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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒ́āk
Meaning: give, offer
Chinese: *ʒ́_āks to reward, to give prosperity, confer a fief on.
Tibetan: ãʒ́ags (C) to give.
Burmese: ćhak to offer, give.
Kachin: (H) sak to offer.
Lushai: čhiaʔ make an offering.
Comments: Coblin 121.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒ́ā]ŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: rain, shower
Kachin: caŋ2 to fall, as a light, cooling shower, to squirt.
Lushai: čhēŋ (čhēn) to rain continuously.
Comments: Cf. also: Karen *cuN, Tujia tsie, Manipuri chumthaŋ, Naga *cVŋ 'rain'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒ́]el
Meaning: trample
Chinese: *ćhejʔ trample.
Lushai: čhīl trample under foot.
Comments: Irregularities in Och. may be due to the influence of a different root, reflected in Tib. rʒi to press, to knead, to tread.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒ]eŋ
Meaning: luxuriant, bushy
Chinese: *ceŋ, *cēŋ luxuriant, bushy (e. g. vegetation).
Kachin: ʒaŋ3, (H) caŋ be rank, luxuriant, exuberant.
Comments: Cf. *ćĭn.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒeŋ
Meaning: pierce, stick out
Tibetan: ãʒeŋ to stick or jut, to project, be prominent.
Kachin: (H) ʒiŋ to pierce, as it were, the heart.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒ́]eŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: joint
Kachin: lǝseŋ1 the corpus and metacorpus of the fore-arm; (H) lǝsiŋ wrist.
Lushai: čaŋ a joint (of finger, bamboo), čāŋ a joint.
Comments: Cf. also Bugun azeŋ 'bone'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒ́erH
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: granary
Burmese: ćańʔ granary, pantry.
Lushai: čhiar a barn, granary.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒ́ǝ̄l
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: navel
Chinese: 臍 *ʒ́ǝ̄j navel.
Lushai: thial the gizzard.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒha
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: eat
Tibetan: za (p. zos, bzos, f. bza, i. zo(s)) to eat, gzan to eat, devour, zan fodder, porridge.
Burmese: ćah to eat, LB *cah.
Kachin: ša3 eat, šat2 boiled rice, rice for eating.
Lushai: fa an old Lushai word for "rice", faʔ to feed with the mouth, KC *faʔ ~ *fakʔ.
Kiranti: *ʒo (?/*ʒǝ)
Comments: PG *ca; BG: Garo tśaʔ-; Dimasa dźi; Namsangia tśa, Moshang sa; Kanauri za; Trung 3dza1; Kham zyā; Kaike jāchye. Sh. 436, 124; Ben. 20; Mat. 192; Luce 3.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒhaj
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: illness, disease
Chinese: *ʒāj / *caj disease.
Burmese: ćha be hungry; be weak (of hands, feet).
Lushai: KC *fa be ill.
Comments: Sh. 54. KC *fa instead of *faj under the influence of a similar root, see *chǝ be ill; heal, recover.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒ́hal (~-e-)
Meaning: weigh, measure
Tibetan: ãʒ́al (p. bćal, f. gźal, i. aʒ́ol) to weigh, measure.
Burmese: ća to compare, ćhaʔ to guess at on a sight, examination, concideration (cf. also caṇ́h steelyard).
Kachin: (H) šen, šin to weigh.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒ́h[a]ŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: skilful, artful
Chinese: *ʒhaŋs ( ~ ʒ́h-) artisan, skilful.
Tibetan: gćaŋ clever, lively, sprightly.
Burmese: ćhaŋ make, construct, adorn; to judge.
Lushai: fiŋ (fin) be wise, clever; be artfull, cunning.
Comments: Luce 72.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒhaŋ ( ~ ʒ́h-)
Meaning: enter, go down
Burmese: ćhaŋh to go down, downstairs (cf. also ćauŋh to set, as the sun).
Kachin: šaŋ2 to enter, (H) ǯanšaŋ to set, as the sun (ǯan).
Comments: Cf. Sangtam Naga choŋ 'come'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒh]ăr (~[ʒ́h]-)
Meaning: sister
Kachin: kǝǯan1 sister.
Lushai: far-nu sister.
Comments: Thangkur ǝzăr-vă sister (man speaking); Trung 3-dǯăl2 elder sister; Meithei itśal ~ itśan; Kadu san younger sister. Ben. 28.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒ́h]aw (~-ew; -k)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: milk, breasts
Tibetan: źo thick milk, curds, ãʒ́o (p. bźos, f. bźo, i. ãʒ́os) to milk.
Burmese: ćǝwʔ to draw out (milk from the breast), suck, LB *ćǝw > Akha cö́ female breast.
Kachin: čuʔ3 the breasts, milk.
Lushai: KC *Su.
Lepcha: ka-čhu buttermilk after butter has been extracted; čhu incorr. for šo (T) curds
Kiranti: *cù
Comments: Rawang sä̂. Sh. 401. STEDT 227-230 *tšu 'milk, breast'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒ́h]āk
Meaning: a k. of oak-tree
Chinese: *ćāk, *ʒ́āk oak.
Lushai: faʔ a k. of oak-tree.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ʒh]āɫ
Meaning: far
Kachin: can1 far.
Lushai: fāl apart, isolated.
Comments: BG: Dimasa gadźaiŋ , Garo tśel; Moshang ǝdźal; Ben. 54.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒ́hān
Meaning: grain, rice, food
Chinese: *ćhāns fine grain, food.
Tibetan: ćhan boiled corn.
Burmese: ćhan husked rice, LB *čhan.
Kachin: (H) maicen rice ( < Burm.?).
Comments: Luce 52. Cf. PAA *ce:n 'cook, cooked'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒ́hānH
Meaning: stretch
Burmese: ćanʔ to be stretched out straight, ćhanʔ to stretch out straight from a bent or curved position; to stretch, be elastic.
Kachin: (H) čan to stretch, as in order to reach.
Lushai: fān to stretch, be elastic.
Comments: The Burm. and Jnp. forms can be alternatively compared with Lush. čar to straighten the arm or leg.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒhā[r]
Meaning: pine
Tibetan: mchan pine-wood, pine-tree.
Lushai: fār pine-tree, yew tree.
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