Meaning:malevolent water nymph inha- biting the wakho:mba
Derivation:[< *wa water]
Comments: the water nymph afflicts users of the wakho:mba whom she dislikes with gaping and infected wounds, furuncles and carbuncles; she also causes tooth decay; vide khɛʔmaʔ,khɛʔsiNmaʔ.
Meaning:Alnus nepalensis, the Nepalese alder tree
Comments: Nep. uttis.
Entry:wɛmmaʔ, -wɛnd-/-wɛn-
Meaning:be done, be in effect, move, be in process, be in progress
Comments:namla:Nmawɛndu There's a drought; ɛllambasakwamawɛndu This year there is famine; khɛnɛʔkɛdzo:gubayambɔkʔinpo:ksɛi:mɛbo:ksɛnni:phaʔaNse:ndo:mɛllepo:ksɛ gɔrɔ cumille'wɛndu'amɛʔl If you ask a friend whether his work is getting along alright or not, and it is, he'll say 'It's getting along'; Nep. calnu.
Entry:wɛ:mmaʔ, -wɛ:nch-/-wɛ:n-
Entry:wɛpmaʔ, -wɛtt-/-wɛt-/wɛʔl
Grammar:1) vi. 2) vt.
Meaning:1) be spilled, be poured; wɛttɛ It spilled; 2) (unintentionally:) spill, (intentionally:) make wet by pouring, pour over
Comments: 2) wɛttɛʔ! pour it over [it]!; cf. liNmaʔ.
Meaning:sharpen (as a barber sharpens a razor, whisking it to and fro against a leather strap, as opposed to yupmaʔ, q.v.).
Entry:yaʔra:kmaʔ, yaʔ-ra:kt-/yaʔ-ra:k-
Meaning:perform the rice dance, a tradi- tional Limbu dance performed during the night of the full moon till well after dawn. Young lads and unmarried girls join hands in circles or, occa- sionally, in rows and chant the hypnotic pa:lam (q.v.)
Derivation:[< yaʔ paddy + dir. < la:Nmaʔ dance]
Comments: ideally girls and young men alternate so that no two persons of the same gender join hands in the circle; yaʔkɛnla:ktɛnni:?-mɛnla:kpaN Did you take part in the rice harvest dance? - No, I didn't.
Meaning:grain spread out on the ground or on a mat to dry, usu. in the sun (Nep. biskun)