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Uralic etymology :

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English meaning: to lift, carry
German meaning: heben, tragen
References: FUV; MSzFgrE; TESz; EtSz; Bár.SzófSz; Paas.Beitr. 38
Number: 41
English meaning: to scoop
German meaning: schöpfen
References: FUV
Number: 42
English meaning: voice, sound
German meaning: Stimme, Laut
Saam (Lapp): jiednâ-n (N) 'sound, note; voice', jetna (L) 'Laut, Schall, Stimme (von lebenden Wesen wie von Dingen)', jīnn (T Kld.), jienn (Not.), jiññ, iññ (A) 'Stimme, Laut'
Sammalahti's version: *äni
K. Redei's notes: *äCVne
References: FUV; SKES; MSzFgrE; TESz; EtSz; Bár.SzófSz
Number: 43
English meaning: chin
German meaning: Kinn (-backen, -lade)
References: Stein.FgrVok. 41; Stein.FgrKons. 33, 34
Number: 44
English meaning: fire; to burn
German meaning: Feuer; brennen
References: FUV; MSzFgrE; TESz; EtSz; Bár.SzófSz; Budenz MUSz; Rez. von Bereczki über Mr.
Number: 45
English meaning: raspberry
German meaning: Himbeere
K. Reshetnikov's notes: The Ugric word is attested only in some Khanty compounds (?). According to Rédei, such Mansi forms as MNo. ūmės 'Himbeere' are borrowed from Komi.
References: FUV; КЭСКЯ; DEWO 131; ИВПЯ 156; Rédei SLW 93
Number: 46
English meaning: to shoo (вспугнуть)
German meaning: huschen
Sammalahti's version: *ärä-
References: HontiGObV 129; MSFOu. 109: 720; DEWO 181
Number: 47
English meaning: year
German meaning: Jahr
References: FUV; КЭСКЯ; ИВПЯ 162; Paas.Beitr. 219
Number: 48
English meaning: to heat; to be very hot, very warm
German meaning: heizen; sehr heiss, sehr warm sein
References: FUV; DEWO 64; ИВПЯ 156, 159
Number: 49
English meaning: running; rutting season (of female animals)
German meaning: das Laufen, das Rennen; die Brunst der weiblichen Tiere; laufen, rennen; brunsten
Saam (Lapp): cuođđe- -đ- 'go outside the herd to look for female reindeer (of a weak male reindeer in the rutting season)' (N); t́š́ш̆ǝ̆.δδ̄ɛ̄ (I) 'Rentierstier, der besiegt wurde und der danach die Flucht ergriffen hat'
K. Reshetnikov's notes: Ur. *c- because of the correspondence Perm. *č'- ~ Ugr. *s-. In КЭСКЯ, the Komi word is compared with Mar. čuaš 'to flatter', Finn suosi-a 'to be favorable, love, protect', while Finn suota and Hun. szalad- are looked on as related to Komi dial. c'ul-av- 'to elapse (of time)', Pm. c'uv-э̇t- 'to spend (of time)' (the latter comparison is given also in ИВПЯ 218). This solution is obviously wrong (for Komi dial. c'ul- 'to pass, to elapse (of time)' cf. Nen. săl 'a period of time'). Does Hun. szilaj 'unbändig, ungestüm, wild, feurig' also belong here? -i- may be < Ur. *ō in another stem type (Hun. sal- < */s'/ōδa-, but sil- < */s'/ōδ/e/-? - cf. OCНЯ I: XXII-XXVI). Ur. *-δ- > Sam. *-j- (instead of *-r-) - irregular; still we can suppose unique, but probably not sporadic (assimilative) development (*cōδa >) *c'aδV > *s'aδV- > *s'aδ'V- (whence regularly the form with *-j-), since we have no other examples of reflexation of the Ur. structure *c(')VδV in Samoyed (cf. the comment in UEW).
