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Limbu dictionary :

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Entry: ikla, itla
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: voice
Comments: khɛnɛʔ kɛ-ikla nu (you your-voice be alright) You have a nice voice; cf. sitla.
Entry: ikmaʔ, -ig-/-ik-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: roll up, make round, ball up.
Entry: iksa-kha:mbe:k
Grammar: n.poet.
Meaning: the Earth, Nature, the land
Derivation: [< Pa_cthare Limbu iksaN 'heavens, firmament' + kha:mbe:k 'the Earth']
Comments: hile:-ʔo:-waN iksa-kha:mbe:k-ʔaN nuba nɛ:-rɔ co:k, me:n-ni:ʔ (Hile-LOC-also Nature-too good beasituated-prG be, no-Q) In Hile, Nature is more beautiful as well, isn't it?; cf. tɛlɔkkɛntaNsaN.
Entry: iksa-kha:mbe:k-lo:kpe:-tɔrɔN
Grammar: n.poet.
Meaning: car, truck, automobile
Derivation: [iksa-kha:mbe:k the ɛarth, lo:kpe: < lo:kmaʔ run + pe:kmaʔ go, tɔrɔN bridge]
Comments: cf. tɛlɔk-taNsaN-phɛ:be:-tɔrɔN.
Entry: iksaN
Grammar: n.
Meaning: heavens, firmament, sky
Derivation: [< Pa_cthare Limbu]
Comments: cf. taNsaN.
Entry: ilya
Grammar: part.
Meaning: highlights preceding substantive
Comments: kɛndzum ilya a:kkhya:k kɛdhuNba How big a drinker is your friend?
Entry: imʔim mɛpmaʔ
Comments: vide mɛpmaʔ (4).
Entry: imbrikpa
Grammar: n.
Meaning: lightning-bug, firefly (Nep. jūnkīrī, lit. moon-fly)
Comments: cf. o:dhiNga.
Entry: immaʔ, -iks-/-iN-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: churn (mɔi whey < Nep. mahī).
Entry: immaʔ, -ind-/-in-
Grammar: I) vi. II) vt.
Meaning: I) budge II) 1) scrub, massage; 2) push, push against, give a push with one's body, apply pressure against something with the weight of one's body
Comments: I) indɛ It budged; II) 1) cf. hupmaʔ; 2) hɛnaN kɛʔinʔɛ Why are you pushing against me?; cf. cɔmmaʔ, immaʔ, phɛNmaʔ, phɛpmaʔ, phimmaʔ (2,3), phipma.
Entry: immaʔ, -ips-/-im-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: sleep
Comments: cf. hɔʔmaʔN, ipmaʔ, ipmna, khaʔl, miʔ, mikluN, yu:maʔ.
Entry: immaʔ, -ips-/-im-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: press (eg. niNgɛ oil)
Derivation: [caus. < immaʔ scrub, push, budge] (?)
Comments: cf. cɔmmaʔ, phɛNmaʔ, phɛp- maʔ, phimmaʔ (2,3), phipma.
Entry: immadɛn
Grammar: n.
Meaning: place to sleep, bedstead.
Derivation: [immaʔ sleep + -dɛn place]
Entry: imsiNmaʔ
Grammar: vr.
Meaning: take shelter for the night.
Derivation: [< immaʔ sleep]
Entry: iNdo: mɛpmaʔ
Comments: vide mɛpmaʔ (5).
Entry: iNghɔN
Grammar: n.
Meaning: news, message, letter.
Derivation: [< iNmaʔ make known]
Entry: iNlɛk
Grammar: n.
Meaning: lie.
Entry: iNlɛkmaʔ, iN-lɛkt-/-iN-lɛk-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: lie to someone, deceive
Comments: inlɛktaN He lied to me; cf. co:kmaʔ (5).
Entry: iNmaʔ, -iN-
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: become known, spread (of news), become common knowledge
Comments: cf. iNmaʔ.
Entry: iNmaʔ, -iN-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: buy, purchase.
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