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Total of 5736 records 287 pages

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Number: 4941
Language: Yurimangui
Location: W Colombia (Cauca)
Population: extinct
Classification: Amerind: Hokan: Southern
Consonant system:


Number: 4942
Language: Tlapanec
Location: S Mexico (E Guerrero)
Population: 50,000
Classification: Amerind: Hokan: Southern: Tlapanecan
Grammar: GD: Radin,Paul. 1935. "Notes on the Tlapanecan Language of Guerrero," IJAL 8, 45-72.
Other Sources: Weathers, Mark L. 1976. "Tlapanec 1975," IJAL 42, 367-71.
Consonant system:

   p t k ʔ
b d ɡ
    s š h
m n

Stops: p b t d k ɡ ʔ
Fricatives: s š h
Nasals: m n
Laterals: l
Vibrants: r
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Nasal Vowels:

   ṽ all
v̄̃ all

Modified Vowels: vowel harmony
Tones: hi mid lo hi-mid-ris lo-mid-fall
Noun Number: s d p
Articles: def

   1 4
2 5
3 6d 6

Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 4943
Language: Subtiaba
Location: Nicaragua
Population: extinct
Classification: Amerind: Hokan: Southern: Tlapanecan
Other Sources: Oltrogge, David. 1977. "Proto Jicaque-Subtiaba-Tequistlateco: A Comparative Reconstruction," in Two Studies in Middle American Comparative Linguistics, SIL 55, 1-52.
Consonant system:

   p t tʔ k
b mb d ɡ
    s š χ h
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: p b mb t tʔ d k ɡ
Fricatives: s š χ h
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u

Front Vowels: i
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u o
Number: 4944
Language: Kiowa
Location: Oklahoma
Population: 2,000
Classification: Amerind: Central: Tanoan: Kiowa-Towa
Dictionary: Harrington, John Peabody. 1928. Vocabulary of the Kiowa Language. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 84.
Grammar: Trager, Edith Crowell. 1960. The Kiowa Language: A Grammatical Study. Philadelphia: Univ of Pennsylvania Diss.
Other Sources:

   Harrington, John P. 1946. "Three Kiowa Texts," IJAL 12, 237-43.
Crowell, Edith E. 1949. "A Preliminary Report on Kiowa Structure," IJAL 15, 163-7.
Wonderly, William L., Lorna F. Gibson and Paul L. Kirk. 1954. "Number in Kiowa: Nouns, Demonstratives, and Adjectives," IJAL 20, 1-7.
Sivertsen, Eva. 1956. "Pitch Problems in Kiowa," IJAL 22, 117-30.
Merrifield, William R. 1959. "The Kiowa Verb Prefix," IJAL 25, 168-76.

Consonant system:

   p ph pʔ t th tʔ k kh kʔ ʔ
b d ɡ
    ts t
    s h
m n

Stops: p ph pʔ b t th tʔ d k kh kʔ ɡ ʔ
Affricates: ts t
Fricatives: s z h
Nasals: m n
Laterals: l
Glides: j
Vowel system:

   i u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u o ɔ
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Nasal Vowels:

   ṽ all
v̄̃ all

Syllable: (C)V(C)
Tones: hi lo
Noun Number: s d p
Demonstratives: 2

   1 4die 4ie
2 5d 5
3 6d 6 + indef

Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 4945
Language: Towa
Location: N New Mexico
Population: 1,250
Classification: Amerind: Central: Tanoan: Kiowa-Towa
Consonant system:


Number: 4946
Language: Tewa
Location: N New Mexico
Classification: Amerind: Central: Tanoan: Tewa-Tiwa
Other Sources:

   Harrington, John P. 1946. "Three Tewa Texts," IJAL 13, 112-6.
Hoijer, Harry and Edward P. Dozier. 1949. "The Phonemes of Tewa, Santa Clara Dialect," IJAL 15, 139-44.
Dozier, Edward. 1953. "Tewa II: Verb Structure," IJAl 19, 118-27.
Yegerlehner, John. 1959. "Arizona Tewa I: Phonemes," IJAL 25, 1-7.

