Meaning:stone or rock of micaceous earth, considered to be a poor quality, albeit widely used, building stone, ubiquitous throughout Limbuvān.
Derivation:[pe:dɔk frog + luN rock, stone]
Meaning:small black brown passerine bird resembling the kikkrɔkna (q.v.) but lacking a crest and showing conspicuous red colouration of the perianal feathers.
Entry:pe:kmaʔ him
Meaning:the house and household into which a girl marries and to which she goes from her po:Nmaʔ him, q.v.
Meaning:(of clothes) slip off, be taken off, be removed
Comments:ku-sumba-:npɛnd-ɛ (his-suruvāl-ABS slip off-PT) He slipped out of his suruvāl; cf. phɛmmaʔ.
Meaning:form a queue, queue up, get in a line, line up next to
Derivation:[< pɛnmaʔ arrange in a line]
Comments:pɛnchiN-my-aNyuN-maʔ (line up-INF-pfG sit-INF); mɛbɛnchiNɛaNmɛyuNɛ They all sat down in a line.
Entry:pɛnmaʔ, -pɛnch-/-pɛn-
Meaning:line up, arrange in rows or in a line
Comments:pɛnmaʔyuNmaʔsi (line up-INF put-INF-nsP) put things away neatly lined up; phɔgʔnapɛnchɛʔyuksɛsɛʔ! Put the lohotās away neatly lined up [on the shelf]!