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Total of 5736 records 287 pages

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Number: 361
Language: Kpagua
Location: Central African Republic
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Banda: Ngundu-Golo
Consonant system:


Number: 362
Language: Gubu
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Banda: Ngundu-Golo
Consonant system:


Number: 363
Language: Yakpa
Location: Central African Republic
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Banda: Ngundu-Golo
Consonant system:


Number: 364
Language: Linda
Alternate Name: Banda
Location: Central African Republic
Population: 27,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Banda: Ngundu-Golo
Dictionary: Tisserant, Charles. 1931. Dictionnaire banda-français. Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie.
Grammar: Tisserant, Charles. 1930. Essai sur la grammaire banda. Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie.
Other Sources:

   Santandrea, Stefano. 1965. Languages of the Banda and Zande Group. Naples: Instituto Universitario Orientale.
Cloarec-Heiss, France. 1967. "Essai de phonologie du parler banda-linda de Ippy," BSELAF 3.
Cloarec-Heiss, France. 1969. Banda-Linda de Ippy. Paris: SELAF.

Consonant system:

   p t k kp ʔ
b d ɡ ɡb
f s (š) h
v z (ž)
m n (ñ)
v̊ r

Stops: p b t d k ɡ kp ɡb ʔ
Affricates: č ɡ̌
Fricatives: f v s z (š) (ž) h
Nasals: m n (ñ)
Laterals: l
Vibrants: v̊ r
Modified Consonants: Nc b d ɡ ɡb ɡ̌ v z
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
e ǝ o
(ɛ) ɔ

Front Vowels: i e (ɛ)
Central Vowels: ɨ ǝ a
Back Vowels: u o ɔ
Syllable: (C)(C)V(C)
Tones: hi mid lo (ris) (hi-fall) (mid-fall)
Noun Number: s p
Demonstratives: 2
Articles: def

   1 4d 4ie
2 5
3 6

Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 365
Language: Gbi
Location: Central African Republic
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Banda: Ngundu-Golo
Consonant system:


Number: 366
Language: Golo
Location: Sudan
Population: 7,500
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Banda: Ngundu-Golo
Consonant system:


Number: 367
Language: Zande
Location: S Sudan
Population: 700,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Zande
Dictionary: Vocabulaire français-azande et azande-français. 1912. Brusells: Imprimérie Veuve Monnom.

   Gore, E. C. 1926. A Zande Grammar. London: Sheldon Press.
Tucker, A. N. 1959. Le groupe linguistique zande. Tervuren: Annales du Musée Royal du Congo Belge.

Other Sources:


Consonant system:

   p t k kp (ʔ)
b d ɡ ɡb
f s h
v z
m n ñ
    ɾ̃ ɾ̣

Stops: p b t d k ɡ kp ɡb (ʔ)
Fricatives: f v s z h
Nasals: m n ñ
Vibrants: ɾ̃ ɾ̣
Modified Consonants: Nc b d ɡ ɡb v z
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
I ʋ
ɛ ǝ ɔ

Front Vowels: i I ɛ
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u ʋ ɔ
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Modified Vowels: vowel harmony
Diphthongs: aI ʋa
Tones: hi mid lo ris fall downdrift
Stress: initial
Noun Number: s p
Demonstratives: 2

   1 4
2 5
3mfai 6hai
+ indef

Syntax: SVO/VSO AN/(NA) GN (alienable)/NG (inalienable) DN (gi-N-re 'this N'; gu-N-re 'that N')/(ND) N-NUM POSS-N (alienable)/N-POSS (inalienable)
Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 368
Language: Nzakara
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo
Population: 3,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Zande
Other Sources: Dampierre, Éric de. 1963. Poètes nzakara. Bruges: Julliard.
Consonant system:

   p t c k kp ʔ
b d ɡ ɡb
f s
v z
m n ñ ŋ ŋm
    ḷ̌ ʎ

Stops: p b t d c k ɡ kp ɡb ʔ
Fricatives: f v s z
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ ŋm
Laterals: ḷ̌ ʎ
Modified Consonants: Nc b d ɡb v z ḷ̌
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   I ʋ
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: I ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: ʋ ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all but ʋ
Modified Vowels:

   vowel harmony
i̤ a̤ ṳ
ı̤̃ ã̤ ṳ̃
v̤ represents tense vowels with hollow voice.

Tones: hi mid lo ris fall
Stress: initial/penult
Noun Number: s p (anim only)
Demonstratives: 2

   1 4
2 5
3hai 6hai

Number: 369
Language: Barambo
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo
Population: 46,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Zande
Other Sources:

   Tucker, A. N. 1959. Le groupe linguistique zande. Tervuren: Annales du Musée Royal du Congo Belge.

Consonant system:


Vowel system:


Front Vowels: i I ɛ
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u ʋ ɔ
Noun Number: s p (anim only)
Demonstratives: 2

   1 4
2 5
3mfH 6hH

Syntax: SVO (indefinite aspect)/VSO (definite aspect) AN/(NA) NG ND N-NUM POSS-N(alienable)/N-POSS (inalienable)
Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 370
Language: Pambia
Location: Sudan
Population: 2,900
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Zande
Other Sources:

   Tucker, A. N. 1959. Le groupe linguistique zande. Tervuren: Annales du Musée Royal du Congo Belge.

