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Uralic etymology :

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English meaning: tip
German meaning: Spitze
Saam (Lapp): čuppa (N) 'cacumen pilei v. caliptrae', tjuhppa (L) 'Spitze, Zipfel von kleineren Gegenständen', tjuhpa (Malå) 'Frauenmütze' ?
K. Reshetnikov's notes: -i- in Finn suippu may be due to a contamination with huippu 'summit, top'.
References: КЭСКЯ; EtSz; MSzFgrE; TESz
Number: 80
English meaning: vessel, pot (of birch bark)
German meaning: Gefäss, Töpfchen (aus Birkenrinde)
References: MSzFgrE; TESz
Number: 81
English meaning: knuckle bone
German meaning: Knöchelbein
Saam (Lapp): čutta 'talus; Knöchelbein', tjuhttā (L) 'Knöchel, Gelenkhöcker; Sprungbein' ?
K. Reshetnikov's notes: A comparison of few forms reflecting Lapp. *c'uttā 'ankle etc.' (see LAPET 41) with Hun. csont 'bone', not persuasive phonetically (Lapp. *-tt- ~ Hun. -nt) and rejected by me (Hun. csont probably to *c'olme 'knot' - see URAET 68, UGRET 60).
References: Bár.SzófSz; EtSz; TESz
Number: 82
English meaning: loins, groin
German meaning: Leistengegend, ?Weiche, ?Kreuz
Saam (Lapp): ši̊jms (T) 'Weiche' ?
K. Reshetnikov's notes: š- in Lapp.: the same situation as in URAET 55? The Uralic form with *-mV may be reflected also in Sam.: cf. Forest Nenets x̣ụjjem.
Number: 83
English meaning: black currant
German meaning: schwarze Johannisbeere; Ribes nigrum
Estonian: sitik (gen. sitiku, sitike) 'schwarze Johannisbeere, Bocksbeere; Ribes nigrum'
References: FUV; SKES; DEWO 297-8; Coll.CompGr. 90, 167, 413
Number: 84
English meaning: to shine, glitter
German meaning: glänzen, schimmern
K. Reshetnikov's notes: Mar. and Ug. reflect a variant with a velar vowel (*-u-?) as opposed to *c'ilkV- (also Perm.? - cf. Komi ʒ'ul- discussed in PRMET 42). At first sight, Hun. csill- seems to reflect *c'ilkV-, but note the velar vocalism in the suffixes (csill-og, csill-ám).
References: Budenz MUSz. 368; Donn. VglWb. 709; КЭСКЯ; MSzFgrE; TESz; EtSz
Number: 85
English meaning: hill
German meaning: Hügel
K. Reshetnikov's notes: Mansi to 75 (UGRET 66). The Mar.-Hun. parallel in question presupposes a reconstruction *čuŋkV. In UEW, a Mansi word represented by LK s'aχǝl 'Insel (auf dem Wiese, auf dem Sumpf)', MTY. c'akǝ̇l 'Haufen' etc. is also listed in this entry, but it rather goes back to PU *c'ukkV 'Hügel, Spitze' (this etymology is also taken into account in UEW) - see URAET 75 (> UGRET 66). Despite Rédei, Mord. Mks. c'onga 'island' as well as Mar. Bir. c'aŋɣa, Urz. c'oŋɣa 'Hügelspitze', Mnt. cǝ̇ŋɣa 'Kniescheibe' and some other similar Mar. forms going back to Proto-Mari *c'oŋga and *c'uŋga hardly can be qualified as historical cognates of Hun. ság - they rather should be considered old Iranian loanwords (cf. Osset. c'ong 'point, top, peak'), see Bereczki 91.
References: FUV; MSzFgrE; TESz
Number: 86
English meaning: flower, blossom
German meaning: Blume, Blüte, Beere (unreif)
Saam (Lapp): čuruk 'bacca immatura, cruda', čuoro (čur'ru-) (N) 'unripe cloudberry' ?