Consonant system:

   p pʔ t (tj) tʔ k kʔ kʷ kʔʷ ʔ
b d ɡ
    ts tč čʔ
ɸ θ s š x xʷ h hʷ
m n nj

Stops: p pʔ b t (tj) tʔ d k kʔ ɡ kʷ kʔʷ ʔ
Affricates: ts tč čʔ ɡ̌
Fricatives: ɸ β θ s š x xʷ h hʷ
Nasals: m n nj
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
(ɛ) ɔ

Front Vowels: i e (ɛ)
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels: ī (ɛ̄) ā ū ō
Nasal Vowels:

   ĩ ɛ̃ ã ũ
ɛ̃̄ ã̄ ũ̄

Syllable: (C)V(C)
Tones: hi mid lo falling weak
Articles: def

   1 (4d)* 4
2 (5d)* 5
3 (6d)* 6
*occur in prefixed pronouns only, not in independent pronouns.

Prep/Post: POST

   Age Lgs
>70 Bilingual: Tewa, Spanish
45-70 Trilingual: Tewa, Spanish, English
0-45 Bilingual: Tewa, English

Number: 4947
Language: Piro
Classification: Amerind: Central: Tanoan: Tewa-Tiwa: Tiwa-Piro
Number: 4948
Language: Taos
Location: N New Mexico
Population: 3,600
Classification: Amerind: Central: Tanoan: Tewa-Tiwa: Tiwa-Piro: Tiwa

   Trager, George L. 1944. "Spanish and English Loanwords in Taos," IJAL 10, 144-58.
Trager, George L. 1948. "Taos I: A Language Revisited," IJAL 14, 155-60.
Trager, Geoger L. 1954. "Taos II: Pronominal Reference," IJAL 20, 173-80.

Consonant system:

   p ph pʔ t th tʔ k kʔ kʷ kʔʷ ʔ
b d ɡ
    ts t
    s x xʷ h
m n
    l ɬ

Stops: p ph pʔ b t th tʔ d k kʔ ɡ kʷ kʔʷ ʔ
Affricates: ts t
Fricatives: s x xʷ h
Nasals: m n
Laterals: l ɬ
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ
    a ɒ

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u ɒ
Nasal Vowels: ı̃ ɛ̃ ũ ɔ̃ ɑ̃
Tones: hi mid lo
Noun Number: s p

   1 4d 4
2 5d 5
3 6d 6
These are noun prefixes; the only independent pronouns are 1 and 2.

Syntax: POSS-N
Noun Incorporation: noun incorp
Number: 4949
Language: Picuris
Location: N New Mexico
Population: 3,600
Classification: Amerind: Central: Tanoan: Tewa-Tiwa: Tiwa-Piro: Tiwa
Other Sources: Trager, Felicia Harben. 1971. "The Phonology of Pictures," IJAL 37, 29-33.
Consonant system:

   p ph pʔ t th tʔ k kʔ kʷ kʔʷ ʔ
(b) (d) (ɡ)
    s x xʷ h
m n
    l ɬ

Stops: p ph pʔ (b) t th tʔ (d) k kʔ (ɡ) kʷ kʔʷ ʔ
Affricates: č
Fricatives: s x xʷ h
Nasals: m n
Laterals: l ɬ
Vibrants: (r)
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ǝ
Back Vowels: u o ɑ
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Diphthongs: ia
Tones: hi mid lo
Articles: SOV
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 4950
Language: Isleta
Location: N New Mexico
Population: 3,600
Classification: Amerind: Central: Tanoan: Tewa-Tiwa: Tiwa-Piro: Tiwa
Other Sources: Leap, William L. 1971. "Who were the Piro," AL 13, 321-30.
Consonant system:

   p ph pʔ t̪ t̪hʔ k kh kʔ
b d̪ ɡ
    s̪ x h
m n̪

Stops: p ph pʔ b t̪ t̪hʔ d̪ k kh kʔ ɡ
Affricates: s
Fricatives: s̪ x h
Nasals: m n̪
Laterals: ɬ̪
Vibrants: r
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Number: 4951
Language: Sandia
Location: N New Mexico
Population: 3,600
Classification: Amerind: Central: Tanoan: Tewa-Tiwa: Tiwa-Piro: Tiwa
Other Sources: Brandt, Elizabeth. 1970. "On the Origins of Linguistic Stratification: The Sandia Case," AL 12, 46-50.
Consonant system:

