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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *ʔVsilV (~-č-,-ĺ-,-r1-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bird
Kottish: nenašili (Бол.)
Arin: išila- (Лоск.): išila-kejči "nest"; išila-kelä "chicken"; išila-igɨ "wool" (probably - "birds' down")
Comments: ССЕ 204. Werner 1, 390.
Proto-Yenisseian: *(ʔV)suj
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: moon
Kottish: šui, pl. šūjaŋ "moon, month"; šuj (Бол.) "month"; Ass. šuj (М., Сл., Срсл., Кл.) "moon"; Kam. cuj (Стр.) "moon", Koib. čuj (Мес, П), cuj (Мес) "moon"
Arin: éšuj (Т) "moon"; ešhuj (М., Сл.) "month"; išuj (Стр.) "moon"; išuj (Лоск.) "month"
Pumpokol: tuj (Сл., Срсл., Кл.) "moon"
Comments: ССЕ 204. Werner 2, 442 <*tuj / *suj>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *ʔVt-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to know
Ket: it-parem (КРС), (Кастр.) iet-päde, (Werner 1, 383) ít-pɛdam, inf. ítej
Yug: ít-pade (Werner 1, 383-384)
Comments: ССЕ 205. Cf. also Ket., Yug. utpaŋ5 'blind' ('not seeing'). Werner 1, 383, 384, 2, 372; 'understand' (Werner 2, 224), 'id., to be able' (Werner 2, 225).
Proto-Yenisseian: *b- (*ʔab-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: my (attr.)
Ket: āp (Bak., Sur. ābǝ1, Kur. āvǝ1)
Yug: ap
Kottish: m-inšo
Arin: b(i)-
Comments: ССЕ 205. Kott. m-inšo < *b-inšo with a regular assimilation *b- > m- before a nasal. In Ket and Yug cf. also ba- / bo- 'morpheme of the 1st person in verb forms'. In Arin the marker is attested in kinship terms: bi-q́aŕat '(my) husband', bi-ḱal '(my) son', bi-ḱaĺa '(my) daughter', bi-qam-alte '(my) wife', be-kib '(my) grandfather' etc.
Proto-Yenisseian: *baʔa (~-G-,-χ-)
Meaning: a small bird (кулик)
Ket: ba:, pl. ba:n
Yug: bā / ba:, pl. ba:n
Comments: ССЕ 205. Werner 1, 111 <*bága>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *baʔŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: earth
Ket: baʔŋ; baŋŋus5, pl. baŋŋuŋ5 "dug-out"
Yug: baʔŋ
Kottish: paŋ, pl. -an "Erde, Land; Stelle; Thon"; pak (Бол.) "earth"; Ass. paŋ (М., Сл., Срсл., Кл.), pan (Кл.) "earth"; Koib. (Мес., П) paŋ "earth"
Arin: peŋ (М., Сл., Срсл., Кл.); pieŋ (Стр.); pem (Лоск.) "earth"
Pumpokol: biŋ (Сл., Срсл., Кл.)
Comments: ССЕ 205. Werner 1, 110 *baʔŋ.
Proto-Yenisseian: *baʔr1ɨn (~ *banɨr1;-ŕ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bird-cherry
Ket: baĺn5, pl. baĺneŋ5
Yug: banɨr5, pl. banɨrɨŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 206. Werner 1, 101 <*banǝʎ / *baʎǝn>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *baʔr1
Meaning: between
Ket: baĺ
Yug: bar / baʔr
Comments: Werner 1, 100 (w. r.).
Proto-Yenisseian: *baʔt-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: knee
Ket: batpuĺ5 (Imb.), pl. batpuĺǝŋ5,6; baʔt (Werner 1, 108) 'joint, knee', bátiŋ pl. 'joints of reindeer'
Yug: batpɨl5, pl. batpɨlɨŋ6; baʔt (Werner 1, 108) 'joint, knee'
Kottish: pulpatap (Бол.) "metatarsus"
Arin: karam-pat (Лоск.) "elbow"; (Лоск.) patas "knee"
Comments: ССЕ 206. Cf. also Ket bātkup1 'bend (of a river)' (the second part - kup - is not quite clear). Ket and Kottish reflect a compound with *bul 'foot, leg' q.v. Werner 1, 108-109 gives a completely folk-etymological analysis of bat-puĺ as bat "forehead, face" + būĺ "leg": it is the stranger because on the same page he adds the attested plain stem baʔt 'joint, knee' and bátiŋ 'joints' - clearly distinct from bat / bāt3 'face' q.v.
Proto-Yenisseian: *b[a]jbVl
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: kidney
Ket: bajbuĺ5, pl. bajbuĺǝŋ6
Yug: bajbɨl, pl. bajbɨlɨŋ6
Kottish: koipala, g. koipalei, pl. koipatn
Comments: ССЕ 206. Kottish has a regular dissimilation < *poipala (see КС 171). The stem is most probably an old compound; perhaps *b[a]jbVl < *b[a]j-pɨʔɨĺ, see *pɨʔɨĺ 'intestines'. Werner's (1, 98) analysis of -bul as būĺ 'foot' seems utterly incredible.
Proto-Yenisseian: *baŋas
Meaning: rapid (on a river)
Ket: baŋaś5 (Kur.), pl. baŋaś6; South. baŋeś 5, pl. baŋǝśn5,6
Comments: Connected with *baʔŋ 'earth'? Werner 1, 103 (without etymology).
