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MEANING: to hit
GERMMEAN: schlagen
RESHET: *-ā- in Lapp. is irregular: as a counterpart of Mord. -a- etc. < Ur. */a/, Lapp. *-ō- would be expected, while Lapp *-ā- usually reflects *-ä-; still I consider it possible to propose this comparison (appearance of secondary *-ā- < *-a- in Lapp. is attested in several cases).
LIT: SKES; DEWO 255; Steinitz FgrVok. 38
MEANING: pale, whitish; to become pale
GERMMEAN: blass, bleich; erblassen, erbleichen
LIT: FUV; Bár.SzófSz; MSzFgrE; TESz
MEANING: sour; to become sour
GERMMEAN: sauer; sauer werden
EST: hape (gen. happe) 'Säuerung, Säuerungsmittel', hapne (gen. hapse) 'sauer; Säure', happu id. ?
LIT: SKES; Donn.VglWb 773; Budenz MUSz 332; Bár.Szófsz; TESz; MSzFgrE;DEWO 248
MEANING: to choke, stifle
GERMMEAN: ersticken, ertrinken
RESHET: The Permic etymology is problematical regarding both consonantism and vokalism (the correspondence Komi -g- ~ Udm. -k- is irregular; Udmurt -o- as a counterpart of Komi -a-, occuring in some other cases, is one of the difficult points of Permic comparative vocalism) - cf. Helimski's note above; involving these Permic words in external comparison also raises some problems (although it is safe to say that the corresponding Proto-Permic form - or a Proto-Komi (Proto-Udmurt) one (without suffixes?) - is the source of Mari *čak 'nah, dicht, eng' (> Mnt. Bir. čak, Ufa c'ak etc.), whence Chuv. č'ak 'dicht (von Wald)' - see, besides Helimski's comment above, Bereczki Grundz. 97). On the other hand, one can suggest another (quite acceptable phonetically as well as semantically) Permic parallel for the Ob-Ugric *čǟk- 'ersticken': Komi čэk-mun- 'to choke over', Udmurt čok potɨ- 'to choke (over), to suffocate' < Proto-Permic *čɔ̇k (in my reconstruction *čɔ̈k) - a solution chosen in КЭСКЯ.
EST: händ (gen. hänna) 'Schwanz, Schweif'
SAA: tsą̇tska ̀ (Wfs.) 'Fleisch am Hinteren' ?
MEANING: to help
GERMMEAN: helfen
MEANING: sour; to become sour
GERMMEAN: sauer; sauer werden, gären
RESHET: It is, indeed, quite difficult to explain the correspondence Perm. š ~ Khanty č. Should we treat Khanty *čim- as an old (Proto-Khanty or even Proto-Ob-Ugric) loan from Permic (Proto-Komi?) - with the substitution *š > *č for lack of *š in Proto-Khanty (as well as in Proto-(Ob)-Ugric)? Note that Permic loanwords in Khanty having š in the place of Permic š don't contradict this interpretation: they either were borrowed (chiefly from Komi) into some separate Khanty dialects, where š is present (being a result of a secondary development of *č-) or regularly arose in the same dialects as reflexes of Proto-Khanty words with *č- borrowed from Permic. For the vowel substitution (Permic *ȯ > Khanty *i) cf. ИВПЯ 152.
MEANING: steam, haze (or warm, warmth)
GERMMEAN: Dampf, Dunst oder warm, Wärme
EST: hing (gen. hinge) 'Atem, Hauch, Luft (bewegte), Duft. Gerucht; Leben, Seele; Person'
MEANING: gore, peg
SAA: *cэŋkē 'prop, strut, support'
RESHET: The comparison of the Permic and Ugric words with the Lapp. one, absent in UEW, is proposed by me (Resh.). As for the initial č- instead of the expected š- in Hungarian, the authors of UEW regard it as a dilectal feature.
MEANING: wild duck
GERMMEAN: Wildente
SAA: sjotsjo 'avis; anas', č́ōcǫлɛ̮ (Wfs.) 'Wildente' ?
RESHET: Ur. *čō(n)č/e/. Why -e- in the first syllable in Mord.? The most plausible hypothesis is as follows: Mord. *-a- (< regularly *-ō- in an e-stem) > -e- under influence of the second syllable -e- (a kind of Umlaut usual for Mord., cf. URAET 31 > MRDET 14, URAET 30 > MRDET 13).
LIT: Stein.Fgr.Vok. 58; DEWO 236; ИВПЯ 158; FUV; Collinder Comp.Gr. 138, 389; КЭСКЯ
MEANING: a small bird
GERMMEAN: ein kleiner Vogel
SAA: cicce, sicce -c- 'passer, avicula', ciʒaš -aǯ- (N) 'Calcarius lapponicus; sparrow, little bird', tsudzi̮i̯ (T), tsi̮Dzαń̄t́š́ (Kld.), tsɛ̄D̆Dzαš́ 'Meise' ?
