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Total of 5736 records 287 pages

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Number: 201
Language: Bieri
Location: Benin
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 202
Language: Wama
Location: Benin
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 203
Language: Tayari
Location: Benin
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 204
Language: Tamari
Location: Togo
Population: 72,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Grammar: Prost, A. n.d. Li Tamari. Dakar: Univ of Dakar.
Consonant system:

   p t c k
b d
f s
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: p b t d c k
Fricatives: f s ɣ
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i e ɛ
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u o ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all ?
Tones: hi hi-mid lo-mid lo
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 7

   1 4
2 5
3 6
3 & 6 vary with noun class

Prep/Post: (PREP)/POST
Number: 205
Language: Nyende
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 206
Language: Notre
Location: Benin
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 207
Language: Gurenne
Alternate Name: Frafra
Location: N Ghana (Upper)
Population: 138,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Other Sources: Schaefer, Robert L. 1974. "Tone in Gurenne," AL 16, 464-9.
Consonant system:

   p t c k kp ʔ
b d ɡ ɡb
f s h
v z ɣ
m n ñ ŋ

Stops: p b t d c k ɡ kp ɡb ʔ
Fricatives: f v s z ɣ h
Nasals: m n ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ
I o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i I ɛ
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: o ɔ
Nasal Vowels: ṽ all but I ɨ
Tones: hi hi-fall low downstep

   1 4
2 5
3 6

Syntax: SVO
Number: 208
Language: Gurenne
Dialect: Nankanse
Location: N Ghana (Upper)
Population: 55,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Other Sources: Schaefer, Nancy. 1975. "Gurenne Clause Structure," in Network Grammars, ed. by Joseph E. Grimes, SIL 45, 31-45.
Consonant system:

   p t c k kp ʔ
b d ɡ ɡb
f s h
v z ɣ
m n̪ ñ ŋ

Stops: p b t d c k ɡ kp ɡb ʔ
Fricatives: f v s z ɣ h
Nasals: m n̪ ñ ŋ
Laterals: l
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i ɨ u
e o

Front Vowels: i I e
Central Vowels: ɨ a
Back Vowels: u o ɔ
Tones: hi lo
Articles: def
Number: 209
Language: More
Alternate Name: Moore
Location: C Burkina Faso
Population: 2 million
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Grammar: GD: Alexandre, R. P. 1953. La langue möré, 2 vols. Dakar: IFAN .
TextBooks: Socquet, ??. 1952. Manuel-grammaire mossi. Dakar: IFAN.
Other Sources: Canu, Gaston. 1969. Contes mossi actuels. Dakar: IFAN.
Consonant system:

   p t c k
b d ɟ ɡ
f s h
v z
m n ñ

Stops: p b t d c ɟ k ɡ
Fricatives: f v s z h
Nasals: m n ñ
Laterals: l
Vibrants: ɾ
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
I ʋ
e o

Front Vowels: i I e
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u ʋ o
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Nasal Vowels:

   ı̃ ẽ ã ũ õ
ı̃̄ ẽ̄ ã̄ ũ̄ ȭ

Modified Vowels: vowel harmony
Syllable: (C)V(C)
Tones: hi mid lo
Stress: root initial
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 7: human, trees, instruments, places, body parts, fruits, plants, abstract, collectives, diminutives
Demonstratives: 2 + ref
Articles: def

   1 4
2 5
3 6

Prep/Post: (PREP)/POST
Number: 210
Language: Safalaba
Location: Ghana
Population: 3,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 211
Language: Dagara
Alternate Name: Dagaare
Location: Burkina Faso
Population: 75,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Grammar: GD: Prost, A. and L. Girault . 1958. Abrégé de langue dagara: Grammaire et dictionnaire. Bobo-Dioulasso: Diocèse de Bobo-Dioulasso.
Other Sources: Girault, L. 1967. Description phonologique du dagara. Dakar: Univ of Dakar.
Consonant system:

   p t̪ c k kp ʔ
b ʔb d̪ ɡ ɡb
f s̪ s h
v z̪ ɣ
m ʔm n̪ ŋ ŋm
    l̪ l̪ɯ

Stops: p b ʔb t̪ d̪ c k ɡ kp ɡb ʔ
Fricatives: f v s̪ z̪ š ɣ h
Nasals: m ʔm n̪ ŋ ŋm
Laterals: l̪ l̪ɯ
Vibrants: r
Modified Consonants:

   c̄ b m n l r
cj all but ʔb c ʔm r
cw all but ʔb c kp ɡb h ʔm ŋ ŋm r

Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i e ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u o ɔ
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Nasal Vowels:

