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Limbu dictionary :

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Total of 2354 records 118 pages

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Entry: sugup
Grammar: n.
Meaning: a malevolent ghost of: 1) children who have died before the age of three and whose spirit is too immature to pass on into the hereafter of khammayaNsaN and must therefore be reincarnated, 2) married or unmarried females who have died a violent death, 3) young females whose fresh blood within the bone marrow has been exposed to the air due to improper burial or cremation, 4) exceptionally wicked and evil people, incapable of passing into khamma-yaNsaN
Comments: 4) cf. so:gha, sisam.
Entry: suk
Grammar: onomatopoeia
Meaning: sob.
Entry: sukhe:
Comments: vide tukhe:-sukhe:.
Entry: sukhe:
Grammar: n.
Meaning: black bitter edible tuber found in the jungle.
Derivation: [syut- be bitter + khe: white yam]
Entry: sukmaʔ, -sug-/-suk-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: wait in ambush
Comments: sugɛʔaN hiptɛʔ! Wait in ambush and hit him [when he comes]!
Entry: sukmaʔ, -sukt-/-suk-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: be able, know how, be capable of
Comments: aNga thi: mɛn-dhuN-ʔe:-saN pa:t-maʔ sukt-u-N (I millet beer npG-drink-npG-even talk-INF can-3P-1sA) I'm able to talk even without having drunk millet beer; kɛme:ʔba mǝna laNghe:kmaʔ mɛnchuktun Fat men don't know how to walk; cf. he:ʔmaʔ.
Entry: sukraba:r
Grammar: n.
Meaning: Friday.
Derivation: [< Nep. śukravār]
Entry: sukwa
Comments: vide suʔwa.
Entry: sullilli
Comments: vide sullisulli.
Entry: sullisulli
Grammar: adj.adv.
Meaning: running about frantically, scampering about frenetically
Comments: khunɛʔ sullisulli co:k He's dashing about frantically; a:kkhya:k sullilliba kɛlɔʔba! What a frenetic scamperer!; cf. mutthuk.
Entry: sumaʔ, -nchumaʔ
Grammar: n.
Meaning: 1) ego's mother's younger sister, 2) ego's father's younger brother's wife.
Entry: sumaʔ, -sus-/-su-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: touch
Comments: khɛnɛʔ sunɛi:? Shall I touch you?; cf. mɛnchumǝna.
Entry: sumba
Grammar: n.
Meaning: pajama-like trousers, tight at the calves and ankles, part of the official Nepalese dress
Comments: Nep. suruvāl; cf. lǝghe:ʔl.
Entry: sumba:N
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: mortar made of a large hollowed out log or tree stump (Nep. okhalī)
Derivation: [*sum ʔmortar (vide luNsum) + -bo:N tree]
Comments: for pounding dry spices, esp. ha:rundi 'turmeric', used in conjunction with a kyaN.
Entry: sumbhu
Grammar: num.coll.
Meaning: three
Comments: cf. sumsi.
Entry: sumbo:N
Grammar: num.adv.
Meaning: all three
Comments: cf. sumraN.
Entry: sumhaʔluN
Grammar: n.
Meaning: the configuration of three equidistant haʔluN (q.v.) constituting the traditional Limbu indoor fireplace.
Derivation: [< sum three]
Entry: sumipma
Grammar: n.
Meaning: younger sisters of ego's spouse, i.e. husband's younger sister, wife's younger sister.
Entry: sumippa
Grammar: n.
Meaning: husband's younger sister.
Entry: sumlɛN
Grammar: adv.
Meaning: thrice, three times.
Derivation: [sum three + lɛN turn]
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