References: FUV
Number: 87
English meaning: to diminish
German meaning: (sich) vermindern, (sich) verkleinern, eintrocknen
K. Reshetnikov's notes: In UEW, this material is compared with Selk. šün-či- 'to cease; to be used up', šyn-jemdša- 'to diminish, to lessen (tr.)' and Kms. šö(-)j-dǝ- 'to diminish, to lessen (tr.), to cut down; to limit, to restrict; to finish (tr.)', but š- in Selk. and Kms. goes back to *k- (a result of assibilation before *-ü-), which makes me exclude the Sam. words from the comparison (cf. the situation in URAET 56 and 60, where, however, I preliminarily refrained from rejecting the comparison with Sam. because of absence of Selk. material).
References: Budenz MUSz. 380; VglWb. 726; КЭСКЯ; MSzFgrE; EtSz; TESz; Paas.Beitr. 142; Coll.CompGr. 54
Number: 88
English meaning: a small bird
German meaning: ein kleiner (Sing-)Vogel
K. Reshetnikov's notes: Selk. čičik(a) mentioned in Janh.SW in connection with *sins(äkkV)(-) is a reflex of another PU word - see URAET 110.
References: FUV; Paas.Beitr. 188
Number: 89
English meaning: finger (knuckle), knuckle, joint
German meaning: Finger(knöchel), ? Knöchel, ? Gelenk
References: КЭСКЯ; Bár.SzófSz; MSzFgrE; EtSz; TESz
Number: 90
English meaning: fingertip; to pinch
German meaning: Prise, Fingerspitze; kneifen
K. Reshetnikov's notes: For Mari, cf. Chuv. čǝbǝt- 'to pinch', čǝpt-ǝm, čǝpk-ǝm 'a pinch, thimbleful', which is "phonetically strange" (ALTET 298, TURCET 444). An irregular change in its shape (-b- instead of expected -m-) may be due just to Mari influence. Note that the Mari word hardly can be borrowed from Chuv.; Mari *-w- as a counterpart of reflexes of Uralc *-pp- is not a reason for doubting Uralic origin of the word (cf., for instance, URAET 21, 92).
References: Budenz MUSz.369; VglWb. 751; Bár.SzófSz; MSzFgrE; EtSz; TESz
Number: 91
English meaning: drop; to drip
German meaning: Tropfen; tropfen
Saam (Lapp): cahpa- (T) 'träufeln'
References: Budenz MUSz. 365; Donn. VglWb. 535; Bár.SzófSz; MSzFgrE; EtSz; TESz
Number: 92
English meaning: a k. of bird
German meaning: irgendein Vogel
K. Reshetnikov's notes: Khanty Kz. t'ɔwt'ɔw in t'ɔwt'ɔw-χăjep 'ein Ufervogel, Wasserläufer' is a Komi loan.
References: КЭСКЯ; Steinitz WogVok. 282; ИВПЯ 97
Number: 93
English meaning: a k. of bird of prey
German meaning: eine Art Raubvogel (Adler, Geier, Falke, Habicht)
Saam (Lapp): cisku (N) 'Falco lithofalco; astur nisus', cicka 'accipiter' ?
K. Redei's notes: čac'k3 mehr als problematisch!
K. Reshetnikov's notes: A rather complicated case. Lapp. doesn't correspond to Komi and Hun. with regard to vocalism, while the consonant structure of the Komi forms is difficult to deduce from a protoform indicated by Hun. and Lapp. Besides, Komi actually shows two different roots, which are to be distinuished from each other, but at present cannot be with certainty separated etymologically (z'uz ~ z'us' 'a kind of falkon' vs. s'uz' 'eagle owl (Strix bubo)').
