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Total of 5736 records 287 pages

Pages: 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280
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Number: 5201
Language: Yahup
Alternate Name: Yuhup
Location: NW Brazil
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Puinave-Maku
Other Sources: E
Consonant system:


Syntax: OSV
Number: 5202
Language: Cacua
Alternate Name: Macu
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 150
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Puinave-Maku
Other Sources:

   Rivet, P., P. Kok and C. Tastevin. 1925. "Nouvelle contribution à l'étude de la langue makú," IJAL 3, 133-92.
Cathcart, Marilyn E. and Stephen H. Levinsohn. 1977. "The Encoding of Chronological Progression in Cacua Narratives," in DG II, 69-94.

Consonant system:

   p t k ʔ
b d ɡ
m n ñ

Stops: p b t d k ɡ ʔ
Affricates: č
Fricatives: h
Nasals: m n ñ
Vibrants: r
Glides: w w̥
Vowel system:

   i ɨ
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: o
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all?
Tones: hi-slo-downglide hi-fast-downglide mid low
Syntax: SOV/OSV
Number: 5203
Language: Ticuna
Alternate Name: Tucuna
Location: NE Peru
Population: 15,000
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Ticuna-Yuri
Dictionary: Anderson, Lambert. 1958. "Vocabulario breve del idioma ticuna," Tradición 21 (Cuzco).
TextBooks: Anderson, Doris G. 1962. Conversational Ticuna. Yarinacocha, Peru: SIL.
Other Sources: Anderson, Lambert. 1966. "The Structure and Distribution of Ticuna Independent Clauses," Linguistics 20, 5-30.
Consonant system:

   p t k kʷ ʔ
b d ɡ
̌ ɡ̌
f (s)
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: p b t d k ɡ kʷ ʔ
Affricates: č ɡ̌
Fricatives: f (s)
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: (l)
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
ɛ o

Front Vowels: i ɛ
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all but ɛ
Modified Vowels:

   v̰ (larynɡealized) all
ṽ̰ i e o only

Diphthongs: ai au

   hi hi-mid mid lo-mid lo hi-fall lo-mid-lev-(2-3) lo-mid-ris-(2-5) mid-ris

Demonstratives: 3
Articles: def indef

   1 4ie
2 5
*3mf 6
+ indef & ref
3 has 5 forms: (1) he/she/it, (2) he-distant, (3) he-previously referred to, (4) he/she/it-familiar, (5) she

Noun Incorporation: noun incorp
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 5204
Language: Yuri
Location: NW Brazil (Amazonas)
Population: extinct
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Ticuna-Yuri
Consonant system:


Number: 5205
Language: Proto-Tucanoan
Location: S Colombia
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan
Other Sources: Waltz, Nathan E. and Alva Wheeler. 1972. "Proto-Tucanoan," in Comparative Studies in Amerindian Languages, The Hague, Mouton, 119-49.
Consonant system:

   p t k kʷ ʔ
b d ɡ ɡʷ
̌ ɡ̌
    s š h
    z ž
m n

Stops: p b t d k ɡ kʷ ɡʷ ʔ
Affricates: č ɡ̌
Fricatives: s z š ž h
Nasals: m n
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Nasal Vowels:
Stress: phonemic
Number: 5206
Language: Miriti
Location: NW Brazil (Amazonas)
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan
Consonant system:


Number: 5207
Language: Tucano
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 2,500
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Northern
Dictionary: Gallo, Carlos I. M. 1972. Diccionario tucano-castellano. Vaupés, Colombia: Prefectura Apostolica.
Other Sources:

   West, Birdie and Betty Welch. 1967. "Phonemic System of Tucano,' in PSCL, 11-24.
Welch, Betty. 1977. "Tucano Discourse, Paragraph, and Information Distribution," in DG II, 229-52.
West, Birdie. 1977. "Results of a Tucanoan Syntax Questionnaire Pilot Study," in DG III, 339-75.

Consonant system:

   p t k ɡ ʔ
mb nd ŋɡ
    s h
m n ŋ
W&W 1967 analyze m n ŋ as allophones of /mb nd ŋɡ/: (1) mb nd ŋɡ before vowels; m n ŋ before nasal vowels.