Proto-Yenisseian: *baqa- ( ~ w-)
Meaning: old man, old woman
Ket: ba:m, Bak., Sur. bɔ:m / ba:m; pl. bamǝŋ6 "old woman"; ba:t, Bak., Sur. bɔ:t / ba:t; pl. batǝŋ6 / bātǝŋ1 "old man"
Yug: baxam5, pl. baxamɨŋ "old woman"; baxat5, pl. baxatɨŋ5 "old man"
Comments: ССЕ 206. Attested forms reflect PY compounds *baqa-qVm "old woman" and *baqa-keʔt "old man" (see *qVm-, *keʔt), contracted in Ket and Yug. (the reconstructions *baqam and *baqat in Werner 1, 111 are therefore not quite correct). May be a derived (with the prefix *b- or *w-) form from the root *ʔǝq- 'earlier, in old times' (q.v.). Helimski (КС 239) notes the similarity with North. Samoyed *wɔjk- 'old'.
Proto-Yenisseian: *baŕ- (~-r1-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to pray
Ket: baĺbɛt6, baĺvɛt6
Yug: barbɛt́5
Comments: ССЕ 206. Lit. "to make a prayer"; cf. also Ket baĺbe-ś6 "cross" ("object of prayer"). Werner 1, 101 <*baʎ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *b[a]ŕbVd (/-t)
Meaning: hail (small)
Ket: baĺbɛt5, pl. South. baĺbɛrǝŋ5 (Bak., Sur. baĺbɛdǝŋ5)
Kottish: kójpat (М., Сл., Срсл., Кл.); Ass. kójbaten (М., Сл., Срсл., Кл.), kojpat (Кл.) "hail"
Arin: polpiéŋ (М., Сл., Срсл., Кл.) "hail"
Comments: ССЕ 206. In Kottish we obserce a regular dissimilation kojpat < *pojpat and an irregular devoicing of the final voiced consonant (see КС 171).
Proto-Yenisseian: *bat(t)-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: face
Ket: bāt / battat5 (South.); Imb. battat5, pl. battatǝŋ6, battarǝŋ6
Yug: ba:t "face", battat5, pl. battatɨŋ5 "muzzle, face"
Comments: ССЕ 207. Werner 1, 107, 109, evidently undecided whether the word is borrowed from Turkic (as suggested in Stachowski 1997/2, 230 - and, I think, quite dubious for phonetic reasons) or genuine, with the reconstruction <*baʔǝtǝ / *bagǝt>. The first of these two forms would correspond to *bāt in our reconstruction and is not supported by any evidence (a form like Yug ba:ht4 would be required); the second could be interpreted as *baʔat or *baGat and is derived from the Yug variant ba:t3. It is not yet clear whether we should more rely on the Ket form bāt, or on the Yug form ba:t3. The compound battat is treated by Werner as bat 'face' (this time for some reason in the shape baʔt2) + aʔt 'bone'; this is possible, but the body part suffix *-Vʒ is also not excluded - because of a lack of a corresponding Kottish form.
Proto-Yenisseian: *bat(t)ɔp
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: palm of hand
Ket: battop6, pl. battǝŋ5 / batǝŋ5
Kottish: fatap, phatap, pl. fatapaŋ
Comments: Kottish has an assimilation: *bat(t)ɔp > *pat(t)ɔp.
Proto-Yenisseian: *bäk-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: log
Ket: bāɣǝ
Yug: bāk
Kottish: pēg, pēx
Comments: ССЕ 207. Werner 1, 112 <*baga>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *bän-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sleeve
Ket: banna6, pl. bannan5
Yug: bɛngou5, pl. bɛngɔnɨŋ5 / bɛngoun5
Kottish: haipen, pl. haipanaŋ
Comments: ССЕ 207. Werner 1, 101-102. Both Ket-Yug and Kottish reflect compounds with elements, quite plausibly interpreted by Werner (ibid.) as *gu (*ku) 'opening' (q.v.) and *χäʔʒ 'clothing' (q.v.)
Proto-Yenisseian: *beʔ-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: different, separate
Ket: bɛlɨŋ5; bɛnǝ5 / bɛne5 "separately"; (Werner 1, 118) bɛʔĺ 'different'
Yug: bɛnɨŋ5 "separately"; (Werner 1, 118) bɛʔĺ 'different'
Kottish: palakŋ 'besonders'
Comments: Werner 1, 112, 113, 118, 2, 52 <*belǝŋ 'abgesondert>. In ССЕ 207, 209 the root is erroneously reconstructed twice - as *be- and *b[ǝ]l-.
Proto-Yenisseian: *b[e]ʔb
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: son-in-law (also husband of the elder sister, uncle; (Werner 1, 119) wife of the elder sister)
Ket: bɛʔp, pl. bebǝŋ5
Yug: bɛʔp, pl. bebǝŋ5 / bɛbe:ŋ3
Kottish: pop- in popēš 'brother', popēča 'sister'; (Бол.) tagar-pobok "сестренич", tiga-pobo-saže "братенич" [tagar- = tagar- "between"?]
Arin: bib́a 'Schwägerin', bibṕa 'Nichte', bib́ača 'Schwager' (Лоск.)
Comments: ССЕ 207-208. Werner 1, 119 <*beʔp>.
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