References: MSzFgrE; TESz
Number: 94
English meaning: a k. of pallet, floor, bed
German meaning: eine Art Pritsche
References: FUV; КЭСКЯ; DEWO 240; Paas.Beitr. 121; Coll.CompGr. 389; ИВПЯ 37
Number: 95
English meaning: to be born; to grow
German meaning: geboren werden; wachsen
Sammalahti's version: FP *če"čV- ̃ *še"čV-
K. Reshetnikov's notes: In UEW, two different Sam. roots are confounded: North Samoyed *tэnsǝ 'kin' (< Sam. *tэnsǝ ~ *cэnsǝ) > Nen. тэ̇нз, EKh. tìd'o, EBa. tìso, Nga. tansa and Selk. čaadš etc. 'id.' < Sam. *c/ä/cV. Only the latter can be compared with the FU words since they unambiguously point to a form without a medial *-n- and with a medial *-č- > Sam. *-c- (not *-s'- or *-c'- > Sam. *-s-!). Therefore, no PU variant with *-n- is to be supposed.
References: FUV; Budenz MUSz. 276; Donn. VglWb. 613; КЭСКЯ; DEWO 241; Paas.Beitr. 139; Coll.CompGr. 53, 386; ИВПЯ 216
Number: 96
English meaning: direct(ly), straight(ly)
German meaning: gerade, aufrecht, Verstärkungswort zum Ausdruck irgendeiner Entlegenheit in Zeit und Raum
Estonian: ammak 'bis'
References: Donn. VglWb. 838
Number: 97
English meaning: skin layer
German meaning: Hautschicht
Saam (Lapp): cuoʒ'ʒå -ʒʒ- (N) 'membrane; fleshy fibres on the inner side of the skin', tsuoddsa (L) 'Häutchen (im allg.); Häutchen, Membran (eines animalischen Bindegewebes)', tsŭŏD̀tsA (Ko. Not.), t́š́i̮mdts(A) (T.), tsùn̄dts(A) 'dünnes Häutchen (das man von der Fleischseite einer Haut abschabt)' ( > Finn. dial. sontu 'Häutchen')
Sammalahti's version: *conci
References: FUV; DEWO 285; Coll.CompGr. 146, 397
Number: 98
English meaning: to walk, step, go
German meaning: schreiten, gehen
K. Reshetnikov's notes: Kms. and partly Selk. (to other etymological groups within Sam.); Nen., En., Ngan., Mtr. and partly Mord. > rec. 1800. In the corresponding entry of UEW, we evidently deal with four (!) different roots erroneously united. The Mord. root represented by Erz. šanš-ne, Mks. šanč-k 'im vollen Galopp', Mks. šanž-a 'langer Schritt, Sprung' etc. is likely to be a cognate of Sam. *tǝntV- (~ *c-, *-c-) 'laufen, traben (von Tieren)' (Janh.SW 147) > Kms. thon- 'galoppieren' (not mentioned in UEW), Mtr. танд-, NSam. *tǝnt-> Nen. тӑн-ета-, En. todd-eʔe-, Nga. tant-ā (accepting this comparison, we must reconstruct the Proto-Sam. form as *cǝncV-, supposing *č/a/nčV for PU), while Kms. t(h)ōn 'gehen, wandern' goes back to Sam. *tantǝ- (~ *c-, *-c-) 'treten' (Janh.SW 151) and the Selk. word attested as STa. tanda-, SKe. candsa-, SNm. čăndša- 'hinausgehen' - to Sam. *cǝnca- 'steigen' (Janh.SW 31); it should be stressed that all the three roots are to be distinguished from each other (so, in fact, we deal with material from three - not two! - etymological groups presented in Janh. SW). As for the Mord., OU and Selk. words listed in this record, they are (contrary to Rédei) apparently not related to the roots diskussed above, but it seems that they are really related to each other, going back to a protoform like *č/a/čV. Note that in this case (as well as in URAET 96) we have no variants of the type *CVCV/*CVNCV to deal with, since it appears more adequate to separate such forms as belonging to different etymological groups. See also URAET 1800, SAMDET 37 and MRDET 30.
References: FUV; DEWO 241; Paas.Beitr. 123, 129; Coll.CompGr. 53
Number: 99
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