Комментарии:luNmakɛhiptwi:? Do you miss him?; khɛnɛʔkɛbe:k-ʔillegɔ:luNmahipnɛro:! I'll sure miss you when you're gone!; kɛbe:kʔillekhɛnɛʔluNmahi:pnɛtchige We'll miss you when you go; andzuminsa:ʔrikaluNmahi:ptuN I miss my friend very much.
Слово:luNmaʔ, -luks-/-luN-
Деривация:[dir. < lukmaʔ be completed]
Комментарии:ya:mbɔkɛnlɔkluks-u-N (work today only complete-3P-lsA) I shall only be able to complete the work today (i.e. I have not gotten around to completing it before today); pa:n luksuN I have said what I have to say; nisa:mhimpe:k-maʔluks-u-N (school go-INF complete-3P-1sA) I have finished going to school, I don't go to school anymore.
Значение:irregular oblong egg-shaped pounding stone held in the hand and used in conjunction with a luNghuN, q.v.
Деривация:[luN rock, stone + saʔl offspring, child]
Значение:1) gizzard; 2) circular hand-driven grinding stone consisting of two circular slabs lying one atop the other, the upper one equipped with a stick handle and a hole in the centre through which a wooden pivot loosely holds it in place with respect to the slab underneath
Деривация:[< luN rock, stone + *sum ʔmortar (cf. sumba:N)]
Комментарии: 2) ma:ki-luNsum a large luNsum for grinding maize (ma:ki maize); pe:naʔ-luNsum a smaller luNsum for grinding red millet (pe:naʔ millet); See the illustration at the top of the following page.
Значение:ahead, on ahead.
Слово:lu:kmaʔ, -lu:g-/-lu:k-
Значение:fall (from or out of a tree)
Комментарии:kudzaʔ-haʔmɛ-lu:g-ɛmɛ-dhe: (fruit-p nsAS-falla from the tree-PT-nsAS fall/PT) The fruits have fallen from the tree; ku-bhɛkwakɛrɛk lu:g-ɛ dhe: (its-foliage all fall from the tree-PT fall/PT) The tree has shed all its leaves.
Слово:lu:Nmaʔ, -lu:ks-/-lu:N-
Значение:1) husk (ma:ki maize, i.e. the leaves from the cob); 2) shake fruits (kudzaʔ) out of a tree
Комментарии:1) cf. le:pmaʔ 2)\x kudzaʔlu:ks-u-Ndhas-u-N (fruit shake out-3P-1sA knock down-3P-1sA)\x I shook the fruits out of the tree.
Значение:large grey leech whose larvae infest puddles and drinking holes, whence they enter the nostrils and sinuses of cattle where they mature
Комментарии: when fullgrown and glutted they abandon their roost through the nostrils of the drinking cow to re-enter the water and multiply; the lup can be lured out of its bovine host by splashing water up the cow's nose and grabbing the hydrophilic lup as it gropes downward with its posterior extremity; the lup seldom infests humans, but can then be extracted following the same procedure; cf. lakphɛʔl.
Значение:pile, heap.
Слово:lupmaʔ, -lupt-/-lup-
Значение:teach manners, cause to behave, have take care of, run (a household).