   p ph pʔ t th tʔ k kh kʔ kʷ kʔʷ
b d ɡ
    s š h hʷ
m n
    l ɬ

Stops: p ph pʔ b t th tʔ d k kh kʔ ɡ kʷ kʔʷ
Affricates: č
Fricatives: s š h hʷ
Nasals: m n
Laterals: l ɬ
Vibrants: r
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all

   ia ie ǝa ue ua
iẽ ǝã uã

Tones: hi mid lo
Number: 4952
Language: Proto-Uto-Aztecan
Location: W North America
Classification: Amerind: Central: Uto-Aztecan
Grammar: Langacker, Ronald W. 1977. Studies in Uto-Aztezan Grammar, vol. 1: An Overview of Proto-Uto-Aztecan Gramar. Dallas: SIL.
Other Sources:

   Langacker, Ronald W. 1970. "The Vowels of Proto Uto-Aztecan," IJAL 36, 169-80.
CTIL 4, 323.

Consonant system:

   p t k kʷ ʔ
    s h
m n

Stops: p t k kʷ ʔ
Affricates: ts
Fricatives: s h
Nasals: m n
Laterals: l
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u

Front Vowels: i
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Noun Number: s p (anim nouns only)
Demonstratives: 2

   1 4
2 5
3hH 6hH
h=hum H=non-hum

Syntax: SOV AN/(NA) GN DN NUM-N POSS-N(1,2,4,5,6) N-POSS(3 only) D+A+N
Noun Incorporation: noun incorp
Prep/Post: POST
Comments: time depth: 5,000 B.P.
Number: 4953
Language: Northern Paiute
Location: SE Idaho
Population: 2,000
Classification: Amerind: Central: Uto-Aztecan: Numic: Western
Other Sources:

   Liljeblad, Sven. 1950. "Bannack I: Phonemes," IJAL 16, 126-31.
Davis, Irvine. 1966. "Numic Consonantal Correspondences," IJAL 32, 124-40.

Consonant system:

   p t k kʷ ʔ
b d ɡ ɡʷ
    dz ɡ̌
    s h
m m̥ ʔm n n̥ ʔn ŋ

Stops: p b t d k ɡ kʷ ɡʷ ʔ
Affricates: ts dz ɡ̌
Fricatives: s z h
Nasals: m m̥ ʔm n n̥ ʔn ŋ
Modified Consonants: c̄ n
Glides: j ʔj w w̥ ʔw
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u

Front Vowels: i
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Syllable: (C)V
Tones: hi lo
Stress: phonemic
Noun Incorporation: noun incorp
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 4954
Language: Mono
Location: E California
Population: 300
Classification: Amerind: Central: Uto-Aztecan: Numic: Western
Grammar: Lamb, Sydney M. 1958. Northfork Mono Grammar. Berkeley: Univ of California Diss.
Other Sources:

   Klein, Sheldon. 1959. "Comparative Mono-Kawaiisu," IJAL 25, 233-8.
Davis, Irvine. 1966. "Numic Consonantal Correspondences," IJAL 32, 124-40.

Consonant system:

   p t nt k kʷ q qʷ ʔ
b d ɡ ɡʷ G Gʷ
    s x h
m ʔm n ʔn

Stops: p b t nt d k ɡ kʷ ɡʷ q qʷ G Gʷ ʔ
Affricates: ts dz
Fricatives: s x h
Nasals: m ʔm n ʔn
Modified Consonants: c̄ n
Glides: j j̥ ʔj w w̥ ʔw
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels:
Stress: non-phonemic (on syllable containing second mora from end of word)
Demonstratives: 2
Articles: art
Noun Incorporation: noun incorp
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 4955
Language: Koso
Location: SE California
Classification: Amerind: Central: Uto-Aztecan: Numic: Central
Consonant system:


Number: 4956
Language: Shoshone
Location: Wyoming
Population: 5,000
Classification: Amerind: Central: Uto-Aztecan: Numic: Central
Dictionary: Tidzump, Malinda. 1970. Shoshone Thesaurus. Grand Forks, North Dakota: SIL.
Other Sources:

   Shimkin, D. B. 1949. "Shoshone, I-II," IJAL 15, 175-88 & 203-12.
Davis, Irvine. 1966. "Numic Consonantal Correspondences," IJAL 32, 124-40.

