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Слово: thamaʔ, -thas-/-tha-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: shake off, thrash
Деривация: [caus. < thamaʔ fall]
Комментарии: cf. thammaʔ, tha:mmaʔ.
Слово: thammaʔ, -thaps-/-tham-
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: be victorious in a Limbu wrestling match (vide cuNmaʔ), lay on top of one's opponent; get on top of, pounce on top of
Комментарии: cum-dhik-nu cuN-ɛ-tchi-ge-ba, thaps-u-N (friend-one-COM wrestle-PT-dPS-e-IPF lay onatop-3P-1sA) I wrestled with my friend and won; anga e:klai wa- yaN, yɛllik mɛbo:ksɛ mɛdhapsaN I was there alone, there were many of them and they pounced on top of me; cf. nammaʔ; cf. kɛmmaʔ, phɔpmaʔ.
Слово: thammaʔ, -thaps-/-tham-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: shake out dust
Деривация: [< thamaʔ fall]
Комментарии: te:ʔl thapsɛʔ! Shake out the clothes!; cf. saNmaʔ, thamaʔ, tha:maʔ, tha:mmaʔ.
Слово: thaNbɛn
Грамматика: n.
Значение: young man, lad, youth
Комментарии: cf. kɛpmaʔ (3).\x
Слово: thaNgɛʔl
Грамматика: n.
Значение: north.
Слово: thaNmaʔ, -thaN-
Грамматика: vi.
Значение: come up (movement ascending toward goal)
Комментарии: thaN-ɛ-i: mɛ-dhaN-nɛn-ni:? (come up-PT-Q NEG-come up-NEG-Q) Did it come up [through the pi:tchiN] or won't it? (said of hot thi: in a tɔNba); cf. yumaʔ, phɛmmaʔ, tamaʔ; cf. thakmaʔ, thaNmaʔ. Cf. PST *tjɨ̆ŋ(H).
Слово: thaNmaʔ, -thaNs-/-thaN-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: have brought up, send up.
Деривация: [caus. < thaNmaʔ come up]
Слово: thaNmaN
Грамматика: adv.
Значение: uphill
Деривация: [< thaNmaʔ come up]
Комментарии: Nep. ukālo; cf. pɛrɛm, saNmaN.
Слово: tha:ʔmaʔ, -tha:ʔr-/-tha:ʔ-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: relinquish, leave something behind for someone, give away, relinquish something one has kept for someone
Деривация: [dir. ʔ thamaʔ fall]
Комментарии: tha:ʔr-u-N-si-N (leave behind for-3P1sA-nsP-1sA) I left it behind for them; dha:ʔr-ɛ kɛ-dhe-i:? (2-leave behinda or-PT-2 leave/PT-Q) Did he leave it behind for you?.
Слово: tha:k-tha:kmaʔ, tha:k-tha:g-/tha:k-tha:k-
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: weave (eg. cirik cloth, kundri straw mat)
Комментарии: cf. lipmaʔ, phɔ:maʔ.
Слово: tha:maʔ, -tha:s-/-tha:-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: 1) knock something or someone down (eg., by throwing sticks and stones); 2) dejective aspectivizer; 3) drop; 4) -na tha:maʔ (na face) put someone to shame, make someone lose face; 5) nam tha:maʔ [lit. drop the sun, make the sun go down] spend the day, pass the time
Деривация: [caus. < thamaʔ fall]
Комментарии: 1) sɔrɔN tha:suNba, tho: haptɛ I knocked the lemon down, but it got stuck [on its way down]; tha:saN He knocked me down 2) vide 5.3.3; siNsaraʔl lɛ:nduN dha:suN I stripped down the branches [from the tree] 3) cf. thamaʔ, thammaʔ, tha:mmaʔ 4)\x ana kɛdha:sum! You have put me to shame!; cf. thamaʔ (3)\x 5)\x kusanurɛrɔ nam tha:suN I spent the day in a fun way.
Слово: tha:maʔ, -tha:s-/-tha:-
Грамматика: vi.
Значение: run up a fever
Комментарии: ɛn cɛmghik caNba murukkuruk tha:saN I ate kināmā today and have run up a very high fever; sa:rik kɛdha:sɛ You've run up quite a fever.
Слово: tha:mba
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: adj.
Значение: tall, long (human)
Комментарии: cf. ke:mba.
Слово: tha:mmaʔ, -tha:nd-/-tha:n-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: succeed
Комментарии: tha:nduN I succeed; ya:mbɔk ca:m: mɛ-dha:nd-u-n (task perform-INF NEG-succeed-3P-NEG) He did not succeed in carrying out the task; mɛ-n-dha:m-baN (NEG-NEG-succeed-1s?3/PT) I did not succeed at it; tha:ndwi: mɛdha:ndunni:? Did he succeed ot didn't he?
Слово: tha:mmaʔ, tha:ps-/-tha:m-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: show to someone
Деривация: [caus. < tha:pmaʔ be visible]
Комментарии: tha:psɛsɛʔ! Show it to them!; tha:mmaʔ mɛhe:ʔrun He was unable to show it; cf. o:ndha:kmaʔ, ta:kmaʔ.
Слово: tha:mmaʔ, -tha:ps-/-tha:m-
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: let someone fall, trip someone, throw someone or something to the ground
Деривация: [< thamaʔ fall]
Комментарии: hɛnaN kɛ-dha:ps-u? (why 2-trip-3P) Why did you trip him?; cf. thamaʔ, thammaʔ, tha:maʔ.
Слово: tha:msiNmaʔ
Грамматика: vr.
Значение: trip, trip and fall
Деривация: [< tha:mmaʔ trip]
Комментарии: tha:m-siN-ɛ (trip-REF-PT) He tripped and fell.
Слово: tha:na
Грамматика: n.
Значение: gaol
Деривация: [< Nep. thānā]
Комментарии: amarika-ba mǝna:n tha:naʔo: mɛsaktu They locked the American up in gaol.
Слово: tha:Nle:kwa
Грамматика: n.
Значение: passerine bird resembling a cuckoo which mimics other birds.
Слово: tha:Nmaʔ, -tha:Ns-/-tha:N-
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: weigh, compare, consider
Комментарии: tha:Ns-ɛʔ! a:kkhya:k yo:? (weigh-IMP how much amount to) Weigh it! How much does it weigh?.
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