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Total of 5736 records 287 pages

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Number: 121
Language: Safan
Location: Senegal
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Cangin
Consonant system:


Number: 122
Language: Balant
Alternate Name: Balanta
Location: Guinea Bissau
Population: 167,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Balant-Ganja
Grammar: Wilson, W. A. A. 1961. "Outline of the Balanta Language," ALS 2, 139-68.
Other Sources: Doneux, J. L. n.d. Les systèmes phonologiques des langues de Casamance. Daker: Centre de Linguistique Appliquée.
Consonant system:

    t k kp
b d
f θ s h
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: b t d k kp
Affricates: č
Fricatives: f θ s h
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants: Nc ?
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i e ɛ
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u o ɔ
Long Vowels: v̄ all but ǝ
Tones: hi lo fall
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 6
Demonstratives: 3 + ref

   1 4
2 5
3 6

Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 123
Language: Ganja
Location: Senegal
Population: 130,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Balant-Ganja
Grammar: GD: N'Diaye-Corréard, Geneviève. 1970. Études fca ou balante. Paris: SELAF.
Other Sources: N'Diaye-Corréard, Geneviève. 1969. "Le systéme des classes du fca, ou balante (dialecte ganja)," JAL 8, 102-19.
Consonant system:

   p t̪ c k kp (ʔ)
b d̪ ɟ ɡ ɡb
f θ s h
m n̪ ñ ŋ ŋʷ ŋm

Stops: p b t̪ d̪ c ɟ k ɡ kp ɡb (ʔ)
Fricatives: f θ s h
Nasals: m n̪ ñ ŋ ŋʷ ŋm
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants:

   c̄ l r
Nc b t d ɟ ɡ ɡb f Ɵ s

Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i e ɛ
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u o ɔ
Long Vowels: v̄ all but ǝ
Tones: hi mid lo ris high-fall mid-fall
Stress: root intial
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 7
Demonstratives: 4: this present/this absent/that present/that absent + ref
Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 124
Language: Mankan
Location: Guinea Bissau
Population: 20,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Manjaku-Papel
Grammar: Trifkovič, Mirjana. 1969. Le mancagne. Dakar: IFAN.
Other Sources: Doneux, J. L. n.d. Les systèmes phonologiques des langues de Casamance. Daker: Centre de Linguistique Appliquée.
Consonant system:

   p t (c) k
b d ɟ ɡ
f θ š
m n ñ (ŋ)

Stops: p b t d (c) ɟ k ɡ
Affricates: č
Fricatives: f θ š ɦ
Nasals: m n ñ (ŋ)
Laterals: l
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants:

   c̄ ɡ m n r
Nc p b t d c ɟ k ɡ č f θ š

Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ø (ǝ) o

Front Vowels: i e ø
Central Vowels: (ǝ) a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels: v̄ all but ø
Stress: stem initial
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 10
Demonstratives: 2

   1 4
2 5
3 6
3 & 6 vary with noun class

Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 125
Language: Manjaku
Location: Senegal
Population: 84,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Manjaku-Papel
Grammar: Carreira, António and João Basso Marques. 1947. Subsı́dios para o estudo da lı́ngua manjaca. Lisbon: Center de Estudos da Guiné Portuguesa.
Consonant system:

   p t k
b d ɡ
f s š h
v z ž
m n ñ
    l ʎ
    ɾ r

Stops: p b t d k ɡ
Affricates: č ɡ̌
Fricatives: f v s z š ž h
Nasals: m n ñ
Laterals: l ʎ
Vibrants: ɾ r
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ o
ɛ ɐ ɔ

Front Vowels: i e ɛ
Central Vowels: ǝ ɐ a
Back Vowels: u o ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ı̃ ẽ ã õ ũ
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: noun classes
Demonstratives: 3

   1 4
2 5
3 6

Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 126
Language: Papel
Location: Guinea
Population: 36,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Manjaku-Papel
Consonant system:


Number: 127
Language: Bayot
Location: Senegal
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Diola
Consonant system:


Number: 128
Language: Karon
Location: Senegal
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Diola
Consonant system:


Number: 129
Language: Kwatay
Location: Senegal
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Diola
Consonant system:


Number: 130
Language: Diola
Alternate Name: Diola-Fogny
Dialect: Fogny
Location: Senegal
Population: 200,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Diola
Dictionary: Wintz, Edouard. 1909. Dictionnaire français-dyola et dyola-français. Paris. [Reprinted 1968 by Gregg Press, Farnborough, England]
Grammar: Sapir, J. David. 1965. A Grammar of Diola-Fogny. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press.
Other Sources:

   Doneux, J. L. n.d. Les systèmes phonologiques des langues de Casamance. Dakar: Centre de Linguistique Appliquée.
Kennedy, A.M. 1964. "Dialect in Diola," JAL 3, 96-101.