Consonant system:

   p t k kʷ ʔ
b d hd ɡ ɡʷ
    s h
m m̥ n n̥ ŋʷ

Stops: p b t d hd k ɡ kʷ ɡʷ ʔ
Affricates: ts dz
Fricatives: s z h
Nasals: m m̥ n n̥ ŋʷ
Modified Consonants: Nc p t k kʷ ts
Glides: j j̥ w̥
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Noun Number: s d p
Demonstratives: 5: very close/close/slightly removed/removed but in sight/out of sight
Articles: def

    1 4die 4ie
2 5d 5
*3 *6d *6

Noun Incorporation: noun incorp
Prep/Post: PREP/POST
Number: 4957
Language: Comanche
Location: W Texas
Population: 5,000
Classification: Amerind: Central: Uto-Aztecan: Numic: Central
Other Sources:

   Riggs, Venda. 1949. "Alternate Phomemic Analyses of Comanche," IJAL 15, 229-31.
Osborn, Henry and William A. Smalley. 1949. "Formulae for Comanche Stem and Word Formation," IJAL 15, 93-9.
Casagrande, Joseph B. 1954. "Comanche Linguistic Acculturation," IJAL 20, 140-51.
Davis, Irvine. 1966. "Numic Consonantal Correspondences," IJAL 32, 124-40.

Consonant system:

   p t k kʷ ʔ
    s h
m n

Stops: p t k kʷ ʔ
Affricates: ts
Fricatives: β s h
Nasals: m n
Vibrants: ɾ
Modified Consonants: hc p t k kʷ ts m n ɾ w
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Modified Vowels: v̥ all
Syllable: CV(C)
Stress: phonemic (but mostly initial)
Noun Number: s d p
Demonstratives: 3 this, that distant, that out of sight

    1 4die 4ie
2 5d 5
*3 *6d *6

Prep/Post: POST
Number: 4958
Language: Kawaiisu
Location: S California
Population: 3,000
Classification: Amerind: Central: Uto-Aztecan: Numic: Southern
Other Sources:

   Klein, Sheldon. 1959. "Comparative Mono-Kawaiisu," IJAL 25, 233-8.
Davis, Irvine. 1966. "Numic Consonantal Correspondences," IJAL 32, 124-40.

Consonant system:

   p mp t k kʷ ʔ
b d ɡ ɡʷ
    s h
m n

Stops: p mp b t d k ɡ kʷ ɡʷ ʔ
Affricates: ts dz
Fricatives: s h
Nasals: m n
Modified Consonants: c̄ b m n
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels:
Number: 4959
Language: Southern Paiute
Location: SW Utah
Population: 3,000
Classification: Amerind: Central: Uto-Aztecan: Numic: Southern
Other Sources:

   Davis, Irvine. 1966. "Numic Consonantal Correspondences," IJAL 32, 124-40.
Harms, Robert T. 1966. "Stress, Voice, and Length in Southern Paiute," IJAL 32, 228-35.

Consonant system:

   p t k kʷ q ʔ
b d ɡ ɡʷ
    ts č
m n ŋ ŋʷ

Stops: p b t d k ɡ kʷ ɡʷ q ʔ
Affricates: ts č
Fricatives: s
Nasals: m n ŋ ŋʷ
Modified Consonants: hc p t k kʷ q ts č s Nc p t k kʷ q ts č
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u

Front Vowels: i
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Stress: phonemic
Noun Number: s p
Demonstratives: 4 this/that near/ that far visible/that invisible
Articles: def

   1 4d 4ie
2 5
3 6

Noun Incorporation: noun incorp
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 4960
Language: Southern Paiute
Location: Utah
Population: 3,000
Classification: Amerind: Central: Uto-Aztecan: Numic: Southern
Other Sources:

   Davis, Irvine. 1966. "Numic Consonantal Correspondences," IJAL 32, 124-40.

Consonant system:

   p t k kʷ ʔ
b d ɡ ɡʷ
m ʔm n ʔn ŋ ʔŋ ŋʷ ʔŋʷ

Stops: p b t d k ɡ kʷ ɡʷ ʔ
Affricates: ts
Fricatives: s
Nasals: m ʔm n ʔn ŋ ʔŋ ŋʷ ʔŋʷ
Modified Consonants: Nc p t k kʷ ts
Glides: j ʔj w ʔw
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u

Front Vowels: i
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Modified Vowels: v̥ all
Stress: phonemic
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