=ortu-śi
MEANING: 1 barefoot 2 take off (shoes, stockings)
BZK: ortoz 1
GIP: ortuz 1
ANV: ortuz 1
BNV: orthuts 1, orthustu 2, urtustu 2
SAL: urtuxirik 1, urtuxi 2
LAB: orthus, orthuts 1, urtustu 2
BZT: ortotz, ortox 1, ortoxtu 2
ZBR: orthǘts 1, erthǘtsik 1, orthǘs-, erthǘs- 2
RNC: ortuts, urtuxirik 1, urtuxi 2
COMMENTS: Bsq *ortúć closely matches Bur (Y) hultáṣ 'barefoot' in form. Any connection with Bsq *hoin 'foot' and *huć 'empty, bare' is secondary (thus, BNV ointhuts, etc.).
PROTO: *ośki (*o=śki)
BZK: (arc) oski
BNV: oski
ZBR: oski
RNC: oski
COMMENTS: Derivation from *hoin 'foot' is quite unlikely. Cf. PEC *šwŏq̣̇HwV ~ *HwŏšwV ‘heel, ankle’, with the usual syncope in Bsq: *š(w)ŏq̣̇H(w)i > *ośki.
PROTO: *ośo
MEANING: 1 whole, entire, complete 2 healthy
BZK: oso 1, 2
GIP: oso 1
ANV: oso 1, 2
BNV: oso 1, 2
SAL: oso 1
LAB: oso 1
BZT: oso 1
AZK: oso 1
ZBR: óso 1, 2
RNC: oso 1
COMMENTS: Cf. *aśe 'to fill, sate', which seems to be an ablaut variant.
PROTO: *oɫha
MEANING: 1 forge, foundry 2 country house, cabin, cottage 3 shepherd's hut 4 tent
BZK: ola 1
GIP: ola 1
ANV: ola 1
BNV: olha 1
LAB: olha 2, 4
ZBR: ólha 1, 2, 3
RNC: (Vidángoz) õla 2
COMMENTS: Ol(h)a is an element in numerous place names. Semantic development seems to have been ‘hearth, forge’ > ‘heated room’ > ‘cabin’, etc. (For typology cf. Eng. stove ~ Norw. stova (stue) ‘cottage, hut; (living-) room’, Swed. stuga ‘cottage, cabin’, Ger. Stube ‘room’ (orig. ‘heated room’), etc.) The meaning ‘forge’ has been extended to ‘factory’ in modern Bsq.
PROTO: *pać
MEANING: 1 pomace (of apples) 2 pomace (of grapes)
BZK: batz 1, 2, (Mondragon) pats 1
GIP: pats 1, 2
ANV: pats 2, (Lezaka, Oyarzun) pats 1, 2
LAB: phats 2, (coast) fats 1, 2
COMMENTS: Pomace is the residue of pressed pulp, skins and pips of apples, grapes or any fruit after pressing (= Sp. orujo, Fr. marc). The BZK form batz is the result of Bizkaian merger of *c and *ć in /c/ = tz (Moutard 1976: 31), and voicing dissimilation (p > b).
PROTO: *paita
BZK: paita
COMMENTS: Could be a wanderwort (Arabic baṭṭ, etc.), but the Bsq phonetic form is peculiar and may be ancient. Cf. Span. and Port. pato, probably of Moorish (Arabic) origin.
PROTO: *pata-
MEANING: bottle
ANV: pataxa
PROTO: *pata-r̄
MEANING: 1 (steep) slope 2 rugged, steep 3 strong liquor, rotgut
BZK: paitar 3
GIP: pattar 3, paitar 3, (Irura) patar 3
ANV: patar-su 2, pattar 3
BNV: patar-su 2
SAL: patar 1
LAB: patar 1, patar-su 2
BZT: patar 1
ZBR: patar 1, patar-su 2
RNC: patar 1, patar-su 2
COMMENTS: Pattar /pat́ar/ 'liquor' from the sense of a 'rugged' drink?
PROTO: *pinc
MEANING: 1 membrane (covering egg, nut), dermis (inner skin) 2 ampulla (sac) in skin 3 egg (laid without shell) 4 husk
BZK: mintz 1
GIP: mintz 1
ANV: mintz 1 4
BNV: p(h)intz(a) 2 3
SAL: mintz 1
LAB: phintz 2
ZBR: phintz 2
RNC: mintz, mintzi 1
COMMENTS: Of Latin origin, according to Trask (1995). Aragonese Spanish has binza 'membrane covering onion or egg'. Jacobsen (1995) criticizes the supposed derivation from Lat. *vinctiare 'to tie' as "too speculative to be convincing."