References: FUV; SKES; КЭСКЯ (the Komi word compared with other material, Finn and Hun. erroneously compared with another Komi word); MSzFgrE; TESz; Bár.SzófSz; ИВПЯ 218 (wrong comparison!); Coll.CompGr. 110
Number: 50
English meaning: drift-ice, thin ice
German meaning: Treibeis; dünnes Eis
Saam (Lapp): čuokke -g- 'ice-crust on pasture' (N), tjuohke (L) 'Eisüberzug des Bodens'
K. Reshetnikov's notes: L. Honti (HontiGObV 131) compares the Khanty form with MSs. s'ūŋk 'Eiskruste' (obviously not related to MML. sai̥) and reconstructs Proto-Ob-Ugric *c'V̄ŋk. This comparison is obviously also acceptable, since the correspondence Khanty *-ɣ ~ Mansi *-ŋk (<OU *-ŋk?) is attested in a few examples (which appear quite reliable), although the stable counterpart of the Mansi *-ŋk in Khanty is still *-ŋk (in this case, we evidently deal with some specific distribution in Khanty, which is at present hard to establish for lack of material). Note that accepting Honti's comparison would hamper the inclusion of the OU data in the FU etymology in question (cf. the absence of any traces of a nasal in Hun., where *-ŋk would have developed into -g, and in Lapp.), while it is quite evident that at least the Khanty word must be involved in it.
References: FUV; MSzFgrE; TESz; Budenz MUSz; Bár.SzófSz; Bárczi Magyar hangtörténet 164; +Beitr. u.a.
Number: 51
English meaning: to hit, chop
German meaning: mit knallendem Geräusch schlagen, hauen
Saam (Lapp): čuop'pâ- -pp- (N) 'chop; cut; cut up; amputate', tjuohppa- (L) '(auf)schneiden, aufhacken (z. B. Fleisch od. Fische zum Kochen), abschneiden (z. B. ein Band)', čī̊hpi̊-, čīhpi̊- (T), čūhpe- (Kld.), čuohpe- (Not.), čuppø- (A) 'schneiden; hauen, hacken'
Sammalahti's version: ?*c'appi-
References: Donn. VglWb. 522, 525; Budenz MUSz 361; MSzFgrE; EtSz; TESz; Bár.SzófSz
Number: 52
English meaning: gudgeon, door bolt, trunnion
German meaning: Angel, Türangel, Zapfen
K. Reshetnikov's notes: A case of Uralic *ɨ in the first syllable? In Finn, the variants with -ä- (säränä, seränä) are secondary. In Komi, -i- in Ss. and Pm. < -ɨ- (< *-u̇-) under influence of the initial ʒ'-, as noted in UEW (the same phenomenon in Udm. з̇̇иры mentioned by Lytkin); the presence of original *-u̇- (< Ur. *-ɨ-?) in Perm. is proved not only by Udm., but also by Komi PO, where -ʌ- regularly < *-u̇- (cf. ИВПЯ 186-187 about reflexes of Proto-Permic *-u̇-); V.I. Lytkin is wrong interpreting this word as a case of Proto-Permic *i (ИВПЯ 178). Hun. -i- < *-ɨ-, as certified by the px. vowel: csir-ja, not **csir-je!. On the other hand, it is rather -a- < *-ɨ- that would be expected in the first syllable in Hun. because of the original a-stem indicated by Finn (Finn sara- < *c'ɨra, not *c'ɨr/e/).
References: Budenz MUSz 330; Donn. VglWb. 645; SKES; КЭСКЯ; MSzFgrE; ИВПЯ 178
Number: 53
English meaning: hard
German meaning: hart, fest, stark
Saam (Lapp): čarrok (S) 'rigidus, asper', čāres -arras- (N) 'coarse (of wool); stiff (of hair or bread)', tjārēs ~ tjārrēs ~ tjārris 'hoch, schwer (von einer Steigung'; böse, schwer, drückend (von einem Traum); rauh, struppig, grob (von Haar, Stoffen etc.)'
K. Reshetnikov's notes: Cf. alternatively Lapp. *c'orkэ(-) (where *-kэ may be a suffix) 'firm, solid, hard' (> Sth. tjarge, Arp. tjḁŕka, Lul. tjḁŕkḁ-t, Nor. čoŕgá̀-d, Ina. čurgad, Klt. čoorgá̀-s, Kld. čorga-s, see Lehtiranta 26). Cf. also OU *c'ăr(-)ǝk : Khanty *c'ărǝk 'fest gedreht' (> Tr. t'ărǝk, Ni. s'ŏrǝχ), Mansi *c'ărkā, *c'ɨ̆rkā 'fest gebunden (von Schnur)' (> TY., TC. c'arkā, LK. s'irχǝ, MK., UK. s'orkǝ, Pe. s'irka) - see HontiGObV 131.
References: FUV; КЭСКЯ; ИВПЯ 68, 73; Coll.CompGr. 54; Paas.Beitr. 144; Coll.IUrSprg. 74
Number: 54
English meaning: trap (for birds, hares, foxes)
German meaning: Falle, Schlinge (für Vögel, Hasen, Füchse)
Saam (Lapp): šiešše (T) 'Gerüst aus Baumzweigen für die Vogelschlinge', šieš̨́š̨(E) (Kld.) 'Vogelschlinge' (?)