Consonant system:

   p t c k
b d ɟ ɡ
f s (h)
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: p b t d c ɟ k ɡ
Fricatives: f s (h)
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants: c̄ m n ñ ŋ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i_ u_
i u
e ǝ o
ɛ ɔ
i and u are lax; i̱ u̱ are tense; they have the same heiɡht.

Front Vowels: i i̱ e ɛ (i and u are lax; i̱ u̱ are tense; they have the same heiɡht.)
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u u̱ o ɔ
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Modified Vowels: vowel harmony
Syllable: (C)V(N)(C) Nˈ
Stress: non-phonemic
Noun Number: s (d) p (a dual is used for some body parts)
Noun Classes: 19
Demonstratives: 4 (3 + that way over there)
Articles: def
Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 131
Language: Gusilay
Location: Senegal
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Bak: Diola
Consonant system:


Number: 132
Language: Badyara
Location: Guinea
Population: 10,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Eastern Senegal-Portugese Guinea
Grammar: Ducos, Gisèle. 1971. Structure du badiaranke de Guinée et du Sénégal.
Consonant system:

   p t c k
b d ɟ
f s h
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: p b t d c ɟ k
Fricatives: f s h
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants: Nc p b t d k
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all
Syllable: (C)V(C)
Stress: initial
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: noun classes
Demonstratives: 2
Articles: def

   1 4
2 5
3 6

Prep/Post: PREP
Number: 133
Language: Banyun
Location: Guinea Bissau
Population: 18,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Eastern Senegal-Portugese Guinea
Other Sources: Doneux, J. L. n.d. Les systèmes phonologiques des langues de Casamance. Daker: Centre de Linguistique Appliquée.
Consonant system:

   p t c k
b d ɟ ɡ
f s h
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: p b t d c ɟ k ɡ
Fricatives: f s h
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants: Nc ?
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i_ u_
i u
e ǝ o
ɛ ɔ
i̱ and u̱ are tense; i and u are lax.

Front Vowels: i i̱ e ɛ (i̱ and u̱ are tense; i and u are lax.)
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u u̱ o ɔ
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Modified Vowels: vowel harmony
Noun Number: s p
Number: 134
Language: Basari
Location: E Senegal
Population: 11,500
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Dictionary: Ferry, Marie-Paule. 1968. Deux langues tenda du Sénégal oriental: basari et bedik. BSELAF 7.
Consonant system:

   p t c k kʷ
b ɓ d ɗ ɟ ʄ ɡ ɡʷ
f s š x xʷ
    ɣ ɣ̃
m n ñ ŋ ŋʷ

Stops: p b ɓ t d ɗ c ɟ ʄ k ɡ kʷ ɡʷ
Fricatives: f s š x ɣ ɣ̃ xʷ
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ ŋʷ
Laterals: l
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants: Nc b d ɟ ɡ ɡʷ
Glides: j ȷ̃ w w̃
Vowel system:

   i ɯ u
e ɤ o
ɛ ʌ ɔ

Front Vowels: i e ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u ɯ o ɤ ɔ ʌ
Tones: hi mid lo
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 8
Syntax: NA N-POSS
Number: 135
Language: Bedik
Location: E Senegal
Population: 1,500
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Eastern Senegal-Portugese Guinea
Dictionary: Ferry, Marie-Paule. 1968. Deux langues tenda du Sénégal oriental: basari et bedik. BSELAF 7.
Other Sources: Ferry, M.-P. 1968. "L'Alternance consonantique en bedik," JWAL 5, 91-6.
Consonant system:

   p t c k
b ɓ d ɗ ɟ ʄ ɡ
f s š h
    ɣ ɣ̃
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: p b ɓ t d ɗ c ɟ ʄ k ɡ
Fricatives: f s š ɣ ɣ̃ h
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants: Nc b d ɟ ɡ
Glides: j ȷ̃ w w̃
Vowel system:

   i ɯ u
e ɤ o
ɛ ʌ ɔ

Front Vowels: i e ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u ɯ o ɤ ɔ ʌ
Tones: hi mid lo
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 8
Syntax: NA NG N-POSS
Number: 136
Language: Biafada
Location: Guinea Bissau
Population: 12,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Eastern Senegal-Portugese Guinea
Consonant system:


Number: 137
Language: Kasanga
Location: Guinea Bissau
Population: 420
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Eastern Senegal-Portugese Guinea
Consonant system:


Number: 138
Language: Kobiana
Location: Guinea Bissau
Population: 300
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Eastern Senegal-Portugese Guinea
Consonant system:


Number: 139
Language: Konyagi
Location: Guinea
Population: 85,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Eastern Senegal-Portugese Guinea
Consonant system:


Number: 140
Language: Baga Mboteni
Location: Guinea
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: West Atlantic: Northern: Mbulungish-Nalu
Consonant system:


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