Consonant system:


Vowel system:


Front Vowels: i I ɛ
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u ʋ ɔ
Noun Number: s p (anim only)
Demonstratives: 2

   1 4
2 5
3mfH 6hH

Syntax: VSO (definite aspect)/SVO (indefinite aspect) AN GN (alienable)/NG (inalienable) ND N-NUM POSS-N (alienable)/N-POSS (inalienable)
Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 371
Language: Amadi
Alternate Name: Ma
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo
Population: 4,700
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Amadi
Other Sources: LA
Consonant system:


Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes:


Demonstratives: 2

   1 4
2 5
3mfai 6

Number: 372
Language: Dongo
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo
Population: 4,900
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Amadi
Other Sources: LA
Consonant system:


Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 11
Demonstratives: 3 + ref

   1 4ie
2 5
3ai 6ai

Syntax: SVO/(SOV [definite aspect]) NA NG ND N-NUM N-POSS
Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 373
Language: Mondunga
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo
Population: 2,500
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Mondunga
Other Sources: LA
Consonant system:


Vowel system:


Front Vowels: i e ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u o ɔ
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 11
Demonstratives: 3 + ref

   1 4
2 5
3 6

Syntax: SVO NA GN(inalienable)/NG(alienable) DN/ND N-NUM N-POSS
Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 374
Language: Mondunga
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Mondunga
Consonant system:


Number: 375
Language: Mba
Location: N Democratic Republic of Congo
Population: 16,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Adamawa-Ubangian: Ubangian: Mondunga
Other Sources: LA
Consonant system:

   p t c k kp ʔ
b ɓ d ɗ ɟ ɡ (ɠ) ɡb
    (ts) (č)
    (dz) (ɡ̌)
(f) s h
v z
m n ñ (ŋ)

Stops: p b ɓ t d ɗ c ɟ k ɡ (ɠ) kp ɡb ʔ
Affricates: (ts) (dz) (č) (ɡ̌)
Fricatives: (f) v s z h
Nasals: m n ñ (ŋ)
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants: Nc b d ɟ ɡ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
I ʋ
e ǝ o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i I e ɛ
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u ʋ o ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ṽ ?
Tones: hi mid lo fall
Stress: initial
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 11
Demonstratives: 2

   1 4
2 5
3mfai 6

Number: 376
Language: Proto-Benue-Congo
Location: W Africa
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: South Central
Other Sources: Wolf, Paul de. 1971. The Noun Class System of Proto-Benue-Congo. The Hague: Mouton.
Consonant system:

   p t k kp
b d ɡ ɡb
m n ŋ

Stops: p b t d k ɡ kp ɡb
Fricatives: s z
Nasals: m n ŋ
Laterals: l
Modified Consonants: Nc p b t d ɡ
Glides: w
Vowel system:

   i u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u o
Tones: hi lo
Noun Classes: 15
Number: 377
Language: Defaka
Location: Nigeria
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: South Central: Ijo-Defaka
Consonant system:


Number: 378
Language: Kalabari
Location: S Nigeria (Rivers)
Population: 295,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: South Central: Ijo-Defaka
Other Sources: Williamson, Kay. 1969. "Ijo," in TNL, 97-114.
Consonant system:

   p t k kʷ kp
b ɓ d ɗ ɡ ɡʷ ɡb
f s (h)
v z
m n

Stops: p b ɓ t d ɗ k ɡ kʷ ɡʷ kp ɡb
Affricates: ɡ̌
Fricatives: f v s z (h)
Nasals: m n
Laterals: l
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
I ʋ
e o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i I e ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u ʋ o ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all but o
Modified Vowels: vowel harmony
Syllable: (C)V(N)
Tones: hi lo downstep downdrift
Number: 379
Language: Nembe
Location: S Nigeria
Population: 71,500
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: South Central: Ijo-Defaka
Dictionary: Kaliai, M. H. I. 1964, 1966. A Nembe-English Dictionary, 2 vols. Ibadan: Institute of African Studies, Univ of Ibadan.
Grammar: Williamson, Kay. 1969. "Ijo" in TNL, 97-114.

   Efebo, L. Awotua. 1967. Nembe Language Made Easy. Ibadan: Institute of African Studies, Univ of Ibadan.

Consonant system:

   p t k kp
b ɓ d ɗ ɡ ɡb
f s (h)
v z ɣ
m n

Stops: p b ɓ t d ɗ k ɡ kp ɡb
Fricatives: f v s z ɣ (h)
Nasals: m n
Laterals: l
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
I ʋ
e o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i I e ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u ʋ o ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ı̃̃ Ĩ (ẽ) ɛ̃ ã ũ ʋ̃ (õ) ɔ̃
Modified Vowels: vowel harmony
Syllable: (C)V(N)
Tones: hi lo downdrift
Noun Number: s p
Gender: m f n [pl: h H (non-human)]
Demonstratives: 2
Articles: def

   1 4
2 5
3mfn 6hH

Prep/Post: POST
Number: 380
Language: Nembe
Dialect: Akassa
Location: S Nigeria
Population: 71,500 (4,900)
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: South Central: Ijo-Defaka
Other Sources: STAL
Consonant system:

   p t k kp
b ɓ d ɗ ɡ ɡb
f s h
v z
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: p b ɓ t d ɗ k ɡ kp ɡb
Fricatives: f v s z h
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Vibrants: r
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
I ʋ
e o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i I e ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u ʋ o ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ı̃ ɛ̃ ã ũ ɔ̃
Tones: hi mid lo ris fall
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