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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Ćēt ( ~ -iǝt)
Meaning: will, reason
Tibetan: ćhed reason, signification, bźed (resp.) to will, desire.
Burmese: ćit will, spirit.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Cǝ̆
Meaning: love
Chinese: *ʒ_ǝ affectionate, loving, 字 *ʒ_ǝs to love, fondle.
Tibetan: mʒa to love.
Burmese: (Ben.) ća have tender regard for another.
Kachin: kǝ.31 ča.33 good
Comments: Ben. 28; Bod. 165. STEDT 357-358 *m-dza-k (but note that *ćāk q.v. seems to be a separate root). Cf. also: Tujia tsha.3, Naga *cV, Magar se, Kham ca, Sichuan *ṣV 'good'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Cǝ̆
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: name, concept, form
Chinese: *ʒ_ǝs name, family name, concept [Late Zhou].
Tibetan: zo, bzo figure, picture, form.
Burmese: ća writing, letter, paper, document, literature.
Comments: Luce 2. The meaning "character" is late in Chinese, so the Burmese word could be borrowed from Chinese. However, when the meaning "character" evolved in Chinese (around Han time), the character must have been pronounced as *cɨ̀ with falling tone, which hardly explains the phonetic shape ća in Burmese. Tib. bzo is also not explained by the loan theory. We should rather regard the word as Sino-Tibetan, but probably dialectal in Old Chinese, since the meaning 'name, concept' appears only during Late Zhou. The earlier attested meaning 'love, breed, nurture' has certainly nothing to do with the root under consideration: see PST *Că love.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ćǝ̆H
Meaning: make
Chinese: *ʒ́_rǝʔ to work, serve, office; 事 *ʒ́_rǝʔs affair.
Tibetan: ãćha (p. bćas, ãćhas, f. bća, i. ćhos) to make, prepare.
Kachin: (H) ča to pile or lay, as stones; to build, as stone-wall, to build, as scaffold; mǝča2 a watch-tower in a paddy field.
Lushai: ? sa (sak) to build or erect (as house etc.).
Comments: Coblin 148 compares OCh. 事 and Tib. rʒas thing, matter, object.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ćǝ̆jH
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: elder sister or brother
Chinese: *ćǝjʔ elder sister.
Tibetan: a-ćhe an elder sister of a female person.
Lushai: KC *tśei elder brother.
Comments: PG *cyo elder brother. Sh. 53; Coblin 164.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *cǝ̆ɫ (~ʒh-)
Meaning: red, vermilion
Chinese: *cǝns (~ć-) pale red.
Tibetan: chal, mchal vermilion.
Burmese: ćhunh cinnabar, vermilion.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ćǝ̆t ( ~ ʒ́-, -ɨa-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sacrifice, offering
Chinese: *ćats sacrifice.
Tibetan: mćhod worship, offering.
Lepcha: tam-čát offerings
Comments: Simon 18.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ćǝw (-t)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: water, wet, scoop
Tibetan: ćhu water, bćud moisture, juice, sap; ãćhu (p. bćus, f. bću, i. ćhus) to ladle or scoop (water).
Burmese: ćǝw be wet, moist, LB *ćǝw; ćwat, ćhwat wet, moist.
Kachin: ǯo3 pour into; čo2 spoon.
Lushai: čiau wet and dirty.
Kiranti: Limbu cwaʔl water
Comments: Cf. STEDT 371-372 (listing basically only Tib. forms, but also having parallels from Naga and Qiang).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ć[ǝ̄j] ( ~ ʒ́-)
Meaning: rainbow
Chinese: *ćǝ̄j rising vapours, rainbow.
Tibetan: ãʒ́a rainbow.
Burmese: ćǝwʔ rainbow.
Comments: Here perhaps Kanauri ʒū, Gurung nxã:m.3=ʒyo, Sichuan *cV 'cloud' (?)
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Ćǝ̄j (~ -l)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: clear (of weather)
Chinese: *ćǝ̄js clearing sky.
Burmese: ćajh to stop, as raining or sound, to clear, as weather.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ćǝ̄jH (~ ʒ́-)
Meaning: obstacle, hinder
Chinese: *ćǝ̄j-s to stop, cease; to ford, cross ("surmount an obstacle").
Burmese: ćhih to put up a barrier, stop, hinder.
Comments: For Ch. 'ford' cf. perhaps separately Burm. ćajh 'shallow place'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Cǝ̄l
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: wood
Chinese: 萋 chǝ̄j be densely covering, luxurious (foliage)
Tibetan: chal wood, grove.
Burmese: ćijh thicket; cf. also ćin forest.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: [*cǝ̄ŋ]
Meaning: to be, sit
Burmese: LB *ʒauŋ 'sit'
Comments: Cf. also: Miji ʒuŋh, Bodo *soŋ, Chepang ćuŋʔ, Kham cuh, Kaike čhɔŋ-, LB *ʒauŋ, Sichuan *ʒVN 'sit'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *cǝ̄ŋ ( ~ ʒh-)
Meaning: layer, level
Chinese: 層 *ʒǝ̄ŋ layer, floor.
Burmese: ǝćhaŋ tier, storey, level.
Comments: Luce 72.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *cha
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: hot
Tibetan: cha hot, chad heat, chan hot, warm.
Burmese: LB *cha warm, hot.
Lushai: sa (sat) be hot, KC *sa.
Kiranti: *chò(-s)
Comments: PG *chà hot; Rgyarung -tse; Karen *šV 'burn'. Sh. 54; Ben. 27.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *chă ( ~ ćh-)
Meaning: relative-in-law
Chinese: 婿 *s_as son-in-law.
Kachin: ca4 a father-in-law, (H) kǝca, ǝca.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *chăH
Meaning: ferment, strain (spirits)
Chinese: *s_aʔ to strain (spirits).
Kachin: caʔ3 malted or fermented rice.
Lushai: sa (sak) to brew (as beer), to set to ferment (as malt).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *[ćh]a(H)
Meaning: send
Chinese: 使 *srǝʔ send, employ (?)
Kachin: sa2 to send; sa.33 come, go
Lushai: čaʔ send for.
Comments: Trung 1 to send; Kaike sɔw- 'come'. The initials are difficult (the Chinese form may fit here only if it was in fact *shrǝʔ, with a secondary desaspiration, observed also in several other cases).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *cha(j)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: top, above
Tibetan: rce point, top, peak, summit.
Kachin: niŋca1, nca1 above.
Kiranti: (?) Kaling ʒhe-s 'mountain'
Comments: Here probably Angami Naga *cɨ, Mikir ake-the 'head'; Bodo *zǝʔ 'mountain', Naxi *ʒ́i, Trung *zi id.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *cha(j)
Meaning: love, be pleasant
Tibetan: brce to love.
Burmese: sa be pleasant, as sound, weather.
Comments: The root should be probably equated with STEDT 369 *(t)si 'copulate, love' (represented in Maram, Meithei, Kanauri, Tujia etc.; Tib. brce, however, is not mentioned). Cf. also Pumi *ćhi 'good'. Cf. Austric: PAA *cVj 'beautiful, admirable', Thai chaj 'admirable', PAN *qasiq 'love, affection, pity'.
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