Meaning:goddess of the main house (ideally, in addition to the main house, one and occasionally two minor dwellings abut onto the Limbu farmyard or lɔkkhum)
Meaning:remove and put aside that which is in excess
Derivation:[dir. < ɔʔmaʔ break off]
Comments:ɔnduNaNyuksuN I took out what was too much and put it aside.
Meaning:ego's younger brother's wife.
Derivation:[f. form < ɔNʔe:kwa infant]
Meaning:infant, baby.
Meaning:the Limbu name to refer to the Newari-Nepali practice of pāsne or pāsni whereby a child who has reached the age of six months (five months for a female infant) is fed its first solid meal of tɔk. Many people are invited to come and proffer presents to the infant.
Meaning:drool, spit out, allow to fall down from the mouth to a surface below
Derivation:[caus. < ɔʔmaʔ break off]
Comments:ɔ:sɛʔɔ:sɛʔ! Spit it out, spit it out!; thɛʔlɔ:maʔ let spit fall vertically from one's mouth; a-gha:kwɛʔlɔ:s-u-N (1-phlegm drool-3P-1sA) I let my phlegm drip vertically down from my mouth to the ground; cf. tho:kmaʔ,-thɛʔl,sɔ:maʔ.