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Entry: "ma" | Query method: Match substring
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Entry: hakmaʔ, -hakt-/-hak-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: drive into the ground.
Entry: hama
Grammar: n.
Meaning: molars
Derivation: [< ha teeth]
Comments: cf. hukma, laNma; cf. haʔluN, haʔmaʔ, habo:ʔ, habu, hadaNba, hadzɛN, hadzǝ, hadziʔ.
Entry: hammaʔ, -hand-/-han-
Comments: vide hɔmmaʔ.
Entry: hammaʔ, -haps-/-ham-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: hang something up
Derivation: [caus. < hapmaʔ get stuck]
Comments: te:ʔlin tho: hapsuN I hung the clothes upstairs.
Entry: haNma
Grammar: n.
Meaning: butterfly
Comments: cf. cila:pphe:pma.
Entry: haNma
Grammar: n.
Meaning: queen.
Derivation: [< haN king]
Entry: haNmaʔ, -haN-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: send
Comments: (patient: object sent; third person patient only); cf. hakmaʔ, paNmaʔ.
Entry: haNmaʔ, -haNs-/-haN-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: wait.
Entry: haNwakumaʔ, haNwa-kus-/haNwa-ku-
Grammar: vt.imp.
Meaning: feel warm, feel hot
Comments: khɛnɛʔ haNwakɛgusɛi:? Are you hot?; anga haNwakusaN I'm warm; cf. haNwamaʔ.
Entry: haNwamaʔ, haN-was-/haN-wa-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: be hot (ambient, environmental temperature); be the hot season
Comments: cf. haNwa- kumaʔ, ko:maʔ, le:kmaʔ, mɔkmaʔ, ya:mmaʔ, yɛmmaʔ.
Entry: hapmaʔ, -hapt-/-hap-
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: get stuck, get caught up, get hung up
Comments: na-re ku-di:N a-sikla-ʔo: hapt-ɛ (fishGEN its-fishbone my-throat-LOC get stuck-PT) The fishbone got stuck in my throat; sɔrɔN tha:suNba, tho: haptɛ I knocked the lemon down, but it got stuck [in the branches of the tree] on its way down; cf. hammaʔ.
Entry: hasukmaʔ, ha-sukt-/ha-suk-
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: be cutting, be sharp (of a knife or sickle)
Derivation: [ ʔ< haʔ- bite + sukmaʔ be able to]
Comments: ha-mɛn-chuk-mʔnɛ-lle nɔ:N-mɛ-lle sa:rik tuk (beasharp-NP-beasharp-NP-INST shave-INF-SUB very hurt) If you shave with a blunt [blade], it really hurts; hasuktɛrɔ co:guN I'll make it cut well (i.e. I'll sharpen it, cf. yaʔlapmaʔ).
Entry: ha:l thuNmaʔ
Comments: vide thuNmaʔ.
Entry: ha:maʔ, -ha:s-/-ha:-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: apportion, share, distribute something
Comments: ma:ki yummaʔl ha:suN-pi:ruNsiN I apportioned the maize and vegetables; kɔN yummaʔl kɛha:-bɛ-n e:n na (this vegetables AP-apportion-AP- -ABS who EMPH) Who is this guy distributing the vegetables?; cf. ha:tmaʔ, phɔ:Nmaʔ.
Entry: ha:mmaʔ, -ha:nd-/-ha:n-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: burn (bǝtti lamp, or an object in a fire)
Derivation: [dir. < haʔmaʔ catch on fire]
Comments: set something on fire; sapla kɛha:ndubai:? Are you burning a piece of writing?; cf. lapmaʔ, tukmaʔ, tupmaʔ.
Entry: ha:mmaʔ, -ha:ps-/-ha:m-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: cause someone to cry, make someone cry.
Derivation: [caus. < ha:pmaʔ cry]
Entry: ha:Nmaʔ, -ha:Nd-/-ha:N-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: taste spicy hot.
Entry: ha:pmaʔ, -ha:b-/-ha:p-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: weep, cry
Comments: cf. ha:mmaʔ, ha:pmaʔ.
Entry: ha:pmaʔ, -ha:pt-/-ha:p-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: mourn.
Derivation: [dir. < ha:pmaʔ weep]
Entry: ha:tmaʔ, -ha:tt-/-ha:t-/-ha:ʔl
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: deal, portion out to, distribute amongst, share between
Derivation: [dir. < ha:maʔ apportion]
Comments: mǝnahaʔ ha:ttuNsiN I distributed [it] amongst the men; cf. ha:maʔ, phɔ:Nmaʔ.
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