Stops: p mb t nd k ŋɡ ɡ ʔ
Fricatives: s h
Nasals: m n ŋ (W&W 1967 analyze m n ŋ as allophones of ǀmb nd ŋɡǀ: (1) mb nd ŋɡ before vowels; m n ŋ before nasal vowels.)
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
ɛ o

Front Vowels: i ɛ
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Modified Vowels: nasal harmony
Syllable: (C)V(ʔ)
Tones: hi mid low
Stress: phonemic
Noun Number: s p
Prep/Post: POST
Comments: Used as a lingua franca by speakers of other Tucanoan languages.
Number: 5208
Language: Guanano
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 800
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Northern
Other Sources:

   Waltz, Nathan and Carolyn Waltz. 1967. "Guanano Phonemics," in PSCL, 25-36.
Waltz, Nathan E. 1976. "Discourse Functions of Guanano Sentence and Paragraph," in DG I, 21-145.
Waltz, Carolyn H. 1977. "Some Obervations on Guanano Dialogue," in DG III, 67-109.

Consonant system:

   p ph t th k kh ʔ
b d ɡ
    s h
m n ñ ŋ
Nasals analyzed as allophones of voiced stops.

Stops: p ph b t th d k kh ɡ ʔ
Affricates: čh
Fricatives: s h
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ (Nasals analyzed as allophones of voiced stops)
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ ʋ
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i ɛ
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: ʋ ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Syllable: (s)(C)V(ʔ)
Stress: phonemic, but grammatically predictable: final syllable of stem for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 5209
Language: Piratapuyo
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 450
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Northern
Consonant system:


Number: 5210
Language: Tuyuca
Location: NW Brazil (Amazonas)
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Central
Other Sources: WALS
Consonant system:


Syntax: SOV
Number: 5211
Language: Desano
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 1,000
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Central
Consonant system:


Number: 5212
Language: Siriano
Location: SE Colombia
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Central
Other Sources: E
Consonant system:


Syntax: SOV
Number: 5213
Language: Tatuyo
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 300
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Central
Other Sources: Whisler, Dave. 1977. "Some Aspects of Tatuyo Discourse," in DG III, 207-52.
Consonant system:

   p t k
b d ɡ
m n ñ ŋ
m n ñ ŋ r̃ are treated as allophones of /b d j ɡ r/ respectively.

Stops: p b t d k ɡ
Fricatives: h
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ (m n ñ ŋ r̃ are treated as allophones of ǀb d j ɡ rǀ respectively.
Vibrants: r
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Tones: hi lo
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 5214
Language: Carapana
Location: SE Colombia
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Central
Consonant system:


Number: 5215
Language: Yuruti
Location: SE Colombia
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Central
Consonant system:


Number: 5216
Language: Macuna
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 400
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Southern
Other Sources:


Consonant system:


Syntax: OVS
Number: 5217
Language: Northern Barasano
Alternate Name: Waimaha
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 500
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Southern
Other Sources:

   Stolte, Joel and Nancy Stolte. 1971. "A Description of Northern Barasano Phonology," Linguistics 75, 86-92.

Consonant system:

   p t k
mb nd ŋɡ
    (s) h
m n ŋ

Stops: p mb t nd k ŋɡ
Fricatives: (s) h
Nasals: m n ŋ
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
e o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels:
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Syllable: (C)V
Tones: hi lo
Stress: hi pitch and stress occur simultaneously
Syntax: SOV
Number: 5218
Language: Southern Barasano
Alternate Name: Barasana
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 800
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Eastern: Southern
Other Sources:

   Smith, Richard and Connie Smith. 1971. "Southern Barasano Phonemics," Linguistics 75, 80-85.
Smith, Richard. 1977. "Southern Barasano Sentence Structure," in DG III, 175-205.

Consonant system:

   (p) t k (ʔ)
mb nd ŋɡ
    s h
m n ŋ

Stops: (p) mb t nd k ŋɡ (ʔ)
Fricatives: s h
Nasals: m n ŋ
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
ɛ o

Front Vowels: i ɛ
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Modified Vowels: nasal harmony
Syllable: (C)V
Tones: hi lo
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 5219
Language: Cubeo
Dialect: Dyuremawa
Location: SE Colombia
Population: 1,700
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Central
Other Sources:

   Salser, J. K., Jr. 1971. "Cubeo Phonemics," Linguistics 75, 74-9.
Salser, J. K. and Neva Salser. 1977. "Some Features of Cubeo Discourse and Sentence Structure," in DG, 253-72.

Consonant system:

   p t k (ʔ)
mb nd ɟ
v ð
m n ñ

Stops: p mb t nd ɟ k (ʔ)
Affricates: č
Fricatives: v ð h
Nasals: m n ñ
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i ɛ
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Syllable: (C)V
Tones: hi lo
Stress: on first hi-pitched syllable of word

   1 4
2 5
3mfn 6

Number: 5220
Language: Tanimuca
Alternate Name: Retuarã
Location: SE Colombia
Classification: Amerind: Macro-Tucanoan: Tucanoan: Western
Other Sources: WALS
Consonant system:


Syntax: SOV
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