K. Reshetnikov's notes: UEW gives here also Lapp. Kol., Ter. šiešše 'frame of tree branches for bird catching noose', Kld. šieš'̣ṣ̌[e] 'noose for birds' (< Proto-Lapp. *šɛ̄ššē) with a note: "das lapp. Wort ist wegen seines anlautenden š möglicherweise erst spät entstanden". In Lapp., there are rather few words containing Proto-Lapp. *(-)š(š)-; most of them are borrowed from Finnic or have unknown origin. Anyway, we have no reason to consider Lapp. *š- a reflex of Ur. *c'- (in my reconstruction *c- as opposed to *c'- because of *s- in Ugric). The most plausible explanation is that Lapp. *šɛ̄ššē is a result of borrowing a regular Finnic form like *säsä (< Ur. *cäcä), which was later lost. Vowel substitutions (Finnic *-ä- > Lapp. *-ɛ̄-, *-ä > *-ē) are regular; for the substitution *(-)s- > *(-)š- cf. Lapp. *šэlmē 'eye of axe' < Finnic *silmä 'eye (of axe)' etc. In Komi, it is -с'(-) (not -s(-)) that would be expected as a reflex of the Ur. affricate, which makes Rédei deny the Komi word its belonging to this etymon. Still alternative solutions can't be excluded: in particular, -s(-) may have replaced a regular -c'(-) under dissimilative influence of initial c'-. The relation of the FU forms to the Samoyed word mentioned in Helimski's comment is highly improbable because of *j- in Sam.
References: FUV; КЭСКЯ
Number: 55
English meaning: a k. of berry
German meaning: Beere irgendeines Strauches
Sammalahti's version: *med'i
Number: 55
English meaning: hard snow; tramped winter soil
German meaning: harter Schnee; abgeweidetes, fest getretenes Land im Winter
Saam (Lapp): čiegâr -kk- (N) 'snow-field which has been trampled and dug up by reindeer', tjiekar (L) 'von Rentieren im Winter aufgescharrtes und abgeweidetes Gebiet', čīɣar (Kld.), čieɣar (Not.) 'Weideplatz der Rentierherde', či̊gr-sijje (T) 'Weideplatz' ( > Finn. kiekerö)
K. Reshetnikov's notes: Lapp. > Finn kiekerö 'Winterweideplatz der Rentierherde'. The Sam. material raises some problems: in Kms., š- is not a regular reflex of *s-, but before a palatal vowel, *-e- in particular, the correspondence Nen. s'- ~ Kms. š- points to Sam. *k-, although Proto-Sam. reconstruction *kekV- makes the FU-Sam. comparison in question impossible.
References: FUV; SKES
Number: 56
English meaning: to break
German meaning: brechen
Sammalahti's version: *s'äŋki-
K. Reshetnikov's notes: In Lapp. 'small piece of bone' < 'fragment, piece broken off'; note that this form contains -m, which is apparently a noun-forming suffix (the comparison with Lapp. is suggested by me - Resh.).
References: FUV; Donn.VglWb. 577; КЭСКЯ; Budenz MUSz 283; MSzFgrE; TESz; Coll.CompGr 55; ИВПЯ 133
Number: 57
English meaning: skin; bark
German meaning: Haut; Rinde
Saam (Lapp): čävddë (N) 'pellis', t́š́eш̯̄δ̄i (I), t́š́eш̯̄dte (T), t́š́eш̯dtE (Ko.Not.) 'Haut, Leder' (?)
Number: 58
English meaning: to break; to ache
German meaning: brechen (intr., tr.) ~ -> Schmerzen haben, weh tun
Saam (Lapp): čērgiidi- (N) 'go to sleep (of limbs);, tjär'ka (U) 'scharfes Prickeln in eingeschlafenen Gliedern', tjier'kē- ~ tjär'kē- 'zuschneiden, abrunden (das Loch im Schuh)'. čä'rěka- ~ čērhka- (Pi.) 'starr, gefühllos werden', t́š́ė̆ä̆r̄Ḡα- (Ko. P) 'schmerzen (von der Wunde)'
K. Reshetnikov's notes: Mari is somewhat doubtful (first of all semantics!).
References: Budenz MUSz 184, 233; Donn. VglWb 667; Bár.SzófSz; SKES; КЭСКЯ; MSzFgrE; TESz
Number: 59
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