Комментарии:ya:mbɔkco:k-m:lug-ɛ (work do-INF be completed-PT) The work has been completed; a:phispe:kmaʔlugɛ (office go-INF be completed-PT) My job at the office is over; cf. luNmaʔ.
Значение:large basket similar to a thɔNga (q.v.) but with a tighter mesh of split reeds or splintered bamboo or the:, not able to stand upright well without being propped up, used as a receptacle in deriving sɔNaʔ from canɔkwa
Значение:large flat stone on the ground used as a surface for pounding spices (Nep. śilauṭāe, in conjunction with a luNsaʔl., q.v.
Деривация:[< luN rock, stone]
Значение:male casual dress consisting of one large coloured sheet of cloth wrapped around the legs and tucked in at the waist, identical to the casual dress worn by the Indo-Aryans in the Tarāī and the Burmese national dress or lunkhyi (lou$ji). As opposed to the Burmese, Limbus do not wear a luNgi outside of a domestic situation.
Деривация:[ʔ< Nep. luŋgī]
Значение:lichen (used by the Limbus in ointment for cuts and wounds).
Значение:1) miss, yearn, experience nostalgia, experience the grief of separation ; 2) with unidentified pf. (possibly for purposes of metre) in the proverb: yɔkma-yo: te:him luNma pʔhim When away from home, one inevitably becomes homesick
Деривация:[luNma liver]
Комментарии:1) (Nep. virahalāgnu);sa:ʔrika-luNma him (very my-heart yearn/nostalgia/miss) I am extremely overwhelmed by the grief of separation, by nostalgia; kɛluNmahimlǝcǝ I see you're overwhelmed with longing 2); cf. luNmahi:pmaʔ.