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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *krōl (~g-; / *kōlH-rōlH)
Meaning: shell, shellfish|
Chinese: 蜾蠃 *kōjʔ-rojʔ a k. of mollusc, 蝸 *krōj, *rōj snail.
Tibetan: ãgron-bu small shell, cowry.
Burmese: krwij a sp. of shellfish, shell itself, a cowry.
Kachin: khoi1 shell(fish).
Comments: Ben. 67; Mat. 168. Cf. PAN *bekul 'snail'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Krōŋ (? /*Kl-)
Meaning: neck
Chinese: *g_rōŋʔ neck.
Burmese: khjauŋh (OB khloŋ) neck.
Comments: Cf. Austric: PAA *rɔ:ŋ / *ro:ŋ 'neck', (Usher) WMP *kVlloŋ.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Kru
Meaning: gem, gem-adorned
Chinese: *g_(r)u gem-adorned.
Tibetan: gru lusture of gems.
Comments: Bod. 167.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Kru
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: elbow
Tibetan: khru cubit (from elbow to end of middle finger), gru-mo elbow.
Lepcha: kjŭ a measure of about a span
Comments: Trung kru1-mu1 arm; Kanauri kru-tś; Thebor kru elbow. Sh. 133.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *kruaŋ
Meaning: river, valley
Chinese: *krōŋ river.
Kachin: kruŋ1 a valley.
Lushai: ? kuaŋ, KC *kuaŋ the channel (of river).
Lepcha: kjoŋ a river, a stream
Comments: ? PG *sjoŋ river, stream; Dimasa di-khoŋ river. Sh. 47; Ben. 39. Cf. *luaŋ. Cf. PAA *ruaŋ / *rɔ:ŋ 'river' (see Peiros 1998, 226).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Kruā
Meaning: learn
Chinese: *krū, *krūʔ school (cf. also 學 *ghrūk learn; school, *ghrūks teach).
Tibetan: grwa school.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Krŭl
Meaning: a k. of demon
Chinese: *g_ruj demon with only one foot.
Tibetan: grul-bum a class of demons (cf. also srul evil demon, malignant spirit).
Lepcha: tă-gro, tŭk-gro n. of an evil spirit
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *kruŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: be born; plant
Tibetan: ãkhruŋ be born; shoot, sprout, grow (of seeds and plants).
Kachin: khruŋ1 to live, mǝkruŋ1 fresh sprouts, new twigs.
Comments: Dimasa gakhraŋ green. Ben. 81. STEDT 145-146 *kruŋ. Cf. perhaps Aka ro-, Trung *rɔ:ŋ 'sit'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *krŭt ( ~ *kʷrɨt)
Meaning: box, receptacle
Chinese: *gruts box, basket.
Burmese: krut casket.
Lushai: ṭot a rectangular plaited plate or dish.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *k(r)ūk ( ~ g-, -ō-)
Meaning: pen, stable
Chinese: *kūk pen, stable.
Burmese: LB *khrok pen (Matisoff 1972: 31).
Comments: Coblin 116.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Krūk ( ~ -ō-)
Meaning: rouse, awake
Chinese: *krūk to awake; to rouse smb. into understanding, *krūks to awake.
Tibetan: dkrog rouse, scare up.
Comments: Cf. *xrɨā̆k to scare, fear: Tib. may reflect a partial contamination of two roots. Bod. 142; Coblin 127.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *k(r)ūt ( ~ g-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: scratch, glide, rub
Chinese: *grūt slippery, smooth (?)
Burmese: kut scratch, scrape.
Kachin: khut2 scrape, rub, gut2 glean, glide; to clean from lice by means of the fine comb.
Lepcha: krát to comb as hair, to rake, scratch, to dress or card as woollen garments; hut to scratch
Comments: Limbu khōpmaʔ (khōt-) 'comb, scratch, scrape'; BG: Garo ka-kit itch, Dimasa khu engrave on wood; Rawang tśǝkut itch. Ben. 81.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *krV̄p
Meaning: assemble, act in unison
Chinese: *grǝ̄p accord with, concordant; unite, assemble; accomplish.
Tibetan: grub all; made ready, complete; perfect; ãgrub (p. grub) be made ready, be finished; sgrub (p. bsgrubs, f. bsgrub, i. sgrub(s)) to complete, finish.
Kachin: (H) khrip to act in unison, ǝkhrip in unison.
Lepcha: krap to be adhesive, to stick together, to be sticky; krup completely, altogether
Comments: Cf. Dimasa kurup 'all' ( < Tib.?). Possibly derived from *kV̄p q.v.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *kŭ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: help; friend, companion
Chinese: *gu mate, companion; 救 *kus help, save, relieve.
Burmese: ku help.
Kachin: khuʔ2 become friends, (H) mǝkhu friend, lǝkhu to guard, protect.
Lushai: KC *ku help.
Kiranti: *ku 'look after'
Comments: The Jnp. form can be alternatively compared with OCh. 友 *wǝʔ friend, assist. See Sh. 46, Luce 31.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ku ( ~ g-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to seek, choose
Chinese: *gu to seek, ask for
Tibetan: sko, bsko to choose; go to know, understand
Burmese: Naxi *kh[ua] 'hear'
Comments: Cf. also Pumi *kuǝ 'know'; Kar. *kV-, Sulung *khVN, Naga *kɨn (with a nasal suffix) 'ear'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *kuam
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: shell, cover, husk
Tibetan: khom wallet, leather trunk.
Burmese: khwam skin, pod, skull.
Kachin: puŋ1-kum1 the skull (puŋ1 head).
Lushai: kōm a pod, a shell; the cover (of a book); an ear of maize, KC *Kuam (?) eyelid.
Lepcha: kom-bo, kom-thun leather (untanned), hide
Comments: Sh. 411.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *kuam
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fruit kernel, fruit with kernel
Tibetan: kham-dar walnut, kham-bu apricot, peach.
Burmese: kwamh the betel plant.
Kachin: lăkum, lăgum a sp. of fig tree.
Lushai: kuam a sp. of epiphytic fig tree.
Kiranti: *kham ( ~ ʔk-)
Comments: Cf. perhaps Jiarong tɔ-gɔm 'egg'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *kuan
Meaning: cuddle down, snuggle
Kachin: (H) kon to cuddle down, as near a fire.
Lushai: kuan to snuggle up to or hug (a fellow sleeper in bed), lie or sleep close to (a fire).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *kuar
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bend, droop, coil
Chinese: *g_ʷar walk with bent body [since Han].
Tibetan: dgur, rgur, sgur crooked.
Burmese: kunh to bend down.
Kachin: thiŋkun3 be bent, kun2 coil.
Lushai: kūr to bend down, to droop, KC *kūr.
Lepcha: khár, khár-lă hanging down head, as when ashamed
Comments: PG *kur be bent. Sh. 409; Luce 57.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *kŭj (-s)
Meaning: esteem, respect
Chinese: *kujs (~-ts) precious, dear, expensive, eminent; esteem.
Tibetan: gus respect, reverence, devotion, ãkhos worth, value, importance.
Burmese: kǝwh respect, reverence.
Kachin: ko2 respect, to show reverence, (Mat.) ku2 id.
Comments: Mat. 176; Luce 27; Coblin 121.
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