LIT: Setälä FUF 2:241; Toivonen FUF 19:115; Wichmann FUF 11:246; DEWO 282; КЭСКЯ
MEANING: grave
LIT: Munkácsi B. Árja és kaukázusi elemek... 539; Bár.SzófSz; MSzFgrE;TESz
MEANING: to run
GERMMEAN: laufen
LIT: Steinitz Fgr.Vok. 61; Budenz MUSz 341; Bár.SzófSz.; Donn.VglWb. 607; FUV; MSzFgrE; TESz
MEANING: fog; smoke
GERMMEAN: Nebel; Rauch
LIT: FUV; SKES (under henki); КЭСКЯ; Collinder Comp. Gr. 182; ИВПЯ 197
MEANING: to rub (off), sweep
GERMMEAN: (ab)wischen; (ab)reiben; fegen
LIT: FUV; SKES; DEWO 236; Steinitz, ZfPhon. 17:638; Paas.Beitr. 135
MEANING: shallow; to become shallow, dry
GERMMEAN: niedrig, seicht; seicht werden, trocken werden
SAA: coakke -g- (N) 'low water (in river or sea)', tsā̊hkē (L) 'seicht (von einem See)', ci̊økke (T), cuøikk (Kld.) 'untief, niedrig (vom Wasser)', coakko- -g- (N) 'fall (e.g. level of water), sink, decrease', tsā̊hkō- (L) 'niedrigeren Wasserstand bekommen, sinken, fallen', coakka- (K) 'fallen (vom Wasser)' ( > Finn. dial. sokku- 'abfallen, sich senken') ?
RESHET: Still compare Hun. sekély 'seicht, untief' (despite its rejection in UEW 61).
LIT: FUV; SKES; Collinder CompGr. 52; Paas.Beitr. 55-56; Angere J. Die uralo-jukagirische Frage..., 1956: 128
MEANING: string (of a net)
GERMMEAN: Strick, Schnur (des Netzes)
SAA: tsuotse 'extremitas sagenae piscatoriae sive pars ultima', suohttsē (L) 'das "Tuch" eines Zugnetzes, das an den Enden der beiden Flügel angebracht ist', tsū̯ɔt̨̆t̨s̨ (Kld.), tsŭ̯ǝ̑ɔt̨́t̨s̨E (Not.) 'Verknotung zwischen dem Obersimm-Ende des Schleppnetzes und dem Endstrick' ( > Finn. suotsa 'Schlinge, die die Schnur des Netzes mit der anderen Schnur verknüpft') ?
LIT: FUV; SKES; DEWO 285-286
MEANING: pole, beam
SAA: sos̄o (L) 'die Mittelstange in dem Gerüste, worauf man das Schleppnetz zum Trocknen hängt' ?
RESHET: Still compare North Lapp. cḁʒ'ʒḁ 'fester Stein, Absatz oder ähnliches, wo man festen Fuß fassen kann an einem Steinhaufen oder an einer steilen Felswand oder im Flusse (Wichmann; Setälä; Paas.Beitr. 136; Toivonen: Vir. 1921:17, FUF 19:89) - despite its rejection in UEW 62. Contrary to Rédei, the hypothesis that the Lapp. cognate of the Mord. and Selk. words is Lul. sos̄o 'die Mittelstange in dem Gerüste, worauf man das Schleppnetz zum Trocknen hängt' is much less acceptable from the phonetical point of view, at least with regard to consonantism, since Lapp. (-)s-, unlike Lapp. c-/-ʒʒ-, can't be a reflex of *č indicated by the Selk. data (as for rules of vowel correspondences accepted in UEW, they are to be revised, and no decisive arguments can be based on them). For semantics of Lapp. cḁʒ'ʒḁ, cf. the meaning 'bridge' in Selk. (development 'bridge' > 'firm place' seems quite possible).
LIT: FUV; Collinder CompGr. 90; Paas.Beitr. 136
MEANING: to shut, hide
GERMMEAN: versperren, verstecken
RESHET: The comparison with FB is suggested by me (Resh.). For semantics cf. the meaning attested in North Sam.: we may deal with development 'hide oneself' > 'disappear' (> 'get lost', 'be drowned', 'perish' etc.; cf. also the meaning 'to be (partly) hidden from view by smth.'). Ur. *šukkV-. Despite Rédei, it is better to keep the Sam. word (with its probable cognates) apart from Hun. csuk- 'to close, to lock' (because of cs- < *c'- in Hun.) comparing the latter with Udm. c'uka- 'to obstruct, block, bar; to detain, hamper' (cf. КЭСКЯ 312-313).
LIT: FUV; Bár.SzófSz; MSzFgrE; TESz; EtSz; Paas.Beitr. 60
MEANING: thick
GERMMEAN: dicht, dick
RESHET: Komi čэk > Khan. UD šǝk,(?) Kr. šoχ 'Dickicht, Gehölz; dichtbelaubt', O siχ 'dicht (von Reusen, Netz, Gehölz)'
LIT: FUV; Budenz MUSz 345; Donn.VglWb. 591; Bár.SzófSz; MSzFrgE; TESz; DEWO 253; Paas.Beitr. 302
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