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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhŏŋ (~-ŭ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: pierce, sharp weapon
Chinese: *thoŋ pierce.
Tibetan: mduŋ lance, spear, pike; sting of insects.
Comments: Ben. 118.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhō̆[l] ( ~ -ŭ-)
Meaning: push
Chinese: *thū̆j push, push away.
Burmese: twanh to shove, push, impel.
Kachin: (H) don to reach forth.
Lepcha: tál to take away or off as pot off the fire; to dismiss (from presence), to discharge (from service), to send away
Comments: Luce 55. Cf. Kulung tǝlma 'push, shove'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhōŋ (~-ɨ̄-)
Meaning: a k. of creeping plant
Tibetan: doŋ-ga name of a tropical climbing plant.
Lushai: dōŋ the name of a jointed creeping plant.
Lepcha: kŭn-tóŋ a creeping plant
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhō̆t
Meaning: drink, suck
Chinese: *thot drink, 啜 *thot taste, eat.
Lushai: dūt drink (by sucking, as water from river), dōt drink by sucking, draw up by suction.
Comments: Cf. PAN *qudud 'suck, smoke', *sedut 'sip, suck'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dh(r)ɨm
Meaning: deep place, pond
Chinese: *dhrǝm to sink in, plunge in.
Burmese: thumh pond.
Lushai: dūm a pool in a stream.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[dh]ŭ
Meaning: curse, blame
Chinese: *tu(k)s to curse.
Kachin: (H) šǝdu to blame, to charge.
Lushai: dô be at enmity with, fight against.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhu (~-o, -ăw)
Meaning: love
Tibetan: gdu to love.
Kachin: mǝdu2 valuable, expressive of love.
Lushai: duʔ want, wish.
Comments: Cf. STEDT 366-367 *du(k), adding forms from Idu, Kuki-Chin, Tamang and LB.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhŭl ( ~ -ɫ; -ɨ̆-, -ŏ-)
Meaning: defeat, conquer
Tibetan: ãdul (p. btul, thul, f. gtul) to tame, break in, to subdue, conquer.
Lushai: dol be defeated, conquer.
Comments: Cf. PAN *[t]al[u`] 'to conquer' (Peiros 1998, 223).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhuŋ (~-o-)
Meaning: long
Kachin: diŋduŋ1 length in opposition to width.
Lushai: duŋ length (as opposed to width).
Lepcha: a-thŭŋ height, length
Kiranti: *ʔtaN (?)
Comments: Mikir diŋ long. Ben 19.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhŭr (~-ɨ̆-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: blister, abscess
Tibetan: thor smallpox; blotch, abscess.
Lushai: durʔ to blister.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhū̆
Meaning: couple, counterpart
Chinese: *dhu counterpart, companion; enemy; 儔 *dhru equal, companion.
Tibetan: do two, a pair, a couple; ãdo-ba to respond, reply
Burmese: tu be like, similar, be the same, LB *tu; thuh to reply
Kachin: gǝdo3 be alike.
Lushai: dūn (dun) both, two.
Lepcha: do, do-lă equally, even as, alike, according to
Comments: Sh. 51.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhūr (~-ō-)
Meaning: vomit
Chinese: *thūr vomit [since Han].
Kachin: don1 to vomit.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dhVt
Meaning: bite
Chinese: *d_ats to bite.
Lushai: dīt (diʔ) bite or gnaw with the front teeth.
Comments: (Cf. Khasi dait 'bite')
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *di(ǝ)p ~ *dep
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: top
Burmese: thip top, apex.
Lushai: čhīp crown of the head; top, apex.
Kiranti: *thèm ?
Comments: Sh. 67.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *diǝ̄lH
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bottom
Chinese: *tǝ̄jʔ bottom, 柢 *tǝ̄jʔ root, base.
Tibetan: mthil bottom, floor
Kiranti: *dh[ä̀]lV
Comments: See Coblin 47. The Chinese form may be alternatively compared with Lush. tāi the lower part of abdomen, the waist (cf. also tai the lower extremity of the bowels, the rectum).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dɨaŋ
Meaning: household
Chinese: *dāŋ hall, apartment.
Burmese: thǝuŋh country, state, district.
Kachin: thoŋ2 build, as a village, kǝthoŋ2 a village, (H) niŋthoŋ a large village or district.
Lushai: čhūŋ family, household.
Lepcha: dóŋ, a-dóŋ a house or roosting-place for birds: fó-dóŋ; hik-dóŋ
Comments: Cf. Austric: PAA *dʔo:ŋ 'house', PAN *uduŋ 'field hut', *pa(n)duŋ 'floor, building'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *dɨ[l]
Meaning: womb, pregnant
Chinese: *tǝrs pregnant.
Lushai: čhūl afterbirth, placenta; womb, uterus.
Lepcha: a-jeŋ-tjól placenta
Comments: STEDT 285-288 *(t)s[y/w][a/u]l ~ *(t)sul 'womb, placenta, umbilical cord', with obvious confusion of several roots (see *[c]ual 'genitalia', *chǝ̄j 'nest'). To *dɨ[l] one may add Mru thua 'womb', Lepcha (see above). ?Cf. PAN *itil 'clitoris', *teli, *tila 'female genitalia'; ? PAA *tu:l 'buttocks'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *djet
Meaning: fear, be afraid
Tibetan: źed to fear, be afraid.
Burmese: thit to be scared, afraid.
Lushai: čhiat to act in an unnatural manner producing an unexplicable fear.
Comments: For Tib. cf. alternatively Kulung reima (ret-) 'get scared'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *djiǝ̆k
Meaning: one
Chinese: *tek single, one.
Tibetan: gćig, ćhig one.
Burmese: tać one, LB *t(h)i(k)x.
Kachin: ? tai1 be single.
Lepcha: tăk, ták what comes first, the first, the summit
Kiranti: *th[í]k (/ʔt-)
Comments: Rawang thi; Rai tik; Trung tĭʔ1. Ben. 94.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *d(r)ǝ̆k
Meaning: top, ascend
Chinese: *trǝk ascend.
Tibetan: thog what is uppermost, roof, above.
Burmese: tak to climb up, LB *tak; thak top, LB *thak.
Kachin: thaʔ2, lǝthaʔ2 top.
Lushai: čhak the East; be higher up, KC *čhak.
Comments: BG: Dimasa sao, Garo sak; Rawang tha-kha; Thebor tek-. Sh. 54, 132; Ben. 123; Luce 66. Cf. Austric: PAA *dʔǝk 'ascend', PAN *bunduk 'elevated ground', *pa(n)tuk 'peak, top', *a(n)Dak 'ascend' (in Eurasiatic cf. PA *tēga).
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