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Слово: "sa" | Метод запроса: Подстрока
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Слово: sisam-hɛnyawɛnya
Грамматика: n.col.
Значение: ghosts and phantoms, paranormal apparitions.
Слово: taNsaN, taNsaNba
Грамматика: n.
Значение: heaven, heavens, sky.
Слово: tɛlɔkkɛntaNsaN
Грамматика: n.poet.
Значение: the firmament, the heavens
Деривация: [< taNsaN heaven]
Комментарии: hile:-ʔo: tɛlɔkkɛntaNsaN-NaN nitaN nɛ:-rɔ co:k (Hile-LOC firmament-also nearby be situated-prG be) In Hile even the heavens are nearby (note: Hile is a foggy town atop a low ridge more or less constantly enshrouded in mist rising up from both the Aruṇ and Tāmar rivers); cf. iksa-kha:mbe:k.
Слово: tɛlɔk-taNsaN-phɛ:-be:-tɔrɔN
Грамматика: n.poet.
Значение: aeroplane
Деривация: [< tɛlɔkkɛntaNsaN the firmament, phɛ: < phɛ:mmaʔ fly (vt.), be: < pe:k- maʔ go, tɔrɔN bridge]
Комментарии: cf. iksa-kha:mbe:k-lo:kpe:-tɔrɔN.
Слово: tutugɛntumyaNhaNsa
Грамматика: n.poet.
Значение: important personage.
Деривация: [*tutugɛn honest, virtuous; tum < tummaʔ be mature, yaN money, haNsa ʔ haNsaʔ prince]
Слово: thɛba-sammaN
Грамматика: n.
Значение: a household deity to whom male animals are sacrificed, esp. cockerels
Деривация: [lit. grandfather-deity]
Комментарии: the thɛba-sammaN has the form of the wind and is capable of inflicting serious, longterm and often fatal illnesses when displeased; the spouse of the yuma-sammaN, q.v.
Слово: waʔsaʔl
Грамматика: n.
Значение: chick
Деривация: [waʔ chicken + saʔl o saʔ child, offspring]
Комментарии: cf. ko:co:saʔl, luNsaʔl, mɛndaʔsaʔl, myaNsaʔl, pusaʔl, phaksaʔl.
Слово: yaNsaʔmaʔ, yaN-saʔr-/yaN-saʔ-
Грамматика: vi.
Значение: be poor, be unfortu- nate, be needy, indigent, impoverished
Комментарии: anige yaNsaʔrige, anige yo:bɛn sige:k We are unfortunate, we are low class.
Слово: yaNsarumba
Грамматика: adj.m.
Значение: n., third-born (of siblings or offspring).
Слово: yaNsarumma
Грамматика: adj.f.
Значение: n., third-born (of siblings or offspring).
Слово: yɛmbitcha-saʔ
Грамматика: n.
Значение: son (circumlocution to disambiguate saʔ if the gender is not obvious from the context).
Деривация: [lit. man-child]
Слово: yǝklagɛnsuhaNsa
Грамматика: n.poet.
Значение: important personage.
Деривация: [*yǝklagɛn ?domestically wellsituated + su < subba Limbu nobleman + haNsa < haNsaʔ prince]
Слово: yuma-sammaN
Грамматика: n.
Значение: an irritable household goddess who is born anew each dawn, matures during the course of the day and becomes an agēd woman at night only to be reborn again at dawn
Деривация: [lit. grandmother-deity]
Комментарии: the attic of the main house is sacrosanct to her and off limits to non-family members; many taboos pertain to the attic such as not being allowed to sleep there alone; non-observance of any such household taboos arouses the anger of the yuma-sammaN who retaliates in all sorts of prankish and unpleasant ways; occasional sacrifices of female animals must be made to her, and it is imperative that the first single grain of the millet, rice and maize harvests be sacrificed to her; If neglected, she may inflict a member of the family with goiter, paralysis of one side of the face or cause some calamitous mishap; spouse of the thɛba-sammaN, q.v.
Слово: yummɛndzama sammaN
Грамматика: n.
Значение: household goddess who prohibits the eating of salt during ɔkwama khɔ:maʔ (q.v.) and during the period of abstention following the death of a relative
Деривация: [yum salt + mɛn- NɛG + ca- eat + -ma NɔM/f + sammaN household deity]
Комментарии: cf. nɛpmaʔ, yukmaʔ (2).
Слово: khɛNya:psa
Грамматика: adj.
Значение: that small, such a small (non-proximal)
Деривация: [khɛNya:ppa that much + *-sa dim.sf.]
Слово: lamsaʔ, -llamsaʔ
Грамматика: n.
Значение: ego's sister's child (male speaking)
Слово: lamsaʔ paNli
Грамматика: n.
Значение: ego's sister's son's wife (male speaking)
Слово: lamsaʔ paNmi
Грамматика: n.
Значение: ego's sister's daughter's husband (female speaking)
Слово: -lɛpsaN
Грамматика: postp.
Значение: toward
Слово: lɛpsaN
Грамматика: n.
Значение: office, division, area (of work)
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