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Слово: tɔʔigɛn-naNge:piba
Грамматика: adv.
Значение: to the northeast (mythological)
Деривация: [tɔʔigɛn mythical realm of deities in the north + naN < nam sun + *ge: < kɛʔmaʔ arrive + piba toward]
Комментарии: cf. naNge:n.
Слово: tɔʔi:nahaN
Грамматика: n.adv.
Значение: north
Деривация: [tɔʔi: north + *nahaN direction]
Комментарии: to the north, northward.
Слово: tɔʔlumbe:ʔ
Грамматика: n.
Значение: oesophagus
Комментарии: cf. tɔkkrumba, sɔkmana:m.
Слово: tɔʔmaʔ, -tɔʔr-/-tɔʔ-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: have sewn for someone
Деривация: [dir. < tɔ:maʔ sew; cf. thɔpmaʔ]
Комментарии: a-ndzum-in te:ʔl tɔʔr-u-N (my friend-ABS clothes have sewn-3P-1sA) I'll have clothes sewn for my friend; ku-sa-:n te:ʔl tɔʔr-u (her-child-ABS clothes have sewn-3P) She'll have her son some clothes made; khɛN-le khɛnɛʔ kɛ-dɔʔ (he-ERG yous 2-have sewn) He'll have clothes sewn for you.
Слово: tɔk
Грамматика: n.
Значение: cooked rice (Nep. bhāt), generally used as a synonym for wɛtchaʔdɔk, cf. syaʔ, yaʔ
Комментарии: any cooked grain eaten as the staple during the morning or evening meal together with yummaʔl and/or meat; cf. maNdɔk, ma:kidɔk, wɛtchyaʔdɔk.
Слово: tɔkciʔ
Грамматика: n.
Значение: little bits of cooked rice sprinkled either deliberately (as in the practice of co:ʔco:ʔ mɛpmaʔ) or inad- vertently on the floor.
Деривация: [tɔk cooked rice + ciʔ bits, morsels]
Слово: tɔkkaʔl
Грамматика: n.
Значение: stick, rod, staff.
Слово: tɔkkrima
Грамматика: n.
Значение: stout, stumpy bronze goblet for serving yumlakpa or se:dzɔNwa or children's portions of thi:
Комментарии: cf. kho:rɛʔl, phɔgǝna.
Слово: tɔkkrumba
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: n.
Значение: throat, the front of the neck
Комментарии: cf. sikla, sikkuma, tɔʔlumbe:ʔ.
Слово: tɔkmaʔ, -tɔkt-/-tɔk-
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: 1) hold up, support, keep up straight 2) last someone (of a supply)
Комментарии: 1) siʔlaNtɔkkrima ille himin mɛdɔktu The pillars support the house; siNin tɔktuN yuksuN I'm holding the stick up vertically so that it won't fall over 2) an:geʔo:ba mɔkwa iNmɛlle yǝllik ya:n tɔktige If we buy our local tea, it lasts us many days.
Слово: tɔkpɛʔl
Грамматика: adv.
Значение: with a straight spine, straight up
Деривация: [< tɔkmaʔ keep up straight]
Комментарии: tɔkpɛʔl yuNɛʔ! sit up straight!.
Слово: tɔksikwa
Грамматика: n.
Значение: leftovers.
Деривация: [tɔk cooked rice + sikwa stinging nettle]
Слово: tɔksɔN
Грамматика: n.adv.
Значение: highland, the mountains, the mountainous regions
Комментарии: tɔksɔN na:N tha Snow falls in the highlands; cf. tɛmbho:.
Слово: tɔmaʔ, -tɔr-/-tɔn-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: I) 1) curse someone, reprove someone, ridicule 2) [slang] eat; II) 1) afflict 2) (with lambo: 'a cold', q.v.) catch a cold; 3) (with sakwama 'famine') suffer a famine, suffer a bad harvest
Комментарии: I) 1) khɛNle tɔraN He cursed at me, He insulted me; II) 1) cuN-ille kɛ-dɔn (cold-ERG 2-afflict) You'll be cold; allɔ aNga pe:kʔɛ ro:, cuNille tɔraN Hey, I'm going now, the cold has gotten to be too much for me; so:mille kɛdɔrɛi:? Have you got mites, mange?; mikho:ʔre sa:rik tɔraN I've got too much smoke in my eyes; lamʔo: namille tɔrusi The sun scorched them on the way; 2) lambo:-lle kɛ-dɔr-ɛ-i:? (cold-ERG 2-catch/infect-PT-Q) Have you caught a cold? (i.e. Has the cold caught you?); 3) anige sakwamɛ-lle tɔrige We shall suffer a famine (lit. a famine will afflict us)
Слово: tɔmaʔ, -tɔr-/-tɔ-
Грамматика: vi.
Значение: (with le: penis, hira vagina) [vulgar] be itchy; be horny
Комментарии: kɛ-lɛ:-n tɔ-i: mɛ-dɔ-nɛn-ni:? (your-penis-ABS feel like it-Q NEG-feel like it-NEG-Q) Are you horny or not?; kɛ-hira:n tɔi:? Does your vagina itch? (viz. Are you horny?).
Слово: tɔNba
Грамматика: n.
Значение: 1) hot millet beer served in a wooden barrelshaped vessel with a lid, filled roughly halfway with fermented red millet (sɔNaʔ) to which boiling water is added; the beer is imbibed through a bamboo straw (pi:tchiN) running through the centre of the lid and finely slit at the bottom to prevent the sɔNaʔ from entering the straw; the boiling water may be replenished several times; when served, the pi:tchiN is offered separately in a phɔgǝna filled with water, and a small dish of meat or yumlakpa is offered as a side-dish; 2) the receptacle in which tɔNba (1) is served
Комментарии: 1) (Nep. tuŋbā) 2) See illustration on p.280.
Слово: tɔNbe:
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: n.
Значение: year.
Слово: tɔNmaʔ, -tɔN-
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: vi.
Значение: meet, fit, make sense, be correct or fitting, come together, be reconciled
Комментарии: cumdzum tɔN-amm-ɛʔ! (friend-friend be reconciled-2p-IMP) Make up and be friends again!; mɛdɔNnɛn It doesn't make sense, that's not correct; cf. tɔNmaʔ.
Слово: tɔNmaʔ, -tɔns-/-tɔN-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: fit together, make fit, repair, arrange, reconcile
Деривация: [caus. < tɔNmaʔ]
Комментарии: siN cukpa tumba tɔNs-u-N (wood small large make fit-3P-1sA) I made the two uneven pieces of wood fit; tɔNba ke:mba tɔNs-ɛʔ! (long short make fit-IMP) Make the long and short one fit!; cum-haʔ tɔNs-am-s-ɛʔ! (friend-p reconcile-2p-nsP-IMP) Get them to make up and be friends again!
Слово: tɔNsiNmaʔ
Грамматика: vr.
Значение: find oneself something, arrange something (eg. a job) for oneself, get oneself something.
Деривация: [< tɔNmaʔ makeafit]
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