   ı̃ ẽ ã ũ õ
ı̃̄ ẽ̃̄ ã̄ ũ̄ ȭ

Diphthongs: ie iɛ iu io uo oɔ (ai ɔi)
Syllable: (C)V(ɣ)(C)
Tones: hi mid low
Stress: always on root
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: 7
Articles: def
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 212
Language: Kusaal
Location: NE Ghana (Upper)
Population: 517,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Other Sources:

   Spratt, David and Nancy Spratt. 1968 The Phonology of Kusal. Accra: Institute of African Studies, Univ of Ghana.
Spratt, David and Nancy Spratt. 1972. Kusal Syntax. Accra: Institute of African Studies, Univ of Ghana.

Consonant system:

   ph th kh kp ʔ
b d ɡ ɡb
f s h
v z
m n ŋ

Stops: ph b th d kh ɡ kp ɡb ʔ
Fricatives: f v s z h
Nasals: m n ŋ
Laterals: l
Vibrants: ɹ̣
Glides: j w w̃
Vowel system:

   i u
I ʋ
e o
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: i I e ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: u ʋ o ɔ
Long Vowels: v̄ all
Nasal Vowels:

   Ĩ ɛ̃ ã ʋ̃ ɔ Ĩ̄ ɛ̃̄ ã̄ ʋ̃̄ ɔ̃̄

Syllable: (C)V(C) Nˈ
Tones: hi mid fall
Noun Number: s p
Demonstratives: 2
Articles: def

   1 4
2 5
3Pn 6
3 has 2 forms: (1) 3 plain (=he, she, it), (2) 3 neuter (=it)

Prep/Post: PREP/POST
Number: 213
Language: Kamara
Location: Ghana
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 214
Language: Talne
Location: Ghana
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 215
Language: Nabte
Location: Ghana
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 216
Language: Mampelle
Location: Ghana
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 217
Language: Dagbani
Location: N Ghana (Northern)
Population: 409,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Other Sources:

   Wilson, W. A. A. 1963. "Relative Constructions in Dagbani," JAL 2, 139-44.
Laguage Guide (Dagbani Edition). 1968. Accra: Bureau of Ghana Languages.
Wilson, W. A. A. and J. T. Bender-Samuel. 1969. "The Phonology of the Nominal in Dagbani," Linguistics 52, 56-82.

Consonant system:

   p t k kp
b d ɡ ɡb
f s š (h)
v z ž
m n̪ ñ ŋ ŋm

Stops: p b t d k ɡ kp ɡb
Affricates: č ɡ̌
Fricatives: f v s z š ž (h)
Nasals: m n̪ ñ ŋ ŋm
Laterals: l
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   i u
e ǝ o

Front Vowels: i e
Central Vowels: ǝ a
Back Vowels: u o
Long Vowels: v̄ all but ǝ
Tones: hi lo downstep
Noun Number: s p
Noun Classes: noun classes

   1 4
2 5
3ai 6ai

Prep/Post: POST
Number: 218
Language: Dagbani
Dialect: Mampruli
Location: N Ghana (Northern)
Population: 409,000 (85,000)
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Dictionary: Arana, Evangelina and Mauricio Swadesh. 1967. Diccionario analitico del mampruli. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia.
Consonant system:

   p t̪ k kp ʔ
b d̪ ɡ ɡb
f s̪ (h)
v z̪
m n̪ ñ (ŋ) ŋm

Stops: p b t̪ d̪ k ɡ kp ɡb ʔ
Affricates: (č) (ɡ̌)
Fricatives: f v s̪ z̪ (h)
Nasals: m n̪ ñ (ŋ) ŋm
Vibrants: (ɾ)
Glides: j w
Vowel system:

   I ʋ
ɛ ɔ

Front Vowels: I ɛ
Central Vowels: a
Back Vowels: ʋ ɔ
Long Vowels: ī ē ā ū ō
Syllable: (C)(C)V(C)
Tones: hi lo ris fall
Stress: root initial
Noun Number: s p
Demonstratives: 3

   1 4
2 5
3 6

Syntax: SVO NA ND
Prep/Post: POST
Number: 219
Language: Hanga
Population: 3,000
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


Number: 220
Language: Kasele
Location: Togo
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: North Central: Gur: Kurumfe-Oti-Volta
Consonant system:


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