PROTO: *pinpilin
MEANING: butterfly
ANV: pinpilin-pauxa, pinpilin-poxa
LAB: pinpirin(a), pinpilin-pauxa
COMMENTS: A worldwide reduplicated word for 'butterfly', but that does not exclude the Basque-NCaucasian cognacy. The second element -poxa, -pauxa resembles -posa in Spanish mariposa, thought by some to come from a nursery rhyme "Maria, posa ..." ('Mary, perch ...').
PROTO: *-piri-n
MEANING: lightning (bolt), thunder (bolt)
GIP: oz-min
ANV: oz-min, oz-min-arri
SAL: oz-me
LAB: oz-priñ, orz-pin, (arc) oz-pirin
COMMENTS: In compounds with *ɦors- ‘sky’ (q.v.). Traditionally the second element is *minhi ‘tongue’ (Michelena 1961: 276), but here *-pirin is regarded as original (Haraneder wrote ozpirin in the 18th c.) and variants with -pin ~ -min are secondary.
PROTO: *pista
MEANING: fresh rheum (eye secretion, 'sleep sand')
BZK: pizta
COMMENTS: Cf. PNC *pĭnwĂ ‘resin, juice’ (Lak pic̣ 'sweat, dew', etc.). This is one of the rare Bsq *-st- correspondences to PNC tense *. The original PSC sense was evidently ‘secretion’, whether of human body (‘rheum’ [Bsq], ‘sweat’ [Lak]), trees (‘resin, gum, pitch’ > ‘glue’ [PY]), or nature (‘dew’ [Lak, Burushaski] > ‘water’ [WC]), etc.
PROTO: *pot-
MEANING: 1 testicle 2 kiss 3 female genitals 4 ovary (of animals) 5 hernia
BZK: potro 1, potxin, potxor 3
GIP: potra-min 5
ANV: pot 2
BNV: pot 2
LAB: potro 1, pot 2
BZT: pottoin 4
ZBR: pot 2
COMMENTS: Many etymologists attribute these words to Romance origin, but extremely ancient and native words of this general form are found on every continent, and there is no reason to think Bsq had to acquire them from outside.
PROTO: *pus-ka
BZK: uzkar, uzker
GIP: puzkar
ANV: puzka, puzkar, puzker
BNV: puzka, puzkar, uzkar
LAB: puzka, puzker, uzker
ZBR: üzker
RNC: uzker, uzkar
COMMENTS: Forms without initial p- influenced by *u=ski 'rear end, anus', or a blend? This is a widespread expressive root, with parallels in IE *pezd-, and other language families.
PROTO: *śa- / *śe- / *-śo
MEANING: 1 uncle 2 father-in-law 3 parent(s) 4 great-grandparent 5 grand-daughter 6 grandson 7 grand-nephew 8 ancestor 9 great-uncle
BZK: osa-ba 1, gura-so 3, asa-ba 8
GIP: osa-ba 1, gura-so 3, asa-ba 8
ANV: osa-ba 1, 2, bura-so 3, asa-ba 1, 9
BNV: osa-ba 1, bura-so 4, iloba-so 6, arba-so 8
LAB: osa-ba 1, 2, bur(h)a-so 3, arba-so 8
ZBR: osa-ba 1, alhaba-so 5, seme-so 6, iloba-so 7, bürü-so 8
RNC: osa-ba 1
COMMENTS: This prolific kinship morpheme seems to be related to PNC *=ɨ̆šwĔ 'son / daughter' (originally with changing class prefixes, as still in some EC langs.). It is probably present also in Bsq *śeme 'son', possibly a compound of *śe- + *hume 'child, baby'; and BZK sein 'child'.
PROTO: *śabe-l
MEANING: belly
BZK: sabel
GIP: sabel
ANV: sabel
BNV: sabel
LAB: sabel
BZT: sabel
ZBR: sábel
RNC: sabel
COMMENTS: Also BZK GIP ema-sabel 'womb' ('female-belly').
PROTO: *śagar̄
MEANING: apple
BZK: sagar
GIP: sagar
ANV: sagar
BNV: sagar
LAB: sagar
ZBR: sagar
RNC: sagar
COMMENTS: It is tempting to compare Bur. śuɣurí 'pear', Lezgi č:üχʷer 'pear', etc. (See the note to PSC 475.)
PROTO: *sagi / *-ski
MEANING: 1 moon 2 sun
ARB: igu-zki 2
BZK: egu-zki 2
GIP: egu-zki 2, igu-zki 2
ANV: egu-zki 2, igu-zki 2
SAL: ila-ski 1
LAB: egu-zki 2, igu-zki 2
ZBR: argi-zági 1
RNC: argi-zagi 1, (Uztárroz) egú-zku 2
COMMENTS: Compounds with *egu- and *hiɫa-, (q.v.).
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