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Entry: nosǝm
Comments: vide nosǝ.
Entry: nu
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: nose
Nepali: nāk.
Derivation: [also attested in Sasarkā ]
Entry: nu-dɨlǝ
Grammar: n.
Meaning: nostril.
Derivation: [nu 'nose' + dɨlǝ 'cleft, opening']
Entry: nukhil
Grammar: n.
Meaning: snot, mucus
Nepali: sin%gān
Derivation: [nu 'nose' + khil 'shit']
Comments: cf. mikkhi:m, Nitso-siʔi.
Entry: Nukhil
Grammar: dhyǝknɨ n.
Meaning: a two-day ritual performed by the shaman for any members of the community who have attained an age which is past child bearing age. In this ritual, the nukhil snot', a metaphor for fecund bodily effluents, is said to be sealed off or plugged up. After this ritual, the person or persons for whom the ritual has been performed formally enter the ranks of the respected elderly citizenry. The Nukhil dhyǝknɨ ritual is the culmination of the four-year ritual cycle of the Na:ghɨ and is performed immediately following the end of the four-day Tsomdam festival. It is during Nukhil dhyǝknɨ ceremony that one receives one's Moʔo or 'Eternal Name'
Derivation: [nukhil 'snot' + dhyǝknɨ 'seal off, plug']
Comments: cf. Dibudam, Moʔo, Na:ghɨ, wa:tnsinɨ, Ti:dam, Tsi:dam, Tsomdam.
Entry: nukhil-gotɨr
Grammar: n.
Meaning: type of bamboo; the shoots are slimy and emerge in a way reminiscent of snot, whence the name
Nepali: siŋgāne māliŋgo.
Derivation: [nukhil 'snot']
Comments: probably a Nepali calque
Entry: nulɨ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: adv.
Meaning: daytime, in the daytime
Nepali: diũso
Comments: cf. bɨknɨ, nulɨ-peʔe, si:na, so:mna.
Entry: nulɨ-peʔe
Grammar: adv.
Meaning: in the middle of the day, halfway through the day, at noon, in broad daylight
Derivation: [nulɨ 'daytime' + peʔe 'half']
Comments: also: nulɨ-tɨk-peʔe-bi (day-one-half-LOC); cf. si:na-peʔe.
Entry: nur
Comments: vide nurɨ.
Entry: nurɨ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: forest leopard or panther, Panthera pardus, or snow leopard, Panthera uncia
Nepali: bāgh
Comments: cf. kartɨkpu, sa:ʔlɨm, tsaptsɨ.
Entry: nurɨ-tsutsu
Grammar: n.
Meaning: respectful term for grandfather.
Derivation: [nurɨ 'leopard' + tsutsu 'grandfather']
Entry: nutso:
Grammar: n.
Meaning: tip of the nose.
Derivation: [nu 'nose' + tso: 'tip']
Entry: Nyélǝksi
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: banana
Nepali: kerā
Comments: cf. yamlɨbhu.
Entry: Nyepnɨ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: vt-2a Nyept/Nyep-Nyiph/Nyip
Meaning: sow
Nepali: charnu
Comments: cf. letnɨ vt-2a.
Entry: Nyetnɨ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: vi-3 Nyi:ts/Nyi:s-Nyet
Meaning: 1) hurt, ache; fester (of a wound); 2) be ailing, be in poor health.
Entry: Nyetnɨ
Grammar: imp.vt-3 Nyi:ts/Nyi:s-Nyet
Meaning: (with non-referential third singular agent agreement and patient agreement with the person experiencing the pain) ache, hurt.
Entry: Nyi:nɨ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: vi-1 Nyi:
Meaning: hear, not be deaf.
Entry: Nyi:nɨ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: vt-1 Nyi:
Meaning: hear, listen to
Derivation: [allofam of Nitso 'ear']
Comments: eyi:nɨ takes only third singular patient; English I heard you' translates as Ana aʔa:tsɨm Nyi:Nu I heard what you said' (Nep. Timīle boleko sunẽ); Antsiʔa adzi:yɨm boʔo aNyi:? Did you hear what we were talking about? ; ANyi:tɨ ye: aNyi:tɨnǝ ye:? Do you hear or don't you?
Entry: Nyi:rnɨ
Grammar: vt-1 Nyi:r
Meaning: finish, complete (terminative pseudoaspectivizer with an infinitive)
Comments: vide 6.3.12; ɨtnɨ Nyi:rɨ He finished roasting it (Nep. Polnu sakyo), Dzunɨ Nyi:rni Theyp finished eating (Nep. Khānu sake).
Entry: Nyi:sdzɨnɨ
Grammar: vi-3 Nyi:ts/Nyi:s-Nyet + vi-4 dzo:-dzɨ-dzuy/dzu
Meaning: be ill, suffer, experience pain, be ailing
Nepali: duḥkhī rahanu.
Derivation: [duratively aspectivized Nyetnɨ vi-3 'hurt']
Comments: eyeʔkdzɨkta We are ailing
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